
The Crystal Amidst the Tornado!

"Stay still you trash!"

Catherine tries to hit Eon but keeps missing him every time. He simply moves around the field either dodging the attacks or trying to attack.

"Why should I? After all the only reason I'm fighting you all like this is because I'm trying to buy time for the others to get here."

"What! The other generals are coming!" Ruby exclaims in shock.

"No. They are already here." 'Just in time too. I can't keep this form for long unless I want to test how long I'll stay sane. This energy really takes a toll on my mind.'

Just like Greg imagined, those that have the power of the chaos pearls are in immense pain. Although it does nothing to their bodies physically, it tries to overwhelm them mentally.

"They here! Leader!" Jade yells towards Greg using his wind powers to carry his voice.

"Sh*t! We are no match for them if they join the fight." Greg has finished healing Cindy and is now carrying her towards Amy that is seated on an elephant. "Everyone regroup we need to focus on finding the object first. Try to stall Eon as long as you can while using your powers to dig in the surroundings."

"We're sorry, but it's too late."

Everyone looks up towards the six people that are floating in the air.

"Pandora you don't have to apologize for something like that. Even if we are late it's their fault for trying to steal our treasure," Age explains.

"We're looking for treasure? How do you know Age, you're just a kid. We're not pirates or treasure hunters. Why is it treasure?"

"Don't rub my head! I'm fifteen not twelve!" Age slaps away Mars's hand. "Besides, isn't the item something we're looking for something precious to us? What's more precious than treasure?"

"Age makes sense. In a way, what we're doing is no different from treasure hunting." Loki says.

"Don't forget Loki. We still remember your words on you calling the Sovereign a 'she'." Mars points at Loki.

While the rest of the generals were bickering while landing on the ground. The heroes were frozen stiff trying to think a way out of this situation.

"Leader what do we do? Without Cindy, we won't be able to get a clear signal from HQ in this storm even if the rain and hail has stopped, the lightning has interfered too much. We're on our own." Amy worriedly says while fastening Cindy on the back of the elephant.

"We can't do much at this rate. Besides I don't think Cindy would have been able to do anything even she wasn't injured. Did you notice that even though there's lightning from the storm., neither Cindy nor Eon were it to make themselves stronger."

"How is that possible?! Cindy has always been able to harness anything that has electrical power. Even Eon used a lightning rod on top of a building in New York to make a power outage in order for him to escape."

"It only means that whatever object they are looking for is so powerful that it effects the natural surroundings and suppresses our powers. Even Eon's."

"Is that what they've been looking for all this time. We can't let them have it no matter what!"

"I know."

"Hey did you notice. Are powers are being suppressed by something the moment we arrived here."

Loki and the others land and survey the surroundings while trying not to get blown away.

"Yeah, yeah, it's like I can't draw power from nature and my pearl is feeling a lot lighter then usual. I can think a lot clearer then before." Age jumps up and down excitedly.

"I'm worried that we won't be able to do anything at this rate." Mumbles Pandora.

"Eon, have you felt this before?" Chrono asks.

"Not at first no. I only realized when I couldn't use the natural lightning to aid me. The feeling has only gotten stronger the storm gets." Eon says in his normal form.

"Looks like we'll be able to find it the moment a tornado appears in our excavation site. Bet twenty bucks that it will be in the eye of the tornado." Loki bets at Eon.

"We need to dig up the ground first before that happens. Otherwise with our powers suppressed we won't be able to escape the suction force of the tornado in the first place." Chrono explains.

"We don't have to wait that much longer look! It seems that a tornado is already coming down right on top of us!" Age points up excitedly.

"Of course you'd be happy to point that out." Mars gloomily says.

Everyone looks up and sees the clouds circling above them.

"We should get to a more safer spot." Loki says.

""Agreed."" Everyone says and then runs as if they're chased by ghosts.

Not to long after that the lackeys in Paradox follow along with the heroes.

"Leader are we simply going to retreat like this?" Ruby cries out.

"They also must have realized that their powers are being suppressed and are retreating. Even if we stay there's nothing much we can do at this point without involving Cindy getting more injured."

"Tch! Those trash are lucky." Catherine says.

"Leader! Help! My body is too light to run in this storm!" Kai comes running across the field. Apparently since he's a ninja his clothes are designed to be light and are capable of gliding. However, he's now getting blown away and sucked into the tornado.

"Quick grab the rope!" Greg pulls our a small grappling hook out towards Kai's direction.

"Whoa!" Kai nearly dodges the hook and grabs the rope. "Leader, are who trying to hunt me or help me?" Kai cries as he dangles in the air clutching his life line. "Quick! Reel me in!"

"Kai try to see if there's anything from up there that's causing our powers to be suppressed."

"What! Now!"

"That's an order!"

"Fine!" 'I hate this job!' Kai spins around the air like a kite with no tail. 'Ugh, I'm going to be sick. Huh? What's that!'

He gazes into the middle of the tornado and sees something glowing, slowly rising from the ground and into the air. 'It looks like a...crystal ball?"

Whoops nearly missed this chapter. Glad I wrote most of it before hand and finished it on Saturday. Anyway stay tuned for more.

Ventiacreators' thoughts