

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 214

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 214

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

214. Qi and blood are like flood dragons, if I become a master, the great master will also be intimidated! 2

In the huge hotel suite, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of water flow stopped.

A handsome middle-aged man in a bath towel came out of the bathroom.


The man picked up the diamond watch on the sofa and glanced at it, and said to himself in a leisurely manner: "The two little mice with gold mines have probably arrived in Baihe City, it's time to solve them, and then officially start. Enjoy my vacation…"

"Beautiful holiday!"

The man stretched greatly.

The qi and blood in the body surging, exuding a body temperature far exceeding that of ordinary people, and the water traces remaining on the body also evaporated, turning into white water vapor and spreading out.

ten minutes later.

Neatly dressed, a middle-aged man in a white suit and tie, even the mustache on his lips was pomade, walked out of the room.

He whistled pleasantly, with one hand on his hips, the other hand and body swaying gently to the melody.

Fine handmade leather shoes rub against the hallway carpet.

The whole person stepped into the elevator lightly in the tango dance steps.

The elevator door slowly closed.

Right below the suite on this floor, in a room.

A thick white fog filled the room, and the temperature was frighteningly high.

If someone steps into this room, they may mistakenly think that they have entered a sauna.

In the hazy water vapor, the large white bathtub in the center of the room made a "crackling" sound like the soup was about to dry up.



A body stood upright from the bathtub, as if a red sun burst out of the clouds.

The heat wave swept through, stirring up the water vapor in the entire room.


The windows of the room were all opened, and a gust of wind rose for no reason, and the water mist was blown out of the window.

When the water vapor and white mist dissipated, Lu Sheng's figure appeared in the room.


Lu Sheng stepped out of the bathtub.

The movement pulls the body, and the muscles on the body rise and fall slightly.

This is a masculine body that is infinitely close to perfection, like a work of art created by God, shining under the light.

Like a stove, like the sun.

Exudes a hot and surging breath.

Immortal golden body, the second stage… complete!

The golden dragon saliva liquid remaining on the body slowly flowed down along the lines between the muscles, but before it landed, it was transpired by Lu Sheng's body temperature.

So that Lu Sheng looked at himself in the mirror, and the whole person seemed to have just been fished out of the pot, and there was a touch of white air all over his body.

The perfect immortal golden body in the second stage directly brought Lu Sheng's physique to a higher level.

The skin, flesh, and bones have all undergone a qualitative transformation.

Even Lu Sheng didn't know what his current physical strength was.

"Try it.."

He walked to the corner of the room and took out the red crystal dragon pattern wrapped in the weapon bag.

Only the tip of the spear was held in his hand like a red dragon tooth.

Lu Sheng put the gun on his right chest and slowly swiped down.

Little by little.

Strong sense of resistance, but not scratched.

When Lu Sheng felt the tingling, he looked down.

It was found that a deep white mark was left in the position just scratched.

The white mark quickly turned red, then faded and disappeared within seconds…

It reverts to a jade-like texture.

"Even if it is a master of cold weapons, don't try to break my defense easily…"

Lu Sheng came to a conclusion and was slightly satisfied.

In fact, even without testing, Lu Sheng can probably guess (badi) the result.

It's like a normal person who sees a round and blunt table edge and knows that it will never cut his own flesh without trying, but it's different when he sees a sharp kitchen knife.

a truth.

Lu Sheng can feel that he is very strong now.

Very strong!

Crazy growth in the chest, the desire to fight and destroy that almost turned into flames is the best manifestation.

"The growth of strength must breed the growth of one's own desires and ambitions, the impulse to trample on the rules.

Therefore, you should have a stronger mind to control this power…"

Lu Sheng looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes flickered slightly, thinking in his heart what kind of way he should find a way to vent his fire.

He didn't want to enter the dream space, and pure mental power battles were not enjoyable at all, even if it was an illusory world that was more than 99% real.

It must be realistic, the catharsis of the fist to the flesh.

"There seems to be an abandoned construction factory in the west of the city. Maybe you can consider going there and punching…"

Lu Sheng thought about it and walked into the shower.

Standing under the sprinkler head, let the scalding hot water splash on yourself.

All the way down from the top of the head.

Body temperature gradually decreased.

Lu Sheng looked at himself, at this time the blood in his body had become…

A very peculiar state.

The blood in the whole body is all connected together to form a condensed but not loose whole.

Lu Sheng didn't know how to describe it.

It can only be said that his original blood was scattered.

Even if it is a grandmaster-level blood quality that falls into a pearl, it is scattered, and it will be scattered after a dozen.

But now it's different, his blood seems to be a blood-colored dragon.

entrenched in the blood vessels.

When he wanted to mobilize the power of qi and blood, the Flood Dragon would quickly swim away, inspiring terrifying mighty power.

"Not only that, but I also feel that the next step…. is very close."

Lu Sheng reached out and touched the position of his heart.

He had a strong premonition.

Once he connects the flesh with the will of the master, the master force field is generated.

Then his qi and blood will instantly reach another new level.


"Blood blood into pills."

Lu Sheng spit out a few words: "The realm of qi and blood of the great master!"

This premonition is extremely strong.

But he clearly hasn't even set foot in the real master state, and has not completely given birth to his own master force field.

Lu Sheng shook his head.

"The path I have taken has long been completely different from that of the warriors of this era. Perhaps it will also be different from the path taken by warriors of the future martial arts for 10,000 years.

This is my only path, and the normal division of realm levels is almost inapplicable to me.."

At this moment, Lu Sheng is truly standing on the threshold of the seventh-level master.

One step further.

It is the generation of the force field, and the seventh-level master realm is achieved on the spot.

But he doesn't want to.

"Not in time."

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered.

He has his own plans.


Water flow stopped.

Lu Sheng walked out of the bathroom with bare feet, his blood moved, and his body temperature evaporated all the water on his body.

It turned into a thick white gas, blurring the bathroom mirror.

Lu Sheng stretched out a hand and smeared the mirror twice, looking at the sharp eyes that were reflected in the clear part.

"If I become a Grandmaster, I will be shocked, and even the Grandmaster will be intimidated…"

"So, I can't become a grandmaster yet."

"Otherwise, it will scare some people away…"

The sharpness in his eyes gradually faded away, and the clear mirror surface was once again covered with mist.

Lu Sheng walked out of the room and put on clean clothes.

He was going to go out, but when he reached the door of the room, he turned back.

came to the window.

"Why so troublesome…"

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and gently folded the riveted iron bars on the window, opening the door wide.

The night wind rushed in from the high-rise building, blowing the curtains on both sides high and fluttering, and also blowing Lu Sheng's slightly longer black hair.

"Still… go out the way I like best."

After speaking, Lu Sheng jumped out of the window.

here is….

The forty-eighth floor of the hotel!


"Master, please go to the suburbs of the Western District…"

A middle-aged man with a child quickly got into the taxi and reported a location.

The taxi driver casually surveyed the two passengers who had just gotten into the car through the rearview mirror.

The man looked to be in his forties, wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, with a shaggy beard and messy hair.

The two dark circles are very obvious, as if I haven't slept well for many days.

The little girl he brought was quite decent and neat, obedient, and didn't speak.

"Why go to that kind of place at night, it's not easy to take a taxi back there…"

The driver said something casually and started the car.

"Oh yes, there are friends waiting there…"

A smile was forced out of the man's face, and he suddenly glanced back, then turned around quickly, looking terrified.

"Psychopath…is a debt evader…"

The driver scolded secretly in his heart, and didn't speak any more, and drove to the destination that the man said by himself.

When the taxi started, the man's mood stabilized a little.

Seemingly relieved for a while, he lowered his head and whispered to the little girl beside him.

"Someone will come and pick us up… just wait for the place.. just wait for the place…"

I don't know if it's to comfort the little girl.

Still comforting himself.

More than an hour later, the taxi stopped in a deserted field in the western suburbs of the city.

The middle-aged man pulled the little girl out of the car and looked around blankly.

It was almost off the road for cars, wasteland and farmland everywhere, and the faint outline of an abandoned factory in the distance.

In the deep night, there seemed to be some terrifying monster lurking, waiting for the two of them to step into the bloodbath that had opened long ago.

"Ask again, is there really a friend who will pick you up? I told you that it will take at least several hours to walk back to the city.."

The taxi driver rolled down the window and asked kindly.

The man shook his head, "I see, thank you."

The taxi driver said nothing, turned around and left.

After the orange headlights were completely gone, the middle-aged man turned his head and took out his mobile phone from his pocket to confirm it repeatedly.

Then he took the little girl's hand and said softly, "Let's go."


The little girl nodded obediently.