
Living as Celebrity and Falling In Love

"Be professional for this drama to be a success! If your acting is poor like that, what will the people who have been waiting for this drama say?! It will ruin my career!" 24-year-old Celine Evergreen, the winner of this year's Rookie Artist Award, has to face tough times after being paired with Jayden in a new drama. Jayden Hugo has been the most successful actor in the country for the past few years. All the dramas he starred in always got high ratings, and also he often won prestigious awards because of his qualified acting skills. Celine felt tremendous pressure to compete with Jayden's acting, so all her abilities could not come out fully. Expecting that, the director asked Celine to stay at Jayden's house to build good chemistry so she would no longer act awkward. Despite her heavy heart, she agreed. But what if the director asks for something else? Something much crazier than that? Something like... wanting Celine and Jayden to be fake couple during the drama's promotional run! "Celine Evergreen, don't try to like me or fall in love with me. Do not involve your feelings in this because this is nothing more than professionalism in work!" Jayden warned. At first, Celine felt silly because Jayden could speak so confidently like that. Even without being asked, she would not fall in love with him! However, along with the intensity of their meeting, will Celine be able to keep her promise to Jayden not to fall in love with him? Or maybe Jayden couldn't keep his word and fell in love with Celine first? Will Jayden discover Celine's trauma and help her cope with her dark past?

Boyfriend · Urban
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Underestimated For Role Worthiness

Peace. That was the feeling Celine felt every night.

Sitting on the rooftop of Jayden's house, about thirty meters above the ground, she could see several mountains piled up in front of her. The mountain looked very far away and began to be covered with the darkness of the night. Because the moonlighting was coming from that direction, she could still see the shadows of the mountains even though they were disguised.

Also, she could see several tall buildings soaring into the sky. Fortunately, the buildings did not block the view from the top of this house into the distance ahead.

She took a deep breath in her silence as her eyes turned to the night sky. She loved the night sky and the stars. Both of them were the most beautiful scenery she had ever seen.

In addition, the night is often the right time for her to reflect on her life. Thinking about happy memories in the past, whether the decisions she had taken so far were right, and guessing what her future would be.

For her, the night is a mystery. A mystery shrouded by pros and cons. And in the night, nine years ago, she lost her sister, Beatrice.

"Yes, I've taken care of it. After this, I will watch him closely so he cannot see you as the other day," explained a man over the phone.

One phrase given by Hiller was able to make the turmoil in Celine's chest subside. It felt as if her anxiety was falling one by one.

This was the report she had wanted to hear over the past few days. She knew that Hiller would not disappoint her, which proved true.

As she breathed a sigh of relief, Celine responded, "Thank you for securing that man for me. I don't know. If there weren't you, that guy might've driven me crazy. I owe you a lot, Hiller."

Hiller, who heard it, spontaneously chuckled, a laugh-filled with tenderness. "Not a big deal. I'm glad you reported it quickly to me so I can take firm action against that man. Celine, I promised your sister I'd always protect you, so I wouldn't let anyone hurt you."

Celine's heart suddenly became warm after hearing Hiller's words.

Hiller Terreson, a 30-year-old man, is a police officer in this city. Celine is not related by blood to him, nor is she romantically linked to him. What makes her close to him is that he is the most intimate acquaintance of the late sister.

And since Beatrice is gone, the person who's looking after her is Hiller. Until she was successful like this, all of it could not be separated from the intervention and his kindness.

"What about your activities lately? Is it very dense? Almost every day, I see you on a TV talk show. Celine, don't push yourself too hard. Health is the most important thing," said Hiller, filled with worry.

Hiller is the most respected figure for Celine after Beatrice's death. He put her into acting classes three years ago despite the considerable cost.

Celine was in that class for two years. Another year she spent doing a talent casting. One by one, she came, hoping she could soon debut in a drama despite being a supporting character.

However, it is not something easy. At the end of her despair, he recommended another casting to her while giving words of encouragement.


She passed the casting and successfully debuted in a drama to become the main character! Even more impressive, the theater was hugely successful and delivered her to the Best Rookie Artist of the year.

"I'm off today. I enjoyed doing it and never forced myself to take the job. So, you don't need to worry. I will take good care of myself!" Celine exclaimed, full of enthusiasm.

It's always like this. Whenever she talked to him, she felt renewed energy.

"Regarding Richard, you don't have to worry about him anymore. I went to his house with my other police colleagues the day before yesterday. He promised not to meet you secretly. Even so, I don't trust him. So, if there's anything, call me right away, okay? If he crossed the line, I would not hesitate to take the case nine years ago to court!"

It moved Celine to tears. It felt protected by Hiller. Due to the existence of Hiller's well, she no longer feels alone in this world, even though she lives alone. No parents, no siblings, and no relatives like aunts and uncles.

She was overwhelmed. "Of course. I'll call you immediately if that guy shows up suddenly again. Thank you very much!"

"Not a big deal. Then I have to go. My night shift will start in five minutes."



The phone was over.

Celine put her phone on the table. Despite feeling cold, she didn't want to leave immediately. This is such a great place.

"Who is it?"

Suddenly, she heard that discordant voice from her back. She quickly turned her body and saw who was standing not far away.

It was Jayden!

"Since when did you stand there?!" Celine asked in surprise.

Jayden grinned. He walked closer while keeping his arms crossed in front of his chest. Without hesitation, he sat down in a chair beside Celine.

"Since when? I've been here for ten minutes. Is something wrong?"

"You are eavesdropping!" accuse Celine of anger.

Jayden looked at Celine as silly. "Blame yourself for not knowing I was there!"

Celine was furious. Even though this was his home, did he think he could do whatever he wanted?

On the other hand, Jayden searched Celine's face suspiciously. A few seconds later, he asked blatantly, "Are you talking about the guy who fought with me the other day?"

Celine's ears suddenly became itchy. She doesn't want to answer.

"What are you doing here?"

Realizing that Celine did not answer his question, Jayden spontaneously laughed wittily. Either laugh at him or laugh at Celine.

"Me? This is my place to spend the night. I came here because I wanted to. And don't be so confident that I came here to meet you!" Jayden stated without any tenderness. He treated Celine like a stranger. As always.

On this rooftop, several tables and chairs are scattered in several places. Also, there is a flower garden on the right side and a mini glass house on the left.

The glass house contained a bed and shelves containing many books, just like the perfect place to relax.

Since this was Celine's first time coming to the rooftop, the glass house had caught her attention. Unfortunately, the glass house was locked, so she could not enter.

It would be fun if she read a book while lying on a bed with a night sky roof in the glass house. After all, who wouldn't want to do it?

"The Beautiful Sky and You Too are presented as a welcomer winter season drama. So, we will be together for quite a long period. Six months, right?" Jayden is no longer as annoying as before.

Knowing that the atmosphere turned serious, Celine also began to position herself thoughtfully while trying to forget Jayden's impudence a moment ago.

Come to think about it, what he said is true. They both will be together for six months. One month to stay at this house, three months to shoot, and two months of drama promotion.

If things go according to plan, Celine's working relationship with Jayden will end mid-winter.

"Has your manager told you something?" asked Jayden after pausing for a long time.

Celine's forehead frowned in confusion because she didn't get any news from Lucia. "What is it?"

"I knew she hadn't told you," Jayden muttered cynically. "The day after tomorrow, the director wants us to see him. He wants to know if there has been an improvement in our acting and chemistry. If you mess it up again, I won't hesitate to throw you out of this house. If possible, I'd like to ask the director to replace you with someone else!"

Celine's body trembled faintly. She was not if the consequence was she kicked out of Jayden's House. However, if it concerns her role in the drama, she will be replaced by someone else... She didn't want anything like this to happen!

"You're scared, huh? That's great. And that way, you have more motivation to prove that you deserve the role. Although all decisions are in the director's hands, I'm sure he would consider it if I gave him that idea. After all, it's for the good of the drama itself," Jayden grinned.

A moment later, he continued, "Simon is one of the best directors in the country. If you failed in his eyes, he could have told the other directors about your poor acting skills, right? And that way, you'll have trouble getting new projects. Gradually, your name will sink into oblivion."

Celine stared blankly at Jayden. Just moments ago, she was relieved after Hiller reported that he had closely watched Richard. But now, Jayden has come to bring a new fear to her.


"I've never spoken like this to anyone else. I never asked anyone to do this or that. For some reason, I feel pity for you. It reminds me of the hard times I had when I was a rookie artist like you."

Celine blinked her eyes a few times. Come to think of it further, Jayden has been talking to Celine lately. Unlike before, he even opened up conversations with her more often.

"So, you've had a hard time, too?" Celine asked curiously.

Jayden stood up. A few seconds later, he pulled something out from under his shirt and half-slammed it on a table.

Celine immediately grabbed the thing in surprise. Before she could say anything, Jayden had already voiced, "Read that novel for a distraction from stress."

Right after that, he walked towards the glass house not far from there. A moment later, he stopped his steps and turned around, finding that Celine was secretly following him from behind.

"What are you doing? You're not allowed into that glass house. I didn't allow anyone to enter it except myself."

Celine almost coughed up blood. How could Jayden have known that she had such a considerable interest in the glass house?!

"But... let me—"

"Stay there, and don't bother me!"

Celine clucked. She looked resentfully at him, who quickly opened the glass house door using a fingerprint sensor.

"How arrogant! When I have a lot of money, I will make a more magnificent and luxurious house than you! I will never allow you to set foot in my house when that day comes!" Celine hissed, feeling upset.

She immediately went from there to her room. She was lying on the bed while staring at the thick book.

"I'm not falling in love with you," Celine muttered in the book's title.

"Did he give me this book to clarify that I shouldn't fall in love with him?" Celine muttered a half-sneer and cradled the novel in her hands.

Suddenly, she laughed until tears escaped from the corners of her eyes. It's funny that he always warned her not to fall in love with him.

How many times did she get a warning?

Three times? Four times? Or five times?

"Jayden Hugo, I'm not going to fall in love with you! And also, I'm going to prove that I deserve that role! Just watch!"