
Live Broadcast To Become An Immortal,

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Chapter 215 Unknown Mysterious Exis10ce!

Chapter 215 Unknown mysterious existence!

Outside the world of gods!

Some unknown mysterious place!

at this time.

An ancient, indescribable, and unpredictable Sacred existence is sitting cross-legged in the depths of the chaotic void. Dao rhythm circulates around the body, and immortal light is endless for billions of miles behind.

Illuminated the heavens of all ages!


The ancient existence that has been silent for many years, as if sensing something, slowly opened its closed eyes.

Inside, there is a breath of avenue rising...


The moment he opened his eyes, the entire chaotic space seemed to be lit up, and ten thousand things sounded in unison.

Seems to be celebrating!

However, after a moment, it was all silent again...

"My ninth Fractionated Divinity, gone."

A murmur without any emotion came out softly.

The expression on his face, Gu Jing does not wave!

Nothing but indifference.

After a slight surprise, he seemed to want to deduce the reason for the ninth Fractionated Divinity's extinction, but when he sensed it, he found nothing.

All he knew was that the Ninth Fractionated Divinity was gone!

As for the reason and the specific process, he did not see clearly...

It looked like something was blocking it.

"who is it?"

"It seems to be in the Godly Desolate World!"

"Able to obliterate my ninth Fractionated Divinity, and able to blind my perception, is at least an immortal. In that place, even the Great Emperor no longer exists, and immortals?"

He frowned slightly.

A pair of sensible magical eyes penetrated the vast void, as if they wanted to find the source of everything, but when their eyes touched the world barrier of the Godly Desolate World, they were stopped by some force.


"Let's see how long you can keep guarding, until the end of the era, I will settle everything..."

A low and icy voice echoed in the chaotic space.

Say it.

He glanced coldly in the direction of the barren world, and fell silent again.


No one knows about the mysterious existence outside the gods!

at this time.

Following Lu Changsheng's live broadcast on Buried Dragon Ridge, the shocking battle between Dongfang Xuan and Wei Daoist was recorded by countless people, and then spread all over the world of the gods in an instant.

For a time, the wind was surging!

Countless eyes turned to the land of Divine Continent...

Mountain and sea world!

On top of a big mountain, Xiao Mingyue withdrew her gaze towards the distant space, and there was an inexplicable surprise in the depths of her eyes.

"I was actually deceived by you~"

A faint whisper came out.

At this moment, Xiao Mingyue's everlasting cold eyes also showed a rare solemn look.

I don't know what to think...

Town Magic Division!

To the top of the sky!

Luo Xinyu held the Heavenly Dao jade wall in both hands, her eyes dull.

"Is that person... the Governor?"

"If so, then he... he is a... Great Emperor? This is impossible, right?"

Her body kept shaking.

at this time.

Thinking of that possibility, her weak heart suffered an unprecedented shock, and her heart was full of surprises and excitement.

But also felt boundless panic and fear!

She didn't dare to connect Dongfang Xuan and the Great Emperor's identities at all. If everything is true, it means that there is a Great Emperor by her side.

Ignorance is happiness!

Once you learn something, you will be under some kind of unbearable pressure.

Luo Xinyu experienced this feeling perfectly!

At this time, she was terrified.

I don't know how to face Dongfang Xuan!

After all, her governor may be a Great Emperor...

Even if not, it has something to do with the Great Emperor.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy Luo Xinyu felt...

Except for her.

The rest of the Zhenmo Division also saw the shocking battle in the Dragon Burial Ridge. Although their hearts were filled with shock, they did not connect the Great Emperor and Dongfang Xuan.

I just thought that was the mysterious boss behind Lu Changsheng!

"Huh, Qin Zhanmo is finally saved!"

Putting it on the Heavenly Dao jade wall, Hua Piao Ling Zha breathed a sigh of relief, and a surprised smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The same goes for everyone else.

"Qin Zhanmo, this kid is really lucky. He was fortunate enough to meet the mysterious boss. If it wasn't for that one, I'm afraid he would have been sacrificed by now."

Li Xuanshan said half-jokingly.

After speaking, he seemed to think of something again, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"You said, does this matter... have anything to do with the Eastern Governor?"


Li Xuanshan's words made everyone stunned.

I don't understand what he means!

"Impossible, how could the Eastern Governor be the Great Emperor..."

"I'm not saying this, what I mean is... Could the Governor have something to do with that mysterious existence? After all, isn't this a coincidence?"

Li Xuanshan said inexplicably.

Upon hearing this, Hua Piaoling and the others lost their voices collectively, and all fell into silence.

"Don't talk nonsense about this!"

"Everything is just guesswork, there is no real evidence, we just think about it ourselves, don't let outsiders know."

"That's right! Whether it's related or not, this has nothing to do with us."


The faces of the people were condensed.

Apparently, he's keeping a close eye on this topic.

After confirming that Qin Zhanmo was all right, they dispersed...

At the same time, Buried Dragon Ridge!

After witnessing an earth-shattering Great Emperor battle with his own eyes, until this time, Lu Changsheng's mind was still trembling madly, and the whole person was stunned.

Only he could feel the breath and mighty power of the Great Emperor!

Two words, horror!

If it wasn't for Dongfang Xuan's support, just the level of battle just now, the slightest aftermath would be enough to destroy him countless times.

"Hey, it's terrible!"

"Is this the mighty power of the Great Emperor rank..."

Lu Changsheng was absent-minded.

At this time, he had not woken up from the war.

In my mind, there are still pictures of terrifying horror...

Let him not be himself!

"This kid, won't you be frightened?"

Seeing Lu Changsheng's appearance, Dongfang Xuan shook his head and laughed.

Say it.

With a big wave of his hand, he moved Lu Changsheng out of the Dragon Burial Ridge.

This treasure hunt is over!

However, it's worth it!

After all, seeing a Great Emperor level battle is something that countless people can't even dream of...

"Now go to Wanshen Mountain and take a look."

All things done.

Dongfang Xuan's deep eyes looked at the Wanshen Mountain in the distance, which was destroyed by his palm. After looking at it for a while, he disappeared in a flash.

When it reappears, it has come to the depths of the ground!

Down three thousand feet down the ancient well, it is an extremely vast space, which is chaotic, low and depressed.

In the deepest position, there seems to be a flash of brilliance.

And, with the mysterious breath...


Dongfang Xuan waved his big hand lightly, and the chaotic mist that enveloped the space quickly retreated.

When everything was gone, a scaled-down version of the altar came into view.

Around it, there stood eight mysterious dragon-shaped stone pillars, and strands of golden light were continuously extracted from the void, and then submerged on the altar.

"The power of luck?"

Dongfang Xuan was a little surprised.

That golden brilliance is real luck.

Don't think about it, it must be the Great Martial King!

Then, looking at the altar, there is a mysterious ancient tree more than three feet high, and it also bears a golden fruit.

Reveals a strong rhyme!

"This is..."

Looking at the mysterious ancient tree on the altar, and the mysterious golden fruit, Dongfang Xuan's spirit was lifted.

At this point, he fully understood the plot of the devious Daoist.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 216 Magical Medicine On The Other Shore!

Chapter 216 Magical Medicine on the Other Shore!

"The other side of the magic medicine!"

A slightly surprised whisper came out of Dongfang Xuan's mouth.

He did not expect that in the Wanshen Mountain in the deepest part of the Buried Dragon Ridge, there is actually a magical medicine that has been passed down in ancient legends.

In particular, the efficacy of the other shore magic medicine is very heaven-defying!

Even if he was used to seeing all kinds of Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, and even the supreme treasures such as Immortal Artifacts, he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he faced this other side magic medicine at this time.

It was a total surprise!

Name: Other Shore Medicine

Rank: Heavenly Dao Elixir

Introduction: Born from heaven and earth, a plant can reshape life and reach the other side of destiny!

Efficacy: 1. After swallowing and refining, the original talent, root bone, blood, physique, Talent, etc. can be reshaped and sublimated to the level of life.

2. The divine medicine of the other shore is made by absorbing the blood of the holy spirits of the world's 360 supreme arrogances. After using it, different people will get different good fortunes, including but not limited to: talent, root bone, physique, bloodline, Talent... …

3. After reshaping the destiny through the magical medicine on the other side, at least there is the capital of the Great Emperor!

Remarks: This magic medicine is not yet fully mature!


There is a lot of information about the magic medicine on the other side, presented in front of you.

After reading it, Dongfang Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

Worlds, full of wonders!

For the creatures in the world, this magical medicine on the other side is simply a supreme divine artifact that can change their fate. Not to mention a tricky Daoist, even he would be tempted to see it.

"It's no wonder that Supreme Chen Xuan, Futian, did not hesitate to run out of the ancient restricted area, and even sacrificed 358 to the world's arrogance. It turns out that there is a magical medicine on the other side."

"With this thing, he may really be able to break the shackles of fate, reshape himself, and live another life."

"The reason why he arrested Qin Zhanmo and the others here is also to sacrifice them, so as to obtain the blood of the Holy Spirit in their bodies, and pour the magic medicine on the other side to make them mature."

"Furthermore, over the years, it has been conceived with the national transport of the Great Martial King Dynasty, which is really generous..."

Dongfang Xuan sighed secretly.

Chen Xuan is really conspiratorial, very big!

For this, he has waited for tens of thousands of years, and it took 18,000 years to irrigate this other side magic medicine, and sacrificed more than 300 unparalleled talents.

The price is huge!

Originally, everything developed according to his expectations, and everything was under his control. I don't know Daoist's calculation is not as good as God's calculation, but he still made a mistake in the end.

Meeting Dongfang Xuan was the biggest misfortune in his life!

Tens of thousands of years of hard waiting have all come to nothing at this moment...

Not only did he not get the magic medicine on the other side, but he even took his own life.

It can be said that God made people!

Dongfang Xuan was only touched by his plans and experiences, but had no sympathy or pity.

Those who harm people, people will always harm them!

Come out and mix, sooner or later you will have to pay it back...

"This other side divine medicine, after reshaping its destiny, will have at least the funds of the Great Emperor. If I reward it through the Dao Live Broadcasting Room, what will it look like?"

"Maybe, it will be promoted to become an elixir!"


Dongfang Xuan's eyes shone brightly.

If an immortal medicine is swallowed and refined, the physique of the root bone will be sublimated like never before. At that time, his Heavenly Dao Supreme body may be able to be promoted to an immortal body.

Forge the foundation of the fairy!

When he thought of this, he was heartbroken!

Looking at the magical medicine on the other side of the altar, his eyes became eager...

"Fu Tian Supreme Chen Xuan has sacrificed 358 unparalleled talents for more than 10,000 years. Only the last two bloods of the Holy Spirit are needed to fully mature."

"Looks like it's going to take some effort..."

Dongfang Xuan whispered.

Say it.

He came directly to the altar, and sat cross-legged in front of the magic medicine on the other side. After some thought, he opened the live broadcast room of the avenue and found Su Qinghuang, who had not been in contact for a long time.

At this time, she is live streaming...

And this time, the live broadcast content is different from the previous refining Medicine Pill, but the live broadcast of Transcend Tribulation.

The person of Transcend Tribulation is the Holy Master of Yaochi, Ji Ruyue!

[Hasn't the Holy Master of Yaochi already cultivated to the Mahayana realm, why do you still need to cross the Heavenly Tribulation? ]

[Hmph, ignorant! The physique of the Holy Master is special. It is said that every time you break through a Realm, you have to go through the Heavenly Tribulation, and then the Cultivation Base and strength will increase greatly. ]

[As we all know, the Holy Master of Yaochi does not have a cultivation bottleneck, and only Transcend Tribulation is needed to improve the Cultivation Base. It's just that the Holy Lord's Heavenly Tribulation is different from others...]

[I heard that Heavenly Tribulation was very terrifying when the former Holy Master broke through the Mahayana realm, and its power was almost comparable to the late stage of Mahayana. In the end, it was the old monster of Yaochi Sacred Land who took care of it and succeeded. ]

[Now, the old monsters of the Yaochi Sacred Land have all left, and I don't know where they went, causing the Yaochi Sacred Land to almost collapse. I don't know if the Holy Master can survive this catastrophe safely. ]

[Look at it and you will know...]


In the live broadcast room, the voice of discussion is overwhelming.

Su Qinghuang is very popular.

At this time, there are 10 billion people online!

This is the result of her huge popularity of 'Xuan Heavenly Emperor' over the past period of time...

"The Holy Master of Jade Pool is in Transcend Tribulation?"

Looking at the live broadcast on the screen, Dongfang Xuan was a little surprised.

He came just in time!


Yaochi Sacred Land!

Holy Master Ji Ruyue stepped on the void, her cold and majestic eyes swept across the sky, and her body exuded a powerful momentum. She kept launching various ferocious attacks, destroying the falling thunder one by one.

Not far away, a group of Sacred Land disciples headed by Su Qinghuang, as well as many Sacred Land Elders, watched nervously and anxiously...

"Twenty Heavenly Tribulation!"

"According to the Holy Master, she will face thirty-six Heavenly Tribulations this time, and now she has passed more than half of it. As long as she sustains the remaining sixteen Heavenly Tribulations, Cultivation Base will be able to take it to the next level."

"When the time comes, go straight to the Mahayana late stage!"

"I hope she can persevere. Now that the ancestors are not here, the Holy Master must not be in trouble..."

At this time.

An elder worried.

That Heavenly Tribulation, they were terrified!

Back then, when Ji Ruyue broke through the Mahayana realm, the power of his Heavenly Tribulation was comparable to the late stage cultivator of Mahayana. Now that he has made a breakthrough, the Heavenly Tribulation must be even more powerful.

Absolutely reached the perfection of Mahayana!

They also don't know whether Ji Ruyue can hold on...

"Master can definitely do it!"

"Actually, Master has been preparing for today's Transcend Tribulation for a long time. In order to make sure nothing goes wrong, her old man sacrificed a humane spirit weapon."


Su Qinghuang, who had been silent all the time, said.

Humanitarian soldiers?

Hearing this, the surrounding Elders suddenly looked at surprised eyes.

This is second only to the existence of the extreme spiritual soldiers. If you successfully cultivate a humanistic spiritual soldier, it will not be difficult to survive this Heavenly Tribulation.

Think here!

Everyone immediately looked to the sky in the distance...


Following the twentieth Heavenly Tribulation, two more terrifying tribulation thunders landed at the same time.

[Fuck, Heavenly Tribulation also bullies people? ]

[Two ways together, can the Holy Master bear it? ]

[The power of this tribulation thunder, I am afraid it is enough to match Mahayana's perfect state...]

[See how Holy Master Yaochi will deal with it next. ]

[If you unfortunately fall under Heavenly Tribulation, it will be beautiful, hehe...]

[To shut up! Dogs can't spit out ivory! ]


The live broadcast room is eagerly awaited.

Everyone focused their attention on Ji Ruyue.


And just when the two tribulation thunders descended, Ji Ruyue obviously felt a great threat, only to see her body trembling slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious bronze umbrella hovered above his head in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 217 Raise Your Hand And Cut The Sky!

Chapter 217 Raise your hand and cut the sky!

"Tianluo umbrella?"

When the bronze umbrella appeared, among the elders of Sacred Land in Jade Pond, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Moreover, after her, the rest of the people were also surprised...

"It has been many years since Luo Umbrella was hidden in the treasure house?"


"This umbrella is at least a thousand years old~"

"It looks ordinary and unreal, but I didn't expect it to be a human spirit soldier, and it is still defensive? Sure enough, the Holy Master's eyes are like torches..."

"With the Tianluo umbrella, the chances of the Holy Lord's Transcend Tribulation are greatly increased!"

"God bless me Yaochi Sacred Land!"


All the elders, their faces were full of surprise and excitement.

As long as Ji Ruyue is safe, it will be a blessing for Yaochi Sacred Land!


The tens of billions of viewers in the live broadcast room were also attracted by the Tianluo umbrella at this time...

[An umbrella? Used to resist the robbery? ]

[Don't underestimate it, what the Holy Master Yaochi brought out at this time must have something extraordinary. This is a powerful spiritual weapon, and it is also the main defense, which is very rare. ]

[The heritage of Sacred Land is really strong! ]

[Hmph, what are you happy about? This is just the beginning. The further back you get, the more terrifying the tribulation thunder is. Even with the help of treasures, Holy Master Yaochi may not be able to survive. ]

[Fuck, upstairs, shut your dog mouth! ]

[Where is the dog compared to things, if you have the ability, go directly to the Sacred Land of Yaochi, what are you calling here...]

[If you are looking for a sense of presence, you don't need to pay attention! ]

[Send you a word, get out~]


In the live broadcast room, cursing.

The atmosphere was suddenly taken away!

And this time.

Ji Ruyue also faced the robbery...


Two robbery thunders with powerful power cut through the void and wanted to suppress Ji Ruyue, but before they touched her, they were blocked by the Tianluo umbrella above.

This scene made Su Qinghuang and others heave a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that the human spirit soldiers are powerful!

Next, as long as there is no unexpected situation, Ji Ruyue will not be a problem to pass through Heavenly Tribulation.

However, the existence of the Tianluo umbrella seems to have angered the heavens.


Just when everyone was happy, suddenly, a huge sound of thunder sounded in the sky, and then, six more terrifying tribulation thunders suddenly descended.

That ferocious aura and power directly blasted the Tianluo umbrella, and a crack appeared on it.

at the same time.

Ji Ruyue herself, who suffered a huge impact, also fell suddenly from the void, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.


This sudden scene shocked everyone!

[Fuck, this Heavenly Tribulation is too insidious, right? To come straight to Six Paths all of a sudden, who can stand this kind of terrifying shock? ]

[Heavenly Tribulation gave birth to wisdom? ]

[I feel... This Heavenly Tribulation seems to be specifically against Ji Ruyue. ]

[It just wants to kill the Holy Master of Yaochi! ]

[Hmph, let me just say, Heavenly Tribulation is not so easy to cross, isn't this fulfilled...]

[The bronze umbrella has been damaged, I don't know if the Holy Master can hold on to the end. ]

[God said Heavenly Tribulation, it is clear that it is bullying...]


The audience in the live broadcast room cursed.

It was the first time they had seen such a Heavenly Tribulation!

It was obviously aimed at Ji Ruyue on purpose!

"How could this be? The power of this Heavenly Tribulation is far more terrifying than we expected. Even if it doesn't reach the realm of mythology, I'm afraid it won't be far away."

"Hey, even the human spirit soldiers can't shelter, the Holy Master is in trouble!"

"Next, what should I do..."


A group of Sacred Land disciples looked worried.

Ji Ruyue is the pillar of Jade Pool Sacred Land. If something happens to her, everyone can't imagine what the consequences will be.

"If only the ancestors were still alive."

Someone sighed.

"Yeah, with the ancestor's protection, the Holy Master will definitely be safe."

"This Heavenly Tribulation is deliberately targeting the Holy Master..."

"The powerhouses of the mythical realm, Transcend Tribulation are not so terrifying..."


The atmosphere at the scene was heavy!


All the disciples looked at Ji Ruyue in the distance with worry, a heart raised in their throats, for fear of any accident.


Whatever you want, come here!


After the six thunders, Heavenly Tribulation did not give Ji Ruyue any time to breathe, but accompanied by a terrifying sound of thunder, a bunch of black thunder suddenly ripped apart the sky and went straight to Ji Ruyue.

This time, it was the eight tribulation thunders that came together!


Seeing this scene, whether it was Su Qinghuang and the others watching from a distance, or the tens of billions of viewers in the live broadcast room, they all took a deep breath.

The expression is extremely horrified!

No one thought that Heavenly Tribulation would be so ruthless.

[This is to want the life of the Holy Master of Yaochi! ]

[She wouldn't have offended God, would she? ]

[This time, there is a big trouble~]

[This tribulation thunder, the power is only afraid that even the powerhouses in the mythical realm can't avoid it when they see it? ]

[The moment to witness history has come, the Holy Master of Yaochi is about to fall! ! ]

[As I said, she will die...]


Barrage, overwhelming!

this moment.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the past.

They are all looking forward to Ji Ruyue's next ending...

"Does God want to kill me?"

at the same time.

Feeling the terrifying tribulation thunder that descended from the sky, Ji Ruyue's face turned pale.

She never even thought that this Heavenly Tribulation would be so terrifying.

Totally exceeded her expectations!

"If I had known earlier..."

With a sigh, her eyes suddenly burst into unprecedented madness and ferocity, and when she was about to block the Tianluo umbrella over her head again, she took out a simple and simple long sword.

Extreme weapons?

Seeing the ancient long sword, everyone's spirits were lifted.

This is the ancient sword of Canglan, one of the spiritual soldiers inherited from the Yaochi Sacred Land!

"Holy Master is ready to work hard~"

An Elder exclaimed.

was talking.


I saw that ferocious robbery thunder, wrapped in the terrifying power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, directly penetrated the defense of the Tianluo umbrella and killed Ji Ruyue.

at the same time!

Ji Ruyue seemed to have foreseen this situation as well, and immediately raised the ancient Canglan sword in her hand, preparing for a desperate blow.


Looking at this scene, Dongfang Xuan, who had been watching outside the live broadcast room, couldn't help frowning.

"The power of this Heavenly Tribulation is comparable to Deva who has survived twelve disasters, she can't survive..."

at this time.

Dongfang Xuan is also amazed at the horror of Heavenly Tribulation!

However, he didn't have time to explore the specific reason. Seeing that Ji Ruyue was about to fall under the tribulation thunder, he opened the tuba without hesitation and entered the live broadcast room.


In the live broadcast room, the divine light spreads for hundreds of millions of miles!


Just when the tribulation thunder was about to fall on Ji Ruyue, suddenly, a voice containing supreme majesty sounded suddenly.

That voice has supreme will!


When it sounded, the robbery thunder seemed to feel a huge fear, and it suddenly dissipated out of thin air, and even the thundercloud above the sky also dissipated.

Obviously, they are afraid of something...

"Want to run?"

Seeing that the tribulation thunder dissipated out of thin air, a sneer appeared on the corner of Dongfang Xuan's mouth.

Now an illusory Dharma body comes.

I saw that he stretched out his finger and swiped lightly towards the sky, and the vast sky was directly cut off by the mighty force, turning it into an endless river of heaven.

This casual blow directly cut the sky in half!


In the end, under the terrifying gaze of countless people, in a slight scream, a vague human-shaped phantom, the body was forcibly cut off.

turned into nothingness!

At the same time, a group of mysterious substances about the size of a fist, with a mighty purple gas, also fell from the deepest part of the sky...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 218 The Blood Of The Eternal Emperor, The Extreme Way Deva!

Chapter 218 The blood of the eternal emperor, the extreme way Deva!

The sky was cut off?

Everything happened in an instant, and things came too suddenly.

In the face of this extremely terrifying scene, whether it was Su Qinghuang and other Sacred Land disciples who were watching the scene, or the tens of billions of viewers in the live broadcast room, they all showed extremely shocking expressions.

They were frightened!

I have never seen such a terrifying sight in my life!

at this time.

Above the head, the vast and boundless sky was directly cut open by someone with supreme power, hanging upside down in the void like a splendid Tianhe.

Among them, there are endless storms of destruction raging...

The void is constantly collapsing and shattering!


Seeing such an extremely terrifying scene, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then, as if thinking of something, they invariably looked towards the mysterious figure.

"That's... the emperor?"

When their eyes touched the stalwart figure standing between heaven and earth, everyone was shocked.

Emperor Zun, the supreme existence!

In the land of Shenzhou, it has an extremely noble identity and status!

He rarely shows up.

But every time it appears, it will definitely shake the ten directions.

When it first came to the world, it was directly separated by hundreds of millions of regions, and it killed the Sacred Land of the Qing Dynasty with one palm;

This kind of unparalleled power makes everyone shocked and inexplicable!

The reverence and awe in my heart can't be added...

"Meet the Emperor! We welcome the arrival of the Emperor!"

The first thing that came to him was Ji Ruyue, the Holy Master of Yaochi.

Originally, she was mentally prepared to fight Heavenly Tribulation to the death, and even had a hunch that she might die. Who knows, at the last moment, Emperor Zun suddenly appeared, and with an extremely tyrannical attitude, directly cut off the sky.

This made her both shocked and surprised!

Immediately, the whole person kneeled on the ground respectfully, and worshipped reverently...

at the same time.

As Ji Ruyue's voice sounded, Su Qinghuang and the others in the distance also came to their senses. When they saw the majestic figure on the sky, everyone was shocked.

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"


Respectful kowtows spread all over the world.

at this time.

But all the disciples of Yaochi Sacred Land, no matter who they are, have strong surprise and awe in their eyes.

It is their supreme honor to see the emperor!

Not just them.

With Dongfang Xuan's Great Emperor projection, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was also pulled to its peak, and countless people showed shock and fanatical expressions.

Each one's eyes are in awe to the extreme...

[It's the Emperor! He has come to earth again! ]

[Raise your hand to cut off the sky, such a shocking power, I can't imagine it! Too strong! ]

[Hey, with a casual blow, the sky is directly cut in half, this is the rank of Emperor Zun? It's too scary, isn't it? ]

[Emperor, the first person in history! ]

[The emperor is coming, and even the sky has to retreat! This is the real supreme powerhouse! ]

[Emperor is awesome! ! ! broken sound~]

[Don't talk, worship is over! ]

[Congratulations to the Emperor's coming to Divine Continent! ]

[Congratulations to the Emperor~]


In the live broadcast room, the barrage is like light!

The sudden appearance of Xuan Heavenly Emperor brought the atmosphere to its peak, and countless people began to praise him wildly.

Some people even kowtowed directly in the live broadcast room...

To show awe!

at the same time.

A large number of people began to share and broadcast frantically, which made the number of Su Qinghuang's live broadcast room continue to increase.

In a short time, it reached 50 billion!

And, can't stop at all...

After a while, the number of people in Su Qinghuang's live broadcast room reached the highest point in history, directly breaking the 100 billion mark.

After all, Xuan Heavenly Emperor is a god-like existence on the land of Shenzhou!

Every time he appears, it will cause a huge sensation.

One hundred billion, not much!

There are more than hundreds of millions of creatures on the land of Shenzhou, and it is only a small number at this time.

Over time, the number of people in the live room will be more...

Dongfang Xuan ignored all this.

At first, he may have enjoyed this kind of big scene of admiration and worship of living beings, but after a few times, he didn't care.


The majestic eyes swept over Ji Ruyue and the others, and finally looked at the sky.


at this time.

With his terrifying blow, the sky was forcibly cut off, and even the Heavenly Dao messenger, who was guarding this area, was forcibly obliterated.

It's not scary!

The supreme mighty force still looms between heaven and earth, so that the severed dome of the sky is still hanging like a river of heaven, and it cannot be restored to its original state from beginning to end.

In the Tianhe, there are endless destructive storms that can obliterate everything...

dong dong dong~

At the same time, after the dome of the sky was cut off and the messenger of Heavenly Dao was killed, a sad and desolate heavy aura filled the space between heaven and earth with the mighty Tianhe as the center.

It seems that the world is mourning!

All living beings, desolate for it!


Immediately afterwards, in Dongfang Xuan's astonished eyes, thousands of blood rains poured down, accompanied by terrifying thunder.

The entire world of the gods is immersed in a sad atmosphere...

This sudden scene shocked all living beings!

One by one guessed what happened.

at the same time.

There are many powerful beings awakening, and they all turn their eyes towards the direction of the land of Shenzhou.

"It's the land of Shenzhou again!"

"The sky has been cut off, so terrifying!"

"The land of Shenzhou is really terrifying. Just now, a suspected Great Emperor appeared on Burial Dragon Ridge, a forbidden place in the world. Now, someone has cut off the sky again. This..."

"Heavenly Dao weeps blood, this is an existence comparable to the Great Emperor, it has fallen."

"Who is it, so arrogant?"

"The troubled times are coming again!"


Many strong people are secretly amazed.

For the land of Shenzhou, they all felt awe in their hearts.

This place is horrible!

There are not only the Great Emperor, but also the supreme beings who directly annihilate the sky. Even these ancient beings can only watch with the naked eye, and dare not make the slightest arrogance.

The land of Shenzhou has become a forbidden place for the powerhouses of the gods!

If you are not a Great Emperor, you cannot set foot there!

With such thoughts, under the orders of many ancient existences, some powerful forces in areas outside the Divine Continent began to withdraw one after another.

For fear of causing disaster~

Dongfang Xuan did not pay attention to the reactions of all sentient beings.

"This time, it seems that I have used too much force..."

He sighed softly.

Say it.

With a big move, he grabbed the mysterious substance that fell from the deepest part of the endless void.

"Eternal blood!"

The eye of truth swept over, and Dongfang Xuan understood the origin of the mysterious substance.

This is the Blood Essence from the Emperor!

Among them, it contains the origin of Heavenly Dao, which is extremely precious!

"good stuff!"

"I originally wanted to come and see Su Qinghuang this time, but I didn't know that this happened by accident, and I also got a group of Eternal Emperor Blood, which is really good."

"It can not only be used to sublimate physique and root bones, but also sublime sacred objects and spiritual extracts, with extraordinary effects!"

"It's just that I killed the Heavenly Dao messenger who guarded this area, but I unintentionally changed the rules of this area, which may cause a lot of trouble in the future."

Staring at the chopped sky, Dongfang Xuan frowned slightly.

After pondering for a while, he did not force the repair.

Some things are just fine...

thought here.

His gaze swept across Ji Ruyue, who was kneeling devoutly in the distance, and with a slight flip of his palm, a strand of the blood of the Eternal Emperor crossed the air and merged into her body.


Under the influence of his Great Emperor's will, the blood of the Eternal Emperor was refined in an instant, and in an instant, Ji Ruyue's Cultivation Base began to climb wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mahayana late stage!

Mahayana Peak!

Mahayana is complete!

Mythical realm!

The realm of Deva!


One by one Realm, easily crossed.

After a while.

When the power of Eternal Emperor's blood was exhausted, Ji Ruyue directly went through twelve Heavenly Tribulations, and went through the five Deva failures in a row, Cultivation Base reached Deva's extreme.

Great Perfection!

It's for: Extreme Deva!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 219 The 2 Half Immortal Weapon!

Chapter 219 The second half-immortal weapon!

"Thank you Emperor!"


Feeling the majestic power flowing in the body, as well as the flawless body and soul, Ji Ruyue's calm and steady state of mind can not help but be very excited.

Now, she is one step at a time!

Not only did Cultivation Base directly rise from the Mahayana realm to the limit of Deva, but also its own roots and physique have been greatly sublimated.

This has undoubtedly raised her growth potential, and her future achievements are limitless!

The more she thought about it, the more surprised Ji Ruyue became.

dong dong dong~

Immediately, she projected at Dongfang Xuan's Great Emperor with an extremely devout and respectful gesture, and bowed down.

Only then can she express her inner gratitude!

In this regard, Dongfang Xuan did not refuse.

Accept it!

"Get up~"

Ji Ruyue raised her big hand in the air, and Ji Ruyue stood up from the ground.

As the master of a Sacred Land, a strong psychological quality is naturally essential.

Therefore, the restlessness was quickly calmed down...

"This time, this emperor originally just wanted to come over to check on Su Qinghuang's practice, and by the way to see how the preparations for the Shenzhou New Year's ceremony were going. Who knows, I happened to meet the messenger of Heavenly Dao who did something bad."

"If that's the case, then let's cut it off!"

"Such an unfair Heavenly Dao, no matter what!"

The majestic and domineering voice echoed between heaven and earth.


As soon as these words came out, countless people were immediately excited, and they felt that the blood all over their bodies instantly boiled.

Looking at Xuan Heavenly Emperor's gaze, he was filled with incomparable reverence.

[Emperor, he is awesome! ]

[Just now, the emperor directly beheaded a Heavenly Dao messenger? This kind of arrogance and mighty power that dominates the world has never been seen before! ]

[Unfair Heavenly Dao, don't worry! This is the Emperor! Awesome! ! ]

[If only I could be as stalwart as the Emperor, that would be great...]

[Cut, shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Zun? Don't even look at you. Are you worthy? ]

[Wash and sleep, there is everything in your dreams~]


In the live broadcast room, the crowd is excited!

At this moment, everyone was looking at Dongfang Xuan with burning eyes.

The most looking forward to is undoubtedly Su Qinghuang and others...


Seeing Dongfang Xuan's eyes shining, she bowed down again.

Behind him, followed by many Sacred Land disciples.

"Your Cultivation Base is a little weak~"


A majestic voice came over.

Hearing this, Su Qinghuang's body trembled, and a strong fear and unease instantly rose in his heart.

The beautiful face is also full of shame!

As the Holy Maiden of Yaochi Sacred Land, she possesses the Divine Phoenix Body of the Ages, her aptitude and root bones are naturally not bad, and she cultivated to Heaven-reaching Great Perfection at a young age.

Only Half step away from Transcend Tribulation!

What kind of qualifications? Looking at the huge land of Shenzhou, it also belongs to the top.

However, for Emperor Zun, it is extremely weak.

Nothing at all!

On the contrary, it is extremely clumsy!

This made Su Qinghuang feel very uneasy.

After all, in addition to the identity of Yaochi Holy Maiden, she is also the named disciple of Xuan Heavenly Emperor, and such a weak Cultivation Base is indeed detrimental to Emperor Zun's face.

For a time, her heart was full of guilt, and she didn't know what to do...

call out!

And just when she was panicking, a drop of Eternal Emperor's blood swept across the void, and under the influence of some supreme will, it merged into her body.

Immediately afterwards, the origin of Heavenly Dao contained in it was extracted as much as possible, and the infinite Dao rhythm began to flow through the limbs and bones, constantly scouring the body and soul.

Sublimation of physique and root bone...

Looking at this scene, countless people showed envious eyes.

What are big chances and good fortune?

This is!

Emperor Zun personally took action to help improve his strength, sublime his bones and physique, what an honor this is?

All the onlookers are full of endless yearning!

In fact, Su Qinghuang's own roots are not weak, but very outstanding.

Otherwise, you can't be Holy Maiden!

However, now under his influence, Shenzhou has begun to change greatly. People like Zhao Tathagata, Qin Zhanmo, Jiang Mo, and Lu Changsheng, which one is not a Great Emperor?

Compared with them, Su Qinghuang's original Eternal Divine Phoenix body was not enough.

After all, he is also a member of his own family, and the emperor's face still needs to be maintained.

Therefore, Dongfang Xuan intends to take this opportunity to sublimate Su Qinghuang's roots and physique in order to cope with the coming world of great competition...


At this time, under his will, that drop of Eternal Emperor's blood was completely refined and merged into Su Qinghuang's body and soul.

However, this is only the initial coverage!

It will take a while to perfectly integrate with itself...

Upon seeing this, Dongfang Xuan monitored Su Qinghuang's condition and nodded in satisfaction after finding that there was nothing unusual.

Then, he looked at the rest of the Sacred Land disciples.

Seeing everyone looking at him eagerly, Dongfang Xuan waved his hand and took out a drop of Eternal Emperor's blood, and after dispersing it, its essence merged into everyone's body.

In an instant, their Cultivation Base skyrocketed!

At the very least, they are all gods!

Its outstanding disciple, has reached the Transcend Tribulation!

As for Sacred Land Elder, they are all myths of the Fifteen Realms...

"Thank you Emperor!"

"Thank you Emperor!"

"Thank you Emperor!"


The excited kowtow sound shook the world.

In response, Dongfang Xuan nodded lightly, and then withdrew the projection.

Before leaving, he did not forget his purpose.

Take out some of the blood of the Emperor of Heaven and Chen Xuan's real Supreme blood, as well as the semi-extreme Dao Emperor Weapon Taihuang Mountain, and rewarded them all...

Dongfang Xuan has his own considerations.

He rewarded Su Qinghuang for the blood of Eternal Emperor and Supreme, just in case of emergency.

As for Taihuang Mountain, this was a reward to Ji Ruyue.

Used to suppress the Sacred Land of the Jade Pond!


Received a system prompt!

[ding dong~]

[You rewarded a copy of the blood of the Eternal Emperor. After being strengthened ten thousand times, it was upgraded to the blood of God. It contains the purest and most primitive source of immortality, which can sublimate all the substances in the world and reach immortals. ]

[You rewarded a piece of Supreme Blood. After ten thousand times of strengthening, it was upgraded to the blood of the Great Emperor, which can make up for the origin of the Great Emperor. ]

[You rewarded a Taihuang Mountain. After ten thousand times of strengthening, it was upgraded to an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon (half-immortal weapon), which can suppress the world without Zhou Shenshan. ]


Three consecutive beeps resounded in my mind.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan is overjoyed!

He immediately checked the attributes of the three things. In fact, there was no difference from what the system said. The blood of God and the blood of the Great Emperor both possessed infinite wonders.

But good fortune all creatures in the world!

And Zhou Shenshan, there is only one attribute.

That is, heavy!

It connects the sky above and the earth below.

As long as this thing is sacrificed, all enemies can be pushed horizontally, even a big world can collapse.

The Great Emperor can't stand its suppression!

"The second Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon!"

"I have the Great Sun God and Demon Monument, which can be transformed into a Great Sun God and Demon, with the mighty power of the Great Emperor, and invincible under the fairyland; if I hold this Boundless Mountain in my hand again, even if I don't rely on Dao Smelting Furnace, I will be able to cross the mountain. Kill the fairy."

Dongfang Xuan's eyes were bright.

Say it.

After examining it carefully, he put the blood of God and the Great Emperor into Dao Smelting Furnace, while Buzhou Shenshan entered his body.

With the fire of Dao Smelting Furnace, nurture!

After doing all this, he took his eyes back and poured the other side's magic medicine with two supreme bloods.

At the same time, it also incorporates avenues into it.

Strive for the greatest transformation and sublimation of the magic medicine on the other side!

In this way, Dongfang Xuan sank into the refining medicine.

However, what he didn't know was.

Just when he matured the magic medicine, there was a riot outside the Dragon Burial Ridge...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 220 A Disagreement, A Big Fight!

Chapter 220 A disagreement, a big fight!

Buried outside the Dragon Ridge!

The Jiang family headed by Jiang Tianming stared solemnly at the distant void, with great panic and fear floating in their eyes.

The expression is also shocking!

Although they didn't enter the depths of Buried Dragon Ridge, they could clearly see the monstrous scene in Lu Changsheng's live broadcast room.

In particular, the shocking battle between Dongfang Xuan and Wei Daoist subverted their cognition.

"It's terrifying! It's terrifying!"

"Is that the Great Emperor of the ancient legend? Seriously, it's so terrifying!"

"In this world, there is still a Great Emperor, this... how is this possible? Isn't it possible that the Great Emperor lost a trace a long time ago? How could there be a Great Emperor in the Godly Desolate World?"

"The battle between the Great Emperor and the Supreme, this world is really scary..."


Everyone was shocked.

at this time!

They simply cannot describe the shock in their hearts in words.

Great Emperor, the highest in the world!

These existences are said to have disappeared for endless years, and even their exclusive Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon has been taken away. This has always been the consensus of all beings in the Godly Desolate World.

Who knows, today's scene in Dragon Burial Ridge directly subverted their cognition.

This world not only has the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, but also the Great Emperor!

It's just that it's unknown...

"The mighty power of the Great Emperor is unimaginable!"

"Dragon Burial Ridge, it was almost smashed. Fortunately, I didn't rush into it before, otherwise, we will be reduced to ashes in the Great Emperor battle now."

Jiang Tianming was afraid for a while.

For own wise decision, thankful!

Say it.

He continued to watch for a while, and was about to turn around and leave.

Now, things in Buried Dragon Ridge have come to an end. Although he doesn't know whether Jiang Mo is alive or dead, he must hurry up and leave.

Now that even the ancient Great Emperor has appeared, who knows if other accidents will happen?

To be on the safe side, Jiang Tianming is going to leave this fierce place!


However, just as he turned around, the void not far away was suddenly forcibly torn apart by a mighty force, and then, two embarrassed figures fell out of the space crack.

One of them kept swearing and swearing...

"Ginger Demon?"

Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, Jiang Tianming, who was just about to leave, couldn't help but stop and looked at them with a look of surprise.

He did not expect that at this time, Jiang Mo actually came out of the Dragon Burial Ridge.

It seems that it is hard to die!

at the same time.

Just when Jiang Tianming was in shock, Qin Zhanmo and Jiang Mo, who were not far away, also noticed them.

The Jiang family?

Looking at the special logo on Jiang Tianming and others' clothes, Jiang Mo was slightly startled.

So, he strode to the front...

"You belong to the Eastern Wasteland Jiang family?"

"Excuse me, have you met my great-grandfather Jiang Shan?"

Jiang Mo asked with a hint of anxiety.

He knew that Jiang Shan had come to Bury Dragon Ridge, but he didn't know where he was now.

Facing his question, Jiang Tianming snorted coldly.

"Jiang Shan has gone to the deepest part of Buried Dragon Ridge in order to save you, where a shocking battle broke out. Now I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid it's already dead!"



Hearing this, Jiang Mo's face instantly showed a vicious expression.

"Fuck, old man, you dare to curse my great grandfather!"

"I think you are going to die!"

He is grumpy.

No one is allowed to speak ill of Jiang Shan.


When the vicious voice sounded, Jiang Mo didn't hesitate, just raised his hand and punched it.

"Hmph, something I don't know about life and death!"

"I think I have a bit of aptitude, so I dare to be arrogant. Today, I will replace Jiang Shan and teach you a good lesson. Let you know what it means to be superior and inferior..."

Seeing that Jiang Mo actually dared to do something to himself, Jiang Tianming sneered.

Say it.

He immediately raised his hand to meet him, and wanted to use the powerful power of his mythical realm to teach Jiang Mo an extremely profound lesson and teach him to be a man again.

So as to maintain their authority as a big clan elder!

It's just that Jiang Tianming thought very well, but the reality is not like this...


Today's Jiang Mo is not what it used to be.

After being washed and scoured by Jingtian Shenshui, his original Heavenly Devil bone has undergone a qualitative transformation, and his Cultivation Base has also skyrocketed to a mythical perfection.

Just one step away from Deva!

Now he can be said to be complacent, where would he put a mere Jiang Tianming in his eyes?


Seeing that Jiang Tianming wanted to bully the small, and even used all his strength, Jiang Mo naturally would not be polite to him, and attacked with all his strength.


The power of the Great Perfection of the myth exploded.

Under the ruthless hands, Jiang Mo didn't care so much, and directly smashed Jiang Tianming's attack with one punch, and then smashed him fiercely in the horrified eyes of the people around him.


With a shrill scream and blood splashing all over the sky, Jiang Tianming smashed into the sky and smashed into a mountain.

"Cut, the old thing is just like that!"

"If you want to teach me how to be a human being, are you also worthy?"

Disdainfully sneered, and got up.

"Old clan!"

"Old clan~"


Everything happens in an instant.

Seeing that Jiang Tianming was actually blown away by Jiang Mo's punch, the Jiang family's masters who were watching on the side were all shocked, and at the same time, their eyes were full of horror.

But more than that, anger!

"Jiang Mo, how dare you commit a crime!"

"It's the other way around, Jiang Mo, you dare to do something to the old clan..."

"Return to Eastern Wasteland, I will tell the patriarch to deal with you with clan rules!"


The crowd blamed.

In this regard, Jiang Mo directly ignored it!

"Cut, deal with me?"

"Don't think I'm afraid of moving the clan leader out. Tell you, don't say that the clan will be in Eastern Wasteland for a long time, even if he is standing in front of me now, I'm not afraid."

"If the old guy dares to come, I will suppress him likewise..."

An extremely arrogant voice sounded.

Hearing this, everyone hates it!

They were just about to reprimand them sharply, but at this moment, accompanied by a wave of coercion, they saw a huge pagoda crazily suppressed.

"Extreme Spirit Soldier?"

Looking at the ancient pagoda under Crazy Town and the terrifying aura on it, Qin Zhanmo, who was watching from a distance, also showed a surprised look.

"It seems that the Jiang family came prepared this time. They even used the legendary weapons of the extreme way. Could it be that they are going to enter the Dragon Burial Ridge to rescue Jiang Mo?"

"But, looking at this situation, the relationship between them doesn't seem to be harmonious..."

Qin Zhanmo looked surprised.

at this time.

He didn't understand the complex grievances and grievances of the Jiang family at all.

He only knew that there was a good show to watch!

Jiang Mo is a reckless man.

If you talk to him well, he might not do it; but if you go against him, he won't care so much.

He doesn't care who you are.

Call it again!

In fact, it is.

"Fuck, the old thing actually used a pole weapon to get me?"

"Look who got who!"

Seeing Jiang Tianming holding the tower of the Supreme Spirit Soldier to suppress him, Jiang Mo's eyes burst out with hundreds of millions of fierce lights.


There was a roar like a beast in his throat, and then, with full combat power, he raised his hand and slammed towards the depressed human king tower...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 221 Extreme Weapons? Robbed!

Chapter 221 Extreme weapons? Robbed!

"It's outrageous, let's kill it!"

A cold and ruthless voice came from above the void.


At this time, Jiang Tianming controlled the Human King Tower with all his strength, and with the help of the power of the Jidao spirit soldiers, he madly suppressed Jiang Mo, and wanted to kill him directly.

However, Jiang Mo is not easy to mess with.

One word, reckless!


When the human king tower above was pressed down, he used all his strength and smashed it with a huge fist. The powerful Cultivation Base, which was full of mythology, smashed the human king tower and burst out. s attack.

Immediately afterwards, under the shocked eyes of everyone, the Tower of Human King was blown away with a punch...


The jidao spirit soldiers refined by the ancient king smashed into the mountain in the distance, and the tyrannical jidao force directly smashed the mountain.

Within a radius of ten thousand feet, the earth overturned!

The void is shaking!

As for Jiang Tianming himself, he suffered an unprecedented shock.


After spewing out a large mouthful of blood, his whole body was broken, and his chest was deeply sunken...

"Old clan!"

"Old clan~"


It's too sudden!

In the face of this sudden turn of the gods, the masters of the Jiang family who were watching on the side, rounded their eyes directly, looking at Jiang Mo's eyes, full of shock and disbelief.

Then, they found Jiang Tianming at the fastest speed and dug him out of a big mountain.

at this time!

The breath around him was extremely weak.

A life has already gone for most of it!


Looking at his miserable scene, everyone gasped again, and the shock in their eyes became more intense.

"This... how is this possible? When did Jiang Mo become so powerful?"

"I am Ditian, the tower of the tough man, and there is no damage yet. That is the ultimate spiritual soldier! Moreover, the old man himself is also a major repair of the mythical realm, how can he fail?"

"Is this person in front of us still the Jiang Mo we know..."

"Even the patriarch doesn't have such mighty power, right?"


Everyone was horrified!

Looking at Jiang Mo's eyes, he was shocked as never before.

A moment ago, Jiang Mo was caught in the Dragon Burial Ridge and was about to be sacrificed alive; but now, with such a terrifying power, even the spirit soldiers of the extreme path dare to be tough.

What is Cultivation Base?

Everyone was amazed!

One by one is like meeting Jiang Mo for the first time...


Even Jiang Tianming showed a look of disbelief, and his eyes were round.

"You... how could you..."


He wanted to say something, but just opened his mouth, but it directly affected the serious injury on his body, and immediately spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The breath is a little weaker.

For Jiang Tianming's miserable appearance, Jiang Mo coldly snorted.

"Old guy, be a little bit more restrained in your life and work in the future!"

"Don't think you are some kind of bullshit clan elder, I will be afraid of you. As long as you provoke me, don't say that you are a little clan elder. Even if it is the clan chief Jiang Xuanji, I will do it right."

"you you..."

"What are you? If you don't agree, get up and hit me? You don't have the courage and strength to measure, hum~"


Jiang Mo directly ignored Jiang Tianming's resentful gaze, only to see his big hand suddenly stick out, and he dug out the Tower of the King that had been blown away from the mountain in the distance.

Holding it in his hand, he carefully looked at it...

His eyes were full of surprises!

"It's the first time I've seen the Jidao spirit soldiers inherited from ancient times."

"From now on, it belongs to me~"

Jiang Mo said happily.

As he said that, he gently stroked the Tower of Renwang with his palm.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tianming was in a hurry!

"Jiang Mo, that's the ultimate weapon inherited from my Jiang family. It's definitely not something you can control. Don't you let it go? Otherwise, you will be spurned by the Jiang family!"

"When the time comes, the ancestors will kill you personally~"


The ancestor of the Jiang family?

Hearing Jiang Tianming's threat, Jiang Mo frowned slightly.

The Jiang family, as a big family with a long heritage, is naturally not weak in heritage and strength. As far as he knows, there are at least nine ancestors in the ancestral land of the Jiang family.

Every one is an existence in the realm of Deva!

As for whether he has surpassed Deva, he is not sure...

"Deva, it's really powerful!"

"It's just that it's impossible for me to let me give up the man who I got."

"Hmph, do you think I'm still the Jiang Mo before? I'm not what I used to be now, even if the ancestor of Deva came in person, I'm not afraid."

"There is a king tower in hand, even Deva, can't help me!"

Jiang Mo's face was wild.

Between words, revealing infinite confidence!

"You... you are outrageous!"

Hearing Jiang Mo's arrogant words, Jiang Tianming hated him.

at this time.

He can't wait to slap Jiang Mo to death, but unfortunately, he doesn't have that strength.

And Jiang Mo didn't take him to heart either...

After coldly sneered, he held the Renwang Tower in his hand and came to Qin Zhanmo, looking at him with a arrogant attitude.

All around, fighting spirit is awe-inspiring!

"Qin Zhanmo, you and I are both Cultivation Bases with great perfection in the mythical realm. When it comes to qualifications, I have a Heavenly Emperor Supreme bone, which is not inferior to you."

"When it comes to strength, I want to be stronger than you!"

"Now, I'm holding a pole weapon man Wangta, do you dare to fight me?"

He sounded like a bell.

Carrying the fighting spirit of rushing to the sky, he wants to test the level with Qin Zhanmo.


Facing Jiang Mo's challenge, Qin Zhanmo snorted and ignored it.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Mo suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed...

"Hahaha, I knew it, you dare not!"

"Qin Zhanmo, I really want to fight with you to see how strong I am, but I don't have time now, I'm going to take revenge."

"When I kill Song Tianchen's servant, I'll come back to you~"

Say it.

Jiang Mo immediately steered a rainbow light, held the Wang Pagoda in his hand, and drew the Shattering Void away.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

"This reckless man is going to cause trouble again..."

"Song Tianchen? Isn't that the eldest son of the first chaebol of Eastern Wasteland? There is still a deep hatred between them?"

Looking at Jiang Mo's leaving back, Qin Zhanmo was secretly surprised.

The Song family is the number one chaebol in Eastern Wasteland!

Although its inheritance and background are not as strong as the Jiang family, it is also a powerful force. In its family, there must be a strong person from the Deva realm.

Although I don't know what Jiang Mo's strength is, it is obvious that he can't push the Song family horizontally with only his Cultivation Base, which is a mythical realm, and Wang Pagoda, the extreme weapon man.

"It's still too reckless~"

He sighed.

If it was him, he would definitely not be so rash.

But Jiang Mo can't understand with normal people's thinking...

He always does something unexpected!

Qin Zhanmo ignored this.

After Jiang Mo left, he also rode a rainbow light and left the Buried Dragon Ridge.


call out!

Just as he left his forefoot, an old figure suddenly rushed out from the depths of Buried Dragon Ridge, with strong shock and fear on his face.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 222 Jiang Mo: I Have The Capital Of The Great Emperor!

Chapter 222 Jiang Mo: I have the capital of the Great Emperor!

"Hey, there is actually a Great Emperor in this world!"

"Who can imagine that the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, Supreme, and the Ancient Great Emperor appeared all at once in the forbidden place on earth, Dragon Burial Ridge."

"That battle was terrible!"

"If it wasn't for the one who sheltered the 'Great Wilderness Treasure Hunter' at the critical moment, I'm afraid I would have turned into ashes..."

The old man kept muttering to himself.

The slightly cloudy eyes were filled with unprecedented panic and panic.

He is Jiang Shan!

This trip to Buried Dragon Ridge, all the sights he saw completely subverted his cognition, even if he lived for hundreds of years and experienced many wind and rain.

But compared to the scenes at Burying the Dragon Ridge, it's like a pediatrician!

He would never forget those terrifying scenes that shocked the world...


Although he had already walked out of the Dragon Burial Ridge, the previous battle scene still reverberated in his mind, making him completely unable to calm down.

Between walking, stumbling~

After a long time, he came to the edge of Buried Dragon Ridge.

Suddenly, a new battlefield came into view...

at the same time.

There are also some very familiar figures!

"Old clan elder?"

Looking at the surrounding scene of ruins and the mountains that were forcibly collapsed by the mighty force, Jiang Shan woke up instantly as if he had been stimulated by something.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Tianming and others entered the field of vision!

However, at this moment, his face was ashen, his breath was extremely weak, and his clothes were soaked with scarlet blood, obviously suffering a huge blow.

what happened?

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shan was shocked!

At the moment, at the fastest speed, he ran to the past.

His appearance also attracted the attention of Jiang Tianming and others...


In an instant, one after another fierce and fierce eyes rushed over with murderous intent.

Everyone is so vicious!

In that way, it seems that he has some kind of deep hatred with him.

This makes Jiang Shan very puzzled!

"Old clan, this is... what's going on?"

After a long silence, he asked carefully.

However, it was fine for him not to speak; as soon as he spoke, the anger in the hearts of everyone was instantly ignited, and each and every face showed a fierce look.

"Well, you Jiang Shan, you dare to lie to me and wait. After I go back, I will report to the patriarch to remove you from the Jiang family forever."

Someone growled loudly.


Eliminate the Jiang family forever?

Hearing this, Jiang Shan was shocked!


He looked bewildered.

No idea what happened.

"Jiang Shan, stop pretending to be ignorant here, we have already seen your true colors thoroughly, it is extremely shameless and despicable!"

"Originally, for the sake of the blood of the same clan, we invited us to come to Bury Dragon Ridge with weapons from the extreme way to help you rescue Jiang Mo. How can you know that your kindness will not be rewarded."

"You actually teamed up with Jiang Mo's rebellious and wicked obstacles, not only seriously injuring the elders of the big clan, but even robbing me of the King Tower of the Jiang family's inheritance."

"I will report this kind of behavior to the patriarch and completely annihilate all of you..."

At this time.

A hateful roar resounded.

Hearing this, Jiang Shan widened his eyes.

Face full of disbelief!

"You said that all of this was done by... Jiang Mo?"

"Hmph, don't tell me, you don't know!"

"Impossible! Jiang Mo has only just broken through the tenth realm, how can he hurt the elders of the big clan? Not to mention, he will steal the Tower of the King! It is absolutely impossible!"

Jiang Shan vetoed loudly.

No one knows Jiang Mo's situation better than him.

How can the Cultivation Base of the tenth realm shake the myth of the fifteenth realm?

Moreover, they also stole the Human King Tower?

It's a fantasy!

No matter what, he doesn't believe it...

However, facts speak louder than words!

In the face of Jiang Shan's refusal, someone took out the previously recorded video.


Looking at the scene in the video, Jiang Shan's eyes widened.

"How is it possible, how can Jiang Mo... Dazu Lao is a major repair of the fifteenth realm of mythology, isn't he the real me, why..."

"Jiang Shan, let's see what else you have to say this time!"

"About this matter, I have already reported it to the patriarch through a private message. Later, the ancestors will go out to suppress Jiang Mo."

"This evil obstacle, the door must be cleared!"


Patriarch invited out the ancestor?

Hearing this suddenly, Jiang Shan was shocked.

The ancestor of the Jiang clan, he naturally knows that it is the existence of Deva, and it is definitely not something Jiang Mo can compete with.

"I'll let Jiang Mo come back to make amends..."

Having said that, he wanted to send a private message to Jiang Mo through the Heavenly Dao live broadcast room.

"Hmph, want to tip off? Don't think about it!"

"Everyone, suppress Jiang Shan and take it back to the patriarch to deal with..."


While speaking, everyone brought out their weapons and suppressed them aggressively.

Seeing this, Jiang Shan's heart sank.

Without any hesitation, he turned his hand and took out a jade talisman and crushed it. The whole person instantly turned into a rainbow light and disappeared into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, he completely disappeared...

"Hmph, can you run?"

"Even if you escape today, but you still have so many clansmen, I don't believe that you can ignore their life and death."

"Send an order, send someone to surround Yunzhou, and no one is allowed to leave!"



Yunzhou, one of the branches of the Jiang family!

It is also the clan of Jiang Shan and Jiang Mo...

There is nothing they can do, they can only vent their anger at the clansmen of Yunzhou.

For all this, Jiang Shan is not clear.

at this time.

He has already moved hundreds of millions of miles away with the help of the jade talisman.

He didn't find a place to hide until he was far away from the Buried Dragon Ridge, and then contacted Jiang Mo for the first time.

[Nie Zha, what have you done! ]

Jiang Shan roared wildly in his heart.

He just went to Buried Dragon Ridge once, how did he know that after he came out, it became like this?

Originally honest Jiang Mo, turned upside down?

This made him both shocked and angry!

This time, the sky was pierced...

No matter how to remedy it, he has no choice!

[ding dong~]

While anxious, a private message appeared in the background.

[Grandpa, I knew you would be fine, hehe...]

[Laugh your ass! What do you say you did? I just didn't have time for a while, and you stabbed me into a big basket? ]

[Where did you get the power to seriously injure the elders of the big clan? Moreover, you also stole the Tower of the King of Humans? ]

[Yes, I did all this! ]

Jiang Mo directly admitted.

[This time, although I was caught in the Dragon Burial Ridge and was almost sacrificed, I also obtained an unprecedented huge good fortune. ]

[Under the washing and scouring of Jingtian Shenshui, my big Heavenly Devil bone has been completely sublimated and transformed into a more powerful Heavenly Emperor Supreme bone. ]

[Now I have the capital of the Great Emperor! ]

[Don't be afraid, grandpa, I will protect you in the future! As long as I am here, even the old monsters in the Jiang family's ancestral land will never touch you. ]


He slapped his chest so loudly!

Bearing the Heavenly Emperor Supreme bone and holding the King Tower of the Supreme Spirit Soldier, Jiang Mo has full arrogant capital.

Seeing his narration, although Jiang Shan was still very angry, the surprise and excitement in his heart were even more.

"Heavenly Emperor Supreme bone? Great Emperor's capital?"

Although he didn't understand how strong Jiang Mo's roots were, he would not be weak if he thought about it.

[Next, what are you going to do? ]

[You seriously injured Jiang Tianming and robbed the Human King Tower. Now the patriarch has invited the ancestors from the ancestral land to come to suppress you. ]

[Otherwise, you should find a place to hide first, right? ]

Jiang Shan was a little worried.

He was afraid that Jiang Mo wouldn't be able to bear it!

After all, there is more than one ancestor in the Jiang family's ancestral land...

However, Jiang Mo didn't take it to heart at all.

[hide? No need at all! ]

[If you want to suppress me, just come! ]

[Stop talking, I'll take revenge first and kill Song Tianchen's fellow...]

Say it.

Jiang Mo directly cut off the private chat.


Are you going to kill Song Tianchen?

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Shan was shocked!

The Jiang family has already pierced the sky, and you still want to provoke the Song family?

"That damned wretch!"

"I really don't know how to write dead words..."

talking room.

Jiang Shan dared to have the slightest hesitation, and immediately drove the spirit boat towards Eastern Wasteland at the fastest speed.

He wants to get ahead of Jiang Mo and stop him!

Otherwise, you will surely die!

However, although his idea was good, he underestimated Jiang Mo's madness.

at this time!

With all his strength, he went straight to the Song family in Eastern Wasteland.

What he didn't know was that the scene where he suppressed Jiang Tianming and robbed the Tower of the King was completely recorded by Lu Changsheng, who happened to pass by...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 223 For You, My Heart Is Broken!

Chapter 223 For You, My Heart Is Broken!

[Hey, isn't that the Jiang Mo from the Jiang Clan in Yunzhou? ]

[Yes, it's him! Strangely, there were rumors before that he was forbidden to cultivate, and he was not allowed to take a step out of Yunzhou until he was in the realm of his true self. How long has it been now, so powerful? ]

[Fuck, is this Jiang Mo? Not to mention the suppression of Jiang Tianming with one punch, how could even the Human King Tower be tough? That's the legendary weapon of the extreme way...]

[It seems that he must have obtained a great fortune in the Dragon Burial Ridge! ]

[He is going to kill Song Tianchen? Truly a fool! ]

[The sky of the Jiang family has been pierced, and they have to provoke the Song family, really... I don't know whether to live or die. ]

[Yunzhou Jiang Clan, it's over! ]


Lu Changsheng's live broadcast room was not closed.

At this time, it is still live!

Coincidentally, I happened to meet the scene of Jiang Mo suppressing Jiang Tianming and stealing the Human King Tower.

So, the live broadcast room is boiling again!

The eyes of countless people turned to Jiang Mo, all looking forward to seeing him and the Song family making a fuss...

at the same time.

After Lu Changsheng learned about this, he was also surprised.

He didn't expect that when he just went to Buried Dragon Ridge, Jiang Mo actually hit the big luck, and the Cultivation Base and strength reached a height that even he could not reach.

He directly stole the extreme weapons of the Jiang family!

He even threatened to kill Song Tianchen...

This scene made Lu Changsheng look stunned.

"Is this guy too reckless?"

"The Song family is the No. 1 chaebol in Eastern Wasteland. Even if it can't match the heritage of the Jiang family, it is still a big family that has been passed down for ten thousand years. How can you shake it?"

"If you think you have some strength, you dare to be lawless!"

"This time, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die..."

He shook his head and sighed.

He really had nothing to say about Jiang Mo, a reckless man.

[Family, let's stop here for the time being for this treasure hunt. We will have the opportunity to meet again another day...]

Say it.

Lu Changsheng chatted for a few more words before ending the live broadcast.

Immediately afterwards, he pondered for a moment, and then clicked on Yu Xuanji's account...

[You already know about Jiang Mo, right? ]

He sent a private message there.

Yu Xuanji must be paying attention to the live broadcast of Burial Dragon Ridge.

Therefore, it is very likely that Jiang Mo has also seen it.


Just after his private message was sent, Yu Xuanji responded.

[Ah, I know it all. ]

[Jiang Mo's is just a cow-tempered, stubborn kind! I have persuaded him not to go to Song's house to cause trouble, but it was useless. ]

[This time, he didn't listen to me! ]

[Lord, please help him...]

Yu Xuanji pleaded.

[How to help? ]

[Even if you can't persuade him, how can I stop him? ]

[This guy is determined to seek revenge from Song Tianchen. If he doesn't go to the Song family to make a scene, he will never give up. It's no use begging me. ]

Lu Changsheng looked helpless.

Jiang Mo, the reckless man, the only one who can subdue him is Yu Xuanji!

Now that she doesn't even listen to her words, what else can I do?

Yu Xuanji was obviously clear about this.

[Landlord, I am not asking you to stop him, but to find a way to provide him with some help. In your Wanbaolou, aren't there many magical things? ]

[For example: Breathing Talisman, Great Shifting Talisman, Lingxi Battle Armor, Great Returning Heaven Pill...]

[And your magical formations, also give me a set. ]

[As long as you can help Jiang Mo, that's fine! ]

[Since I can't stop him, I have to make more preparations for him. This matter started because of me, and I can't make him lose his life. ]

[Anyway, let's ensure his safety first and then…]

Yu Xuanji quick button words.

Say it.

With a big wave of her hand, she immediately turned over a billion premium Spirit Stones.

[Landlord, help! ]

[These Spirit Stones are just my thoughts, can you see enough? If it's not enough, I'll turn some more...]

Then, she sent a 'request' emoji.

Seeing this, Lu Changsheng sighed silently in his heart.

"Jiang Mo, this reckless man, really... ah!"

at this time.

Yu Xuanji has already said this, so how could he just sit back and watch?

What's more, she also has a big backer behind her!

The expert 'mysterious existence' was originally invited by her hand...

All in all, we must help!

[Anyway, the two of us are in a relationship of life and death, suffering and suffering together. If we talk about money, it will be too emotional. ]

[Actually, I have no interest in money at all! ]

[Although Jiang Mo is a reckless man, he is sincere towards you. Besides, Song Tianchen from Eastern Wasteland is indeed not a good thing. ]

[This time, let's take it as a way of borrowing Jiang Mo's hand to give you a bad anger! ]

[Don't worry, I will keep Jiang Mo safe! Such as: the Great Returning Heaven Pill, the Great Shifting Talisman, the special delivery magic circle, and the things within the Breathing Talisman, I will arrange all of them. ]

[In short, with me, Jiang Mo will not die! ]

[This time, we must take Song Tianchen, even if the opponent is the home of the first chaebol in Eastern Wasteland. My Great Wilderness Treasure Hunter said it! ]

Lu Changsheng assured.

[Thank you, the owner~]

[I'll tell Jiang Mo now! ]


The two were in constant communication.

Yu Xuanji was in contact with Jiang Mo, while Lu Changsheng began to prepare various things for him, such as elixir to enhance his strength, magical powers and secrets, treasures, and so on.

And in case of defeat, the big teleportation talisman to retreat in time, etc...

In short, Lu Changsheng took all possible accidents into consideration.

Since he had already agreed to Yu Xuanji, he naturally couldn't slap his face.

the other side!

While persuading Jiang Mo, Yu Xuanji was secretly preparing.

This time, after thinking about it for a long time, she finally summoned up the courage, opened Su Qinghuang's account, and sent her a private message asking for help.

It's just that there has been no response!

"Senior sister should be cultivating..."

Without any choice.

She had to bite the bullet and found the Holy Master Ji Ruyue.

After all, she is also a disciple of Yaochi Sacred Land!

[Master, are you there? ]

At this time, Ji Ruyue was naturally online.

She had just been through the catastrophe of life and death before she recovered from the huge surprise of the extreme way Deva.

I originally planned to check Su Qinghuang's situation, but I didn't know that I suddenly received a private message from Yu Xuanji.

Ji Ruyue has not paid much attention to this cheap disciple.

Now, she suddenly came here, there must be something...

Thinking about it in her heart, she replied casually.

[What's the matter? ]

[This is such a master, can you help Jiang Mo? ]

[He is going to make a scene of the Song family and kill Song Tianchen. Although his strength has been greatly improved now, and he holds the Jiang family's extreme weapons, he is still not the opponent of the Song family. ]

[Therefore, the disciple would like to ask the master to respect you, in case Jiang Mo is defeated, can you take action to save his life...]

Yu Xuanji asked cautiously.

Ginger Demon?

The Jiang family?

Looking at the private message sent, Ji Ruyue was a little surprised.

She didn't know much about Jiang Mo.

As for the grievance between him and Song Tianchen, it is not clear.

However, since Yu Xuanji found her, it means that things are a little serious...

[This seat will pay attention to this matter. ]

[It's you, it's time to come back and practice well, after all, strength is the first. ]

[Thank you, Master! The disciple will be back immediately! ]

With Ji Ruyue's assurance, Yu Xuanji was naturally overjoyed.

With the intervention of the Holy Master of Yaochi, even if Jiang Mo made trouble with the Song family, his life would definitely be saved.

"Oh, when will you let me save some snacks..."


Yu Xuanji silently closed the live broadcast room.

Then, he rode the spirit boat and headed straight for the Sacred Land of the Jade Pond.

at the same time!

The Song family chaebols far away in Eastern Wasteland are also preparing for a feast.

Song Tianchen and Li Xuanyue are engaged...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 224 Beat The Myth With 1 Punch!

Chapter 224 Beat the myth with one punch!

The Song family, the first chaebol of Eastern Wasteland!

Its family has been passed down for more than 12,000 years, and both its strength and heritage are extremely strong.

at this time.

Up and down the Song family, there were lanterns and colorful lights everywhere, and everyone laughed and laughed.

A festive atmosphere!

There is an endless stream of guests coming and going...

Today is a great day for the engagement of Song Tianchen, the eldest son of the Eastern Wasteland chaebol, and Li Xuanyue, the eighth princess of the Yinyue Dynasty. All the powerful forces in Eastern Wasteland have come to congratulate.

Although, some time ago, because Song Tianchen pointed fingers in the live battle, Li Xuanyue was severely tricked, causing her to lose PK, and Heavenly Dao forcibly cut off three small Realm's Cultivation Base.

However, after the unremitting efforts of the Song family during this period, and after paying some price, the two families finally repaired their relationship with each other.

at the same time!

The marriage between Song Tianchen and Li Xuanyue was also maintained.

As we all know, this is a marriage of interests!

For the common interests of the Song family and the Yinyue Dynasty, Song Tianchen and Li Xuanyue, two people who were not suitable at all, were forcibly combined.

Although Li Xuanyue is deeply loved, she cannot change her destiny!

Today, she will be engaged to Song Tianchen, and the relationship will be completely confirmed...


Song Family Manor!

At this moment, in a quaint and magnificent palace, Patriarch Song Wuya was explaining something to Song Tianchen.


An old man in Tsing Yi hurried in front of him.

He handed the Heavenly Dao jade wall to Song Wuya...

"Patriarch, something happened!"

"Just now, Jiang Mo of the Jiang Clan in Yunzhou forcibly suppressed the elder Jiang Tianming of the Jiang Clan, and robbed the King Tower of the Supreme Spirit Soldier, and is coming towards us."

"He said he wanted to seek revenge for the eldest son..."

The old man said respectfully.

Ginger Demon?

Hearing this name, Song Wuya and Song Tianchen were both stunned.

"Jiang Mo, isn't this a genius from the Jiang clan in Yunzhou? It is said that although this person has peerless roots, he is a reckless man who acts impulsive and reckless of the consequences."

"He was actually able to suppress Jiang Tianming? He even robbed the Jiang family's extreme weapons?"

"When did he become so powerful..."

Song Wuya frowned slightly.

He doesn't seem to believe it!

Not only did he not believe it, but Song Tianchen on the side did not believe it even more.

He still knew something about Jiang Mo.

That is a fool!

Except for the better qualifications, nothing else can be on the table.

How can such a person turn the sky?

"Elder Yun, is the news true? Then Jiang Mo is just a reckless man, it's impossible..."

Song Tianchen wanted to refute something.

However, when he opened his mouth, he saw the Heavenly Dao jade wall handed over by the old man in green clothes, which clearly recorded the killing scene of Jiang Mo, Jiang Tianming and others.


Seeing Jiang Mo in the video, he is lawless.

Not only did Jiang Tianming, who had beaten the mythical realm, have no power to fight back, but he also directly robbed the tower of the Supreme Spirit Soldier. This result made Song Tianchen take a deep breath.

The stern face was full of shock!


Song Wuya, known as the Eastern Wasteland chaebol, also frowned tightly.

"It seems that this fellow must have obtained the good fortune of Tianda, so that he can have such a strong strength in a very short period of time." "Suppressing Jiang Tianming, robbing the king's tower, Jiang Mo's strength must be in mythology. above the border!"

"Patriarch, that Jiang Mo is a well-known reckless man, and now he is coming in a big way, and he has to guard against it..."

"Huh, what are you afraid of?"

"How can a mere Jiang Mo shake my Song family?"

"Don't say he's just a mythical realm, even if he's a Deva overhaul, as long as he dares to come, I'll call him back and forth."

"If he wants to take revenge, he must have strength..."

Song Wuya snorted coldly.

In the words, there is a strong disdain!

The Song family, as a ten thousand-year-old clan, has accumulated a wealth of information that cannot be shaken by a mere Jiang Mo.

He is confident that as long as Jiang Mo dares to come, he can surely die without a burial...


Come whatever you say!

"Song Tianchen, get out and die for daddy~"


A thunderous roar resounded from the outside world.


At the same time, I saw a big hand reaching through the sky coming from across the void, and fell fiercely in the Song Family Manor. The unparalleled force smashed large tracts of palace buildings and buildings.

"what happened?"

The sudden change caused Song Wuya's complexion to sank.

And at this moment, a guard rushed in in a hurry...

"Patriarch, Jiang Mo is calling at the door."


Ginger Demon?

Hearing this suddenly, the three people in the room were shocked.

"The Great Wilderness and the Eastern Wasteland are two different wastelands, and the distance between them is more than billions of miles. Even the overhaul of the Deva realm will take a long time to cross."

"Jiang Mo is just a fairyland, how could he be so fast?"

Song Tianchen widened his eyes.

An incredible look!

From the time he threatened to come to the Song family for revenge, to the time he arrived here, it took only a quarter of an hour, right?

How did he do it?

The more he thought about it, the more unbelievable Song Tianchen became.

"Let's go out and have a look first~"

Although his heart was full of shock, Song Wuya did not panic.

After being silent for a while, he took the lead and walked out.

Behind him, Song Tianchen followed closely...


At this time, the outside world.

Accompanied by the loud noises that shook the sky and the rubble splashing all over the sky, I saw a fierce and incomparable figure standing above the void, waving his fists constantly.

A series of ferocious fists, wrapped in a monstrous force, landed in the Song family's manor.

For a time, a large palace tower was smashed to pieces!


Many powerful figures swept out of the manor, wanting to suppress people in the future, but they just rushed over, and they were greeted by a fierce iron fist.


In the shrill screams, the many guards and masters of the Song family were ruthlessly beaten to pieces by Jiang Mo, and blood splattered in the air.

In just a moment, the Song family turned into a Shura field...

Seeing this scene, Song Wuya was furious!

"Come on, kill this scorpion for me!"

The cold voice resounded inside and outside the manor.


When his voice fell, suddenly, three unusually powerful figures rushed out from the depths of the manor, wrapped in monstrous aura, and went straight to Jiang Mo.

These three people are the worship of the Song family!

Each of them has the strength of the Great Perfection of the Mythic Realm...

"Whoever blocks me, die!"

Jiang Mo is worthy of the name of a reckless husband.

Today, he has great strength, and has the extreme weapon man Wangta in his hand, and he has unprecedented self-confidence.

God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!


Seeing the great consummation of the three mythical realms rushed out, Jiang Mo's eyes skyrocketed with fierce light, and with a roar, he stepped directly in front of the three of them.

"Go to hell!"

He grabbed the closest person and punched him fiercely.


The fierce and unparalleled combat power was fully unleashed, and the terrifying power turned into a big hand that penetrated the sky, directly smashing the man's body with one punch.

(End of this chapter)