
Living The Dream With My System!

Tags: One-Piece, Naruto, Reincarnation, Action, Adventure, R-18, Harem System, Incest. Executing orders mechanically, a soldier from a secret unit died during a dangerous mission. However, that wasn't the end for him as he got a second chance by God, allowing him to reincarnate in fiction word he know from his youth. Swearing to himself that this time he won't make the same mistakes again, this time he will live only for himself, to be the most powerful he can be so he could achieve true freedom and bed the most beautiful women out there! The MC will be reincarnated in One-Piece with a system, there will be powers from one-piece, naruto, and dragon ball series. And to a certain extent, this can be considered a wish-fulfillment story. Also, MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) I don't own one-piece, naruto, or dragon ball.

CouchPotatoDandy · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Elite Training Camp

Standing in front of a black-colored gate at the height of three meters, the entrance to the elite training camp at 8:00 AM sharp, Eragon was quite bewildered and not sure what to do 'Am I supposed to enter and wander around or should I wait here?'

From where he stood, he could see inside the training camp several tall buildings and what seemed to be a very wide athletics stadium with a variety of gym equipment, there were several dozen men and women walking around the place, probably not more than 50 people.

"You must be a new trainee"

Suddenly Eragon heard someone speaking behind him. Turning around, Eragon saw a fat, black-skinned young man smiling at him, he was wearing a pink-colored tank top with Bermuda shorts which were also pink and blue flip-flops, and for some reason, he was staring at Eragon with glowing eyes. Eragon wasn't certain If he saw it right but he could swear he caught a glimpse of two golden teeth when the pink man smiled at him.

"You can tell?" Not seeing anyone around them Eragon figured the pink-man was talking to him.

"Hehe it's kind of like a tradition to let the newbie figure out things for his own inside the training camp. So it will be a complete waste of your time if you are waiting for a staff member to come to get you" Reaching his right hand, filled with all kinds of glistening rings on his fingers for a handshake he continued "My name is Chuck by the way"

Looking at the stretched hand in front of him waiting for a handshake, Eragon didn't know why but he suddenly felt a shiver run through his spine. Taking a deep breath he repressed the unknown chill he was having, he also extended his hand and did a handshake with Chuck "My name is Eragon. And you are right, I am new here"

"Now that we know each other's name we can say we are already friends!" Not releasing Eragon's hand, he started to speak enthusiastically "And no friend of mine will stay in the sun to hang dry! Don't worry, I know everything and everyone around here, I will take good care of you hehe" Saying that, the fatty moved his other hand with the intention of putting it on Eragon's shoulder.

Alarm bells suddenly rang in Eragon's head all of a sudden and he immediately yanked his hand out of the fatty's grasp as he backed away to dodge aside. Noticing Chuck's eyebrow rising in question, Eragon gave a dry laugh "Sorry, but I don't like people touching me…"

'Specially people who look like fagots' The rest of the sentence Eragon obviously didn't say out loud but only thought secretly for himself.

"Don't worry bro, it's cool, totally understandable" Chuck waved his hand in dismissal and he didn't seem offended only a bit depressed... "Anyway, let's go inside and I'll show you our awesome facility"

"That would be great, thanks" As long as Chuck he doesn't touch him, Eragon couldn't care less who gave him the grand tour.

"Before I start with the presentation of the training camp, I think it's best if I fill you in on the graduation exam, It will help you understand the purpose of each building" Walking through the gates into the compound, Eragon couldn't help but notice people staring at him and Chuck, throwing weird looks especially at the pink fatty. He immediately understood his new 'friend' probably had a certain status and by associating with Chuck, he must have gotten the same status as well. But Eragon's expression remained unchanged as he couldn't care less what people thought of him, he only had one purpose coming to the marine's training camp, learning Rokushiki. So he continued to listen to Chuck's words.

"The moment you entered the special training camp you have one year to take the graduation exam, and if you can't pass the exam in one year - you're thrown out! The exam is composed of three parts. The first is a writing exam about Marine and world government laws. The second part is to be one of the strongest five students on the camp, while the third part is to hunt a pirate with a bounty of at least 20 million Belly"

'Not like I really care if I graduate from this place or not, but it seems I already passed the third part of the test by hunting Arlong?' Hearing what the last part of the test was, Eragon couldn't help but smile to himself in amusement.

Turning around, Chuck pointed at one of the buildings with a curved entrance "That place is the library where you can find all the information you need about the written exam. Do not develop any expectations in vain because there are no books on martial arts in there" Pointing at the stadium he continued "And that's where people usually train, sort of like a gym. But if you want some privacy while you train then you can go behind the camp, there is a small forest there. Any questions so far?"

Shaking his head, Eragon motioned to him he can continue. Although he really wanted to know where he can learn the superhuman martial arts style 'Rokushiki', He decided to wait until Chuck finished talking and if by then he still doesn't say anything about this subject - he will ask him.

"Good, now you see that building over there? That's the camp's cafeteria and next to it is the dorms" Following the direction where Chuck was pointing at, he could indeed see two rather large buildings "The one on the right is for the women, so make sure you won't get caught peeking on them or you'll be kicked out of the training camp, probably after you get the beatings of your life... Every room that has a key hanging from the door handle is unoccupied and you can take it for yourself, we don't have any roommates so there is that at least"

All of the explanations took a few minutes and by then they arrived at what Eragon could only presume to be the center of the training camp. Interestingly, he could see a 20X20 meters arena, and hanging next to it was a large board with five names written on it.

"This is where we determined the five strongest students in the training camp, if you want to replace one of them then you just need to challenge him or her and if they didn't already have a fight that day then they must accept the challenge. If your name is on that board then it means you have passed the second part of the graduation test" Removing a white handkerchief from his inner pocket, Chuck wiped the shin of sweat on his forehead, it was only morning but it was already hot. Following that, Chuck turned to look at Eragon as he ended enthusiastically "And with that, you know all of the facilities in our training camp and all that's left before you completely settle in is to wait for the instructor to call for you to meet him tomorrow"

"That's it? There aren't any mandatory combat classes or anything? How am I supposed to learn how to fight?" Now Eragon was really confused. How was this training camp supposed to be 'special' if there wasn't anything different in their training methods? If there really wasn't anything else then he would be really disappointed, they might as well change the name of this place to summer camp…

Upon hearing Eragon's questions, the corner of Chuck's lips curled upwards as his eyes shined with a strange light "I think you misunderstood something, anyone who has managed to get into the special training camp does not need a staff member to monitor him so he will train, no one is here because he must, but because he wants to be stronger! And besides, the instructor you will meet tomorrow won't see you to chit-chat. That instructor will be responsible to teach you combat skills such as the 'Rokushiki' and other martial arts, and every week from now on you will have a 'private lesson' with him hehe"

Upon hearing the word Rokushiki Eragon was finally relieved but seeing Chuck giggling like an insane person after saying words with hidden meaning behind them, Eragon got a bad feeling about those 'private lessons' but before he could say anything Chuck already started walking again.

"I didn't eat breakfast yet so I was on my way to the cafeteria before we met, how about we go together to grab something to eat?"

"I already ate before I came here so I'm not hungry, You go eat and I will go to search for a free room to stay at the dorms" Rubbing his eyes, Eragon felt tired as he didn't sleep last night. Caroline and the two hot sisters knew they won't see Eragon for a week so they were very aggressive and clingy as they milked him dry, resulting in him not sleeping at all. In exchange he made sure to leave them with a sour pussy and hip, even with their enhanced endurance, he was sure they would have trouble walking around this morning. And now, all he could think of was to get some sleep before doing anything else. And since he has no classes he needs to attend, he sees no reason not to go to rest.

"I guess I will see you around then bro" Shrugging his shoulders, Chuck waved offhandedly and left.

'What a weird guy, I wonder why he dresses like that? Even if he's probably gay, it's no excuse for such a lame sense of fashion... But what do I know, maybe this is how gays dress in this world?' After looking at Chuck disappearing back for a few seconds, Eragon shook his head and went towards the dorm to look for a room to stay.

After a few minutes he moved between a few of the available rooms, and he realized that all the rooms are the same. So he chose the most sided room of the building with no neighbor in the next room.

'I'm beat, I will just rest for a while…' Locking the door behind him, Eragon laid down on the bed and rested his head on the pillow. Not a minute passed and he fell asleep.

Waking up after a few hours, Eragon prepared a quick meal to eat as he knows there is no chance that there is better food than what he can prepare himself at the camp canteen, so he decided to prepare his own meals while he was in training camp. It will also taste better and be more nutritious... After he finished eating he went out to check out the training camp again, alone this time.

'I do not want to waste time not exercising, every day that I don't train is equivalent to 30 wasted days with my shadow clones... I'll just send a shadow clone to walk around while I go to the forest Chuck mentioned before, I have to find a secluded place for my training anyway. I can't afford to train where people can sniff around and find any of my secrets' With that in mind, Eragon immediately went to the forest behind the camp. And after making sure there was no one around him, he created a shadow clone and sent it to the only place in the camp that still interested him, the library.

After searching for half an hour, Eragon found a satisfying place he believed was secluded enough to train with his clones without people finding him. But just to be on the safe side so as not to regret later, he spent the next few hours making seals using Fūinjutsu. He made concealed trap seals all around the place he intended to train at and also many locators and sensor seals to alert him if someone was approaching the area.

But what he spent most of his efforts on creating was a 50X50 box-shaped barrier that can block noises and everything that happened inside it, completely hiding what Eragon was doing inside. If someone stands outside the barrier, all he would see is an illusion of the forest trees without anything suspicious. Even with the slim chance that someone managed to sneak up to him, there is no chance that person will be able to cross the barrier without breaking it and alert Eragon. And breaking the barrier in itself was an almost impossible thing to do given his expertise in Fūinjutsu.

'Maybe it's not enough to stop someone from coming here if he is strong enough to avoid my traps, but I do not believe anyone will be able to sneak up on me, and that's enough for me. Luckily I got advanced information on Fūinjutsu the last time my [Chakra] skill increased to level 10, quite convenient really' Wiping the sweat off his face, Eragon looked at his work with a satisfied look. Given the fact that no one knows anything about Fūinjutsu in one piece world, Eragon had the right to be confident with himself.

Just at that moment, the clone he sent to the library dissipated and brought with it memories of what it had learned all day 'It seems that the library only has books on the history and laws of the Marine, the geography of the seas, and information on pirates. Well, it's not like I expected them to put important books there'

After arranging the memories he got from his clone, Eragon noticed it was already dark so he decided it was time to go back to his room.

After a cold shower and a brisk dinner, he went to bed early, too tired after working all day. Unable to fall asleep even though he was exhausted, Eragon's thoughts started to wander 'I got used to cuddling with Caroline and Nami in bed when I sleep… I miss them' Remembering Nojiko, his dick started throbbing in his pants 'And now there's also that succubus Nojiko, I guess that she will not wake me up tomorrow morning with a fellatio, sigh' Thinking about last week brought a smile to his face.

It took him a few minutes but finally, he fell asleep.

The next morning when Eragon got up at 06:00 AM, he noticed a letter that someone had tucked under the door of his room.

'Meet me at the entrance to the forest behind the camp at 07:00 AM, do not eat breakfast'

Scanning the letter for clues to find out who gave it to him last night without success, Eragon could already guess that it was probably his instructor.

"Mmm, interesting"

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