

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 306

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 306

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

306. Backlash, try to get through the double bridge of heaven and earth 3

At dinner, Dong Qingxue arrived on time.

It was one of the three cars that the military had assigned to Lu Sheng, the most expensive one.

Lu Sheng had never sat before, but simply swept over it with his mental power.

He knows that there are leather sofas, LCD TVs, wine cabinets…the shockproof and bulletproof systems are all top-notch, the cab and the back are still completely isolated, so quiet that no sound can be heard, and the riding experience is full.

Before Dong Qingxue came, Lu Sheng wondered if Dong Qingxue would come back a few hours late on purpose because of the last time he let go of the pigeons.

Now I feel like I'm being superficial.

Dong Qingxue was not such a petty person at all.

Even though he had been prepared for a long time, Lu Sheng was still stunned when Dong Qingxue got out of the car.

Dong Qingxue is actually wearing a skirt?

Is she wearing a skirt? !

Also wearing high heels!

Lu Sheng was stunned. The Dong Qingxue in his memory was either a military uniform or a combat uniform, and he had never seen Dong Qingxue dressed otherwise.

Looking at it now, Dong Qingxue, who took off his uniform and changed back to women's clothes, can't be described as a "top".

Over the top!

"Are you surprised?"

Dong Qingxue, dressed in a white dress, with dazzling long legs and black hair like waterfalls, stood in front of Lu Sheng's "Nine One Three" and asked calmly.

"Do not."

Lu Sheng shook his head and sighed in a tone of undisguised appreciation: "It's just amazing."

Dong Qingxue pursed her lips and said, "Eat."

"it is good."

Lu Sheng led Dong Qingxue to the house.

Under the mental power inspection, I can clearly see that Dong Qingxue showed a relieved expression immediately after he turned around, and quickly took out a small mirror from his handbag to quickly touch up his makeup.

Under the seemingly calm appearance, the heart beat frequency is more than 180, and even when the two long legs are moving, they are shaking slightly.

This is Lu Sheng

Surprisingly, it felt a little…cute.

After the two of them were seated, Dong Qingxue sat opposite Lu Sheng, and she returned to her original calm and indifferent attitude.

Lu Sheng didn't expose her, she should eat and drink, and occasionally introduce the characteristics of a certain dish.

Both of them were powerful warriors, they ate a lot and ate fast, and the dinner was over after only half an hour.

"Go to the movies?"

Lu Sheng wiped his mouth and asked Dong Qingxue.

Dong Qingxue also simply nodded, "Okay."

The two went out immediately.

Seriously, as the most legendary couple in the Eastern Military Region, if those outsiders who have imagined countless romantic pictures in their minds see how the two get along with each other, this is how they get along.

It is estimated that you will be shocked and doubt your life!


The two manor housemaids watched Lu Sheng's car drive out of the manor, and murmured, "They were actually engaging in an object just now? It's really hard to tell…"

"Who said it wasn't…"

"Next time let me hear you talking about adults behind your back, just go to the military prison to report."

A cold voice sounded behind the two of them.

The two maids turned their heads and saw the expressionless Li Die quietly standing behind them, looking at them coldly.

The two of them turned pale, and quickly shut up and lowered their heads and left quickly.

Li Die stared at the two of them for a long time, then took back her gaze, and then glanced in the direction where Lu Sheng and Dong Qingxue were gone.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly walked out of the manor.

Stopping not far from the manor's fence, there stood a middle-aged man in a military uniform who was smoking a cigarette.

"You came."

When the middle-aged man saw Li Die, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out, and said casually, "When are you going to do it? That one can't wait."

Li Die frowned and said coldly, "This is the Eastern Military Region, and Lu Sheng is now the most talented general in the Eastern Military Region. What do you want me to do? Can I get out of the military region's camp alive after I do it?"

"Then what are you going to do? This kid's strength has improved too fast. He is only nineteen years old now. In a few years…"

The middle-aged man's eyes showed a bit of coldness, and he whispered: "I'm afraid the genetic venom extracted from the ninth-level alien beast will not kill him."

"rest assured…"

Li Die said lightly: "There are still a few days before the Eastern Military Region Competition. At that time, he will definitely go to the central region on behalf of the Eastern Region to participate in the military exercise in the entire military region. I will do it on the road, and it will be convenient to leave at that time…"

"You just have an idea."

The middle-aged man put his hand on Li Die's shoulder and said with a smile: "When this is done, if you are committed to martial arts, that one will naturally arrange for you to enter the extreme martial arts hall, and the status is equal to the disciple of Martial Saint.

If you don't want to, you will also get a lot of money that you will never spend in your lifetime.

Of course, if you have other ideas…"

The middle-aged man looked up and down Li Die's body, smiling rather vaguely.

Li Die frowned, a look of undisguised disgust on her face.

"Bring your dirty hands! Don't come to me again in the next time, he has already noticed…"

After speaking, Li Die turned around and left.

"Bah, a bitch. Even the benefactor can fight back, do you really think that you will have a good death? .."

The middle-aged man looked at Li Die's back, spat fiercely, and left quickly with a gloomy expression.


The moonlight is like water, shining on the secluded and uninhabited trails of the military region.

The two figures walked side by side on the road.

The man is wearing a simple white shirt, Junwei is tall and straight.

The women are dressed in white dresses, elegant and refined.

Neither of them said a word, but they both enjoyed this quiet and beautiful time.

Finally, at a certain intersection, the girl stopped and said, "I'm here."

Lu Sheng was stunned for a while, with a bit of regret on his expression, and nodded: "Okay, then I won't send you up."

Dong Qingxue lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something, and suddenly said, "There are still a few days before the Eastern Military Region Big Competition…"

"I know what you're going to say."

Lu Sheng thought about it and said, "I promise you, I won't hurt Dongshengyi. But…"

Lu Sheng's tone became firm.

"..some things, if you are wrong, you are wrong, and if you are wrong, you will pay the price. I said that if you want to cut off his martial arts, just cut his martial arts.

Anyway, he won't be able to reach the ninth level in this life, so I simply let him give up early. "

Dong Qingxue was startled.

Although it is not very understandable why Lu Sheng is so sure that Dong Shengyi cannot enter the ninth level, and also does not know how Lu Sheng interrupted Dong Shengyi's martial arts without hurting Dong Shengyi.

But he still nodded and said softly, "Do it if you want, anyway…"

"I'll always be on your side…"

The last half sentence seemed to have used up all of Dong Qingxue's courage. After she finished speaking, she hurriedly turned around and disappeared quickly.

Lu Shengding looked at the back of Dong Qingxue's departure, still thinking about the words she just said, and his eyes gradually softened.

"I didn't expect that I actually got my… teacher?"

Lu Sheng couldn't tell what it was like, but an inexplicable sense of accomplishment came into his heart.

Suddenly remembered something, his face changed greatly.

"Oops, I just forgot to hold her hand… oops!"

Lu Sheng hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and walked back while dialing someone.

"Instructor Qin, it's me, Lu Sheng."

"I just got careless and didn't take the opportunity… When do you think it's more appropriate to take action next time?"


Dong Qingxue walked in barefoot and threw the high heels aside.

Then Deng Deng Deng walked to the corner of the bed, hugged his legs and sat down.

Recalling all kinds of dates today, a bit of shyness flashed across his face from time to time.

After half an hour, Dong Qingxue slowly calmed down her restless heart, and her face returned to calm.

She thought about it, took out her mobile phone and searched——[Girl


[It is more appropriate to meet your parents after a few dates]

Dong Qingxue looked very seriously.

She quickly sat down at the desk, found a notebook, and quickly wrote down something in the notebook while looking at the search content on her mobile phone.


In the middle of the night, a slender and tall figure sat peacefully in the martial arts practice room.

Suddenly opened his eyes.

The martial arts training room, where only the moonlight shines in, shines brightly, as if from night to day.

The light throughput gradually returned to normal.

Lu Sheng's mental power spread out, and he habitually glanced around the entire manor villa.

Except for the soldiers on duty and the two cooks who were chatting over 0.6 peanuts of white wine, the rest were basically asleep.

The lights in Li Die's room were still on, and she was still practicing martial arts. She was very diligent.

Lu Sheng didn't watch too much, and quickly withdrew most of his mental power to focus on himself.

He had just finished inquiring the information from the dream space, and was about to start to open up the double bridge between heaven and earth.

"The so-called double bridge between heaven and earth, to put it bluntly, is actually to break through the shackles of the physical and spiritual, to connect oneself with the heaven and the earth for a short time, and then take this opportunity to attract natural energy into the body, thereby promoting a deeper transformation of the two… "

The reason is very simple, it is a process of actively seeking "aha".

Manpower is exhausted.

Therefore, the further you go in your martial arts practice, the more you need the help of cosmic energy.

Opening up the double bridges of heaven and earth, and being promoted to the big realm is like this.

The same is true for the condensed martial arts laws and the promotion of the ninth-level martial arts.

It's just getting deeper and deeper.


Lu Sheng thought about it, and his mind entered the second floor of the empty state, ready to open up the legendary double bridge between heaven and earth.