

more about possibilities than a story but still it's a story, I just mean you have to use your imagination, you will see, just give it a shot.

lyckyhay · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Hey guys, I'm Nyo, your host for this part of your life, I'm really sorry for what's coming next, but you're such losers. A lot of you don't even deserve the chance of surviving until now or being able to go through Sillatress.

It's actually funny how much useless and worthless creatures you represent, I'm talking about all of you, neither one tried so hard to win. We didn't make rules for the 21 cards but you made it, we didn't say to play nobly but you did. A lot of you got scared and hid while the others fought for what they wanted and that's the difference between people.

But whatever, it doesn't matter because now either you go to Sillatress or you get transformed to your old world and start over. Your choice...

This might seems good but if you get back to your world, you mostly going to become slaves for people who succeed in Hillaris, and if you're asking what Hillaris exactly is, I'm not answering, but I'll tell you what's Sillatress.

To begin with, Sillatress is a sort of someplace in a weird dimension, where nightmares become true, where emotions become realistic and where fear is the ruler.

Defeat your fear, you win the game...

Sounds simple, it really does, so let's make it more challenging. How about I randomize your fears? you know... emotions can be played with... it's going to be amazing watching you running, screaming, and crying all the time, and by the way, you can't die, you're not going or get old, you're not going to starve unless you're fear is to be hungry... you're going to live on fear forever.

I wanna see you suffer, amaze me, please...

Now, we talk about the rules, it's not an endless loop, you can survive it if you try, so either you win or you escape, but how?

Facing your fear equals winning it's not that hard, you just need to be brave and don't think about it a lot, just do it, it's an act, not a thought.

But most of you are definitely not going to win, so I suggest escaping. Like I said before Sillatress is a place in a dimension meaning there are other places you can visit there. Sillatress is the fear land but there are other emotional lands, however, you need to choose the feeling you want to live in the rest of your life and there where you will go. And just to be clear it's a one-time choice, when you choose where to go it's impossible to change it no matter what you do.

How escaping is quite complicated, you just have two options, one you either create an emotion more powerful than the fear you have, and yes you can do it, or simply, you have to change your fear to whatever other emotion you want, meaning you have to replace the essence of what fear represent to some other feeling, meaning that something you're afraid of will stay but what will change is how it makes you feel.

Finally, if you manage somehow to win or to create another way to survive your miserable lives, you'll get the chance to go through Hillaris. And by the way, time doesn't really have a meaning in the emotional dimension, it is way slower than any other place in the universe.

Easy said than done, hope you good luck, and let's start.