
Living in a Yu-Gi-Oh world

After a normal afternoon nap I woke up and found myself in someone else's body. I had a different face...and was apparently in a different world. People had wacky and unnatural hairstyles, the technology was very advanced and giant monster holograms could be seen around. That's right, I woke up in a Yu-Gi-Oh world and that's not all...This body belonged to last year's dueling champion.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

Going outside, I noticed that the sun was setting. I walked around the neighborhood for a bit and found a nice little restaurant not that far from home. It was quite lovely to say the truth. There was a garden that had a few tables outside and all around were pots filled with different coloured flowers.

"It is nice but imagine what this would do to a person with pollen allergies."

There were also tables on the inside of the restaurant but who would want to go inside when the garden is so nice. Another thing about this place is that it's far from main roads and as such, it was quiet.

I chose a table and relaxed as I took my dueldisk off my arm and placed it to chair on my left. While I waited for someone to take my order, I noticed that a stunningly beautiful woman, mid twenties with dark red hair was sitting at the table next to mine. She was on par with Lissandra if not prettier but she exuded a different feeling all together. A pair of glasses framing her face perfectly as she was reading something from a holopad and the colourful flowers around her was a picture right out of a storybook.

I would have continued staring at her, rudely might I add, if I didn't hear someone softly clear their throat. I woke up from my stupor and turned around. It was a middle-aged man with a knowing smile on his face.

: Are you ready to order sir?

Realizing that by being distracted by that woman I hadn't even opened the menu. I opened it on a random page and chose quickly. As luck would have it, the page was filled with different kinds of pizzas. My eyes fell on one that was called kuriboh pizza.

Dyne: I'd like a kuriboh pizza and a cola.

: Right away!

Not wanting to look creepy, I stopped looking at her. My focus turned on my IDD, which I learned that it could be used to browse the net. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Duel Monsters were everywhere! Movies, ads, sports mascots not to mention different tournaments were held a few times a year.

"I guess this world really IS all about dueling."

I couldn't contain a small smile of excitement from forming on my lips. Being immersed on what I was doing, I didn't even notice that the beauty next to me left.


Still, I didn't give it another thought as the steamy pizza was placed in front if me and it was so delicious that I wolfed it down before you could say Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon.

It was getting late and tomorrow I had to wake up early for the lessons so I payed and left the restaurant.

Returning home I kept thinking about what could happen in the coming days.

"This isn't my world and as exciting it is, it was also a bit scary. In the anime there was ancient magic, shadow duels, gods of Egypt and even forces from outer space. It sounds absurd that you could lose your soul just because you lost a duel. Is this place like the anime? Are there actually evil forces that lurk in the shadows?"

I kept thinking about things like that. Perhaps because it was nighttime and the quiet made my imagination overreact. Nevertheless such thoughts grounded me and made me realize then not everything is fun and games.

Dyne: Hehe actually it is about games.

I let out a small chuckle at my poor joke.

Dyne: Still, best course of action is to duel more and get a better, more consistent and flexible deck so that I can be ready and not lose my life to some random psychic duelist or a solid vision hologram.

As for the more immediate concerns, I wasn't really worried that I would need more than a week to get that license since I had a bike before I came to this world and know how to ride one.

Days passed and I got more and more used to this world. My daily routine was: lessons in the morning, then going around searching for duels and during the evening I would go to that restaurant.

I became a regular there and got to know the owner. It was the one who took my order the first time. He was a cheerful man with a heart of gold. He told me he had a son but I haven't seen him yet. He wasn't the only one that I haven't seen as I haven't even gotten a glimpse of that beauty with the dark red hair after that evening.

Jack, the owner, said that she comes quite often but at an earlier time. Still, I was just interested and it's not something like love at first sight like Jack kept teasing me.

I also collected a lot of points from duels. Well...I think they are a lot of points as the system refuses to tell me more about it. Still, progress is progress and as a wise man once said, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Finally, after a week, I took that first step and got my license. That meant I could begin patrolling.

After they uploaded the license data to my IDD, I went to another department inside HQ. I filled some paperwork and got out in style with a brand new bike. I could also use my own bike but the thing is that I didn't have one. Yet.

That is my next goal, get enough money to buy a bike. I could customize it or do whatever, as opposed to the bike I got from HQ which was technically borrowed.

Going for a ride with this bike felt good. It was comfortable and it turned around tight corners pretty nicely. The one thing I was afraid of was that my dueldisk wouldn't be compatible with the bike but Dave said that he can alter it on the spot.

Turning around a corner I was almost hit by 2 yellow bikes that were definitely not following the speed limit. I started following them when I heard someone talking through my comms.

Dispatch: Unit 376U, be advised, there was a robbery at a diamond store near your location. 2 perps on yellow bikes.

A male voice with calm and professional tone informed me.

Dyne: Roger that, I'm in pursuit

I increased my speed and prepared one of the toys installed on the bike.

Catching up to them I tapped my helmet on the side and switch open the speaker.

Dyne: Stop! You have violated the law!-

Before I could continue, they raised their arms and held guns at me. At that instant, two small black disks were launched from the bike and stuck to their guns with precision. Both of them dropped their weapons at the same time.

What was launched was a special disk that is thrown with the help on an on-board computer. It sticks to guns and unleashes a precise jolt which numbs the hand for a few seconds, effectively making them drop their guns.

Next is the fun part. With the press of a button I force both of the bikes into a duel, while simultaneously activating the emergency duel lane made from solid vision that separates us from the civilian road.

"It's time to Duel!"

Chapter 5 is up! Who is that lady with glasses? We'll find out later! The story didn't progress much but there was a little bit of worldbuilding I guess. Writing the chase scene was actually pretty fun! I wanted to write much more for that but decided to keep it brief. Tell me what you think. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you liked it!

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts