
Living my life as a commander in a fantasy game

When he found himself suddenly transported into a fantasy game, he knew that survival would be no easy feat. he was neither a hero nor a villain, but a blank slate with endless possibilities. And he will make the most of it, With a skill that fools anyone, with a little bit of luck, and a little bit of misunderstanding, his old knowledge of the game and his experiences in the real life, and with a strong will, he set out to build a new identity for himself, to craft the character that will see the end of the story. ***** This is my take on reborn into a game world genre, although it is an overused troupe I try to make it unique from other stories. Although he is no psychopath My Mc has no problem with killing if it means he will survive so don't expect a slice-of-life protagonist. He is also very manipulative have no remorse for taking advantage of the trust, love, and, loyalty of others. And he will get a little power boost at the beginning of the story, but it will be only during the beginning like consider it as a beginners package I haven't chosen on harem or no harem, I will choose it according to the reader's preference. Anyways, have a good read, and make sure to smash on that like button and follow for more

CRimson5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Chapter 1

It was in a dark room, his ear picking up a voice. 

Tring Tring…..Tring Tring 

It was a warning, an alarm, that let him know that his worst enemy is here. He raised his head slowly, the dizziness weighing his mind, he rubbed his eyes looking at the corner of the room. 

It is true… the enemy is here, the worst adversary whom he hates with a passion, the annoying thing that he does not want to face ever in his life but something that keeps knocking on the front door of his life to his dismay. 

"Ahhhhh fuck you Mondays" he cursed 


 He dragged himself out of bed, still whining a little about how tired he was. He took a quick bath and went through his morning routine, feeling a little more awake and refreshed. He brewed himself for not making coffee before going to sleep, but he brewed a cup of coffee, and he took it with him to his working room, and retrieved his laptop from the desk. As he turned it on, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance wash over him. But he knew he had to get to work.

"work…... Work... and More work" he swallowed in bitterness at the amount of work that was pending, shaking his head at his helplessness he started to type. 

He began to organize his schedule for the day, sorting through emails and making to-do lists while sipping on his coffee. It wasn't his favorite task, but it was a necessary one. As he worked, his mind slowly began to clear and he became more focused on the task at hand.

A few hours passed, and although the work is still not over he was able to organize most of the stuff, now it will be a lot easier to do the rest. He checked the time "I might be able to finish this by tomorrow"

Dudddu Duddu

The man heard his phone buzzing and reached for it, a notification from Vice Admiral Johnson. He sighed deeply, knowing what the message would contain, and reluctantly typed back a response.

[With all due respect sir, and for the last time, No I am not coming back]

He looked to his corner and couldn't help but feel a flood of memories wash over him as he stared at the photo in the corner of the room. It was a picture of several men, all dressed in army uniforms and wielding rifles, and he was among them, on his knees with a bright smile on his face. But as he looked closer, he squinted his eyes and felt a wave of pain wash over him.

"....shoot... Shoot.."

"...…permission to shoot" 

"It's an ambush"

"Kylee… No!!" 

Holding his aching head in his hand, he stood up and walked to the drawer. He reached for the canister inside, and took out a few tablets, swallowing them in an attempt to ease the pain. He shook his head a few times, but the memories and the pain persisted. He let out a sigh, feeling his mood plummet even further. Today was already a difficult day, but now it had become unbearable. He no longer had the energy or the will to continue with his work. The weight of his loss was too much to bear.

Duddu Dudddu 

His phone rang again, this time it was not a message but a notification. Reading it he unconsciously raised his rainbow, putting the phone down he took his laptop in his hand and opened the game folder. 

'The legend of Midra'

It was the only game left in the folder, he opened the game. 

<The game server will be shut down in 1:56:43 seconds, after this, the game cannot be accessed by any means, thank you for staying with us until now> 


He had been a gamer since his childhood, and his love for games had only grown stronger as he transitioned into adulthood and joined the military. But it wasn't just a passing hobby for him; it was a means of escape, a way to reconnect with a simpler and more innocent version of himself. In the face of the harsh realities of the world, and the devastating loss of his comrades, he had become increasingly dependent on games as a source of solace and comfort.

This game in particular stood out to him - a vast, colorful world filled with unique characters, intriguing powers, and boundless freedom. He quickly became addicted to it, losing himself in the story and the endless possibilities it offered. The game's premise was a familiar one - to gather companions, grow stronger, and save the world from destruction - but how it could be accomplished was entirely up to the player.

But now, as the game is coming to an end, he is finding himself grappling with a deep sense of loss and sadness. It was as if he was saying goodbye to an old friend, one who had been there for him through some of the darkest times of his life. The thought of the game's end ached in the corner of his heart, a reminder of the fleeting nature of things and the impermanence of even the most cherished connections.

Suddenly notification popped up

<As a last event you can exchange, your skills, stats, and items for gifts including cash price> 

He sat in silence, staring at his computer screen. He couldn't help but feel a sense of loss as he looked at his beloved game character, Alexander Grimmer. A small village boy with a dream of becoming a knight, Alexander was his favorite among the game's multiple protagonists. Despite playing as different characters with various backgrounds, Alexander was the one he had grown attached to the most 

He, who went by the name "Ezra", in the game's online community, was a well-known figure in the game. He had retained the top position for 3 consecutive years and had won the yearly championship 7 times. He had his own fan cafe and was considered a celebrity among the players. His skills in the game were undeniable, and he had amassed a collection of precious items over the years." in the game's online community, was a well-known figure in the game. He had retained the top position for 3 consecutive years and had won the yearly championship 7 times. He had his own fan cafe and was considered a celebrity among the players. His skills in the game were undeniable, and he had amassed a collection of precious items over the years.

But as he looked at his inventory, he realized that the game was ending, and he had no further use for any of these items. He had decided to participate in the game's final event, and as a tribute, he wanted to exchange his items for something special. He selected his entire inventory and clicked the exchange button, hoping to receive something that would remind him of the game he had grown to love. The loss of this game was a heavy one for him, as it was not just a game to him, but a part of his life.

<Exchanging completed, you received three prices, scratch the coupons to open it> 

He did as he was told, he scratched the coupon. 

<congratulations! You won 30,000$> 

He gazed at the price with bewildered eyes, he let out a sigh of disbelief. Just then, his phone rang, and upon checking, he received a message that informed him that a substantial sum of money had been credited to his bank account.

Despite the initial shock, he couldn't deny the reality staring back at him through the screen. It was a surreal experience, but he knew deep down that it was true.

"Wow, this is a huge win," he whispered to himself, as he reached for another coupon with renewed excitement and anticipation. He couldn't wait to see what other surprises awaited him.

<Congratulations! You won God skill- Absolute's psyche>

He raised his eyebrow, a skill? The game is ending. What is he gonna do with skills now and God rank? He has been playing the game for 9 years and he has never seen a God-rank skill before. The highest skill was legendary skills. 

"Well whatever I exchange it after this," he said, opening the next coupon. 

<congratulation! You are selected>


<Please do not resist!> 

"what the fu-"