
LIVING WITH VAMPIRE BROTHERS All is fair in love and war Be my lover

Ayobami_0060 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Third Person POV

The sound of a bell ringing could be heard in the large room . The room was filled with different kinds of creatures and monsters.

All wearing high class dresses and suits.

A small figure was seen in the front of the large auditorium .He wore a long , tight sleeveless gown which hugged his body and had a collar on his neck and chains on his arm and leg.

The sound of the bell made him open his eyes. He adjusted his eyes to the lighting of the room. His hazel eyes looking at everything in the room with confusion.

William's POV

" Where the hell am I" I thought as I was looking at everyone in the room. They all looked strange to me ,last thing I remembered was going to bed crying .

Suddenly a man with long silver hair wearing a black outfit came and spoke in a weird language to the guests. They all started to raise their hands and talk .

They all gasped as a man stood up and spoke . He wore a three piece suit that matched with his red hair . The man with the silver hair said something that shocked me

"SOLD", I couldn't believe it ,I was sold to the man with red hair .

l thought I was in a dream and closed my eyes hoping to wake up. I opened my eyes only to realize I was not dreaming I was actually sold

I was given a new pair of clothes to wear . They took off the chains and collar before handing me to the man I was sold to . We left the building in a car.

The trip was three hours long but felt longer than expected as it was too quiet. We arrived at a huge gate that opened itself and inside was the biggest mansion I ever saw. It was half the size of an amusement park.

We were greeted by a bunch of maids and butlers . I was lead to a room by one of the maids . The room was furnished with expensive looking furniture that was five times my salary.

The lady offered me a weird drink that smelled horrible but I couldn't refuse so not to hurt her feelings. I gulped it at once trying not to smell the horrid odour.

"Huh, it doesn't taste like anything " I thought looking at the glass. " Sir ,are you okay" the lady asked me looking confused at my facial expressions. " yeah I'm fine"I said smiling awkwardly .

I felt a small tug on my clothes, I looked down at the little kid . He was so cute with his light brown hair and red eyes that could drown a person in warmth under his gaze and his slightly chubby cheeks coloured by a little blush . His dressing was even cuter with his white shirt and short black pants and blue socks finishing it up with white shoes and black suspenders.

" W - will you play with me"he asked with puffed up cheeks and teary eyes. I couldn't help myself and picked him up , "Okay I'll play with you , what do you want to play." I walked to the room the boy was pointing at.

" Hey , so what's your name kid" I asked him while walking "Dylan " he said shyly before looking down at the floor. "Dylan, that name really suits you " I said smiling at his blushed face.

We arrived at the room and played games with each other till we fell asleep." I have never had this much fun before, thank you Dylan." I said before falling asleep.