
Chapter 34

“May we have some assurance that she is in good health?” Carl asked, knowing that this was what was going through Maggie’s mind.

“Iwill assure you! I have given strict orders that she not be harmed in any way.” Juan Carlos smiled as he emphasized the I. “My men obey my orders without question. They are very loyal to me.”

Maggie watched this, trying to remain calm or at least not showing her feelings. It was better to let Carl do the talking. She didn’t trust herself to utter one syllable.

“When will we be able to see her?” Carl asked.

“There will be a time. Does your government wish to have a talk with this woman that does not work for them?”

“Her family wishes to know if she is dead or alive. They have to continue their lives, too.” Maggie took a deep breath and said this in the calmest, most humble way she could.

“Ah,” Juan Carlos turned to Maggie. “Are you part of Se?orita Andrews’ family?”