

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 370

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 370

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

370. Super cool training ground, soaring number of immortal cells! 3

"The adults are also bored…"

The blond man walking in front of the two said lightly, "Depression is also cultivation."

"The realm of adults is high, and we are far behind."

The two just sent a flattery.

Suddenly I heard a loud noise in my ear.

"Quick, be careful!"

"Stop bumping! .."

The three of them looked at the sound, and saw that at the dock where the ship was moored in the distance, an old man in a down coat was loudly instructing the crew to lift a huge alloy coffin from the ship.

Yelling and shouting, rushing back and forth, lest the alloy coffin be damaged a little.

"This guy Nepson…"

The faces of the two seventh-level grandmaster strong men showed rather speechless expressions, "I really treat that corpse as a treasure."

"I heard that he still wants to resurrect the corpse?"


Between the two complaining, the blond man's expression moved slightly.

After thinking about it, he raised his feet and prepared to walk over to the place where everyone was carrying it.

He was also a little curious.

What kind of corpse would make Nepson identify as the remains of an ancient god, and even give birth to crazy ideas like resurrecting it.

The blond man walked over to the coffin in a flash. "Two thirty seven"

The many crew members who were transporting stopped one after another and greeted the blond man respectfully and fearfully.


The blond man didn't say anything, he reached out and grabbed the alloy coffin.

"what are you going to do!"

A figure rushed up quickly, opened his arms to block the blond man, raised his head and shouted vigilantly: "This is my precious experiment!"

"have a look."

The blond man said lightly, his aura moved slightly, and Nepson's thin body was pushed aside by an invisible force.

"Elton! You robber! Rogue…"

Nepson jumped up and down and shouted, his face flushed with anxiety.

The blond man turned a deaf ear and continued to reach for the alloy coffin.

On the way the blond man's hand stretched out to the alloy coffin, Lu Sheng, whose whole body was soaked in the golden different marrow liquid, silently opened his eyes, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

Just as the blond man was about to open the coffin, something seemed to vibrate slightly on his body.

The blond man moves.

Retracting his hand, he pulled a cell phone out of his pocket.

After checking it out, his face changed slightly.

After that, no matter what the alloy coffin was, he turned around and disappeared.

Inside the coffin, Lu Sheng's heart relaxed a little.

By a millimeter.

almost exposed.

Although his mental power can cover up all the fluctuations of vital signs in the whole body, it is not certain that he can hide from the eighth-level master of Huanyin at such a close distance.

Not to mention that many details on him can't help but be observed, Nepson was brainwashed and hypnotized by him, and he can ignore the past.

Others are not fools.

Once exposed, he can only kill the opponent and forcefully escape.

Fortunately, at the last minute, the blond man was called away by something else.

"Damn, I will definitely speak ill of you in front of Lord Shenyin!"

Nepson stomped his foot in the direction the blond man had disappeared, vented for a while, and then continued to focus on the coffin.

He directed a group of crew members to carefully carry the alloy coffin all the way back to his laboratory.

Drive everyone out.

Then he carefully opened the alloy coffin.

I saw a handsome black-haired young man lying quietly in the alloy coffin.

The golden different marrow liquid that had completely immersed the youth was now completely gone.

Nepson was excited.

"Useful, really useful!"

"The gods are gradually recovering…"

"As long as enough energy is provided, the gods will be fully resurrected sooner or later!"

Excited by the discovery, Nepson walked around the lab excitedly before dialing a video communicator on the wall.

"I'm Nepson."

"Immediately, exchange all my research resource shares this month into high-level different marrow fluid and send it in!

Let's go together next month, advance payment in advance…"

"Also, I need a lot of alien beast cerebrospinal fluid and tissue fluid, send them all to me!"

"that's it…"

Within half an hour, a large amount of high-grade heterogeneous marrow fluid was sent to the laboratory.

Nepson was lying on the edge of the alloy coffin and poured bottles of different marrow fluid into it himself.

He filled the entire alloy coffin in one breath, and watched the dark-gold level of the different marrow fluid drop quietly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sitting in the empty tube, Nepson almost jumped up and clapped his hands in joy.

"That's it… Quickly absorb…"

"The more you absorb, the better, so…you can wake up as soon as possible!"

Nepson's face flushed, his expression plunged into an inexplicable excitement and madness.

Inside the alloy coffin, Lu Sheng felt so relieved that he almost groaned.

He has just recovered from the trauma, and the star is immortal and the twenty-two immortal cells are in a state of extreme emptiness.

It was like a squeezed sponge that was thrown into a basin of clean water.

Almost greedily absorbing the energy from the different marrow fluid.

The dull immortal cells quickly became bright and full.

The stellar vein diagram in the body was also re-lighted inch by inch.

At the chest, a blood pill appeared out of thin air, and then grew rapidly.

shatter again…

The bright star map is further mysterious.

"That's called cultivation!"

Lu Sheng thought in his heart that he had absorbed at least seven or eight bottles of the eighth-level different marrow fluid in one breath.

In exchange for success, that is a full eight million merits!

And more allogeneic fluid is still being replenished.

As long as there is a little less of the heterodyne fluid in the alloy coffin, Nepson will fill it up immediately.

This guy's monthly research funding is ridiculously high.

All of them were replaced with eighth-grade different marrow fluid, and there were more than 200 bottles.

Enough for him to absorb for a long time.

"After a month, I'm afraid I will be able to add dozens of immortal cells…

Ring Indian Nima is rich.

This wool must be smashed hard! "

Lu Sheng now feels that his plan to sneak in is too wise.

Sufficient cultivation resources, without someone to supplement, can also repair the mental injury by the way. . . .

Is there a better place to practice than this?

"If you can stay for one more day, you will earn 0…

If you are discovered, you will be discovered, the big deal will be called out at that time…"

As far as Lu Sheng knew, the strongest person in the Ring Seal organization was a ninth-level Martial Saint.

At twenty-two immortality, he will be able to hit the extreme way like a dog.

Wait for the cultivation base to go up…

The mere ninth level, he really didn't take him seriously.

"Okay, let's officially start the retreat.."

Half a month of dream hints, as well as mental hypnosis and brainwashing, Nepson has completely become a loyal fan of Lu Sheng.

As long as Lu Sheng has an order, he will do everything possible to collect cultivation resources for Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng slowly absorbed the energy of the different marrow fluid, while using "Crystal View Ideas" to repair his spiritual human form.

From time to time, I will enter the dream space to practice "Five Seasons Boxing" or something.

As time passed, the cracks on Lu Sheng's spiritual figure became less and less, and the composition gradually changed from obsidian to amethyst.

The number of immortal cells in his body continued to increase.




In the perfect body like God's creation, more star maps on the stellar vein map are lit up by immortal cells, becoming more dazzling, more complex, and more mysterious…


One year later.

Golden Circle.

Underground base, a huge arc-shaped conference room.

The floor, wall and ceiling of the conference room are all smooth silver-gray, and there is hardly any gap between them, as if they are a natural one.

A huge golden circle logo is projected on the ceiling.

Just below the logo is a long black conference table.

There are high-back chairs at the table.

The closer the chair is to the inner seat, the higher the back, the more complex and beautiful the patterns on the chair.

It's like a step-by-step ladder.

At the end of the long table, there was a chair whose back was almost flush with the ceiling.

There is a person sitting on each high-back chair, male or female, and each has a strong aura, with a good temperament and aura.

At the very end of the oversized high-back 5.0 chair, there is a holographic projection portrait.

The portrait can't see the face clearly, but the whole person looks very huge. Sitting on the oversized high-back chair, he looks down on everyone like a giant.

"This meeting mainly discusses two things."

sitting on the right hand of the giant

"The World Grand Master Competition has nothing to say. Our twenty Wang Yins are dispatched, and at least the share we can get will not be less than the previous ones…"

A middle-aged man with deep facial features sitting opposite the silver-haired woman said in a deep voice: "The top ten demon pillars in the Black Demon Society are said to have been damaged in half in the Dragon Country last year.

Maybe this time, we will withdraw from the competition, and this time our share will only be more or less. "

"Is the news reliable? Who did the Dark Demon Society provoked?"

"I don't know, Long Guo has strictly blocked the news in this regard.

But it is said that it has something to do with a new Martial Saint from Long Kingdom…"

"Dragon Kingdom has a new Martial Saint?!"

When many people in the conference hall heard the news, their faces showed alarm, and they immediately became agitated.