

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 324

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 324

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

324. The sincerity of running for eight thousand miles, the time to say last words is too long 1

At the moment when Lu Sheng detected the missile attack.

The mental power that originally radiated to the surroundings in the form of a light source quickly contracted.

intertwined, cohesive…

Layer after layer of buffer area is formed on the trajectory of the missile forward.

At this time, the strength of Lu Sheng's spiritual power was completely revealed.

In his mind, the translucent psychic figure shone brightly, exuding a brilliance that was even more dazzling than a diamond.

The entire human figure is dark golden, and almost one-fifth of it has a luster and color like amethyst.

From crystal figures, to diamond figures, to obsidian figures…

Finally to the present Amethyst Humanoid.

After four transformations, even Lu Sheng didn't know what level his current mental power quality had reached.

Ten times that of an ordinary eighth-level spiritual teacher?

Or a hundred times?

he does not know.

The speed of the black missile was continuously weakened by layers of mental force buffering, showing an effect as if time slowed down and finally stopped.

When the speed of the missile is completely 0.

The mental buffering power under Lu Shengbu was also completely compressed to an extreme.

It's like a… no, it's an infinite number of drawn bowstrings.

let go.


The black missile returned the same way.

Lu Sheng didn't expect this means to be able to solve the other party.

If it is resolved, he will feel boring.

He walked briskly to the position where the carriages were connected, and then looked at the shocked eyes of a beautiful flight attendant next to him…

He reached out and opened the door of the high-speed train carriage.


Even knowing that the other party's identity was extraordinary, the flight attendant couldn't help but screamed in a low voice, and his face suddenly turned pale.

But the expected scenes of the wind blowing back did not happen.

After the door opened, everything was fine.

Outside the door is a rapidly passing landscape.

But there seems to be an invisible transparent layer of separation between the landscape and the car, so that no wind blows in.

"I'll be back later, remember to open the door for me."

Lu Sheng casually asked the flight attendant beside him.

The pretty flight attendant nodded dumbly.

The next second, her eyes widened, and she saw Lu Sheng stepped forward in disbelief and walked out of the open train door.

Instantly disappeared.


Looking at the closed train door in front of him again, the flight attendant began to wonder if what he had just seen and experienced was real.


On a hill more than 100 meters high.

A well-proportioned foreign man with light brown hair, gray-blue pupils, more than two meters tall, was staring at the direction ahead and below.

The man also carried an oversized missile launcher in his hand.

Objects weighing several tons were casually carried by him with one hand, with a relaxed expression, like a plastic toy.

The man's eyes have been staring at a high-speed train that is passing by ten kilometers away.

He has no binoculars, but his eyesight is still amazing.

At this moment, he just showed a somewhat puzzled expression on his face, and a rapidly enlarged black spot was reflected in the gray-blue pupil.


The brown-haired man's pupils shrank suddenly, he dropped the missile launcher in his hand, and jumped directly from the hill more than 100 meters high. (cifc) At the moment when his figure fell, a black shadow that broke the speed of sound could pass him.


This small hill was directly shrouded in a small mushroom cloud, and the entire hill was shattered.

The fire was roaring, and countless rocks and debris flew and flew down.

The brown-haired man's body fell in mid-air, but his face did not panic at all.

He walked forward step by step.

Every time you take a step, a cloud of white sound cones will explode under your feet, and the sound of sonic boom will be heard.

This powerful recoil force, which was stepped out of thin air, not only completely offset the gravity of his falling, but even supported him to climb up.

It's like a rocket soaring in place.

The brown-haired man stepped on the air step by step until he walked to the opposite hill and landed steadily on a rock.

"Okay, I have a bit of skill… As expected of the price target.."

The brown-haired man stared at the mountain top where the fire was bursting in front of him, and there was a ferocious light flashing in his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and turned around quickly.

The next second, his pupils shrank, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

I saw a young man in a military uniform stepping on the void and walking towards him quickly step by step.

Like he just did.

But it's different from his rocket soaring and exploding way of stepping into the air…

The youth in military uniforms walked without the slightest hint of fireworks.

Showing a sense of ease like eating and drinking.

The brown-haired man couldn't help but think of the descriptions in the Dragon Kingdom novels he usually read…

The image of the immortal walking on the wind.

"Spiritual Teacher!"

The brown-haired man's eyes flashed, and the smile on his face became wider, and he said, "No wonder, it's really interesting."

The youth in military uniform stopped dozens of meters away from the brown-haired man.

He was well-built, without a military cap, showing his well-proportioned black hair.

His appearance is extremely handsome, his temperament is cold and refined, and his calm gaze falls on the brown-haired man, just like the pale golden cold weapon long knife held in his right hand.



"You came just in time."

The brown-haired man smiled and said to the young man in military uniform in front of him: "I was thinking about how to go in and kill you, but I didn't expect you to run out by yourself…"

Brown-haired man stretches.

His stature is already tall, and after the physical activity is opened, the muscle groups on his body seem to be stretched.

The whole person swelled slightly, and the strong body made a sound like a heavy mecha starting up.

"You remind me of those guys in military uniforms I met last time I came to Dragon Country…"

"They are just like you, beautiful, young, heroic, and…"

The brown-haired man spoke stubborn Longguo Mandarin, his eyes showed a cruel and fierce light, and his tone was cold: "It is as tender and fragile as a fresh grass stalk.

The feeling of tearing it up is really intoxicating…"

The brown-haired man grinned, revealing teeth that were as white as a tyrannosaur.

"Forgot to mention, I am the Dark Demon Society

At this time, standing opposite him, the handsome young man who had been quietly watching him said, "Are you finished?"

The brown-haired man was startled.

Then he saw the other party looked down at the watch in his hand, shook his head and said, "One minute and twenty seconds… Your last words are really long enough."


The brown-haired man raised his eyebrows, his face instantly violent.

"Boy, I won't let you say your last words…"

Before the brown-haired man could finish speaking, suddenly his heart seemed to be clenched tightly by a pair of big invisible hands.

The unprecedented sense of terrifying crisis suddenly pierced into his brain like an arrow, and the center of his eyebrows twitched wildly.

His pupils contracted, too late to respond.

Almost subconsciously, the muscles all over the body rolled over and over like waves.

Pieces of black like scales proliferated from below.

It seemed that something was about to burst out of his body.



slight wind noise.

The black waves of the folded muscles stagnated, and the figure of the brown-haired man was frozen.

Stalled for a second or two.

His whole body was divided into two halves with a "crash", and the stench of black blood fell down along with the organs.

slammed to the ground.

The thing in the brown-haired man's body that hasn't had time to break the seal.

A gap had just been lifted from the box, and it was all shredded together with the sealed box outside.

Lu Sheng's figure dissipated like a bubble in the sun.

Another Lu Sheng appeared a few meters behind the brown-haired man.

Lu Sheng looked down at the inner wheel knife in his hand, and his whole body was shrouded in a faint golden divine glow.

He shook off the little blood stained on the inner wheel knife at will, showing a hint of satisfaction on his face.

In his mind, seven immortal cells are exuding divine brilliance.

It gave birth to a blood that was as majestic as the ocean.

"The eighth-level inner wheel knife, seven immortal cells, plus the four-level knife technique, the way of killing…"

Lu Sheng turned to look at the brown-haired man's broken body, and whispered to himself, "If I have to fight you back and forth a few times, then I should die."

What is the top ten demon gods of the Black Demon Society.

Lu Sheng only knew that he was very strong!

Strong enough to kill the opponent in one hit…

that's enough.

"He just said he was

Lu Sheng thought about it, but he didn't remember clearly, so he simply gave up.

He jumped out of the top of the hill in a flash and chased in the direction of the high-speed train in front of him.

Lu Sheng dragged out afterimages in mid-air, and quickly approached the location of the high-speed rail train.

"I'm getting more and more out of the category of normal people…even normal warriors.."

Lu Sheng used his mental power to spread out an invisible ladder in the air, allowing his movement speed to fully unfold.

Like light and shadow.

"Ordinary sects can't do it like me, I'm about to play Gao Wu into a fantasy…"

Lu Sheng sighed in his heart, the moment he caught up with the high-speed rail.

He looked up at the road ahead.

There are long mountains and broad plains.

The sun is slowly sinking towards the horizon of the distant mountains.

Night is coming.

"From Shirakawa City to Kyoto Province, this high-speed railway line has a total of more than 8,000 kilometers…

Eight thousand miles to run.

Lian Su, I am sincere enough to kill you. ".