
Live without love

“These feelings can damage her. That was another reason to leave the country as soon as possible.”

daria · Teen
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5 Chs


16.09.2018. First day of the 12th grade.How these 3 years have gone so fast?She has not found an answer for this question.

As she enters the high school,she saw the excitement on her colleagues faces.They were speaking about their own future plans,everyone was dreaming at their ideal future.

She is going to miss this place.She is even going to miss her colleagues,her teachers who have helped her become a better person.But,most important,she is going to miss her family.

After her parents death,she had lived with her aunt and uncle.They have always supported her in everything that she did and offered her their unconditional love.No matter what happens,they will always have a special place in her heart.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the boys arrival.He was standing there and laughing.Out of all,she hated him so badly.

His messy hair,the white shirt that he was wearing so nonchalant and the smile that meant nothing good.But,when they were looking at each other,she couldn't explain to herself what she was feeling.Those eyes reminded her the promise she had made to herself 4 years ago.

No matter what she had felt,this was a dangerous game that she didn't wanted to play.

She knew that she had to leave this country as soon as possible.