
Living in a vision

Naomi is a twenty years old medical intern who has a pretty normal life. But her life takes an interesting turn when she finds herself in her favorite manga’s universe.

yourlocal0nichan · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter four: Secrets

"Is it what you thought about me all these time?" Itachi was standing on a tree branch.

"Itachi, No. You shouldn't be here run away." I try to warn him but one of the goons place a kunai on my throat.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Itachi Uchiha." The gang leader greets Itachi.

"That girl doesn't have anything to do with it let her go." Itachi's voice cold as always.

"What's her relation with you? Is she important to you? Cause you seem pretty desperate to save her." The leader smirks.

"She's my hostage." Itachi says.

"What? Hostage? Did he just call me his hostage?" I wasn't satisfied with his answer at all.

"Too bad she's our hostage now. How about it , you fight us head on and get your hostage back?"

"No Itachi he's provoking you. I can handle them right now you should run away." I try to explain him.

But once Itachi decides something he won't listen to anyone. He jumps on the battlefield to fight them. I could clearly notice that his movements are decreased. His reflexes aren't like before. He's giving his all just for the defense. Moments later he was pretty beaten up too. Seemed like the end for him. I kept on screaming and told him to run. But he didn't bother to listen. When there was no way for him to win Itachi had to use his sharingan. Although he knew the risk he still had to use it. The goons didn't saw it coming and got caught up in to genjutsu. Finally Itachi turned the tables and defeated them. But little did he knew that one of them was still hiding behind a tree. Itachi fell on the ground because of the after effects of using Sharingan in this state. His eyes were bleeding and he was coughing out blood. It shredded my heart into pieces to see Itachi in that state. I ran towards him to hold him but I notice someone coming out from behind the tree. The man threw a kunai at Itachi and Itachi was in no state to dodge that. I ran and covered him with my body and get stabbed by the kunai instead. Itachi's eyes widens as he saw my wound healing in a blink.

"You…How..is this possible.."Itachi tries to speak up but he was hurt so badly.

"Why won't you ever listen to me? I told

you i'll be fine. You should've run away." My voice cracked as tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"It was my fate to die like this." Itachi said.

"Don't talk..You won't die. I'll protect you." The tears were making my vision blurry.

A faint smile appears on Itachi's face.

" Why are you crying..You said i'm a monster..and this is how a monster's fate is written. I was obliged to die a cruel death."

" Itachi..please..don't talk anymore..you're bleeding." I was still sobbing.

"Thank you. Atleast i had someone who cried for me in my last seconds." I could feel the pain in his voice.

"No i can't let him die like this. If only i didn't get it trouble Itachi wouldn't end up like this. I have to save him."

"Sorry for doing this without your permission." I apologize in advance as i bite my tongue.

I press my lips against his. I could sense him saying "What in the earth are you doing?"

But there's no time for me to explain. At this point rescuing Itachi is my first priority. And i don't mind if he thinks of me as a

perverted creep. I push my tongue into his mouth. His blurry vision starts getting clear as he swallows my blood. I pull out to catch my breath.

Itachi was just blankly staring at me. After we had a eye contact session more like a don't blink session, he sits up. It was so embarrassing for me since i knew that he would attack me with a bunch of questions.

"Umm..So..How are you feeling now?" I ask trying to avoid his firm gaze.

"I thought i was about to die." Itachi said.

"Well..you aren't dead..I think it's time that we start moving again."

Itachi nods and gets up instead of asking me questions. It was totally surprising.

"Why do you move so slowly?" Itachi asked.

"I'm not a ninja..I can't move at a high speed like you." I replied.

"That's why you were left behind before."

"I'm glad you finally believed something i said."

Itachi stops and picks me up in bridal style and starts to move again. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach. I would literally scream rn. My face is a red mess. Flustered than ever.

"Where are we headed to?" I asked.

"To the Akatsuki hideout." He replied.

"Stop right now." I raised my voice.

Itachi did as i said.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"You shouldn't be going to Akatsuki's hideout."


" It'll be a big mess if the Akatsuki members knew you are alive."

" I don't understand."

"I can't really explain it to you but i'm just trying to help. Please cut off contact with Akatsuki." I plead.

Itachi sighs and pins me by a tree. His eyes again turn red.I look straight into his eyes but it has no effect on me.Itachi deactivates his sharingan. His fierce eyes staring deep into mine.

"None can escape from my genjutsu.But it doesn't effect you. Even after getting stabbed by a kunai there wasn't a single scratch on your back. Miraculously i came back from the brink of death twice,all thanks to you. You say you aren't a ninja but you did something which is even impossible for a well trained medic ninja. You called me a monster but also swore to protect me. You shouldn't be aware of Akatsuki but you're telling me to stay away from them. When i ask you something you don't have any answers. Just what in the world are you? Why did you come to me? What do you want from me? What's your motive behind doing all these?"

I was too stunned to speak. The way Itachi confronted me was harsh but from his point of view it was fair enough. For him i'm a mystery that he couldn't solve. But what can i do? How do explain him that he's just a character in a book? That all his sufferings were meaningless.That he's just a puppet of the writer. It would completely break him if he finds out about this. He's already broken but at least he had a motive,a reason to live. If i tell him the truth he'll get hopeless. No matter what i can't tell him.Even if he decides to hate me,to kill me i'd would still not reveal it. I don't like to keep him in the dark either but if it protects his emotions then i'm afraid i won't have any other option.

"I'm sorry." These were the only words i couldn't say.

"You know what? If it weren't for your unknown identity i wouldn't be roaming around with you. I still don't know how much of a threat you could be so i have no choice but to keep you with me."

" Thanks for not abandoning me." I said in a sarcastic tone.

Itachi starts to walk again but suddenly he stops as he feels a sudden pain in his chest. I run to him and rub his back as i ask him if he was okay.

" Are you fine?" I ask in concern.

"I..I can't breathe.." Itachi struggles to talk.

"Oh no. Did the effect of my blood wore off?"

I immediately cup his face to bring it closer to mine. I bite my tongue and was ready to go. But Itachi stops me as he smacks my forehead.

"If you were going to do the same thing as before then let me warn you, don't ever do that okay? I'll kill you if you even try." He was serious.

" Wha-" I laugh sarcastically.

"Do you think i'm fond of kissing you?(yes i'm but we can't tell him that yk) Do you think i'm doing this because i was desperate?"

"You tried to force yourself on me without my permission. I let it slide for the first time because i thought i owe you some favors. But you did it again. Leaving everything aside, Where's your dignity? Don't you feel ashamed to throw yourself at a stranger?"

Man he really did cross the line this time.

" If I hadn't kissed your earlier you would be dead.You get it? And this isn't the only time i saved you like this. You think i don't have any dignity since i kissed a stranger. Let me tell you, It wasn't a kiss it was like a cpr. I did it because i thought of saving a life. Unlike you who thought i molested you." I was frustrated.

" Atleast now i know how your life saving process works. " Itachi said.

"Did you just trick me into saying all these?"

" Yes. " He shamelessly admits it too.

"Are you happy now? you just got your answers out of me."

"Many questions are still unanswered. But i still have a doubt."

"What doubt?" I roll my eyes.

Within an instant i feel Itachi brushing his lips on mine. My heart was stuck in my throat.I close my eyes but it lasted less than a second.

" I don't feel any better now. How does it really work?" He inquires.

"Did you just do that to test my abilities of healing?"

"There's no other reason for me to do it."

"You can't just tamper with someone's feelings like that!!"

"Sorry my intentions weren't bad." He apologizes.

"He's so rude and cold that i wanna punch him but at the same time he's so polite that i feel guilty to resent him." i think to myself.

"Why are you glaring like that? I would like to apologize again if i upset you."

"You got it all wrong. My kiss doesn't have a magic effect to heal anyone."

"Then how do you do it?"

"Let me show you." I smirked.

"I'm not injured at this moment so i possibly won't feel anything. It would be a waste."

"Seriously? I was just teasing you. You didn't have to take it so serious. I'm not gonna tell you the secret anyways."

" I understand. I won't force you to tell me anymore."

"Why are you so polite all on a sudden?"

"It is how i usually behave."

"You sure are talkative today. I thought you were going to ignore me again."

" I can't do that as you possess some great abilities. You can be useful in a war. You can heal people effortlessly despite of their critical conditions."

"You want me to kiss everyone to save their lives?"

" If you can do this to me who is a complete stranger to you then you can do it for others too."

"You're different!" I wasn't supposed to say this but i couldn't help myself.


"Nothing just forget it."

Itachi nods.

"So now that you think i'm useful you're being good to me. What if i'm a threat? What if i have some evil powers too?"

"That's why i'm keeping you under my surveillance until i find your real identity.

" I'll tell you everything just promise me one thing."

" What?"

"Tell your little brother everything."

Itachi was shocked by what i said. But the same time he looked offended too. His cold glare gave me chills down my spine.

" What are you talking about?" His voice deeper than ever.

" Tell Sasuke that you did everything in order to protect him and your village."

Itachi's eyes widened.

"How do you know about this?" He started taking steps towards me.

I take a step back as i try to avoid his eyes. I was afraid to look in his eyes because they weren't the same eyes it was a moment ago. His eyes tell that he wouldn't mind killing me right here.

" I..I..just..know" I stutter.

" I see." His voice sounded calm. But it was the silence before the tsunami.

I felt a sudden blow on my neck. And the next moment i was tied with a chair.It was dark I could barely see my surroundings.

"Where am I?"

~To be continued~