
Live Streaming: Starting as a Door-to-Door Salesman for Coffins!

Disclaimer: *This is Not an original story.* *I don't own this story and the book cover.* For those interested, this is the original name of this novel: 直播上门推销,请问要棺材吗 Kindly, Please Note that: 1) This is an Edited MTL. 2) I'm not a translator. I don't understand the Chinese language. I don't even know a single character of it. 3) I don't have any previous Editing experience. 4) However, I do have a decade worth of experience in reading translated chinese web-novels. 5) Leave a review, or comment if you like my work. Thanks! Synopsis: Han Haocheng activated the system, "Live life to it's fullest while you're still alive." As long as he completed tasks, he would get rewards. It seemed simple and easy. Alas... He couldn't have been any more wrong. He had to complete livestreaming tasks like: [Knock on any house's door and sell coffins seriously!] [Go to any company for a job interview and ask the interviewer, are you recruiting a chairman?] [Find the fiercest and strongest looking person in the Internet cafe, and turn off the power while he is playing a team battle in the game!] [Talk to a lady, beautiful as a fairy, on the street. Get her WeChat account and seriously sell her a coffin. After she agrees or refuses, Allow her to bargain for a lower price.] Han Haocheng: "..." Netizens after watching Han Haocheng's live broadcast: "Is this something a carbon-based organism really thought of???"

Roronoa_0007 · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

[I usually don't laugh at work, unless I really can't help it! ]

Meanwhile, the people in the livestream room were  thoroughly amused by the scene in front of them.

The bullet comments were being fired rapidly:

"Hahaha! I can't stop laughing, look at that little beauty's shocked expression!"

"Beautiful shop assistant: Are you for real? Huh?"

"Can't even make do with this? Haha, I'm speechless!"

"Looking at that girl's frequently blushing face, she probably has her brain in la-la land!"

"At this moment, I am infinitely curious about the host. I really want to meet him."

"The streamer is so bold, he has dumbfounded everyone!"

"So good at entertaining, such a brave broadcaster! There's only one like this on the whole internet. I'm following!"

"I have to say, this streamer is the real deal! Amazing, 666! Liked, shared and followed!"


Numerous internet trolls were tickled by the true-to-life antics of the prankster host, Han Haocheng. They found themselves laughing time and time again, unable to resist.

Life is filled with immense pressure these days. Therefore, everyone yearns for some entertainment during their free time.

Consequently, most newcomers who joined the livestream were instantly won over.

"Awesome, I saw such hilarious content on my first visit. I must be having a lucky day."

"With a few more streamers like this, I feel like I can live for several more years."

"Haha, I feel really good after watching such a cool live broadcast so early in the morning!"

"Hats off to this amazing broadcaster. He has gone to great lengths to make netizens laugh!"

"I'll salute you with a rocket. It's been a real joy to watch!"

"I need not say anything more, just sending you gifts!"


The merry viewers in the live broadcast room sent numerous gifts to Han Haocheng.

In a matter of minutes, gifts worth thousands arrived.

It has to be said that this income is quite significant as well.

Han Haocheng's thick skin grew thicker with the influx of money.

Ignoring the bewildered people on the spot, he continued:


"Why aren't you speaking?"

"Are you discriminating against me, perhaps?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Su Qian's face turned redder.

Discriminate against a customer? How could this be tolerated? If she was reported, she would lose her job.

Hence, Su Qian hurriedly explained:

"No, no, I didn't mean to discriminate against you. I hope you don't misunderstand."

Han Haocheng retorted:

"You clearly did discriminate. You stayed silent for a long time."

"And the corners of your lips twitched several times, obviously you were laughing at me."

"I will make a complaint against you!"

When the salesgirl Su Qian heard this, her face turned pale with fright. Instantaneously, she rushed to explain amid her nervousness:

"I really didn't, I really didn't.."

"I'm just, I'm just too surprised!"

Han Haocheng questioned:

"What were you surprised about?"

Su Qian replied:

"I'm surprised that you look normal! Yet, in reality..."

Han Haocheng squinted his eyes and said,

"See, aren't you discriminating and mocking me? I want to file a complaint against you!"

In an instant, panic washed over Su Qian's face. She instinctively drew closer, puffed her cheeks, and pleaded with puppy eyes.

"No, no, please don't."

"How could I discriminate against you?"

Upon hearing this..

Everyone on the scene burst into irrepressible laughter.

Couples who had been paying attention to this incident couldn't help but cover their mouths, trying to suppress their chuckles.

The elderly woman, who had witnessed everything, also turned her head as her shoulders shook with uncontrollable laughter.

Once again, the live broadcast viewers found themselves amused by Han Haocheng's questions and the beautiful shop assistant's response.

They kept posting comments to express their feelings:

"Pfft... Hahaha, Host, are you trying to make me laugh to death and then inherit my debts?"

"I'm so dazzled, every word this streamer says is beyond my expectation!"

"He is still confronting her, the anchor has absolutely lost his sense of shame! Ahahaha!"

"The key point is that this beauty really got scared! Otherwise, how could she be acting cute?"

"Is she really that afraid? Acting cute? Who would actually act cute in this situation?"

"Oh my God! This livestream is funnier than all the comedy clips I've seen this year put together!"

"Watching him corner this salesgirl, I think this streamer has a real knack for messing with people's minds!"

"Don't be afraid, girl. Let him go complain. I don't believe the streamer dares to lose face any further. If he does report you, he'll be more embarrassed."

"Breaking News: A live-streamer was discriminated against when buying condoms. Unexpectedly, the salesgirl denied the allegations by acting cute!"

"The comment above is spot on, this news headline will definitely get viral!!"


Su Qian's unexpected move to act cute was, in fact, amusing not only to others but also to Han Haocheng.

'Good Lord! It's so difficult to keep a straight face.'

Han Haocheng couldn't afford to laugh yet, he had to hold it back by force.

After all, the task progress bar is not completely full yet.

However, as everyone knows, sometimes it's not very easy to hold back your laughter.

Han Haocheng had no choice but to vigorously rub his face with both hands and pretend to be angry, before saying:

"Humph! It's no use to act cute with me. Just go find what I need. Why are you still standing? Hurry up and find me what I need!"

Su Qian heard Han Haocheng's words and mistakenly thought that he bought her act. 

She accidentally laughed out loud, wondering how could anyone fall for it.

But the laughter only lasted for a moment, and she immediately turned her head away.

Facing the threat of complaints, Su Qian of course couldn't laugh heartily. So, she had to turn her back and take a few deep breaths before managing to adjust her mood.

Afraid of laughing again, Su Qian immediately said quickly:

"I'll go to another shelf now and continue looking for you!"

After informing Han Haocheng, Su Qian left the scene in a flurry.

She ran behind a different shelf, held it with one hand, covered her lips with the other, and kept on laughing.

Because her laughter was so intense, the entire shelf was shaken as if it experienced an earthquake.

This scene once again thoroughly entertained the spectators:

"Oh my, this pretty saleswoman is probably about to die from laughter!"

"Beautiful Saleswoman: I usually don't laugh at work, unless I really can't help it!"

"The anchor is so funny. If I were the salesperson, I'd probably burst into laughter on the spot!"

"This experience, this beautiful saleswoman will probably only experience it once in her lifetime! And it's destined to be unforgettable!"

"Indeed, she's a heavenly beauty, but the host made her laugh like a husky! Unbelievable!"

The laughter lasted for a while.

Today's experience made Su Qian laugh an entire year's worth of laughter.

After regaining her composure, she began searching the shelves.

To meet the customer's requirement, she honestly tried to find a smaller size.

Although she didn't know much about these adult products, Su Qian was well read and a good learner. With the guidance of her senior, she quickly began to understand the difference in size numbers.

Keeping this customer's special body in mind, she directly found the smallest model number on the second shelf and took it over.

She handed it to the customer and thought to herself:

'This size should fit, right?'