
Living my life as a commander in a fantasy game

When he found himself suddenly transported into a fantasy game, he knew that survival would be no easy feat. he was neither a hero nor a villain, but a blank slate with endless possibilities. And he will make the most of it, With a skill that fools anyone, with a little bit of luck, and a little bit of misunderstanding, his old knowledge of the game and his experiences in the real life, and with a strong will, he set out to build a new identity for himself, to craft the character that will see the end of the story. ***** This is my take on reborn into a game world genre, although it is an overused troupe I try to make it unique from other stories. Although he is no psychopath My Mc has no problem with killing if it means he will survive so don't expect a slice-of-life protagonist. He is also very manipulative have no remorse for taking advantage of the trust, love, and, loyalty of others. And he will get a little power boost at the beginning of the story, but it will be only during the beginning like consider it as a beginners package I haven't chosen on harem or no harem, I will choose it according to the reader's preference. Anyways, have a good read, and make sure to smash on that like button and follow for more

CRimson5 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

As he opened his eyes, he found himself inside a carriage that was being pulled by horses. The carriage was wobbly and made his head dizzy, but surprisingly, he was not panicked by this sudden change in surroundings. He was not only calm, but he felt like this was nothing to be afraid of. He surveyed his surroundings and noticed his attire, and suddenly he remembered what had happened before. He understood what had occurred, but he needed to be sure.

He ran his gaze through his surroundings and in his attire. with a grim expression, he looked at the old man who was sitting opposite him. 

"Hey, old man"   

The man was startled by his call, "Yes! …Yes! what-yes?"  he somehow answered in his broken language with a stuttering voice. 

He raised my eyebrow at the old man's reaction but decided to leave it "Where are we and where are we heading?" he asked. 

The old man was again paled at hearing my question for whatever reason, he didn't make eye contact with me, instead, he kept looking down, swallowing a mouth full he answered 

"Right now…..at drokram, he… Heading towards Bakstia!"

"Drokram? Bakstia?" he muttered the names and closing his eyes, he nodded as the dots started to connect, and the pictures became clear. "I am inside The Legend of Midra," he acknowledged. Bakstia was an important place in the game, a place he had visited several times.

But How? How is this possible? 

Despite the numerous questions swirling in his mind, he is unsure of the answers. Oddly, he is still able to maintain a sense of composure, despite the extraordinary circumstances. It is not typical of him to remain so calm and collected, especially given the gravity of his current situation. However, he is grateful for this ability.

The number of questions started to mount up, and in the end, a small idea came to his mind 

"Open status window!"

His eyes widened with surprise as in front of him was a floating chart of a hologram. 



Name: Ezra

Health: 110 

Mp: 10 

Passive Skills: Gamers body (Legendary class) Absolute psyche (???)

Active skills: none 

Runes: none 

[open for more details]

Current Mission: Escape from the Slave traders 

Reward: 3 Gold coins, a surprise gift


'Slave traders?'

that explains the current situation he sarcastically commented looking at his hands and legs which are cuffed with chains. He had long noticed the surroundings, his attire was an old shabby cloth that is closer to a dirty sack than actual clothes, and his carriage companions wore the same attire. 

'and Bakista was a large Slave traders hub that later got destroyed in phase 2 of the story'

He left it to think about later, his mind returned to the hologram and pressed the open for more details button. 


Gamers body (legendary rank)

-You're a life that is not of this world, a body that should not exist on this planet, a soul that does not belong to this universe. 

When the damage is dealt to the user instead of getting physically injured or maimed User will lose HP, and when the HP hit zero the user will be eliminated

Immune to physical pain 

Access to the System shop 

Consumable items can be used to restore the user's health points (HP). Since the user's body no longer produces metabolic waste due to being freed from the excretion process


"Wow, I don't need to go to the bathroom anymore?" he thought to himself with a hint of amusement. He had been pulled into a fantasy world and the first power he acquired was the ability to not defecate. He couldn't decide if he should consider himself lucky or unlucky.

"But jokes aside, this is a strange skill, but certainly a useful one," he mused. The world of Midra was filled with dangerous creatures, and losing a limb could be incredibly inconvenient. The added bonus of pain nullification was also appreciated. He made a mental note to check out the system shop later.

He then turned his attention to the next skill, which he had received during an exchange as a prize. He had been unable to check it out earlier but was now eager to see what it entailed.


Absolute psyche (???)

-Your mind is sharper than the sharpest sword, sturdier than the sturdiest shield, your mind is absolute. Nothing in this world affects your mentality but everything in this world is affected by it. 

Immune to mental attacks of any sort or any rank

Max-level mental strength which offers you proficiency in Runes related to the mind and unlimited potential in arts related to the mind 

No matter whatever the circumstances, the user will maintain the equanimity of absolute. 

The user's presence can affect the nearby person irrespective of their gender, age, race, or rank and can invoke emotions depending on the situation, giving you a chance of leverage over anyone during a conversation and depending on the rank you can influence their actions

96% Percentage of chance for any skills, items, or runes of the user to be influenced and altered according to preset Aesthetic standards of absolute. 


"Goddammit," he muttered. The skill had a plethora of features, and he could understand why it was considered a God-rank skill.

He thought about the rank and noticed that it was not visible. Instead, there were just a few question marks. He wondered if it had something to do with it being a God-rank skill. "Is it a bug?" he mused.

The features were all impressive, and they answered many of the questions he had. He wondered why he was so calm, why he wasn't freaking out, and why everyone was treating him like a ticking time bomb. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and noticed that multiple people flinched and became startled by the slightest movements he made.

He was at a loss. He didn't know why he was here, who had brought him here, or how he could get back to Earth. He wasn't even sure if it was possible to go back. But he knew this world, and he knew what the future held, including the war, the invasion, and the destruction. If he wanted to go home, he needed to survive all of it first.

"Maybe reaching the end of the game is the key," he thought. "Improvise, adapt, and overcome." With renewed determination, he opened his eyes and looked at the vast horizon behind him. "Let's finish this mission and go home," he said to himself.