

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 215

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 215

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

215. The ninth seal, someone with a strong sense of justice like me 3

The man pulled the little girl and walked towards the distant factory.

The wild land shrouded in the night is very difficult to walk, even with a mobile phone and a flashlight, it is deep and shallow.

After walking for a while, the man simply carried the little girl on his back.

Let the little girl grab the flashlight and walk fast under her feet.

He is in a hurry.

The two stumbled and walked away for about 20 minutes, when the little girl on her back suddenly pointed to the front and shouted, "Dad, there is a car ahead."

The man stopped and looked up.

I saw an off-road vehicle that looked down on color parked on a piece of wasteland ahead.

The car is off, but the lights are on.

The orange lamppost illuminates the left side, and you can see the abandoned and ruined factories not far away.

"It's waiting for us!"

The man suddenly became excited and walked – faster.

The legs of the trousers were covered with mud, and they rushed towards the direction of the headlights almost like a trot.

With his feet on the ground, the man put the little girl off his back.

Not bothering to wipe off the sweat on his head, he shouted in the direction of the off-road vehicle: "Ajie! Is that Ajie…"

"Ajay! .."

The man blocked the dazzling light of the headlights with his hands, and vaguely seemed to see a figure shaking in the car.


The sound of the door opening, a figure got out of the car and walked towards him.

The man barely saw the man's face clearly, with a happy expression on his face, picked up the little girl and walked up to him quickly.

"That's great, I can rest assured when you come."

"Hurry up, hurry up, the people from 'Huanyin' will catch up soon…"

As the man spoke, he quickly walked towards the man.

When he came to a position only four or five meters away from the person who came, his feet stopped abruptly.

The whole person tensed up suddenly, and his expression became dull.

Where is the person standing in front of him.

His face was twisted and ferocious, his neck was bent at a strange angle, and his limbs were as stiff as wood.

When the man stopped in his footsteps, the ghastly corpse fell on his back and fell heavily on the ground.

A middle-aged man in a white suit, gentleman's hat, and a handsome mustache smiled at him.

"Caught you, little mouse with a gold mine."

The man's arms holding the little girl tightened suddenly, his face was pale, and he slowly spat out from his mouth: "The ninth seal of the ring seal, the white suit…"



Lu Sheng lightly landed on the roof of the building like a big bird.

But before his feet landed, another Lu Sheng had already jumped towards the top of another tall building.

Lu Sheng jumped quickly between tall buildings like a flea, and there was an afterimage behind him that didn't have time to dissipate.

"Too strong…"

Lu Sheng calculated silently in his heart.

He didn't even use the breath of wind now, and the speed was fast enough to leave an afterimage.

At least twice as fast as before.

If you switch the breath of the wind again, enter the empty state, and use the "Crescent God Wind Flow"….

Even Lu Sheng didn't know how fast his speed could be.


Gently landed in a remote alley, two social youths who were urinating in the corner were startled.

Lu Sheng glanced at the two of them and rushed straight to the city.

Behind him, a social youth with yellow hair on his head stared at Lu Sheng's slowly dissipating afterimage, and screamed loudly.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The green hair next to him was so angry that he kicked his ass directly.

"Grass mud horse, pee on my pants!"


In the driveway, Lu Sheng chased the moving taillights.

When he switched to Breath of the Wind, the cars that were speeding on the highway were left behind by him.


A figure hurried past.

The branches and leaves of the trees by the road were blown to one side by the strong wind.

The speed measuring camera flashes again and again, but if someone calls out the monitor to check, they will find that there is no trace of any person or car at all.

"The ultimate burst speed can be so fast that even monitoring instruments can't capture it.."

"The speed of a general master can reach 200 yards, but it cannot be maintained all the time, but I am different."

The "Natural Breathing Method" circulates itself in Lu Sheng's body, qi and blood are rushing, and physical strength is almost endlessly pouring out from the limbs and bones.

When Lu Sheng came to the abandoned factory site in the western suburb of the city, he stopped, only a thin layer of sweat appeared on his body, and he didn't even catch his breath.

Breathing remains steady.

"It takes more than an hour to drive from the hotel to here, and I arrived in less than 20 minutes, which is really amazing.."

Lu Sheng rarely boasted a word.

But pride makes a person regress, and soon he secretly set a small goal for himself in his heart——

Next, catch the super train!

There is a speed called Lu Sheng speed!

Pull away.

Lu Sheng set his sights on the abandoned factory area in front of him.

It used to be a chemical factory. Later, due to environmental protection issues, the government ordered it to stop working, and it gradually became a desolate place.

"Just right for me to test my punching power."

Lu Sheng didn't dare to go to the martial arts hall or something, for fear that there would be too much noise.

And in Baihe City, there is no place where he can test his current boxing power.

Neither does the City Martial Arts Association. The martial arts association's highest-ranking combat effectiveness testing instrument is still in the martial arts training room at Lu Sheng's house.

Lu Sheng strode towards the factory area.

After the completion of the second stage of the Immortal Golden Body, his five senses have also strengthened a lot, seeing the darkness as day.

The night did not affect him in the slightest, but gave him a more reassuring feeling.

Lu Sheng walked to the front of the factory area, next to an abandoned factory building.

Standing under the wall, mental energy radiated out like light.

Send and receive.

In such a large factory area, no one exists.

This place is so desolate that even wild cats and dogs will not come.

There was a faint light shining in the distance, Lu Sheng glanced at it and saw the outline of the car.

"Maybe it's just a young man who came to fight in the field…"

Lu Sheng thought.

Because the distance was quite far, he didn't check it carefully, for fear of seeing something irritating.

Anyway, he hit a few punches and left, it didn't matter if he disturbed some people.

"Try, pure physical power."

Lu Sheng looked at the tall concrete wall in front of him, his eyes were calm, and he naturally entered the second form of Shiquan Martial Arts.

When he started getting ready to punch.

It can be clearly felt that the muscles and blood in the right arm are entangled together like steel bars.

And quickly differentiated into smaller, more strands of strength, twisted layer by layer, blended…

It's a feeling I've never had before.

Twenty-five times, perhaps already higher…

Stars run spontaneously.

The night sky, starry.

The radiance of the stars and the moon sprinkled on Lu Sheng, Lu Sheng raised his hand and slowly punched the wall in front of him.

This punch has not been fully shot yet.

The air around the fist was slightly distorted, as if the transparent paper was wrinkled little by little.

It's a pity that it melted into the night, and no one saw it at all.

Finally, Lu Sheng punched out completely.

·0 Seeking flowers····



A terrifying roar, like an invisible wave coming from a distance, swept past quickly.

Whether it was a white suit or a middle-aged man, they were all taken aback.

The two turned their heads subconsciously.

I saw that in the direction of the abandoned factory area not far away, a factory building at the end suddenly collapsed.

Then the second and third…

It was as if someone accidentally knocked over a building block on the ground, creating a domino effect.

Because it was in the dark, I couldn't see clearly.

But even so, the continuous huge roar, and the factory buildings being pushed one after another…

The scene was still quite shocking.

Even the white suit was stunned, looking over there fixedly.

The middle-aged man quickly recovered.

He didn't say a word, just turned and ran.


If you can successfully run into the driveway and stop a car, you may have a chance to escape.

But this probability may not be much greater than the probability that he, an ordinary person who does not practice martial arts, will be promoted to the eighth-level Grandmaster on the spot.

When he came, the taxi driver reminded him that this place is a wasteland and it is not easy to take a taxi.


And this time, the "Huan Yin" sent out the ninth case of printing white suits in the organization.

Ninth seal.

Represents a martial arts expert who is at least a seventh-level grandmaster!

I want to catch up with an ordinary person holding a child…

Not to mention that the other party has a car in his hand.

Except for running…

What else can I do?

"Help! Help!"

As the man ran, he shouted at the top of his throat.

This voice drew the attention of the white suit who was looking at the abandoned factory.

Bai Xifu looked at the man who was staggering and running away, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a hint of interest.

"Run and see how far you can run…"

He licked his lips lightly, with a cruel look in his eyes, and stepped forward.


"Is this the physical power I have now?"

Lu Sheng looked at his right hand with some unexpected surprise.

He expected that he would be strong after completing the second stage of the Immortal Golden Body.

But he didn't expect that it would be so strong.

In front of him, four rows of the abandoned factory buildings collapsed.

Completely knocked down by his punch.

At the position where he just punched, a fan-shaped sputtering blank area appeared, extending forward, showing a long… "Fun Dao".

"Without using the will of any grandmaster, without using Astral Qi, and relying solely on physical strength, can I kill a seventh-level grandmaster now?"

Lu Sheng asked himself.

Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question.

Because no master would suddenly come here in the middle of the night, and would like to take the initiative to be Lu Sheng's experimental subject…

"Help! Help!"

The shrill sound cut through the night sky, attracting Lu Sheng's attention.

Lu Sheng's mental power was released, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

"It turned out to be him…"

Then surprise quickly turned to joy.

It was a kind of surprise feeling of breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to go.

"It's a coincidence."

Lu Sheng swayed and flew away in the direction of the sound.

"The middle-aged uncle also brought a baby. In the middle of the night, he was chased and killed in the wilderness…"

"For someone like me with a strong sense of justice, it's really hard not to take action when this kind of thing happens." Knife.