
Loki: God of Tricksters

How can you live in a society full of Gods, wanna be Gods, Potential Gods, Gods-in-the-making, Lunatics and ETC.... 1. Be a God 2. Train to be a God 3. Hide yourself from Gods 4. Create chaos at God's Land 5. Spread Seeds and Create more God Be ready for plotholes. Constructive Criticism is Good but read atleast 10 before, give yourself a favor a great favor as I will not entertain anyone. I won't read review or comment that is just complaining, and whining. It's free mates, Do at your own risk. This story is a slow pace one about 2 chapter every week. I may upload extra one if I'm on mood. Note: I don't own marvel and any movie character that appear in the story.

LittleVacon · Movies
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51 Chs


The Tunnel Loki is exploring becomes a torture scenario where he is being drive to be crazy. At first, he didn't know what is happening but he now knows. Whispers of children and mocking laughter is echoing in each wall. Eyes and mouths peers out from the dark windows. The dark world shifted to a blood red world where darkness and sins crashes head to head. Words and name he seems to forget slowly being remembered like a recorded casette tape playing non-stop.

The cold breeze become a chilling to the bone that even his breathing become haggard from the stress he is under. His mind is now in the verge of collapse from the pressure of overthinking and subconscious screams he is under. Being abused unknownly, his eyes tearing slowly as moist come in contact with his unblinking eyelids like they were frozen in time. His vision erratically surveying all the corner of the place even if he didn't want to. The connection he have to go out is now severed. Retreat become a foreign and forgotten word. Only forward is possible stopping is unknown and slowing down is impossible as his body continues to go on and on without his consent.

Loki's voice have been forbidden to be heard out of his mind. Even the sound of his breathing is muted by the laughter and cries of agony.

'This isn't what I came for!!!' he cried inside himself.

Fear creeping on his skins. The unknown every sentient being is trying to explore and reveal to the world and themselve have become the very enemy of Loki on his journey.

"How are you?" a familiar voice rings inside his head as he look at a figure who is in the wall as it lie on the group full of blood.

"How is my family?" his hoarse voice become enrage as he didn't receive the answer he wanted.

"How could you!! I helped you and teach you! Only one thing I ask for you!!" Loki was send hurling to the wall powerlessly.

Smiling bitterly, he stand up and continue his journey.

"Help!! Help!!!" a child voice came from his left as a hand tugged his feet pulling it toward the viscous wall like shinking the voice in a deep water.

Loki's body ignore it and continue to walk. He stopped when he see a man with no eyeballs tilting his head on his direction. His mind screaming because of the stress. He passed by the blind as it smile at him. Then the whole world changes into hell hole where heads and skull become the stepping stone. Each steps morph into a head and wails.

"You committed a grave sin in your pass life.... You can't run from fate. You will receive your due punishment you skipped for these souls you tainted." A Grandoise voice said as the head is he standing on collapse and all of it vanish pulling him to the abyssal world of darkness and suffering. His soul and body didn't rest as he endure the ripping power pulling his very soul out. Loki used all his power just to hold on indefinitely.

At the very end of his journey to death is a vortex of purple light.