
Live Streaming: Starting as a Door-to-Door Salesman for Coffins!

Disclaimer: *This is Not an original story.* *I don't own this story and the book cover.* For those interested, this is the original name of this novel: 直播上门推销,请问要棺材吗 Kindly, Please Note that: 1) This is an Edited MTL. 2) I'm not a translator. I don't understand the Chinese language. I don't even know a single character of it. 3) I don't have any previous Editing experience. 4) However, I do have a decade worth of experience in reading translated chinese web-novels. 5) Leave a review, or comment if you like my work. Thanks! Synopsis: Han Haocheng activated the system, "Live life to it's fullest while you're still alive." As long as he completed tasks, he would get rewards. It seemed simple and easy. Alas... He couldn't have been any more wrong. He had to complete livestreaming tasks like: [Knock on any house's door and sell coffins seriously!] [Go to any company for a job interview and ask the interviewer, are you recruiting a chairman?] [Find the fiercest and strongest looking person in the Internet cafe, and turn off the power while he is playing a team battle in the game!] [Talk to a lady, beautiful as a fairy, on the street. Get her WeChat account and seriously sell her a coffin. After she agrees or refuses, Allow her to bargain for a lower price.] Han Haocheng: "..." Netizens after watching Han Haocheng's live broadcast: "Is this something a carbon-based organism really thought of???"

Roronoa_0007 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 29 [Get up, I Promise Not to Hit You!!]

Being an unemployed Beijing drifter, Han Haocheng deeply understood the importance of money.

Hence, when he saw that so many people had given him gifts, the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

Normally, whenever the audience sends gifts, streamers thank them right away.

It's just that Han Haocheng was singing at the moment. With his mouth busy, he obviously couldn't address the fans.

As a result, he was only able to smile in the direction of the camera and bow slightly.

Then, he continued to concentrate on his singing to repay the audience:

"Finally I understood, what we both wanted... is an end.

All the explanations made look like excuses,

I Lit a fire and burned up all presents that you gave me,

But it couldn't extinguish the burning anger in my chest."

It maybe because the viewers had sent him money, or it might be due to the fact that Han Haocheng was still adapting to the newly obtained guitar and singing skills in the first part of the song..

Regardless of the reason, when he sang for the second time, he sang much more smoothly and beautifully.

Everybody listening could feel his singing becoming better and better!

Obviously, the audience was not deaf. After realising that his singing was getting more and more pleasant with each passing second, they all enthusiastically fired another round of bullet comments:

"Damn! The more he sings, the better he gets!"

"Is this the host's way of thanking us for sending gifts? I guess my Lollipop wasn't sent in vain, right?"

"He doesn't say much, but his actions show his respect for the viewers, for that I will give him my 100% support worth one hundred coins!"

"It's not easy to find a live-streamer working so hard. Those with money contribute money; those without, contribute support – it's not bad!"

"Liked, followed and shared three times – no need to thank me!"


The live broadcast room's popularity shot up at an astonishing speed. It broke the previous limit of fifty to sixty thousand viewers and reached an impressive eighty thousand online spectators.

Interestingly, a significant number of newcomers thought it was a singing live-stream:

"My word, the host is a talented singer?"

"Singing with 80,000 people watching? Oh my God, who's this big internet celebrity? Why don't I recognize him?"

"No, no, everyone, take a closer look at the title, haha, that doesn't seem to be the case?"


Han Haocheng's singing is undeniably exceptional, and his live performance can stand toe to toe with the original singer of 'Conquer,' La Yingzi.

Nonetheless, in the current era of immense talent, gathering over 10,000 viewers exclusively through singing remains a formidable challenge.

If it were a girl dressed sexily with a beautiful voice, reaching over ten thousand viewers might still be possible.

However, for male performers, the journey is much more arduous.

Therefore, when the fresh faces in the audience realized that 80,000 viewers had flocked in the live broadcast room to listen to music, a sense of curiosity washed over them.

It was only when someone pointed out the title of the live broadcast room that all the newcomers turned their attention to it:

[I've run into the unruly young man with tattoos once again, and I am about to give an encore performance. First, I'll pretend to make peace by singing a song as an apology while playing my guitar. Then, I'll surprise him by personally confessing my love to his girlfriend as I dedicate the song to her.]

With just one glance at the title, many viewers watching the live stream on their phones couldn't help but let their lips curl upwards.

"Pfft... So he turns out to be a prankster broadcaster, huh?"

"Good Lord, I know this guy! He is the one who sold coffins door-to-door, right?"

"Oh my God, even a prankster streamer has amazing singing abilities. Are they all so professional nowadays?"

"Forgive me, but when I saw this title, I laughed so hard I think I peed. Did it happen to anyone else?"

"ROFL! What kind of brain circuit does this person have?"

"I'm really looking forward to what happens next."


Numerous amused viewers laughed and stared at their screens with wide eyes, eagerly anticipating what would happen next.

At this moment, Han Haocheng reached the passionate climax of the song:

"Just like this, I was conquered by you.

There's no turning back (for me)

My heart is firm, (but)

My decisions are muddled...

Conquered by you like this

(I) drink down the poison you secretly prepared (for me)

My story has ended

My love and hate have been buried!!"

The perfect singing made everyone wear expressions of enjoyment.

As the song reached its end, Han Haocheng knelt down, extended a hand, and said:

"That's how I was conquered by you!"

Hearing this, the shirtless young man with tattoos laughed appreciatively:

"Not bad, brother, your singing voice is on par with my bike-riding skills. It's outstanding!"

Saying this, the young man with tattoos walked forward as he tried to help Han Haocheng up.

"Get up; I forgive you."

With a forceful tug, he tried to pull Han Haocheng up.

However, Han Haocheng didn't get up. He remained kneeling and gazed at the spot where the bare-chested young man had been standing a moment ago.

Following this gaze, the young fellow noticed his girlfriend looking back at Han Haocheng.

Upon witnessing this scene, the young lad was dumbfounded.

'What's going on here? Didn't he kneel down to apologize to me?'

'Why is he looking at my girl like this?'


'It can't be... was he singing this song for my girlfriend from the start?'

But this thought only lasted for a second, and the tattooed young boss immediately shook his head, dismissing the impossible idea.

'No, no, that's not possible, absolutely impossible!'

'How dare he?'

'There are so many of us surrounding him.'

'He was so frightened that he came over to ask for peace, and even put on a show like a clown to ask for my forgiveness.'

'He couldn't possibly be eyeing my girlfriend, I guess he just wanted to make a joke when looked at my girlfriend, right?'

'Seeing how hard he tried to make amends and for his beautiful singing, let's just forgive this guy's not-so-likeable sense of humor.'

The young delinquent leader gradually understood everything, so he smiled and said:

"Enough, stop joking around... I forgive you, so get up quickly."

"I promise I won't hit you!"

Han Haocheng's ears perked up at his words:

"Are you sure you won't hit me?"

"Of course, I'm sure. I, Zhang Huhu, always keep my word and never break a promise," the bare-chested teenager said, suddenly raising his head with pride when mentioning this aspect.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Han Haocheng said in a tone reminiscent of a female talk-show host...

"Pfft, can't believe you're so scared, you don't even believe me. Fine, don't you just want me to give you a guarantee?"

The shirtless and tattooed young man shot him a look that revealed his understanding of everything.

"Alright, I promise you, and if I break my promise, I'll die a terrible death. Satisfied now?"

"Okay, sure, it's a deal!" Han Haocheng smiled.

"Then, get up!"

The tattooed young man was genuinely planning to forgive Han Haocheng. He was actually only trying to regain his face, and now he had successfully achieved that. Naturally, there was no need for violence anymore.

Alas, Han Haocheng still showed no signs of getting up. He remained on one knee, looking at the pretty girl.

"Get up, I promise not to hit you."

"I've already said I forgive you and I've sworn an oath, yet why are still kneeling?"

"Why do you keep staring at my girlfriend?"

Just as he was becoming puzzled, Han Haocheng spoke:

"Did you hear that, beautiful lady? From the beginning, I sang the song, 'Conquer,' for you!"

"From the first moment I saw you, I was conquered by your beauty!"

"I want to confess now that I love you! Will you be my girlfriend?"

As soon as this confession came out, everybody present was stunned.

The expression on the face of the originally confident young man suddenly froze.

The audience in the live broadcast room went wild with hysterical laughter; hooting, squealing and all laughing like pigs!