
locked up

This is a story about a girl getting ready to leave school and her home to go out into the world, but unknowingly is being stalked and followed by a strange figure in the shadows.

tam_Ford · Teen
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6 Chs

Figure in the window

I got home at around 7 mom and my brothers were getting ready for dinner, tony my twin brother said we were wondering where you where I was about to call you, after seeing that I was upset asked what was wrong those girls had been bothering you again, sighing and dropping my bag in the corner walked over and sat down mom coming in with a pitcher of juice.

Mom asked after sitting down and eating in for a while so what are your plans after graduation Tamara I want to Scotland and start my bakery I said not looking up from my plate, and college still asked knowing I don't plan on going john piped in saying hey ate a slice of the cake you had baked and placed in the fridge it tastes great before she could say more about it.

Dinner had ended after everyone had a slice of the cake, we all just went to a respective place in the house after an hour of doing my homework at my desk I heard my door open turning around to see who came in.

Smiling and seeing that it was my brother's john sat on the bed and Tony came over to see what I was doing hey kitty whats you up he said smiling and, cringing at the old pet name they gave me I said I'm finishing up on my homework, oh ok well were going to a party and wanted to let you know john the quiet one getting off the bed said nd don't stay up too late like time even with the dark eyeliner we can still see those bags girl laughing I said ok and they both walked up and kissed me on the head and left.

Looking over at the clock and finally noticing the time after my brothers left I saw that it was almost 11 PM so I decided to watch one more cat video before bed while laughing at a cat slapping its face I had glanced at the window and saw something there but I wasn't paying attention to it so had to look back but there was nothing there deciding it was time to for bed.

I walked over and pulled the curtains closed after looking out laying down I picked up my phone to see that I had a few messages 2 from the new kid saying hi and asking when we can meet up to start on the project and around 4 from an unknown number I deleted them without checking them, figuring its probably a wrong number thing there's only my mom and brothers number are in my phone I don't have friends to give my number to and just went to bed