

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 369

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 369

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

369. Resurrection God! All is well, don't read – Lu Sheng 2

In the laboratory at the bottom of the cabin.

Huge chunks of ice stood upright on the floor of the cabin.

Among the ice cubes, a black-haired young man who described Junwei as a creation of the gods closed his eyes and fell asleep quietly.

Nepson stood in front of the ice cubes, looking up on his cheeks, in his eyes under the thick spectacles… all obsession.

"Exactly the same… Exactly the same! Every detail is the same.. Can't be wrong, it's the god in my dream.-."

Nepson murmured for a long time, and suddenly became excited.

"I'm going to write down the scene in my dream… oh no, draw it!"

"This is the real origin of alien beasts and martial arts, this is the real truth! …

Once published, I will be the greatest scientist of the century! "

Nepson turned around, found a table and chair and sat down, burying his head in writing and drawing on the paper.

Just as he turned around.

The dark-haired youth sleeping in the ice cube suddenly opened his eyes.

Lu Shengjing looked at the excited Nepson, and looked at everything around him blankly.

This is a huge laboratory.

In the middle is an oversized experimental console and a large number of unknown instruments.

The laboratory is surrounded by glass chambers that are more than half a person high, and each glass chamber is soaked in a small piece of the organ or tissue of a foreign beast.

Obviously, it was the genetic sample of the alien animals that Nepson collected during his trip.

Lu Sheng swept his spiritual power and finally found what he wanted in a huge refrigerator in the corner.

A whole row of newly extracted isomyelin fluid.

There are all from the third to the eighth, and the total number is no less than hundreds.

"Sure enough, just as I expected…. In general, this kind of scientific research will have sufficient financial resources."

Lu Sheng's eyes brightened slightly.

After a lot of trouble, he sneaked into Huanyin's research ship just for resources.

As the research leader of the Ring Seal Organization, specializing in the genetics of alien beasts, if Nepson didn't have a bit of alien marrow fluid in his hand, he wouldn't be able to justify it.

This turned out to be the case.

In fact, it is very simple for Lu Sheng to do this step.

Just like dealing with Li Die at the beginning – a spiritual illusion.

"Nepson has always been obsessed with the connection between mythology and beast martial arts, and has been trying to prove it.

Superstition, stubbornness.

At this time, I only need a little hypnosis and inducement, and I can easily let him fall into the lie I weave for him…"

Although Napson has a very high status in the ring.

But to put it bluntly, he is just an ordinary person… just!

It is really easy for Lu Sheng to do this.

"Next, we only need to continuously strengthen the psychological suggestion of dreams and reality, deepen hypnosis, and brainwash…

Nepson will become, my most ardent believer of the ancient god! "

Lu Sheng thought to himself.

At this time, Nepson, who was sitting at the desk and was busy writing, suddenly stopped.

"No! These are just my own dreams… I can be sure of the existence of gods, but how can I prove it?"

Nepson finally realized this.

His dream is not everyone's dream, he is enlightened and others are not.

How can he prove the existence of ancient gods?

With just a corpse?

Obviously not enough!

Do you have to break your head off and show it to others?

Nepson scratched his messy head irritably.

At this moment, a calm voice sounded in his ears: "Just let the gods tell them by themselves."

"Let the gods tell them?"

Nepson was puzzled. "How can the gods tell them?"

The calm voice continued: "It's very simple, resurrect the gods.

When God comes to this land again, all doubts and falsehoods will be broken. "

"When God comes to this land again, all doubts and falsehoods will be broken… When God comes again…"

Nepson looked confused and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a dazzling gleam appeared in his eyes, and the whole person became excited.

"Yes! Bring the gods back to life! What could be more convincing than a living god!

Haha, what a genius I am! "

"Resurrection of the gods! I want to resurrect the gods!"

"This world, I, Nepson, will make this world great again!"

Eager, Nepson strode to the freezer in the corner of the laboratory, took out bottles of different marrow fluid, and walked excitedly towards the ice cubes.

Looking at the handsome young man who was sleeping with his eyes closed in the ice cube, Nepson had already imagined in his mind that when this "ancient god" opened his eyes and recreated the scene in his dream.

He pondered how to inject the heterodyne fluid into the ice.

From the beginning to the end, the excited Professor Nepson did not realize that…

The voice that had just talked to him and induced him to think of resurrecting the gods…

Where did it come from.


Eastern Military District.

Inside an officer's villa.

Dong Qingxue sat cross-legged on the cushion in the center of the martial arts practice room, and was practicing silently.

Suddenly, the phone beside her vibrated slightly.

Dong Qingxue woke up from her practice and picked up her mobile phone to check.

It's a short message.

An unknown contact from across the ocean.

Dong Qingxue frowned slightly, she wanted to ignore it, but she still clicked in and took a look.

The message is simple, with only a few words.

[everything is fine. Do not return, do not read. ——Lu Sheng]

Lu Sheng…

Seeing the last two words, Dong Qingxue's pupils shrank, and she jumped up from the floor.

It's Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng finally gave her a message back!

For more than two months, Lu Sheng was like the world evaporated, and there was no news.

Asking the military region, the military region just said that Lu Sheng was performing a special task and could not come back for the time being.

The words are vague, and even some deliberately concealed.

To say no doubts and worries is false.

And this worry, as the days go by, increase day by day.

According to Dong Qingxue's understanding, the entire military exercise should have ended long ago.

Fortunately, now Lu Sheng finally has news.

The big stone that had been pressing in her heart was finally a little lighter.

At this time, the phone rang.

Dong Qingxue picked up the phone, and Lu Qinghe's cheerful voice immediately came from the other end of the phone.

"Sister Qingxue, my brother has news!"

Dong Qingxue raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said softly, "I know."


on the Ninghai Sea.

A two-month carpet search.

Every fish and every shell in this sea area is about to be turned over by the military personnel one by one.

But there are still no clues about Lu Sheng.

Compared with the initial period, the morale of the search and rescue team has dropped a lot.

0・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Many people participated in this search with unwavering hearts at first, and after two months, some bad rumors slowly spread in the team.

Lu Sheng, the peerless genius of their military…

Has it been buried under the sea?

After all, that is the bottom card of the ultimate martial arts sage…

If it was all right, it would have appeared long ago…

If it weren't for the determination of several big men, it is estimated that many people could not help but give up.

The Marshal of the Eastern Military District stands on the deck of the battleship.

Just like two months ago, he quietly looked at the distant sea level with his hands behind his back.

He had imagined countless times that Lu Sheng broke through the sea level and jumped out of the water, just as he broke through the water and defeated Dong Potian and Ji Dao Wu Sheng.

But he waited for two whole months, but the picture he expected never appeared.

Even with the state of mind of the marshal, there was a faint haze on his face.

At this moment, a general came hurriedly from behind with hurried steps.

The alloy boots stepped on the deck and made a crisp sound of "dong dong dong".


"Marshal, there is an urgent report from the military department!"


The Marshal of the Eastern Military Region spoke lightly.

Guan Qiang suppressed the excitement on his face and said loudly, "Lu Sheng took the initiative to have news back…"


The Marshal of the Eastern Military Region turned around abruptly with a shocked expression.

"Show me the news, hurry up!"

The officer immediately handed over the documents in his hand.

After reading it, the eyes of the Marshal of the Eastern Military Region suddenly burst into a strong light, and his face also burst into an unparalleled brilliance.

"it is good!"

The old man's face was radiant, and he said a few good words in succession.

He quickly ordered: "Tell everyone to close the team immediately and return to the military area."


The general was given the order, and the Marshal of the Eastern Military Region read the few words on the intelligence again and again.

A long-lost smile finally appeared on his face.

Although I don't know what Lu Sheng's situation is now or where he is.

But as long as it's okay, that's fine.

The Marshal of the Eastern Military Region looked up at the horizon and the blue sky in the distance.

It was as if he saw that there was the only Yao Jiao figure in the world.

"The military has waited for this day for more than two hundred years, and it doesn't care about waiting a few more days…"

"It won't be long before the future god of the military…will return!"

He was looking forward to that day very much.


After a long journey of half a month, the research ship Discovery finally successfully returned.

Sail into the sea somewhere deep in the ocean where the lion and the eagle meet.

A small island so remote that it doesn't even appear on a satellite map.

Golden Circle – This is the name of the island.

The entire island is covered with various modern defense equipment, thousands of warriors live in it, and a large number of ordinary people.

Under the island, there is a huge underwater base that is thousands of meters deep.

After the Discovery entered the base, the people on board disembarked one after another.

The three masters of the Great Master Realm who escorted them took the lead to disembark from the boat.

"It's over…"

The seventh-level grandmaster brawny with short chestnut hair stretched his waist fiercely, and said casually: "It's really boring, to be honest, this kind of task might as well go to Dark Star and have a good fight with the people from the Black Demon Society. !" towel.