

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 323

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 323

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

323. A picture comparable to a sci-fi movie! 4


In a small dark room, there are a large number of computers and various electronic devices.

A dark-skinned youth in his early twenties with slightly curly hair sat in front of the computer, tore off the headphones on his head, and looked behind him with an ugly face.

"Jaros' signal was snuffed out, probably dead."

The woman leaning on the edge of the table and eating instant noodles raised her head, put down the instant noodles in her hand, wiped her mouth with her cuff, and walked up quickly.

"How is the target now?"

The woman walked up to the dark-skinned youth, put one hand on the table, and stared at the computer screen.

She has beautiful red hair, but unfortunately she is not very good looking, with some freckles on her face.

The black-skinned youth tapped on the keyboard with both hands, and said quickly: "According to the last message from Jay Ross, the target should have left Baihe City by high-speed train by now.

He has a special status and must take a special high-speed railway line.

I retrieved the temporary change information of all the high-speed trains in Longguo recently, and calculated the forward route of the target..

His destination should be the Kyoto Province of the Dragon Kingdom, as we expected. "

The red-haired woman stared at the high-speed rail map on the computer screen, her eyes stopped at several locations.

"Is it more than two days in total? It seems that there is plenty of time…"

The red-haired woman muttered a few words to herself, and then said lightly, "Send me this picture.

Some adults have already rushed to the vicinity of Baihe City, if all goes well…"

The red-haired woman walked back to her original position and picked up her unfinished instant noodles again.

"We should be back soon."


A trace of excitement flashed on the face of the dark-skinned youth, his hands were on the computer keyboard, and his fingers jumped like flying.



A small black box fell to the ground, making a crisp sound in the quiet carriage.

Guo Aiying, who was sitting on the seat, hurriedly bent over to pick up the small box on the ground.

When she finished picking up things and stood up, she found that the young Junwei who was lying dormant on the seat had been alarmed and quietly opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Chief! Interrupting the Chief's rest!"

Guo Aiying stood up with a "swoosh", her face full of nervousness.

Lu Sheng shook his head, stood up at will, walked in front of Guo Aiying, and lightly tapped her on the shoulder twice.

It seems that there are invisible water-like ripples appearing from the position where Lu Sheng dropped his hand.

Guo Aiying trembled slightly, as if a string had been plucked in her mind.


She relaxed all over, her tense body and tense emotions were perfectly released in an instant.


Great relief.

"It's still a long time, you can't keep going like this."

Lu Sheng said something softly, then walked to the edge of the tea table, poured himself a cup of hot water, and sat back in his seat.

He picked up a newspaper in front of him and flipped through it casually.


Guo Aiying blushed, and hesitantly responded.

Finding that Lu Sheng ignored her, he relaxed a little.

Guo Aiying sat in front of the computer, but found that she had nothing to do at all.

She was assigned this task urgently.

The above only told her that the person she needs to cooperate with in this mission is a big man with a very terrifying status, and she must obey the other party's orders unconditionally.

Other than that, Guo Aiying knew nothing.

"What kind of mission is it?"

Guo Aiying thought in her mind.

She carefully looked at the surrounding environment, except for her and the excessively young chief in front of her, there were only flight attendants and a few soldiers and officers on the whole train.

Can't see how cautious it is.

And the head of the terrifying big man has been drinking tea and reading newspapers leisurely since he got in the car, or sleeping, without the sense of urgency that he should have when he is on a mission.

"Maybe I'm really too nervous, it was just a simple escort mission…"

Guo Aiying comforted herself in her heart.

She was completely relaxed.

She took her eyes off the computer screen in front of her and turned to look at the scenery outside the window next to her.

At this time, the high-speed rail train was passing through a section of mountainous road, with rolling hills and woods along the way.

Although it was winter, many hills and woodlands were bare and not so pretty, but at least it eased Guo Aiying's nervousness and made her spirit, which had been tense before, more relaxed and casual.

Guo Aiying watched the monotonous and similar scenery passing by the window.

The complete relaxation after the high tension made a trace of sleepiness gradually hit.

Guo Aiying's eyelids kept getting heavy.

She supported her cheek with one hand, looked out the window, and kept approaching dreamland, approaching…



A strong sense of unease pulled Guo Aiying out of her half-dream and half-awake state.

She woke up suddenly, her face pale, and she looked up in sweat.

She saw that the extremely young chief was leaning back on the chair with his eyes closed, and she didn't know if he was asleep or what.

There was no one else in the whole car except them, it was extremely quiet, everything seemed calm and normal.

Guo Aiying felt more and more uneasy in her heart.

It felt as if something extremely bad was about to happen, something catastrophic was imminent.

The incomparable clarity made her inexplicably flustered.

Guo Aiying glanced at the time quickly and found that she had only slept for less than half an hour.

She kept searching for the source of her unease.

There was nothing unusual in the carriage, and Guo Aiying found nothing.

She looked at the sleeping young chief, thinking in her heart whether she should report this nonsense idea to the other party.

"But in case it's just an illusion caused by my nervousness, then it becomes a big oolong. I smear the military, or I'll be kicked off at the next stop…"

Guo Aiying was struggling, she turned her head to look out the window unintentionally.

The sun was shining outside the window, but not dazzling.

The train was passing through a valley and plain, with the outlines of several high mountains not far away.

Guo Aiying suddenly saw a black spot appear in her line of sight.

She was a little curious and couldn't help but leaned a little closer to watch.

The black spot was flying from the air at an extremely fast speed, and it became clear in a short while.

"It seems… something is flying towards the direction of the train…"

Guo Aiying stared intently at the black spot.

It felt as if a black shot put was flying towards the high-speed rail.

But who can throw the shot put so far, it's not a cartoon…

Guo Aiying felt amused for a while, and continued to stare at the black spot.

But as the black spot got closer and the appearance became clearer and clearer, Guo Aiying's feeling of unease became stronger and stronger.

She stared at the rapidly enlarging black spot, and her face became more and more puzzled.


Black dots cut through the sky.

Guo Aiying finally saw the whole picture of the black spot completely.

It was a thirty centimeters thick, three meters long, covered in pitch black…

Cone missiles!

The black missile sprayed a thick tail flame, and it only came to the front in an instant.

Guo Aiying's eyes widened, her pupils contracted, and the expression on her face gradually became dull.

Time seemed to be stretched infinitely at this moment.

Guo Aiying watched helplessly as the black missile got closer and closer to her.

Twenty meters, ten meters, five meters…

Not even a meter in the end.

She could even see that the white demon head painted on the black missile shell was grinning silently at her.

Guo Aiying's emotions broke through the threshold instantly, and she could hear her heart beating slowly again and again.

She wanted to stand up and remind the sleeping chief behind her…

At this moment, she finally knew why this task was designated as a third-level s by her superiors.

Unfortunately, it was all too late.

Guo Aiying couldn't do anything.

She could only watch the black missile close to the window of the high-speed train carriage, the unease in her heart surged into a tide, completely engulfing her, and her mind went blank…


Suddenly, the sound of crisp footsteps broke Guo Aiying's all illusions before her death.

A tall and slender figure walked to Guo Aiying's side with a calm pace, stretched out a finger and tapped lightly on the window.


Invisible fluctuations spread out rapidly centered on the tapped position of the slender index finger.

Time seems to stand still.

The black missile painted with a demon pattern stopped abruptly at the position close to the window.

The devil pattern above stared straight at Guo Aiying and met her eyes.

The distance between the two was almost a meter away.

At this time, the fair and slender fingers flicked outwards again.

The devil pattern turned his head in an instant….


The black missile was launched at a faster speed than before, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The whole process actually happened in just a few seconds, which seemed smooth and natural.

Guo Aiying was completely stunned.

It all seemed like a dream to her.

Or a scene from a sci-fi movie.

Guo Aiying stared blankly at the fair and slender palm that could turn the missile around, as if it had infinite magic power…

Suddenly, she felt that there were too many things in this world that she didn't understand.

Looking up, Guo Aiying was facing a pair of calm and calm eyes.

Before that, the young chief, who had been sitting lazily on the chair drinking tea and sleeping, was now exuding a dazzling light that made Guo Aiying almost unable to look directly.

"Wait here for a while, I'll do something and be back soon."

Lu Sheng asked Guo Aiying casually, glanced out the car window, then turned and walked out of the car.