
Living in a vision

Naomi is a twenty years old medical intern who has a pretty normal life. But her life takes an interesting turn when she finds herself in her favorite manga’s universe.

yourlocal0nichan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter three: Hostage


The cave was too dark for me to see anything. I went further in the cave looking for Itachi.

"Itachi? Are you there?" I keep on calling his name.

All on a sudden i was cornered by someone. He pinned me by a wall. It was pitch black and i wasn't able to see anything. I was shaking by these sudden movements. Thought it was the end for me.

" Please whoever you're don't harm me. I don't even belong to this place i swear."

I realize that i just said all these in one breath.

"It's just you."

I could feel the grip around me was loosened.


"There is someone..I need to finish them off." Itachi was struggling to even walk. He still had a high fever. His whole body was burning. He could faint anytime.

"Itachi there's no one else except us."

"I heard someone coming..I can still hear those voices in my head…" He held his head as he was speaking.

"Could it be he's hallucinating? It's possible because of the high temperature." I thought.

" Itachi there's no one..you're imagining things. Come with me you need to rest."

I grab his wrist leading him to the mouth of the cave.

"Wait here. I'll be back."

I was about to get the water bottle but Itachi grabbed me by my wrist.

" I can still hear foot steps..Don't go..it's risky." Itachi warns me.

" I'll be careful. Now let go?"

Itachi let go of my hand. When I returned he was asleep by then. I check his temperature and he still had a high fever. I took out my handkerchief from my pocket and soak it into the water and put it on his forehead.

"It should work for now."

I look down at the man sleeping so peacefully. He looks ethereal. I could just look at him forever. 3 months ago I read Naruto manga. While reading it i felt bad for Itachi. "Why would he just become a sacrifice?" I thought it over and over. He deserved so much better. Till date i couldn't accept the fact that Itachi was just a mere sacrifice. Probably that's why i was given a chance? A chance to rescue him? A chance to make him realize that he can't always put everyone before himself.

I didn't realize when i fell asleep. When i woke up i saw Itachi standing a few feet away from me. I was facing his back.

"Good thing you're awake. Staying here anymore could be dangerous. Get ready to move." Itachi said.

I sat up as i rubbed my eyes.

"Where are we going?" I ask in curiosity.

"You don't need to know that." Itachi says totally crushing down my hopes.

"Fine. But atleast tell me if you're feeling okay. Did your fever go down?"

There was no response from Itachi.

"Say something. Will you? I know you heard me."

" I don't find it necessary to answer irrelevant questions."

"Guess i'll just shut the fk up for now." I mumble.

Itachi leads me out of the cave but soon I start to realize that I'll never catch up to him because his speed was way more superior than a normal being. Well what else can i expect from a ninja. Soon i lost track of Itachi. He probably didn't even notice that i was left far behind. Reasonably i was exhausted and started panting heavily. I decided to sit under a tree until Itachi comes to get me back.

"Okay but will he even come to get me back? I don't think so." I think to myself.

Few minutes later i saw something moving is bushes. I got scared for a moment but soon realized it was just a rabbit. I sighed in relief. The next moment some guys jumped out of no where. Each of them were covering their faces with masks. The scratch on their headband was the proof of them being rogue ninjas. I tried to escape but it was too late. I was already in their captivity. I was struggling to free myself.

"Hey young lady it would be better if you just stay still."

"Let me go. I've no money or anything. You would be wasting time if you think you can get something out of me." I blurted.

"Hey hey hey! You're like a treasure to us." One of the goons said in a psychotic voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We know Itachi is with you. Take us to him and we will let you go."

"Huh like i'll ever do that." I mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"Even if i take you to him you know you're no match for him right?"

All of them started to laugh all of a sudden.

"The fk you guys are laughing for?" I asked as i was confused.

"We've been following you and Itachi since yesterday. It looked like his condition was awful and he's barely taking his last breaths."

"Why didn't you attack him earlier then?" I asked.

"This chick is asking too many questions. Let's just teach her a good lesson." A geezer started moving towards me.

But the gang leader stopped him.

" We didn't have any intention to get our hands dirty. We got intel that Itachi was killed by his little brother. All we wanted to do was take his body because it has a big bounty on it. But when we reached at the location we saw you and Itachi leaving from there. We were tailing you but something came in the way so we ended up losing track of you. When we found you again you were here alone." He explained.

"Isn't he too polite as a rogue ninja." I think to myself as I stare at that man from head to toe.

"You heard our boss right? Now tell us where is Itachi."

"It's true that Itachi is in a weak state now even if he is strong it would be a handful for him to take on all these guys by himself. It might also risk his life. I can't let them get near him." I mumbled.

"Speak up bitch! Stop muttering." The geezer spoke again.

"I don't know where Itachi is." I said.

"Chick thinks she's smart. Do you really expect us to buy that? HuH?"

" I myself was looking for him but he disappeared."

"Okay then we'll make it work." The leader said.

" We are taking you hostage until Itachi comes to get you."

" You can't do that. I mean you know Itachi Uchiha would never risk his life to save someone right? He's a cold blooded bastard who killed his own family!! There's no way he would be coming for me."

Although i don't mean any of these i just said but it was for both Itachi and my sake.

"She's right boss Itachi is a smart man he won't fall for this."

"See i told ya! Moreover I would advice you guys not to chase after him."

"What are you trynna say." The leader asked.

"He could be with his Akatsuki gang right now. You would be in great trouble if you get caught by them. Though Itachi is weak rn but once a monster always a monster!Unlike you he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. What else can you expect from a guy who literally massacred his own clan?? He's a monster." I try to pretend like i mean every word i said.

My idea wasn't bad afterall. The leader seems a little puzzled. He's considering my words. I just gotta hold this act for a little longer. Once i make them trust me i'll flee from here and will look for Itachi.

I was about to say something but i was cut off by someone.

~To be continued~