
The Generals Arrive!

"Ugh-." Then he gets hit with a fire ball. "The heck? I know I dodged tha- oh. It's the silent one."

"Haha! Nice work Jade!" Ruby shouts while Jade simply nods his head.

It was jade using his wind power with Ruby's fire balls to make the speed go faster and more powerful. "How does it feel getting a taste of underestimating us too huh!" He then flips Eon off.

"..." Jade pace palms.

"With the way you act like a child, can you really blame me." Eon says.

"You!" Ruby's face turns red and he chokes up from being to angry.

"Besides, it took two of you to mildly wound me. Add to the fact that I can seriously injure one of you in a heartbeat. Do you really think that I'm underestimating you? Only if all seven of you work together can you make me on the brink of death. Don't get too cocky!" The presure from him emits out pushing back Ruby and Jade.

"Damn it!"

"Ruby. Eon's right. We are, not stronger, to him." Jade finally speaks, but in broken English. "Need help."

"Damn it!"

"Might if I join in!"

A punch suddenly comes from above and strikes at Eon from behind.


"Che, missed." Low and behold, the one who threw the punch was Catherine.

"You know, if you hadn't spoken you might of had at least grazed me." 'With her in the mix plus Jade and Ruby, my movements are limited.'

"Humph! Trash like you are very easy to trample under my shoes. You should be great full that I'm even speaking to you. What chaos pearl? In the end a pearl is still a pearl and cannot out shine a gem not matter how hard it tries." She then flips her hair and postures herself as if she's the best.


He closes his eyes and places his hand over his pearl."You're right." His eyes suddenly open. "I am just a pearl, but unlike a couple of unrefined gems who only know how to clash with each other when put together. We pearls are strung together are way more valuable." He then sneers at her and removes his hand.

"You son of a-"

Ruby started to curse but gets interrupted when Eon charges at him with his spear. Eon comes close to penetrating Ruby's defense until Catherine comes in between then and grips Eon's arm and tries to trow him over her shoulder. Eon simply just twists his body mid air and lands on the ground not to far away.

"Don't get distracted and loose your cool. I always save your ass." Catherine yells at Ruby.


"No, talking more," Jade says.

"Jade's right lets get this trash and be done with it," she says.


On the other side of the battle Greg has just reached Cindy.

"Cindy! Dammit hang in there!" He uses his water powers and encases her in a water bubble and glows with a gentle light. The water starts to clean off the blood and dirt on Cindy, expelling all the dirt and keeping the blood.

"That's great she's still alive." Greg sighs in relief. He then starts to gauge the wounds. 'How powerful! It went straight trough her suit penetrating her making a clean wound but, when he tore his spear out the wound became more severe making hard for her wound to close and self heal.'

He then puts his hand on her wound. 'What's this?!'


He pulls his hand back. 'It's like I've been burned with acid. What is that poison? No.' He reexamines the wound. 'That's, the energy that emanates from his body. The chaos pearl and the spear of cataclysm he said. What vicious energy it emits! It's as if it's alive and trying to destroy everything.'

Greg then turns to look towards Eon seeing him wield the spear and have the dark energy surround him.

"Just how is he withstanding all that. His entire body must be screaming in pain and agony. Just how is he still keep a natural look on his face. I can barely withstand a sliver of it's touch." Shaking his head he turns back to Cindy. 'It doesn't matter. What I need to do is find out how I can heal Cindy and extract the energy from her without harming myself.' He then begins to work using the water to draw away the energy to a separate bubble and transfusing the lost blood and medical liquid into her body healing her.

"Hey are we almost there yet?"

"Yes, we'll be there in a minute so get ready to fight and don't get caught up in a tornado. Remember to search for the object while we're at it. Also don't catch a cold from the heavy rain and wind. Oh, and make sure to-"

"Ugh! That's enough Pandora. Stop being a worry wort over every little thing."

"Ha ha ha. It can't be helped Age, you are the youngest of the group and Pandora is just like that."

"Don't rub my head! I'm not a child I'm only fifteen and have already started thinking about girls. Besides Pandora's only three years older than I am- Hey! I said don't touch me!"

"Mars, that's enough. You'll make each other fall at this rate." (A)

"Yes, I'll stop. I'm only teasing him. Besides the so called girl he's interested in is our Sovereign, when we all know he's a guy."

"We don't know that. No one has seen the Sovereign in person. Not even us generals who were directly bestowed with his power." (A)

"Chronos is right Mars. If the Sovereign was really a girl you and Eon would be in for it and I can't wait to see the look on your face when I'm right." Age boastfully proclaims.

"Age and Chronos are right. We all know nothing. It doesn't really matter at this point. Once we meet up with Eon at least one of questions will be answered." (B)

""What's that?"" Everyone asks.

"What the Sovereign has been looking for all these years and why she wants it. Look up ahead it seems that the battle has already started and Eon has awakened his chaos pearl. Let's hurry!"

"Ah! Loki even you said 'she'! You also think it's a girl! Come back! Don't avoid the topic!" Mars yells after Loki and chases after him.

Flying through the air without any device or power aiding them the Eroded Generals of Paradox have arrived at the battlefield.

I'm starting to get sidetracked by reading other books and loosing sense of time. If I forget a chapter please remind me. Thank you.

P.S. When it's seven Generals not six. Sorry my mind really has been wondering.

Ventiacreators' thoughts