
Live without love

“These feelings can damage her. That was another reason to leave the country as soon as possible.”

daria · Teen
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5 Chs


October.Everyone kept reminding them about the final exams and how inportant they actually are in choosing a college.

She felt that everything was under her control.She works so hard everyday to achieve her goals.She feels like everyday is closer to her dreams.

From her perspective,there were no doubts?But what about him?

From his point of view,nothing was clear.He wasn't ready to face the future.All he knew was that he wanted to live every moment,and after that,he will study.He wasn't afraid about it,he was satisfied no matter what happened.That's what he wanted to believe.

He doesn't describe himself as a bad person,but he is far away from perfection.He didn't like to be all alone.The idea of being alone with his thoughts was scarying him.

He learned how to smile,even when the sadness was controlling him.He learned how to hide his feelings under a mask of happiness and ignorance.

Pretend you're happy,you will believe you're happy and in the end you will feel happy.But the storm that he was trapped into was getting bigger and bigger.