
Retreat of the Heros

"Oh well. Let's get this crystal back to the base. The Sovereign will be pleased once we bring back the item she covets so dearly."

"Loki, you sound like a creepy villain, and don't sound so perverted when speaking of the Sovereign like that." Mars shows up with Age in his hand holding him like a kitten. "The Sovereign is most definitely a man. No more of your jokes."

"But Mars! The Sovereign is a girl! You can tell by the way she speaks!" Age whines.

"That's enough you three it's time to go. Tell the employees that they'll get their full pay and leave. We'll need to find more people that are willing to work for us after this now that we have injured one of the heroes and our reputation will take a turn for the worse." Chrono says. "Eon, if what you said is true then they will try to snatch the crystal ball from us. Do you have an idea how to handle this?"

"You, Age and Pandora will take the crystal ball back to Paradox's headquarters while me and the others stay here to deal with the aftermath."

"What if they try to follow us. What will we do then?" Pandora asks.

"They won't. They'll be too busy worrying about themselves."

"OK. We believe you. Just don't try to exert yourself if anything doesn't go the way you think it does." Chrono says.

After the chat, the generals split up. Eon, Mars, and Loki stayed behind.

"Where do you think you're going!" Ruby shouts out. He runs after Pandora and the others holding a fire ball in his hands.

"If wish to save your friend I seriously consider stopping what you're about to do." Eon nonchalantly says.

"Ugh!" Ruby puts out his fire.

"Eon. What did you do?" Greg asks.

"You should of realized the wound I gave her isn't ordinary. If we were to fight and she doesn't get proper treatment in time she will die. Even if you have great healing powers Greg it's no different than using your mouth to draw out poison. You can't cure or draw out the energy without me, so just drop any ideas you have about us and the crystal ball if you want me to save her."

"You'd planed for this." Greg states as a fact not a question.

"Our goal was never to kill you guys or others. We just have to do whatever it takes to make sure we don't disappoint our Sovereign as you have towards the common people. You're not going to choose her life over her mission are you? Everyone knows once a hero dies a new hero won't be born until all the others die. What tragedy." Eon mocks them.


"We'll retreat. It's your win Eon." Greg reluctantly says. He then picks up Cindy in a princess hold and carries her away with the others.

"Leader, are we really just going to let them go!" Ruby complains.

"We don't have time to fight it out with them if what he said is true Cindy won't last much longer." Greg answers.

"*Bleep!*" (Censored because the author does not like swearing)

"Tch. That trash only knows how to do underhanded means." Catherine says.

"...Even if we were to fight them we'll still be on the loosing side. Getting injured, probably even killed. I don't want that to happen. You know we can't loose a single one of us." Greg states.

"..." (Everyone.)

"Well, are you all done talking. If so then please give me the girl." Eon says.

"Don't try anything or-" Kai gets interrupted.

"Or what? You'll kill me? That's fine. I'm already dead anyway."

"What do you mean by that?" Amy asks.

"You won't understand."

Greg puts Cindy down in front of Eon and covers her in his powers.

"You want to see if you can figure out how I extract the energy from her. Alright, you can watch. You're not powerful enough." Eon then puts his hand over Cindy's wound that's in the water. Dark energy starts to seep out of her body and her skin that looked dead now looks like it has come back to life. "There you go. All healed."


"Eon, just what is your so called Sovereign up to? He doesn't kill people, doesn't steal, and only wants that unknown object. You and the other Generals are powerful enough to take over a large country, but you don't do that. Just what is his goal?" Greg asks desperately.

Everyone around them looks on anxiously, waiting to hear the answer to the questions.

"I honestly don't know. No one knows to be honest. Me and the other generals are just people the Sovereign picked up and took under his wing and now work for him. If it weren't for him me and the others would have died a cruel death. He even promised us that he'll grant our wish. So far he hasn't lied and kept his promise. We only follow his orders. However, don't be mistaken Greg, just because we haven't killed before doesn't mean we can't. We were given the order to do whatever it takes to take that object back even if it meant killing you. Please don't misunderstand we are definitely not the good guys, but we are not the bad guys either. It's just war." Eon then takes back his hand and stands up. "She's going to be fine now. She won't wake up for a while."

"Alright." Greg then addresses the team. "Let's head back to base, Blaire is probably waiting for us there so we can use the equipment she brought to examine on Cindy. Let's not waste any time. Move out."

""Yes Leader!""

Greg once again carries Cindy in a princess carry and the others follow behind him with heavy footsteps, thinking on how they miserably failed in their mission.

Eon looks at their backs and sighs.

"Cheer up Eon. At least we don't have blood on our hands this time." Loki comes in at a bad time.

"Yes, I know. I just have a feeling that what we're doing is right, but somehow wrong, like we picked up a present at our doorstep only to realize there's a bomb inside just ready to blow."

"We've already done things we're not proud of already. What's the worst that could happen?" Loki then walks off with his hands behind his head.

In the future when Eon remembers this scene he truly wishes that he could of destroyed the crystal ball. Never to have done something he regrets forever.

I'm starting to get confused about the number of generals I've written down. Eh, I'll just make corrections along the way. It's either six or seven generals. It's been a long week and I've gotten off a sleeping schedule so this chapter is sloppy. Sorry about this.

Ventiacreators' thoughts