
Locked in Madness: Itzel's Descent

Amid a riveting narrative, a renowned boarding school is plunged into turmoil when it suddenly enters an unexplained lockdown, forcing students to navigate the ensuing chaos without the presence or guidance of their vanished teachers. Amid escalating violence and pandemonium, the story centres on Itzel, our main protagonist, and her older brother. Together, they embark on a perilous odyssey to break free from the clutches of the school's descending madness.

Greater_Oat · Urban
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3 Chs


Itzel pushed him back a bit, "Woah, don't get angry with me. Please don't kick my arse." He laughed as Sloan turned to Itzel and Itzel looked down, "Don't let him get in your head."

"Trust me, I already am." She looked annoyed about this as the guy walked away she walked into a random room, without Sloan. It seemed to be a studio room. On one side of the room was a massive mirror spanning the wall and in the corner a boxing bag.

Itzel looked in the corner to see boxing equipment. There was this guy who was sparring with the punching bag and Itzel walked over to him, "I'm using the bag now." The guy looked up at her, he was 5'4.

Despite being intimidated he spoke with confidence, "I am using it, you can wait." Itzel smiled maliciously, "The strongest have the right of way." The boxer looked at her, "I did not ask you a question for you to be saying that."

Itzel smiled, "Let's spar for it." The guy stepped back scared of course, "No. I just want to train in peace." Itzel looked callous now, "I didn't request. We're going to spar for it." The guy raised his hands to his face.

Itzel her hands to her face as the guy called Nero thought to himself, 'bare knuckle? She wants to kill me.' Nero moved closer, his only mistake, she delivered a powerful shot to his liver. He clutched to his side.

She then uppercut him, he was barely standing, "Unfair sparring, I'm not in your weight class. I'm only 45 kilos, you're like 82 kilos." She smiled callously, "And?"

Nero looked at her as she grabbed the side of his face and punched his face four times. His nose was bloody and he was barely conscious, she did it again.

She then performed a haymaker on his chest before he was out cold. She looked at him with a sadistic smile before dropping Nero. She then started training her form punching and techniques.

A guy walked in, he had shorts and a white top. He had long blonde hair. The guy held a blue water bottle in one hand, and he scanned the room before walking to Nero. He shook Nero and when he analysed his face, he recoiled in shock.

He was bruised, cut and unconscious, "Miss? Did you do this?" Itzel didn't even respond, the guy pulled her arm, pulled her arm out and elbowed him. He got sent to the floor, with a nosebleed.

"Do you feel proud of yourself?" The guy said, pissing her off even more. She turned back to the punching bag as he dragged Nero away. Suddenly after 5 minutes of punching the bag in a certain way, a man walked in.

He was muscular, more than her, he was 5'9 and wearing a Star Wars shirt and shorts. He walked up to her, "You mind if I use the bag for now." She smiled with an evil-looking smile.

"Let's spar for it." The guy was confused, "As the great monster of this block, I will do no such thing." She smiled again, "If you are the great monster, you should have no problem beating me."

"Girl, you are unhinged, I'm not going to touch you." She smiled enjoying it, "Just say you can't beat me." She laughed at him as he walked away before stopping, "Actually, let's spar for it."

"Bare-knuckle? Or anything goes?" She nodded at the second option. As he signalled to bring it on, she charged at him and she was surprisingly fast, the monster didn't expect this. She picked him up and threw him.

He handed on his feet but barely. She smiled as she walked to him and as she stood in front of him, he punched her in the face, causing her to stumble back.

She tried to kick him but he grabbed her leg and moved forwards with it. Causing her to fall on her front. She got up but she got kicked in the head. She fell to the ground weak.

She got up as she got kicked in the knee, bringing her to her other knee. She tried to stand but the guy kneed her chin. "Stop!" She got up and walked towards him and kissed him, he was shocked but a searing pain arose in his chest.

She had punched it causing him to fall on his back and gasp for air, "I guess, I'm using the punching bag."