
Locked in Madness: Itzel's Descent

Amid a riveting narrative, a renowned boarding school is plunged into turmoil when it suddenly enters an unexplained lockdown, forcing students to navigate the ensuing chaos without the presence or guidance of their vanished teachers. Amid escalating violence and pandemonium, the story centres on Itzel, our main protagonist, and her older brother. Together, they embark on a perilous odyssey to break free from the clutches of the school's descending madness.

Greater_Oat · Urban
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3 Chs


Sloan pulled Kroos of Itzel, "Is he dead?" Sloan looked at her and didn't answer. Sloan then kicked him in the ribs. His body recoiled, "The Year 7s are going to be here for those 3, we need to get out of here." Itzel stood and started to walk faster, as he shut the door behind her.

"Where should we go now? They came to our classroom. She looked around to see papers scattered across the ground as Sloan walked slowly with Itzel, "ItzelWhere are we going?" Itzel sighed, "The Black building in building 5."

Sloan looked scared, "But they'll reject me, they hate year 7s." He continued, "Itzel, they'll kick me out, I don't want you to get rejected because of me." Suddenly 3 massive year 10s came round the corner dashing. One is a 6'4 Latino. A 6'3 light skin, female with fuzzy hair, who was more muscular than the guy and a 5'9 Asian guy with glasses.

Sloan stood behind Itzel scared, the girl spoke, "Itzel. You practically disappeared. So you've been hiding out here?" Itzel didn't respond, "You never really tried much in class. I'm not sure why, I thought you'd answer my question." 

"We came to take out those 3 sluts. Where are they? They lead us to this floor." Itzel didn't speak and only pointed to the classroom where the Kroos was, and the smaller Asian guy, looked through the class window to see Kroos.

"You did that? So did you take out the other 2?" Itzel only nodded. Itzel then started walking, along with Sloan to a stairwell leading down. The tallest guy pulled out a phone, "It sucks, I'd just call the police but we can't even call anyone outside."

The girl looked frustrated as she grab him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him to the ground, "Everyday fucking day, you are always talking about contacting the police, I told you to stop fucking saying that."

Sloan and Itzel walked down the flight of stairs, "Did you kill them?" Sloan asked concerned as he stopped, "Doesn't matter." She replied bluntly to Sloan as she kept walking, "Before this, you weren't like this happened."

"They tried to do stuff to you. Stuff, you don't understand." She walked back up the stairs to Sloan and reached out her hand, "You're more violent. Blunt. Aggressive. It's like I'm becoming distant from you." 

"Let's go." Itzel said bluntly, she didn't want to entertain this, "You were ripped before but everything went into madness, you must stop caring?" Itzel sighed and kept walking, we walked outside to see the entirety of year 7 being 400 kids all together standing around.

Sloan came down the stairs and kept walking with Itzel, what choice did he have, they walked straight past the classroom which had some year 9s. Itzel peeked her head outside to see the empty courtyard, "Sloan, we'll run across the courtyard," She pointed to a building that said 10 over the doors.

"That should be the black floor." She looked at Sloan and gestured for Sloan to go first and he started running, but she didn't follow. Itzel watched to see if it was safe for Sloan and then she ran as he got inside, she got to the building faster than he did.

She opened the door to see another set of double doors and a stairwell to her left and Sloan was sitting there. "Up." She said as Sloan started to climb the stairs to the second floor. She opened the set of double doors to see around 20-year 10s in the hallways and a few year 10s in the classroom.

They looked up at Itzel and Sloan as a guy tall and black around 6'0, walked towards them with an arrogant smile, "I told you, you would come back grovelling to me." She didn't speak, "If you are here to stay, we need to evaluate your strength. And you, boy, if you overstep in any way because your foster sister is the meanest bitch around, now. I will slam you into the ground kid."

Itzel pushed him back a bit, "Woah, don't get angry with me. Please don't kick my arse." He laughed as Sloan turned to Itzel and Itzel looked down, "Don't let him get in your head."