
Living Singularity | Remake | Male x MHA Harem

(Possible Remake of Living Singularity) Neo Sekai the Gravity User in the world of MHA, will he be able to change 「Fate」itself , will he found out who or what he is, and will he find out why the world is different from what he knew? 「A Singularity Has Appeared」

DarkTheLibrarian · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Season 0 - Chapter 5 - Two for One

What are the two references for the last chapter....

They are 'Scatterted dreams like a far off memory', a Kingdom Hearts reference from the intro custcene of the first game


'an average father, but an amazing scientist', although a bit niche and altered from the original text, it's based off of Vegeta, in one of the dubs, referencing Bardock about how he created the artificial moons.

'He was an horrible fighter, but an amazing scientist' I believe is the correct quote.


BUT I LIED AGAIN, technically there are 3 references, as everyone knows a reference is commonly done by Jojo, meaning this is all one big Jojo reference!

Also I got something really fucking cool

(PIC x2)


3rd POV

[Report - Artifical Production Via Quirks

- Blood Transmuation (Quirk Name, Unknown. Real Name: Kept Anonymous Supplier: Kenta Goda)

Upon activation, the blood is swapped to match any new blood touching it.

Meaning that if person B adds blood to Person A's Blood (or wielder of Blood Transmutation), it will alter itself to match the blood type.

Quirks are not copied in this process, at least, that's known, and blood will constantly need to be fueled into this process to keep the transmutation going.

If possible, a desire to reverse the quirk to do the opposite is wanted to produce more of this blood, when the transmutation drops the blood reverts, but a little bit less is left and possibly diluted.

Further Testing Required

{Contact Goda Kenta, Head of Quirk Reseach, for further information}

-Mineral Catalyst (Quirk Name, Given. Real Name: Kept Anonymois. Supplier: David Shield)

A unique crystal capable of absorbing liquid and energy to dispers it later.

The amount able to be absorbed is undetermined due to a limited supply, but it's efficiency seems to be good, upon dispersal, though diluted and in worse condition, it was still fine, operable, and the given crystal could be reused.

Further Testing Required

{Contact David Shield, Head Researchers at I-Island, for further information}

Artificial Human Parts {AHP} - Report #1

Current theory has it that, with the help of Blood Transmutation and Mineral Catalyst, we will be able to create artifical organs, limbs, and more, all of which can be used for roughly any human.

A prototype heart is currently I'm development, being deemed the easiest to create.

Although we as humans have already mastered heart transplantation, creating a new heart altogether has been an issue.

With the assistance of David Sheild, Kenta Goda, and {Redacted}, a proper function heart should be developed and created in roughly 3 months.

Using a normal heart as a basis, a drop of blood from Blood Transmuation, a heart mold, and the ability to alter Mineral Crystal into other forms, shape, and more, it shouldn't be impossible.

By using a mold, melting the crystal into an liquid substance and infusing it with the blood, as long as we can also replicate the heart tissue and properly connect arteries, it should be able to be developed in the set time parameters.

The current main worries are in regards to blood dilution, blood loss causing the heart to not get enough blood and untransmute, and the overbearing of three quirks in one body.

Following the illegal experiments during the awakening of quirks, too many Quirk could cause Mental Strain, Nightmares, Exhaustion, Loss of Self, Burst of Depression or Rage, and many more side effects.

At the maximum, too many quirks could break one's body apart. Due to this, if the recipient has a Quirk they may not use it again, if a user of a mutation type uses it, it could cause more primal urges and would be far more dangerous in the worst case scenario, but on average it shouldn't affect them much more than normal than a non-mutation type person would be.

From a glance, a couple of side effects can be minimized with drugs, psychiatric assistance, therapy, and learnt self control.

Though from past studies, Nightmares are a constant, theorized to be connected to the Soul and Life-Force Theory, although out-dates I, {Redacted}, believe it to be import in thinking about as we continue forward.

Theory has it that Quirks are not only tied to one's body but also its soul and mind, meaning when one is changed, all are changed.

This would also bring into question if everyone has a Quirk.

If you support this theory, then everyone does, it's just locked away, that our you believe they have a faulty soul.

Why is this important?

First, it could explain nightmares. Experiencing the mixture between souls improperly could lead to devastating mental and physical problems, if you believe all three are equal.

Two, accumulative based quirks, or stockpile styled quirks, would possibly be able to intake the amount of Life-Force, a study done previously, but some records are deemed outdated due to how first to second generation quirks acted.

Because of this outdated text, it alone is one of the few 'non-usable' old documents.

Three, a life-force styled quirk may be able to assist the research if they can confirm that's the causation of the internal imbalance, it might even help solve the issue of 'No Quirk Use' after transplantation.

It could also revolutionize Quirk Theory if we this helps us find out if this soul and life-force are one.

This could also lead to the development of Quirk Awakening, Natural Enhancment, and determining a Quirks potential, power, and overall natural evolution line.

For now, that is all, further experimentation and research must be done before further statements are made.

*End Report*]



Finishing my report, I turn around, a waiting Goda behind me, rather patient if you excuse his tapping foot.


I give him a nod.

"Good, currently we've got 7 samples of the Blood Transmuation Quirk, it may be harder to procure more."

"You didn't get it illegally, did you?"

"I got it within legal boundaries."

What could be the issue then, I take a moment to think.

"Did they not read and sign an agreement form."

Goda's face twists, almost insulted at the idea, or reverse of.

"What kind of man do you take me for, yes I had them sign the proper forms, I'm a professional, we have standards."

"...did you tell them what we're doing here?"



He stutters, a light red tint to his face.

"L-look, what we're doing is sensitive. I can't just tell people they knew who we were, and we told them we'd be using the blood for research purposes, but they don't know EXACTLY what we're doing here."

Suppose that makes sense, he probably wanted to tell them.

He may not be the greatest person, but when he's in his 'casual mode,' he means well, less well if he's in his 'authoritive position mode'.

But when he's reaching a new discovery or the possibility of one, he gets giddy, both child and professional-like simultaneously.

"Well, what am I supposed to do about it, I'm your assistant, that's all. I don't have much power as is.

"I'm aware, as a tool I bear little respect towards you. But as a scientist, I have the utmost respect. Your mind is truly a wonder."

He shifts around the room, looking at blueprints, small gadgets here and there, nothing too impressive.

"Huh? Your weapons, the revolvers, they're gone?"

"Deconstructed for the time being, you said you'd try and get me someone who could help make bullets, and with the Mineral Crystal Quirk now usable, I had some modifications I wanted to do."

(An odd thing to bring up, but I did want him to have made the gun and THEN change it, responding to his surroundings. This has been the plan since ch1. Most of these chapters have actually been previously thought out, up until he starts UA at least. I've got everything planned out. Some stuff after he starts is a little blurry, but the first couple arcs have general ideas just incase I make changes)

"Working on that. There are still some... kinks to figure out, but it shouldn't be-"

Before he can finish himself, my Arm-Pad starts beeping, a summons from the Director for both Goda and I.

"Apparently, the Director needs both of us."

"Both? Most likely about our studies, but still the fact she wants both of us and not just me, a rare occurrence."

We both start heading out the door, the two of us walking throughout the HPSC's engineering sector.

"Rare? It's never happened before."

"Well, although you may not count it, she has talked to both of us simultaneously even if it wasn't specifically calling both of us."

I hum in conformation, arriving outside her office after an elevator ride, Goda having to use his own personal ID for clearance.

Stepping into the room, the Director is going through a couple of papers, a phone held up by her left hand.

To my right, I notice the on TV, currently playing an incident report about an 'instant outbreak', a villain having popped up out of nowhere just to be stopped by a couple of vigilantes.

The two of us wait, Goda taking a seat on the couch as I stand in attention, though my arms are a bit more slack than a soldiers.

(Standing At/In Attention is the Soldier Stance where their arms at their side, most people know, but some might not)

Finishing up, she places her phone down, having been talking about the aforementioned incident to presumably the police.

"Goda, Neo, I assume you have a general idea why I paged you"

(She is referring to Goda by his family name and Neo his first, small note, but still)

"Something to do with the quirk studied were doing alongside David Shield?"

I opted to stay quiet, letting the two adults talk, don't speak until spoken to.

"Correct, recently we've had a mass amount of 'Instant Villains' as the press has started to call them. Villains taking a Trigger, or a quirk enhancer, and causing chaos. Normally, a situation like this is left to the heroes and police. But the two of you are working on finding legal and safe ways to enhance quirks, no?"

Goda keeps his eyes rested on her, only monetarily glancing at me, his face far more serious than when he walked in.

"We are, but are you expecting us to use illegal substances in our experiments? Although not the most unethical thing I've done, dangerous none the less, and can contaminate all our resources."

"True, but using 'illegal substances' in monitored, controlled, and sanctified areas is legal. I simply recommend you take a couple of samples and see what they could do, not much else. Triggers are a rare substance, hard to come across, maybe you could at, bare minimum, find out their composition. I believe Neo is making Quirk Condictive Weapons, is he not? Maybe you'll find a way to enhance that instead."

He sits for a minute, contemplating, using a Trigger could be bad on the resources, but if containable and found usable, it could lead to some revolutionary discoveries.

"What exactly do you want us to do?"

He takes the safer approach, waiting to hear the 'how' of it all.

"You'll both be getting police reports soon. As well as blood samples from the 'Triggeted' individual. The only difference between what you'll be doing is that Neo will be going out into the field, supervised of course."

Despite her proclamation, Goda doesn't seem very surprised.

"So I take it you agreed go my request then?"


"Yes. Neo, I've been made aware you're looking for a way to create ammunition for your gun quickly and efficiently, correct?"

I nod slowly, taking a second to think.

'Does she have a quirk user who can do so?'

"I've been meaning to find a reason for the two of you to meet. The person supervising you on your travels is also someone who was once in a similar position to you, trained, by us. Though she ended up causing quite a ruckus after failure, she was originally supposed to be sent to Tarturus, but we have had other uses for her. You will meet them soon, she'll teach you the ropes of being a hero, and being a part of the HPSC as one of our heroes."

'So I'll be in the field. Will they make me hurt someone?... I'll just hope that they're nice for now. Those thoughts are for later.'

Despite having fought in my nightmares and being taught to fight here I still wasn't used to the idea of killing.

As is, my nightmares only make me a better at fighting. They don't affect my psyche, other than negatively, pain doesn't get easier, the fear never disappearing, sometimes when I close my eyes, I can still see those grotesque 'things'.

"Yes ma'am," I give a light bow, Goda standing up, the two of us having been given tasks.

Let's just hope this ends well.


Question of the Chapter: Favorite reference from one show to another.

Questions About The Book

Currently Working On: Living Singularity ? (This was formated and added the same day I did chapter 4 so.... as is the next two)

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