

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 305

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 305

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

305. The first person in the eastern general star, the scorching sun in the eastern district! 2

As the commander-in-chief of the suppression of this riot, Yu Xinghai made headlines in the newspapers of the Military Region Headquarters and was praised as "the attacking general, sounding the horn of mankind's counterattack against alien beasts".

Even the international military newspapers have publicized his deeds, and the Eastern Military Region Daily is a big book, taking out a whole page to introduce Yu Xinghai's outstanding performance in this battle.

On the contrary, in the riot, he stabbed through the burrow and shook the 12th war zone in the east. Lu Sheng, who was in the limelight, only had a few words in the newspapers, and only a few strokes.

It's just that the ranking on the general list of generals in the army has quietly jumped to


"Although one single-handedly fought in and out of the burrow, making the onlookers' blood boil, but the purpose was only to save his wife, after all, it is not so glorious. And on the battlefield, personal heroism has always been the most taboo, but love Excusable…"

Lu Sheng put down the newspaper, but his expression was quite calm.

In this matter, it seems that he was "robbed" by Yu Xinghai, but in fact, Lu Sheng's final gain did not decrease in the slightest.

Army Rewards

he left

Not only that, but there is also a diamond dragon pattern medal for military exploits, waiting to be awarded to him by the Marshal of the Military Region in person.

The Diamond Dragon Medal for Merit is the highest level of Merit Medal that can be awarded by the Eastern Military Region. Further up, there is only the Purple Gold Dragon Medal.

The Purple-Gold Dragon Medal can only be awarded if it is recognized by the Wushu Association, the government and the military. So far, the winners of the Purple-Gold Dragon Medal in the Dragon Kingdom have made outstanding achievements in the battle against alien beasts during the first year of martial arts. The generals who contributed, and the rest are all deceased Martial Saint-level characters.

It can be said that the Diamond Dragon Mark Medal of Merit, in a sense, has represented the limit of glory that ordinary people can obtain under the Martial Saint.

In the entire Eastern Military Region, including several generals, there are only a handful of people who have received this medal.

Lu Sheng is the youngest one.

Also one of the quickest to get.

This shows that the Eastern Military Region attaches great importance to him.

"My knife should amaze many people."

This diamond dragon emblem medal is mainly due to the ground-breaking knife that Lu Sheng made when he broke through the burrow.

Not only amazed the entire Eastern Military Region, but even Lu Sheng himself was amazed.

It was almost a Xeon sword in his ultimate state.

"Unparalleled posture + Wushen state + empty and bright state second layer + three immortal cells + martial arts killing life…"

Lu Sheng couldn't remember how much power he used. He only knew that the alien beasts in the entire burrow at that time were driven by the fluctuation of consciousness, like crazy, desperately trying to keep him.

The feeling of suffocation, like being entangled and bound by countless seaweeds in the deep sea of despair, is impossible for those who have not experienced it personally.

Then Lu Sheng replaced the knife with a spear, and chopped up with a note of "God's will is like a knife, my will is like a knife, and human life is like grass".

After the knife was cut out, Lu Sheng almost collapsed.

The first thing that was evacuated was his qi.

Gang Qi comes from Qi and blood. Long ago, when he first entered the Grand Master realm, Lu Sheng didn't have to worry about Gang Qi.

Because he just entered the Grandmaster realm, he condensed a large amount of blood pills, and the total amount of Astral Qi was almost dozens of times that of the Grandmaster of the same level.

Wait until the immortal cells metamorphose, and then break and stand up, and achieve the immortal body of the star.

The Gang Qi is even more endless and endless.

Coupled with the super recovery effect of the "Natural Breathing Method", Lu Sheng was literally transformed into a perpetual motion machine.

I never dreamed that I would still be "drained" one day.

Followed by mental power, most of the mental power has also been taken away, so that the second floor of the empty and bright state can mobilize more elemental energy…

After that, there was that amazing, stone-shattering knife.

Otherwise, what is the limit?

If it wasn't for "Natural Breathing" to instantly restore some of his power, he would not be able to escape the burrow in the future.

"I don't know if my knife can match the power of the ninth-level martial arts…"

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he guessed that he was almost there.

The formation of the ninth-level Martial Saint Dharma is all about the energy of heaven and earth.

That's the effect of one leveraging ten, affecting one hundred, and driving one thousand, ten thousand. . .

No matter how much Astral Qi in his body, it must be far from enough.

Manpower is exhausted, but heaven and earth are endless.

"It is too difficult to fight against the mighty power of heaven and earth with one person…"

"However, I still have a lot of room for improvement. If I pull up my strength, I may not have the opportunity to fight against the ninth-level Martial Saint…"

Lu Sheng thought about it carefully, and he didn't seem to have even broken through the Great Sect Realm.

"The big sect is not important, the path I have taken has long been different from that of ordinary warriors.

But the double bridge between heaven and earth, we still have to try to get through it…"

It happens that the empty state is about to enter

"20 million merits, plus the dense gold nuggets I brought back, it is enough to create a complete prayer wheel knife. There is still a lot more to exchange for the different marrow liquid…"

When I think about Lu Sheng, I feel a little impatient.

But not now.

Light footsteps came, and Lu Sheng saw Li Die approaching him as gently and quickly as a cat, and whispered: "Sir, the kitchen has been ordered. All the things you asked for help to prepare are also arranged. ."


Lu Sheng nodded, got up from his chair, and walked upstairs.

"Come here and help me pick clothes."


Today, it's Lu Sheng

He takes it seriously.

"What do you think I'm wearing… umm, would it be better?"

Lu Sheng opened the closet and saw the clothes hanging in it, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

There are not many clothes in his wardrobe, except for combat uniforms and military uniforms, there are only a few short-sleeved summer clothes brought from home.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Lu Sheng rarely buys clothes, and every time he buys, he buys a lot of similar clothes.

The main reason is that his martial arts strength has soared too fast, and sometimes his clothes will be tattered and unwearable after one shot.

So he always buys clothes only on the quality of the clothes, never on the color and style.

Li Die was a little embarrassed trying to pick out a dress for a formal date from the pile of military uniforms and T-shirts.

Fortunately, Li Die has received professional training, and unless it is very funny, he usually doesn't laugh.

She calmly picked out a few sets of clothes from the wardrobe, put them in front of Lu Sheng, and said, "These are all fine. From what I know about Miss Dong Qingxue, she should prefer adults to wear this set."

Li Die recommended a white shirt with casual military pants, looking simple and refreshing.

Lu Sheng was quite surprised and glanced at Li Die, "Do you know Dong Qingxue?"

"Now in the entire Eastern Military Region, there are probably not many people who don't know Miss Dong Qingxue.

Who doesn't know that the peerless generals in the east go to the burrows alone for the sake of their confidants, fighting in and out, and even thousands of exotic beasts can't stop them…"


Li Die had a look of envy on her face and said, "Miss Dong Qingxue can now be said to be the envy of all female soldiers and officers in the entire Eastern Military Region."

Lu Sheng shook his head with a smile, suddenly remembered something, and asked casually, "That old comrade of your parents seems to be looking for you a lot recently, what's the matter?"

Li Die's eyes flickered, and he said calmly, "Yes, he wants to pursue me and marry me."

Lu Sheng was a little surprised, "How old is he this year?"

Li Die replied: "I'm still young, in my seventies."

Lu Sheng didn't know what to say.

He is nineteen this year, twenty years old, and Dong Qingxue is twenty-eight. There is an eight-year difference between the two.

And the future is destined to become the existence of the longevity species.

In this way, he is still a little worried about whether age will become an obstacle between the two, whether his parents can agree, what friends around him will think, and so on.

good guy.

Li Die's two people are fifty years apart and feel young.

He is also an old comrade-in-arms of his parents. I heard that he hugged Li Die when he was a child…

"The martial arts are prosperous, and the average life expectancy of warriors has greatly increased. These are things that are commonplace and commonplace. I am too conservative…"

Lu Sheng sighed in his heart and said, "What about your thoughts?"

Li Die respectfully said: "I have rejected him many times. Li Die will not marry and will always serve the adults."

Lu Sheng waved his hand: "No need, if you think it's suitable, you can pursue your own happiness. I may not always stay in the Eastern Military Region, you are also young, and the future is still very long…"

"I see, my lord."

Li Die nodded.

Lu Sheng snorted and said nothing, waved Li Die out, ready to change clothes.

Li Die walked out of the room and carefully closed the door.

When she turned around and turned her back to the room, an inexplicable light began to flash in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm still young and should go after…my own life."

Li Die said softly, and walked downstairs step by step.