
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Two Leaders

An orc. Like any other was born in a village on the central region of the grand forest west of Kalnakal. The village he was born in had a population about 300.

As the rate of a monster's growth depends on age and also the mana density. The orc grew very quickly. In just three years he grew to adulthood. Unlike other orcs, he was deemed to be the strongest. It was a strange sight for the village. As there was no orc who had grown as fast as him.

The chief at that time, the one named Destro. Grew worried.

Bragalia grew closer with the other orcs. Helping out whenever he could. His strength and skill made work (from construction to hunting) easier. There was no job in the village that Bragalia couldn't do well.

Once in a hunt, a golden tiger showed up. A dangerous beast. One was enough to rival four or five warriors. It was growling at them, showing open hostility. The orcs around Bragalia were scared. But as warriors they were, they didn't let it show outside. The orcs other than Bragalia understood that even if they would win, they would still be fatally injured. That was a very scary thought.

But Bragalia single handedly strangled the tiger. Without weapon, with only his hands. The sight itself made them feel awesome. It was a feeling that brought both fear and respect.

The rumors spread throughout the village. The strength of Bragalia was both praised and feared. The village grew prideful of having an individual like him.

In the span of five years after his birth, the population increased from 300 to 400. That was the most prosperous period the village had ever seen. The rate of development of the village had gotten much faster with Bragalia's skills combined with the fact that he had turned out to be a great leader and teacher. The sight of this prosperity caused by Bragalia caused Destro to become both jealous and proud.

On the next day, after the Bragalia and some older orcs had hunted down two giant deers. Destro came to Bragalia at night, with all the other orcs sitting by the big fireplace which cooked the day's game.

"You're strong. You're wise. Fight me for the title of elder."

That started it.

Two orcs were looking at each other. Both of them with their specific weapons a spear and a blade. They were regarded as the two strongest and wisest. Beings of both strength and mind. Theirs eyes were sharp, their minds were focused, and their bodies were toned. They both experienced in the ways of killing.

The others were looking at them with awe as they surrounded in a circle.

On the middle of the ring was the campfire, from it the smell of cooked meat filled the air. It was a sight that would forever burn itself to the observers.

The first was Destro. His spear blasted itself towards Bragalia. Due the usage of magic to empower the attack, the spear released a gust of wind that threatened to blow out the campfire and blew a slight cloud of dust.

Bragalia dodged the attack.

The second was Destro. He brought his spear back in an arc. And by using that the momentum brought it high above the sky and brought it down in one swift motion. It struck like lightning, ripping the earth apart and releasing debris into the air.

That too Bragalia dodged.

Destro, who was now slightly irritated. Redirected his spear to his direction once again, tearing more of the ground in the process.

Bragalia used to his hand to stop it in its track. And before Destro could even react, Bragalia broke the spear. He took another step and using his sword he struck Destro in the stomach. The blow was so fast and strong it cut through Destro's leather armor and flung him backwards. In a single hit, Bragalia had won.

Destro now heavily wounded looked at Bragalia with labored breath as he tried his best to endure the pain.

"You're the chief."

Those were the last words Destro said before succumbing to his injuries.

The entire village erupted into a frenzy. They even begin believing what had just happened. Yes, they understood that Bragalia was strong, probably even the strongest. But they hadn't expected him to be this strong. To be capable of killing the previous chief in a single blow that was a feat only the strongest in the entire forest could do - barring the legendary monsters.

After Bragalia had become the chief, the growth of village accelerated even faster. In just ten years, the population of the orcs reached in the thousands. They also began expanding, creating four villages far away from each other on the cardinal direction and a central one.

Orcs began getting stronger and more skilled. Now it only took two soldiers to match a golden tiger. Orcs were also now capable of making more advanced structures, which they had borrowed from Bragalia who would go out on exploration campaigns for out of the reach of the village.

The society of the orcs was prospering and they quickly became one of the most dominating races in the area. This had caused them to be under the eyes of Kalnakal from the west. The governor, Layden Kalnakal, was interested in the orcs as well as worried. As, if the orcs were to prosper and develop at this rate, they would quickly become one of the dominating forces of the southern continental. It would be the rise of a second monster empire, just like the one on the north. It would be good for the entire country of Indrestra to exterminate them before it became a problem. Though, an even bigger reason was the fact that there was going to be an impact on how much resource Indrestra could take out from the forest if the orcs were to be opposed to their homeland being sucked dry. But Layden was a man of patience and opportunity, he wanted to see if the orcs could be useful. It was for certain that they could at least be reasoned with.

In one of his exploration campaigns, Bragalia met a mysterious man. Followed by a legion of troops number in the hundreds. From his eyes, they were all elites. Equal to two or three warrior orcs. But the one that took most of his interest was the mysterious man who seemed to be far stronger, having possessed strength which was almost 10% his own.

A man then came forward from the back. His red eyes looked dangerous and his jet-black hair represented true darkness. Even though Bragalia understood that even if it were to go bad, he would still win singlehandedly, he was afraid of the man. To him, looking at the man felt as if looking at a deep dark hole of absolute the darkness. It was as if he was looking at the Abyss.

"I am the governor of the city from the west of your village. Or Villages now. I have been looking at you coming near my territory and also your village prospering."

Bragalia nodded. He understood the human tongue, even if it was slightly. He could get the the parts he didn't understand through body language.

The team of forty orcs behind Bragalia were all surprised and afraid. So they didn't do anything and let their leader do whatever he did - which they had no understanding of in the slightest.

"How do you like Kalnakal? Tell me? Is it beautiful?" the man asked. This was the first time the man seemed to be genuine and showed true curiosity.

"Yes. It's most magnificent," Bragalia replied truthfully.

"Hehe, I like that! So, I am here for a deal," the man said as his eyes looked straight at Bragalia, which made him flinch in fear. "Listen here. The country wants you all dead. Your presence possess a threat. You are an entity that can, in the future, be a force that might possesses might close to the strongest empire in the world. So it would be better to just end your entire village, even if it ends up destroying a chunk of the forest."

Bragalia listened carefully. He was feeling fear for the first time in his entire life. He was getting anxious. He couldn't think straight. What was he supposed to do next? Kill him? Yes, he can. But what after that? Bragalia understood the concepts of country. It was word he had heard in a village which was very far away - the farthest he had been. It was the same concept he was trying himself. If he earned the wrath of a country, even with his level of strength, he would still be powerless. That was for certain after seeing just the sheer amount of people in just Kalnakal. He couldn't imagine fighting that many people.

"We promise we will not pose threat!" Bragalia pleaded.

"I was talking. And I don't like when people interrupt me when I am talking," the man said with slight anger. It made Bragalia feel a pit form in his stomach. As if he had just enraged a dragon. "But I'll let it slide this time. By they way, did you not understand when I said a "deal". Oh, you probably didn't. Anyways, a simple deal. You work for me. I'll make sure your recognized as the vassal of the country and will provide you with some of *my* territory and support to fuel your villages. And my support includes everything you could want. Do you understand?"

Bragalia felt it a little hard to understand but he could get the gist of it. He felt a wave of relief as he heard that he and his people weren't going to be killed.

"I understand... my lord," Bragalia said respectfully.

Bragalia didn't want to upset the balance here. He had to make sure that the man understood who was in power here. For that he would do anything.

Bragalia was about to kneel down to hone that point.

"No. Stand up. No need for kneeling down. I don't like people in authority lowering themselves in front of their own people. Enemies, I can kind of understand, but I consider you an ally for now. This is an unacceptable behavior for a ruler. Really should teach you how to act like a king."

The man was angry, and it made Bragalia feel fear. But he also felt a new found respect for the man.

"Let's start with introductions. My name is Layden Kalnakal, Archduke of Indrestra, and governor of Kalnakal. These people are my elite squadrons. Though only a part, got some hundreds more back home. And that guy over there is the cheapest strongest guy in the city, Tri Zel. And yes, he is from the ancient tribe."

Bragalia nodded. He as also interested in the mysterious man now. For he understood the word Zel. It meant "Fire" in a burning sense - as in a tree on fire. He could understand now that he looked closer at the person. He was a fire magic user through and through.

"I understand. My name Bragalia. Leader of the villages. These are new warriors. They accompany me for expeditions of the outside world and also training."

"I see. Pretty interesting business you got going there. Let's get to actual business now. I don't trust you. Monsters are known to have racial hatred for humans like normal beings. So, for me to give you my full support, I want to house 95% of your entire population in Kalnakal. They'll get my support, but I won't speak for my people. Got some hatred there as well from our side. If you do agree to do that for three years. Let's say that you're looking at the backing of the most prosperous city of Indrestra. Do you agree?"

Bragalia was a little reluctant. He looked at the orcs behind him to see them all curious and afraid. He closed his eyes and sighed. If this deal worked out well, it would be great for both ends. But like Layden couldn't trust him, he couldn't trust Layden.

"75%. I am sorry but I can't go any higher. As like you, I don't trust you." The soldiers surrounding Layden all gasped in fear, making Bragalia feel more anxious about the whole situation. "If you agree to that. I will also agree."

"So deal?" Layden asked.

"Deal," Bragalia repeated.

Layden smiled. "We got some guests, then. Bragalia you're all going to come to Kalnakal and that's an order. Tri here should escort you to High Fort, that's our military base. There should be a soft looking guy called Damien, but he's a super racist so be careful."

Layden then looked towards the soldiers. "Everyone go towards Edwards and call those losers. I'm going to give everyone a lecture."

Ladyen looked at Bragalia and gestured him to follow. Bragalia nodded and gestured the still very surprised orcs to follow.

Tri was the first one to walk towards Bragalia as Layden went off to the front and starting leading.

"So, Bragalia, eh. Nice to meet you. My name is Tri, 1 star gold-rank adventurer. And like our great leader said, we're going to be stuck together for a long while," Tri introduced himself in a rather relaxed and joyful manner. It was clear from his eyes that he was excited.

"Nice to meet you. I'll be in your care."

Prequel is something I really shouldn't be getting into. Even if the first chapter is about an event that takes place no where close to what our pathetic main character's present and is only there for world building purposes. By the way, Bragalia's backstory. And also some world building. Thought I would never get to it, huh?

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