
locked up

This is a story about a girl getting ready to leave school and her home to go out into the world, but unknowingly is being stalked and followed by a strange figure in the shadows.

tam_Ford · Teen
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After breakfast i finished getting ready for school and hopped on my bike to go ro class after locking up, riding my bike to school was always so relaxing while on my way i felt like i was beign followed.

I looked around me and saw that the street was empty except for the car behind me feeling a little weirded out i decided to go through the woods the rest of the way, after i got there and parked my bike i headed to my locker to get books for first period history, not noticing someone was approching me hearing the foots steps i turned around to see who was coming closer to me, seeing who it was noticing who it was i said oh look its queen of the goths sandra said in a mocking tone while her followers just giggled. I ignored them finish getting my things ready for class and closing my locker before being shoved up against, j just stayed on the ground collecting my books when an ugly pink heeled shoe stepped on my hand i didn't screem or cry like she wanted and just looked up at her and her followers, they looked like classic high school bullies thight blouses and short skirts, heels and curly hair flowing down there shoulders.

I mean if they were to bend over they would be flashing anyone that passes, hey sandra you need to change your pad the blood leeking through i said it loud enough for anyone in ear shot to ear, eww are you a lesbian why would you look up my skirt the screamed angrily, well if you didn't wear such short skirts i wouldn't see it i mean isn't that what you want for people to see under there i said standing back up with my things. Ashley a short version of sandra with blue eyes instead of green spoke up why are you so weird and gross Tamara, well ashley if you guys found orher people to spend your time with as much i me maybe i wouldn't be so "weird and gross" as you said.

Well said cutie a voice said from behind the girls, we all looked to see a good lokking guy standing there with a weird smile on his face , Toni sandra's second who the fuck are you

the young man made a face at the way he was talked to by toni. I am shawn I'm a transfer student nice to meet you , he said sticking out his hand. Hey maybe you girls might show me around while watching this scene unfold i decided to just leave while there busy ashley saw this and said hey where are you going , without looking back i said to class briskly walking away and not looking back.

Class was the same except for the transfer kid the teach was telling him to give a quick introduction to every one, some girls were mumbling about him beign cute he was kok looking to me short brown hair, green eyes, adimple in his left cheek and standing at around 6 foot.The girls were looking at him like he was a piece of meat ready to be devoured. with all that said he didnt really seem that bad but i had this gut feeling telling me to stay away from he i just get bad vibes from him, i didnt even notice that the teacher had placed him in the empty seat next to me and he was tryinfg to get my attetion.

When i noticed someone was talking to me i looked at him and asked what he needed he just smiled and said, you should be paying attention to the teacher, blinking i just turned away. The teacher mr Robinsion started to talk about histories greatest people and what they have done for there countries.

Mr robinson was going to place us in groups of two, he called evryone up in pairs to collect the papers with the information about our research topics there were four of us that didnt get called yet, me shawn,sandra nad some stoner dude they hangs out at the back of the school.When mr robinson called my name i was hoping it would be anyone but shawn i would even group up with sandra, but to my dismay he said tamara you will be paird with shawn. My heart sank when i heard that, saying sir can i be partnerd with someone else he just looked at me and said no now come collect your research topic shawn got up and got the paper.