
chapter 1 part 1

loki can only see the darkness after he fell into the void by accident, the person whom he tought was his real father exiled him out of asgard , and he was told to never step foot on there again

but then when he was being held by the guards he forced himself to escape their grasp and ran and ran until his feet got tired that resulted him to accidentally sleeping to the void , he was still wondering on how long he is falling in this long darkness of a void probably hours , days for all he cares

but loki did remember the look his brother made , sadness and hands stretched trying to catch him but failed , he could hear his brother shouting his name at that time but loki only smile back at him with a mix of bitterness , loki didn't want the throne since the beginning he only wanted to be treated as equal to thor bit it seems like fate hated him to be doing this to him.. he only wanted to be acknowledged by allfather but when he learned that he is no son of his it made him think

'oh so that's why'

loki felt his breath lessening in every breath he took , and then not a few minutes later he is gasping for air the density is getting harder making it truly hard to breath and with the last breath he took loki fully closed his eyes .


he opened his eyes gasping for air, only to find himself in an unfamiliar place he looks around only to find himself laying in nowhere

he is in some sort of deserted place that have a sense of familiarity but he cannot quite figure why

he then walked far away from where he is laying earlier only to see a road not too far away , he stayed on that said road for hours waiting for what? he doesn't know , his stomach crumble meaning he need to eat something but he doesn' have anything in hand

a few moments later he hear something , he saw something moving forward to where he is sat , only for it to stop infront of him "do you need a lift " said the person with a beard wearing black shirt with a skull in the middle " oh yes thank you " he said to the person with a smile

"what is a child your age doin' in the middle of nowhere anyway , you even have bruises anywhere in your body" said the man glancing at him whilst talking

" i can't even remember sir , i can' even remember what age i am or where i live but the only thing i remember is the Name called loki " he said looking down on his fingers

"So you are a fan huh" said the man chuckling

" what's a fan?? ?" he questioned which made the man look at him with surprise

"you prolly got an amnesia since you forgot everything , s fan is umm someone who adores someone " he just looks at the amn and answered with a " probably "

" so who is loki anyway ?" he said to the man with a raised eyebrows " what ? didn't you say his name just earlier " said the man's focus still forward ahead "i just remember the name but not the person" he just laugh and looks at him

" aww that's cute boy, he's a villain i guess it's normal for children to like villains" said the man with a smile to him

" is loki bad?" he said looking at the man " yes, hmm probably, because he caused havoc in our county " answered the man with furrowed eyebrows, he didn't talk no more , that's a sensitive topic