

Hero's POV

In the temporary base in a Kansas town, Greg and the others are waiting in a hospital set up by the government. Blaire has just arrived and sees this site.

"...Cindy. How could of this have happened to you." Blaire says in a solemn voice as she sits in the waiting room with the others.

"Wipe out that sad look on your face. She's not dead." Catherine says.

"I know that. It's just that, I'm worrying for her. Can't I?"

"NO. You cant'."

"Easy Cathy. It's not Blaire's fault that Cindy got hurt." Amy says.


"What's wrong Blaire? Does your forehead hurt you look very tired, are you sick?" Amy asks.

"I think I'm just jet lagged. I'll be fine after I get some sleep."

"I forgot normal people get sick on flights, since we never do. Everyone should get some sleep after what happened today, right leader?" Amy asks.

"Yes. Sitting around here won't do anything. Tomorrow we will most likely have to face the criticisms from the higher ups so everyone we need to be in top condition." Greg answers.

"Yes Leader (Boss)." Everyone.

Paradox's Main Headquarters

After Eon and the others finished cleaning up and dismissing everyone, they arrive at Paradox's Headquarters where they answer to the Sovereign.

Six of the generals are walking with the crystal ball towards a deep underground chamber with hardly anyone in site.

"Here we are again. I really don't like this place. It feels as if it's an empty world all together. Why does the Sovereign insist on building this place, there's nothing to guard here anyway." Loki complains.

"It's probably for the crystal balls. It would explain the reason why nothings been down here in the first place." Chrono explains.

"Still- Atlas has been down here this whole time and hardly done anything besides guard an empty room. I feel kinda bad that he's all alone all the time." Age adds in.

"Well I guess that's why he was given the name of 'Atlas'. It just means that he holds a great responsibility. More than any of us." Eon says.

"Hey Eon. Do you think we'll get an explanation on what this crystal ball is?" Age asks.

"... I don't know, perhaps. I don't really have the courage to ask."

"I'll ask. I'm dying of curiosity to find out what this thing is and why it effects us and the heroes." Loki chimes in.

"Better not Loki. We do not want to overstep our bounds and make the Sovereign angry." Chrono warns.

"Jesus! It never hurts to ask." Loki exclaims.

"Curiosity killed the cat." Age says.

"I'm not a cat."

"No, you're not. Cat's have nine lives while you have one." Mars laughs. "A cat has the arrogance to be curious. While you, are just courting death."


"Enough you guys, we're here." Eon says.

After the walk in the long corridor they finally reach the end with a man standing in front of a door. The man was huge with big muscles and his head nearly reaches the ceiling.

"Atlas! We're here! Long time no see! Sorry we couldn't visit you last week, we've been so busy with the work the Sovereign has given us." Age rushes over and greets Atlas.

"I've heard. You've found the object he wanted at last did you?" Atlas smiles back and speaks in a gentle tone.

"Yes! We've finally did it! We went up against the Heroes of Ark and won! Isn't that amazing! You have to come in side with us and look at what we're going to do with it." Age jumps around Atlas excitedly.

"You know I can't leave this spot unless the Sovereign allows me too. You'll have to tell me after it's over."

"He's right Age, don't make things difficult for Atlas. Alright let us pass." Eon says.

"Go right in."

Eon and the others walk around Atlas and enter the door.

"We'll tell you everything once the meetings over." Eon says back.

"Alright Atlas says.

The walk into a darkly lit room devoid of anything except six pedestals in the center of the room forming a circle. In the middle of the circle a holographic figure appears. It's shape blurring like static on a TV.

"Place the orb on one of the pedestals." The figure that spoke was the Sovereign. It's voice horse as if it had never drank any water in its life and was unable to tell if male or female. Pandora took out the crystal ball from her box and carried the orb to one of the pedestals. Once it was placed it hovered in mid air not silently glowing without anything happening.

"What you see before you are the orbs of origin. The orb you have brought is known as En Bret. One of six. En Bret, En Lan, En Rin, En Wen, En Yen, and En Aht. An ancient power long forgotten by man along with it's ancient language."

"..." Everyone is completely silent, surprised about the information that has been revealed.

"You are all surprised that there is an even more ancient power than the Heroes of Ark. I can not blame you. Even the powers embedded in you are derived from the lost history of man kind. The truth is that our history goes far more back than you realize. Long before the people known as the Heroes of Ark have ever appeared. It's just that the history has been completely forgotten that not even the most powerful of people in the government can only say that it's a legend by the clues they've found.

"En Bret has already awoken from it's long slumber and soon the others will awaken too."

"Excuse me Sovereign, I hate to interrupt but, you said that we might have a lost history. Are you saying that we've lost an entire civilization and what do the orbs do exactly?"

"LOKI!" Chrono yells.

"What? I'm just asking. I think we need to be more clear about what we're dealing with here in case we get stuck on our mission."

"... It's alright Chrono. The next time you go on a mission the power of the orbs may be more than all of you can handle.

"I'll tell you about how our world came about and, how our world was nearly destroyed."

I'm going to take a break. I'm not feeling well and I can't get any sleep. I'll still be writing the story, but I won't be posting on the set dates since I'll be writing little by little. Once I've completed a chapter I'll post it.

Ventiacreators' thoughts