
Living in a Yu-Gi-Oh world

After a normal afternoon nap I woke up and found myself in someone else's body. I had a different face...and was apparently in a different world. People had wacky and unnatural hairstyles, the technology was very advanced and giant monster holograms could be seen around. That's right, I woke up in a Yu-Gi-Oh world and that's not all...This body belonged to last year's dueling champion.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

The girl I was helping, which I learned that her name is Musubi, told me that not all areas in this part of the city are dangerous. She showed me a graffiti on the wall with a feather and since we saw it, it's been like another neighborhood.

There were kids playing, families were actually walking around instead of those punks and the streets were clean.

I relaxed a little bit after seeing this. I fought with a psychic terrorist but driving through the previous streets was unnerving.

When we reached her home, I saw a lady that is a carbon copy of Musubi but older. She was watering the flowers outside her house.

She got nervous when she saw me but Musubi took off the helmet and ran to her. After a brief explanation she thanked me and invited me for lunch but I was in a bit of a hurry so I respectfully declined and promptly left.

Turns out, the address was not that far from Musubi's home so I could have stayed a bit for lunch.

I laughed a bit to myself and stopped the engine. The place where Jack told me to come was two storeys high and quite wide. On the first floor, many motorcycles could be seen.

Some were in seemingly perfect shape, others were missing some parts and a few were just the basic skeleton.

Walking inside I saw a bike that stood out from the rest. Black, sleek and a dead giveaway of who is this place's owner.

A young man with spiky orange hair and a lip piercing walk towards me. He had so many prisoner markings that someone would think he's a death row inmate.

: Well I'll be...I never would have thought that a cop would come to my shop.

He wasn't aggressive but it was clear he didn't want me here.

Dyne: Mr Crow I presume?

Crow: You presume correctly, now tell me what you want cop!

Dyne: I want a custom-made bike!

I cut to the chase.

Dyne: I've been told you're one of the best and so I came here.

Crow: Since you know about me, then you know that I don't help your kind, not anymore!

He said his piece and turned to leave.

"No! I can't miss this chance!"

Even though I knew what would most likely be his answer, I panicked a bit. Who wouldn't want to have their Turbo Bike made by one of the three main guys of 5Ds.

Dyne: Wait! If you do this for me, I'll help you too! Just tell me what you want and I'll do it! As long as it isn't illegal.

He stopped and sadly for me, I didn't notice the grin on his face that disappeared the moment he turned around.

Crow: Oh really? Hmm...

He stood there pondering for a bit.

Crow: I guess I could give you a chance since you helped Musubi.

Dyne: Wait! How do you even know that? That wasn't even half an hour ago!

Crow laughed a bit seeing my surprise.

Crow: I know everything that happens around here!

Dyne: I- wha...

"What the heck? This guy is like the Bowery King in John Wick?"

This didn't change anything, so I steeled myself and asked.

Dyne: Alright, what do you want?

Crow: Nothing too difficult really, this is right up your alley. There is a gang called Blackjack that's running around unchecked. Their boss has murdered someone recently but they covered it up and nobody actually came to investigate. Wait a sec.

He went to a room for a few seconds and came out with a file. He let me take a look at it.

Crow: I just got this. It's evidence that will lock him away for good and you just have to arrest him.

He finished and stared at me.

"This is what he wants? This is like asking me to do my job! Not that it's actually my job since I'm in the duel department but I can still make an arrest."

Dyne: I'm surprised. Are you sure you just want this?

Crow: Yeah, just walk to the guy and arrest him. Alone! In the middle of his turf! Surrounded by his gang!

Dyne: Well if you put it that way...

Crow: So, are you in?

I took the evidence file and looked him in the eyes.

Dyne: I would do this even if it wasn't a favor!

He smiled and took a leather jacket from a coat hanger.

Crow: Great, let's go!

Dyne: You're coming with me?

"Didn't he say 'alone' a few minutes ago?"

Crow: Yeah! This place is my home, I can't just let someone else do all the work. And besides, you'll probably need my help.

Dyne: No I won't!

I said with a cocky tone.

Dyne: But since you're offering...

We went to our bikes and left for the Blackjack gang. It was outside of the area that's marked with feathers but not too far.

We stopped in front of a abandoned building and got ready. I could see from down here that there were people watching us from the building's windows.

"This doesn't look menacing at all!"

We walked through an entrance that was filled with graffiti. The name Blackjack was painted on every wall.

6 people were waiting for us inside.

: Well, well well, if it isn't the great boss Crow! And what's this? He brought a cop friend! Didn't know you liked those.

A bulky dude in a dark purple tracksuit spoke.

Crow: Cut the crap Black! We're here to take you in!

Black: Aww that grunt is going to arrest me? You know better that to put your trust in cops Crow, especially grunts like him!

"Grunt? Me? Oh you mothe-"

: How about we have a duel?

Another guy spoke this time. He was tall, thin and kinda like a snake in a creepy sort of way.

Black: That's a great idea Jack! We'll have a tag duel and if you win, fine! But if you lose...you ain't getting out of here.

Dyne: Wait!

I shouted and everyone turned to me. I stayed silent for a few seconds before I continued.

Dyne: Your gang is named Blackjack and your names are Black and Jack?

Black: What's wrong with that grunt? You got a problem?

He quickly got irritated.

"Ooh! Sensitive topic!"

Dyne: Nah, I don't have a problem! You can be named Queen Khaleesi for all I care.

Then I turned to Crow.

Dyne: Are you ok with this? A tag duel with me? We don't even know each other's decks.

I knew his but I couldn't tell him that.

Crow: It's no big deal! We can take scrubs like that anytime!

Dyne: Then that settles it I guess.

"Though I have a feeling that they won't surrender even if we win..."

Dyne: So, Let's duel!

Initially, the chapter wasn't supposed to be this way, but since I could write these last days because of work, I took my time and changed some things. Hopefully I changed them for the better. So, tell me what you think and thanks for reading!

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