
Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto (COMPLETED)

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED. A young man died, tired of the pain he felt because of sickness, but when he thought that it was over, he met someone who gave him the same choice as everyone else who had no place in either hell or heaven: being reborn. Luckily for him, he is offered one wish, like the others. But be careful, why would you be given memories, a body, or chose the place you are reborn without wishing for it? Let’s wish for something that has yet to be forbidden by the rules and begin a new life in the world of Naruto, by being born in the same era as the Sannin. There is a lot to discover in such an interesting world after all. ==================== Please, read the ‘Author's Note Before Reading’. There is a harem of three, two of whom were chosen by the readers. I do not own anything directly related to Naruto. I only own OCs. The cover image is not mine and if the creator wishes for me to remove it, I will.

Yasashiki · Anime & Comics
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114 Chs

Chapter 35

'Urgh... I never enjoyed having a serious talk with Hiruzen' I thought as I was in front of him while he made everyone around us leave for privacy

Tsunade finally allowed me to get out of the hospital so the first thing I had to do was to report to him.

He got up and looked at the window before asking "So... Care to tell me what you did exactly?" with a strict voice before adding "I understood that both Kiri and Kumo allied themselves to assault Uzushiogakure and you, no, your summon came back with around fifty Uzumaki members."

The presence of the library inside Shiromari is something I didn't tell him, and only Mito should know about it for now.

"I left a formula at Uzushiogakure to teleport there if I needed and I had a gut feeling that something wrong was happening so I left, barely saying anything." I first announced while he stayed stoic

'Let's get to what he wants to know'

"Kiri assaulted them, bypassed the trapped sea with around a thousand shinobi. Most of them were Jōnin and Chūnin, two Swordsmen of the Mist were also there with the... Second Mizukage leading them." I said making him frown

But before letting him ask anything I continued "Kumo took care of preventing anyone from leaving the Island, by covering the sea and patrolling the surrounding coast which is from the Land of Hot Water and our own Land." I didn't emphasize the last part even if I had some doubt about him

"They were more than two thousand but I didn't get to count them all... The Third Raikage was also there." I finally announced

He looked at me without expressing anything, before closing his eyes and said "So you fought them somehow and successfully fled while saving whoever was still alive." thinking that it was what happened

"No, I killed them all. Though, some Jōnin from Kumo may have fled." I confessed as he started to look at me dumbfounded

"Yo-you killed them?! You're not talking about the Raikage and the Mizukage right?!" he asked as he started panicking

"I did. After all, as a member of an allied village I should help Uzushiogakure with the best of my ability, isn't that right?" I replied naively

He got back to his usual self and replied "Yes of course, without you the Uzumaki Clan would be a thing from the past."

'That's not what you are thinking old man' I said as I used the 'Eye Mind Reading' Technique

He then added "If you killed both Kage, they will try to do something... But it shouldn't be soon because of their loss."

"They can't attack us... We also have two of the seven swords from Kiri and four Treasured Tools of Kumo, this is enough to force them back without conflict if needed." I suggested

'And I will send their village leaders to assault them, that should be enough'

He thought of something that disappointed me again before closing his eyes and said "We found some movements of both Iwa and Suna around the Land of Rain... A war may begin soon and could involve us." he then opened them, looked back at me, and added "The village will need your strength for sure if that happens, and Kumo and Kiri won't be an issue thanks to you."

"I will be ready." I shortly replied

He smiled and said "I know you will. You can go rest now."

I bowed slightly and vanished from the office.

Now alone, my face was that of disgust when I remembered what he was thinking.

When I said why I saved them he thought that it was a pity at first because Kushina wouldn't be, according to him, more faithful to Konoha.

He knew that Uzushiogakure got assaulted because there are ANBU all around the Land of Fire and yet acted like he didn't know about it.

He didn't want to help them not only because of Kushina but because he didn't want to risk conflict against Kiri and Kumo... He was relieved when I said that everyone died as Konoha didn't suffer any casualty and ended up winning more than he expected.

'I thought that only Danzō was a scheming b*stard but the way Hiruzen wants to protect Konoha is wrong'

I have things to do during the 2nd war and I don't want to leave Konoha with all I have here... I guess I will have to do the same thing I did to Danzō and have him 'sacrifice himself willingly' at some point before he does something else.

Finding a new Hokage shouldn't be that hard.


After talking to Hiruzen I also had a small talk with Mito letting her know that I had the library and didn't say anything about it to anyone else.

She knew how greedy peoples would be to get their hand on such a large collection of Fūinjutsu and agreed with my decision.

We will permanently let the Uzumaki Clan live in the Senju Clan compound which was pretty much empty.

We have a large unused area that will be perfect for them as it is located past a dense forest.

We will put down the library there too once we can set a new space-time barrier that will make people who try to reach them be sent back where they were before entering.

They will also need a new Guardian but that's for them to choose who they will give this difficult task to.

I will take care of Kumo and Kiri as soon as possible, at least when Tsunade allows me to move further than our house and the office.

'I can't leave stealthily and let a clone because she can make the difference between one and me... Women's intuition is quite something'

I then opened the house entrance door and said "I'm back." while I smelled something good coming from the kitchen

'Tsunade's cooking?' I thought with a smile

Going into the kitchen where a cooking pot was loudly whistling I saw Tsunade cutting vegetables but what caught my attention was how she looked.

Her hair was wrapped into a bun which somewhat reminded me of when we were kids... But she was wearing a white apron and only some light casual clothes beneath.

'I know that Kushina is staying with Grandma tonight so that's surely why'

Even when I entered the kitchen she was still humming, not necessarily sensing me approaching until I embraced her from behind, my head now resting on her shoulder.

"You're back a bit earlier than expected." she said resting her head to the side of mine while stopping cutting vegetable

"I was never a huge fan of serious talks with Hiruzen... Anyway, need some help?" I replied enjoying the scent of her hair

"Not tonight." she declared making me surprised before she adds "I want to take care of everything... Are we clear?" while smirking slightly at the last sentence

Understanding the meaning behind that I jokingly replied "Ma'am yes ma'am!" before leaving to the bedroom to change my clothes into more comfortable ones for the rest of the day

I remember the first couple of times she cooked for me... I never felt so sick from eating before.

Thankfully, she's a quick learner and can now cook some great stuff so I trust her for tonight.

On a completely separate note, while I rested in the hospital I decided to fully digest the last three peoples I absorbed with Suijin which was Gengetsu Hōzuki, A, and sadly Oyama.

Gengetsu gave me the ability to transform completely into water as well as his Boil Release.

A gave me access to the unique Black Lightning which was stronger than regular Lightning Release... And it made me wonder if I could use the chakra mode with it or not.

Lastly was Oyama... As an elder of Uzushiogakure and a previous leader, he knew many techniques only doable by his own Clan that I could now perform as well.


Kushina skipped the Academy to stay by my side almost all the time at the hospital... I couldn't force myself to scold her.

She also wants to graduate this year because apparently, she doesn't want to fall behind one of her classmates.

'And I will soon have to perform the Jinchūriki sealing ritual' I thought which saddened me because it will mark the death of Grandma

'Once again, I will be the one ending a close one's life'

She never shows it but she wished to join Hashirama for so long now...

"I should stop thinking about gloomy topics and enjoy the night." I said out loud before going toward the dining room

'Its been a while since the two of us were alone all night too'


*The next morning*

'I forgot to close the curtains' I thought as I woke up because of the sun's lights shining on my face

Looking to my side I saw Tsunade drooling on my chest with a happy face like usual.

'She's the only one who 'worked' last night as she wished to' I thought as I gently stroke her cheek with my fingers

'She cares about me too much... I was simply exhausted, mostly because of the Eternal Mangekyô's awakening and the surge of chakra that left me, yet she asked me to rest like I was nearing death'

As I tried to move she mumbled in her sleep "Ngh... Don't leave...me..." before clinging even closer to me

'Too cute' I thought as I decided to not leave the bed until she wakes up

I should enjoy moments like this because the war will soon begin and we won't have time to be together.

And after a long time of me gently brushing her face and looking tenderly at her she slowly opened her eyes and raised her head until our gaze met.

"Good morning..." she mumbled, her eyes almost closed because of the sun lights bothering her

"Pft, good morning sleepyhead." I said while chuckling before pinching her nose

She started getting annoyed from having her nose pinched so she started lowering her hand with a smirk.

Noticing what she wanted to do I instantly stopped teasing her and raised my hands saying "Alright don't, I give up!"

She giggled before slowly getting up and stretched while I also got up ready for a shower before leaving the house.

"You got something to do today?" Tsunade asked as she was drying her hair

"I need to go and teach Hizashi a little today, but I won't spar don't worry." I replied as she nodded her head in agreement

'I need to go and see Orochimaru too' I thought as I was now fully clothed and ready to leave

I gave Hizashi permission to come and train in our Clan compound so he doesn't get bothered by anyone.

As I was walking toward the training ground I heard two people talks "You shouldn't do it like that Kushina-san, try to attack me again."

'Hizashi's voice? And he's with Kushina uh'

I decided to stay hidden for now and see what they were doing.

"Alright, here I come!" Kushina shouted as I saw her rush toward him but not simply by using brute force as she likes to do usually

She aimed at different weak points of the human body while he easily blocked each one of them, the goal was surely for her to learn how to have close combat against someone who doesn't care about facing pure strength.

Every time she tried to hit him he simply blocked her attack but I could see her get better as she baited him sometimes and successfully landed one.

'Since when does Hizashi and Kushina train together?' I thought as I was curious about that

And after some long sparring session, Kushina finally said "Thanks Hizashi-san dattebane!" with a beaming smile

Hizashi stopped using his Byakugan and replied "You're welcome." as he looked away from her

'Acting like a big brother to my little Kushina... I'm not going easy on you today Hizashi' I thought as Kushina left the training ground and Hizashi started meditating while waiting for me

I taught him some Ninjutsu because it can always be used on certain occasions... And I want to teach him chakra mode so he would become even stronger.

I'm still patiently nurturing him for Origins after all.


After training Hizashi late in the morning and eating something I made quickly for lunch, I proceeded to the laboratory during the evening.

"Oh it's you Yuichi-san, are you feeling better now?" an androgynous voice said still working on something that once was a human body

"Yeah, thanks for worrying Orochimaru." I first replied before adding "And the Triffids worked quite well but I'm sure we can make them even better." as I took the seeds out to put them inside a weird container full of liquid so they would be nurtured slowly

He looked at them and said "It was capable of taking care of a large amount of Jōnin but you killed the Third Raikage without it right?"

I was a bit taken aback because when my friends came to see me at the hospital I just said that I fought many Kumo and Kiri shinobi that assaulted Uzushiogakure but never said I killed their leaders.

"How... Do you know about the Third Raikage?" I asked while frowning

"You don't know? A rumor has been going on that you killed both the Mizukage and Raikage while saving some members of the Uzumaki Clan." he explained which I didn't mind much about

But then he added "And... The part that shocked everyone was that you apparently used a technique that only rare members of the Uchiha Clan can use."

'How the fuck did someone learned that part, I didn't even tell Hiruzen!' I thought as I was getting annoyed because the Uchiha Clan will surely try to do something about me

"Why wasn't I informed? Or anyone around me?" I inquired

"I only heard of it today... From what I know, it was someone from the ANBU who saw everything from afar happens and couldn't keep his mouth shut... I won't mind if you bring him here so I could use him as a test subject." he said as he knew that it was bad news for me and that I could take action on the one who did this

'I knew that I will need to confront them one day, just didn't expect that day to be this soon' I thought before helping Orochimaru with some of his experiments to think about something else

I will take care of the mess that will be coming later...


[A/N: You guys are insane, last week this fanfic got in the top hundred for the all-time power stones while I never asked for them!

I honestly thought that only a few peoples are still reading because of how many drop-inducing moments there seems to be in my story.

I won't drop it, at least until I end the arc of this world. Because like I said back when it started, I began writing this fanfic for myself to have one that goes as I would want to read (with my writing skill restricting me).

Thank you all!]

I had a hard time doing this chapter and changed many parts.

My vacations are over but I should have time to write at night like I always did so I will try to write asap because I didn't like this one, it feels mediocre at best.

As always, if you find some mistakes, you can comment about them.

I still hope you liked this chapter, thank you for reading!

Yasashikicreators' thoughts