

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 406

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 406

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

[It is said that in ancient times, in addition to spring, summer, autumn and winter, there was a fifth season between heaven and earth.

When the fifth season arrives, there will be ten days in the sky.

The infinite light and heat will scorch the mountains, rivers and the earth, and all living beings will die in the heat.

Heaven and earth have been reduced to an oven, burning everything…]

Inherited to the eleventh-level martial arts of the eleventh-level powerhouse "Eastern Evil Yang" Wang He.

Fist pushes the ancients, magic shows myth.

At this moment, in the hands of Lu Sheng, the terrifying light belonging to the eleventh-level martial arts finally bloomed.

"Unfortunately, my understanding of such boxing is still very rough and shallow, otherwise these ten days will not revolve around me, but will surround the opponent, forming the trend of the world's oven, compressing all the power into a range, destroying I don't know how many times to increase the power…"

Lu Sheng felt a little regretful.

In the absence of the corresponding martial arts memory inheritance, how can the eleventh-level martial arts be so easy to understand.

This little bit of fur he has mastered is still thanks to the blessing of the god of war.

Otherwise, even the ten-day rotation will not be able to be played.

But even so, the eleventh-level martial arts "Five Seasons Boxing Technique", with the immortal body of the star and the immortal cells ignited by 365 divine flames.

The power that erupted was terrifying enough.

Ten days in the sky, ten days in rotation.

The heat wave turned the invisible into the visible, and the void was burned to a twisted black.

The sea level below dropped rapidly, and a huge amount of seawater was evaporated to dryness.

The ninth-level Martial Saints such as Cumberland could no longer maintain their original viewing points, and kept retreating.

On the way there was a yacht rushing fast from the sea level.

Lin Zhengyue, who was among the more than 20 Martial Saints, was quick to catch a certain figure on the yacht.

Dong Qingxue was taken high into the sky by invisible force, and her body was still struggling.

Lin Zhengyue frowned and said, "Don't die? Even we dare not approach the battlefield there. You go in and die?"

"I'll accompany Lu Sheng."

Dong Qingxue's expression was calm, and the distant scene was reflected in her eyes.

She couldn't see Lu Sheng's figure, only ten golden light balls that were burning.

There are also volcanic hellish horror scenes.

The unmanned yacht exploded abruptly after rushing out for several kilometers, and a spark burst on the sea surface, burning thoroughly, leaving no wreckage.

It shows the horror of the heat wave.

Dong Qingxue's eyes flickered, but she remained firm.

It wasn't until Lin Zhengyue's words that the firmness in her eyes loosened.

"Don't worry, Lu Sheng will be fine.

He is looking for a breakthrough now, and you will be the greatest help to him if you don't disturb him. "

Dong Qingxue nodded silently and stood still in the air.

Lin Zhengyue looked at this woman who was extremely ordinary except for her appearance, with a slightly complicated expression on her face.

He suddenly understood why Lu Shenghui had fallen in love with her.


The sea area with a radius of tens of kilometers has completely turned into a purgatory scene.


In addition to being hot or hot, extreme heat.

Even the tenth-level body of the leader with dark golden hair felt the slightest heat, and his body began to sweat a lot.

He looked at Lu Sheng, who was covered in golden lines and carried with him for ten days, like an ancient noble god who walked out of myths and legends.

There was a huge shock and disbelief on his face.

"The martial arts magic power corresponding to the physique of extraordinary life?

Directly pointing to the eleventh-level law?

You figured it out yourself. 々? "

The guide can't believe it, but has to believe it.

Under this heat wave, his dark blond hair showed signs of being slightly curly.

stone novel

But it can't match the shock in my heart.

Surprised, shocked, ecstatic, bewildered….

All kinds of emotions come together and are quite complicated.

He couldn't describe it, he only knew one thing—

This time to Azure Star…he really found a treasure!


The guide took a deep breath, and bursts of hot air were sucked into his lungs.

Then his whole being moved.

A large amount of the general trend of heaven and earth that was compressed into the martial body was stimulated, triggering the majestic natural energy.

Outside of his body, a slightly larger humanoid body was formed.

This method is much more complicated, solid, powerful, and profound than those of the ninth-level Martial Saints such as Cumberland.

This dharma body is like a pair of incomparable battle armor, which firmly protects the guide and moves with his movements.

"Star Streamer."

The guide looked serious, and slowly pointed to Lu Sheng.

The condensed law on the surface of his body also pointed out a finger.

This finger is radiant to the extreme, like a bursting star, and like a mysterious streamer that occasionally crosses in the depths of the starry sky.

The finger of the law and the fist of Lu Sheng's tenth rotation collided fiercely.

An extremely dazzling light bloomed.

The world has lost its color.

The sea level is split, the sky above is split, and the void is split…

Flames, boiling water, heat waves, aurora…

It's hard to describe what it was like.

Suffice it to say, if the apocalypse had symbols…

That's how it should be.

When all the turmoil and the raging energy subsided, Lu Sheng and the dark-blond long-haired man stood opposite each other.

Lu Sheng's expression was calm, his hands drooping naturally, and he was still as noble and stalwart as a god.

The guide looked at the index finger and middle finger of his right hand.

His originally slender two fingers, at this time, the top part still completely disappeared, and there is still a residual terrifying power entrenched on them.

Needs him to clear before trying to restore.

That is to say, the bang just now…

He lost.

The tenth-level body was injured, and it was still injured in a mere eighth-level hand.

"Unbelievable, if you say it, no one will believe it…"

The guide muttered to himself, then put down his hand and looked at Lu Sheng in front of him.

"do not fight."

He opened his mouth and explained: "If you fight again, the general trend of heaven and earth and cosmic energy in this area will be completely disordered, and this planet will also be injured.

Compared with the starry sky, ordinary planets are still too fragile to withstand powers above level ten.

You also don't want your home planet to be hurt…"

Lu Sheng nodded, the gray in his eyes subsided, and he also withdrew from the state of the god of war.

Wushen state + five realm boxing + five season boxing…

It was already his ultimate fighting power.

If he continued to play, he would have to turn over the final trump card – Shattered Void.

Even Lu Sheng couldn't predict and control the consequences of the broken void. The leader named Lan Chen in front of him was not bad for him.

Just to learn from each other, there is no need to develop to the step of immortality.

The most important thing is that in the fight with Lan Chen just now, the fusion progress of Lu Sheng's spiritual power and martial body has exceeded 99%.

He was only a little bit away from complete fusion, and he could turn around and think about it for himself to complete consummation without any pressure.

Then it's a pointless fight.

"You are really nice."

The guide Lan Chen looked at Lu Sheng and said with emotion: "A person like you is destined to belong to the starry sky and the battlefield.

Have you considered it? When will you leave me? "

"In such a hurry?"

Lu Sheng frowned.

"I'm in a hurry for you."

Lan Chen said: "." You are an extraordinary life physique, and you won't be able to give you the pressure you want until you reach the ninth level.

This is even more obvious once it breaks through the ninth level.

But if you want to enjoy life for a few more years, that's fine…"

Lan Chen thought about it, grabbed something similar to a cell phone communicator out of thin air, and threw it to Lu Sheng.

"Well, I'll give you enough time.

When you feel almost, just use the communicator to contact me directly…"

Lan Chen emphasized: "This kind of communicator with a maximum coverage of 200 light-years is very expensive. You have to be careful not to break it."

"A way of signal propagation faster than light…"

Lu Sheng looked at the small communicator in his hand and was secretly surprised.

He recalled Lan Chen's action of grabbing something out of thin air, and couldn't help but ask, "Where did you take this thing out? Space storage props?"

Lan Chen glanced at him in surprise, "You know a lot.

more or less…"

Lan Chen shook his right hand, and Lu Sheng noticed that he was wearing a dark blue bracelet on his wrist.

Noticing Lu Sheng's envious and longing eyes, Lan Chen hurriedly put down his hand and said, "Boy, don't hit me.

Several ninth-level space props on your planet have similar space props, but the styles are relatively old. You can go to them and ask for them. "

When Lu Sheng heard Lan Chen's words, he suddenly recalled what Lin Zhengyue had sent over, belonging to Zhao Ji's legacy – a small portable (Zhao Hao) box.

He hadn't checked.

His expression changed, he nodded, and said, "Got it."

"Okay, then I won't talk nonsense with you."

Lan Chen made a random move, and a dark blue aircraft with more than half a football field descended on his head from a high altitude.

A beam of light shot down from the bottom of the aircraft, wrapping Lan Chen in it.

Lan Chen stood in the middle of the beam of light, and while slowly rising, he said his final instructions to Lu Sheng.

"Within ten years, you must contact me within ten years…"

"Before contacting me, it is best to have been promoted to the ninth level."

"Also, I can't give you the next energy crystal share.

Five hundred kilograms of energy crystals is not a small amount. "

"at last…"

At the moment when his body was about to sink into the aircraft, Lan Chen said: "Lu Sheng, don't forget.

You owe me three favors in total! "

The bottom of the aircraft was closed, and it was activated immediately. In just one second, it broke through the sky and completely disappeared into the atmosphere.

Lu Sheng looked stunned.

"Three? Where did the three favors come from? Wasn't it just two?"

When he noticed the black communicator in his hand, he was immediately speechless.

"Is this thing considered a favor?

This guy is too fussy about it…"


Ask for some data, thank you~~Feng.