
Live Broadcast To Become An Immortal,

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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However, whether he believed it or not, Wei Daoist came directly in front of him, and took out an ancient jade bottle, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

"The big Heavenly Devil bone, although it is an excellent talent, contains demonic nature. Even the blood of the Holy Spirit on your body has been eroded and polluted by demonic nature."

"It's not what I want!"

"This bottle of Heavenly Purification Divine Water is a divine object that I finally obtained after going through thousands of difficulties and obstacles eight thousand years ago. It can purify all the substances in the world and improve its quality."

"Drink it!"

"At that time, under the magical effect of the Jingtian Divine Water, the big Heavenly Devil bone on your body will be completely purified, all the devilishness will be washed away, and the aptitude and root bone will be greatly improved."

"For you, this is a great fortune..."

Weird Daoist said slowly.

Pure Heavenly Water?

Washing and eradicating the devil in me?

Hearing this, Jiang Mo couldn't help showing a shocked color, looking at the bottle of Jingtian Divine Water, his eyes were full of desire.

If it's like what Daoist said, then what will the big Heavenly Devil bone on his body look like after he is washed and purified?

Jiang Mo is looking forward to it!

However, when he thought that he was going to die soon, he couldn't help feeling sad...

"Come on, let me drink!"

"Anyway, he's going to die, daddy must die beautifully!"

Say it.

Jiang Mo opened his mouth and swallowed the whole bottle of Jingtian Divine Water.


Pure heaven and divine water, a divine object of the world!

It has the divine power to purify thousands of substances in the world and cleanse all filth and evil, especially for the root bones of living beings, it has the magical effect of heaven-defying.

When Jiang Mo swallowed it, the Jingtian Divine Water immediately turned into small torrents, which flowed between the limbs and bones in an instant.

Even, deep into the soul!

Wherever the Shenshui passed, all the filth, Impurities, demonic nature, evil energy, etc. on Jiang Mo's body were completely purified.


In the eyes of Qin Zhanmo and others, at this moment, strands of black energy were stripped from Jiang Mo's body, and various Impurities also turned into blue smoke.

Gradually, his skin became crystal clear and jade, and his body became more and more majestic.

Beyond ten feet!

Sitting there, like an unparalleled Vajra, gives a great pressure...

at the same time.

With the continuous washing of Jingtian Shenshui, Jiang Mo's original big Heavenly Devil bones also got transformed, and dazzling golden divine light began to rush out from his body.

Gradually, it turned into a golden sea of ​​gods behind it!

The momentum around him also suddenly increased sharply.

Really my middle stage!

Really late stage!

My peak!

I am so complete!

The realm of law!


His Cultivation Base, at a speed visible to the naked eye, skyrocketed wildly.

In a short time, the Great Perfection of the Dharma Phase Realm was reached!

And, still going on...

After a long time, when everything was silent again, Jiang Mo's aura finally stabilized.


His Cultivation Base has soared, reaching the fifteenth realm mythology.

The same is the Dzogchen!

Zhou Rulong, who was watching this scene, was stunned, and even Qin Zhanmo, who was indifferent, showed a shocked expression at this time...

He did not expect that after the purification and washing of Jingtian Divine Water, Jiang Mo would become so powerful.

Even compared to him, it's not too much!

"Jingtian Shenshui, it is worthy of being a divine object, its divine effect is heaven-defying!"

"One step to the sky, from the real self of the tenth realm to the mythological perfection of the fifteenth realm, this saves countless years of hard work."

"This guy is really lucky!"

"It's just that if you can't get out of the Dragon Burial Ridge alive, even if you have the qualifications and roots of heaven-defying, it's a waste..."

Say it.

Qin Zhanmo closed his eyes again.

Although he is amazed at the strength of Jiang Mogenbone, he is not weak, and even in his opinion, he is stronger.

After all, his starting point is higher than Jiang Mo!

Moreover, when he awakened the Innate Sun Sacred Body, he was able to advance to the realm of Deva in one go, but it was a pity that he was interrupted by the treacherous Daoist in the end.

From this point of view, he thinks that Sacred Body is stronger than Jiang Mo!

Compared to Qin Zhanmo's confidence.

On the other side, looking at the shocking vision that erupted from Jiang Mo, Wei Daoist also showed a thoughtful look.

"This is... the God King bone?"

He asked Jiang Mo somewhat uncertainly.

Looking at his knowledge and knowledge, Daoist is also a little uncertain at this time.

After all, he has never seen it with his own eyes!

It's just inference and speculation based on ancient records...

Chapter 205 I've Waited For 180Years!

Chapter 205 I've Waited For Eighteen Thousand Years!

"Old thing, if you say it's the God King bone, then of course it is!"

"You ask me, I don't know!"

"After all, I'm just a branch of a small family, how can I tell what kind of devil bone or God King bone..."

Facing Daoist's question, Jiang Mo coldly snorted.

Just dumped him with a stinky face!

The strange tone and expression of Yin & Yang made Daoist frown slightly.

He felt that Jiang Mo didn't tell the truth!

This kid must be hiding something...

"Actually, I don't mind if you don't tell me."

"Because, no matter what your root bone has transformed into, or how strong it is, it is useless to you now."

"I just get what I want and that's it!"


Wei Daoist ignored Jiang Mo's fierce gaze, stepped out, and the whole person came to the void.


After standing for a while, I saw his big sleeves waving gently.

In an instant, ten ancient and huge black stone pillars appeared out of thin air, exuding a vicious and evil aura.


Just looking at it tightly, the three Qin Zhanmo felt the monstrous murderous aura coming from the sky, making their souls tremble wildly...

It's like facing Death!

"what is that?"

Jiang Mo asked aloud.

"do not know!"

"But certainly not a good thing."

"Maybe it's an evil thing used to sacrifice us..."

Qin Zhanmo frowned and guessed.

As soon as he said these words, Jiang Mo and Zhou Rulong froze.

All eyes turned towards the strange Daoist above.


At this moment, I saw that he kept reciting words in his mouth, and at the same time, his hands kept pinching various mysterious seals. After a long time, the ten black stone pillars suspended in the void suddenly went away in ten directions.

Finally, disappear!

It seems to have fallen into the ground...


When the ten stone pillars disappeared, they clearly saw a bright black beam of light rising from the distant sky, stirring thousands of winds and clouds.

Then, it completely dissipated!

"That direction seems to be the Great Wu Dynasty Capital?"

Qin Zhanmo had a look of surprise on his face.

He looked at Zhou Rulong, who was beside him, and saw that he also nodded thoughtfully.

"It is indeed the capital!"

"What the hell is he doing? For what purpose?"

talking room.

Strong hatred appeared in Zhou Rulong's eyes. To him, Daoist was not a savior, but an executioner who wanted his life.

He wanted to get out of control, but he was powerless!

I can only stare at the strange Daoist above the sky with hatred eyes...

At this moment.

The strange Daoist's mind was completely immersed in the formation. When the ten black stone pillars were activated and hidden in the depths of the ten directions of the capital, he turned his attention to the ancient altar in front of him.

In the eyes, a trace of excitement and anticipation floated...

"Waiting for 18,000 years, sacrificing the blood of the Holy Spirit of 357 unparalleled talents, and now only the last three people can make up the number of universes of 360."

"By then, I will definitely find the 'silver chance' that belongs to me!"

"Only in this way can I reverse my life and reshape my destiny..."

He whispered.

In his eyes, he seemed to be looking forward to something.


After he finished speaking, Wei Daoist glanced at Qin Zhanmo and the three of them indifferently. Then, he sat cross-legged in front of the altar, forming all kinds of mysterious and mysterious techniques with his hands.

Hit them one by one into the altar!

As time passed, under the watchful eyes of Qin Zhanmo and others, the ancient altar, which had been silent, began to bloom with a trace of brilliance.

at the same time!

The breath of the vast years is also surging out...

Seeing this scene, when several people were shocked, they all understood.

Treacherous Daoist, awakening the altar!

Once the altar is fully activated, it will be the end of the three of them!

How to do?

Qin Zhanmo and Jiang Mo looked at each other, and then looked at Zhou Rulong, who was on a plate, with extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

until this moment.

They really feel the crisis coming!

Death is approaching them...

[Grandpa, help! ! ! ]

[The old thing has already started to wake up the altar with a secret method. Once the altar is fully activated, it will definitely sacrifice me. You must find a way. ]

[Go to the patriarch, borrow a pole weapon, and come to suppress! ]

[Too late, I will die! hurry up~]


Jiang Mo kept sending private messages.

The Jiang family is his only hope now!


On the other side, Qin Zhanmo was also communicating quickly with Luo Xinyu...

[Xin Yu, has the Governor of the East come back? ]

[not yet! By the way, what's the situation on your side now? ]

[Not optimistic! ]

[Now, the mysterious person who kidnapped me has begun to wake up the altar on Wanshen Mountain, and he will succeed in three days at most. At that time, we will definitely be sacrificed. ]

[This person, it turns out that he has been fighting the idea of ​​the blood of the Holy Spirit in our body! According to my guess, there are definitely not a few Tianjiao sacrificed by him...]

Qin Zhanmo responded solemnly.

[what? What to do then? ]

[Now I can only hope that the Governor will come back sooner, otherwise...]

[Qin Zhanmo, you have to hold on! There are still two or three days before the end of the North Sea tide, and the Governor should return by then. ]

[When the time comes, I will definitely be able to save you! ]

[Alas, I hope so. ]


The two chatted casually.

at this time.

Qin Zhanmo and Jiang Mo were both trying their best to find help, but Zhou Rulong, on the other hand, looked at a loss.

He doesn't know what to do at all!

Because, no one will save him!

"Father, you are too cruel~"

He roared wildly inside.

The original love has turned into hatred!

Although Zhou Rulong couldn't accept this ending, he couldn't resist either.

Can only, silently wait to die...

Wei Daoist saw all the actions of the three of them.

He also seemed to know that Qin Zhanmo and Jiang Mo were seeking help from the outside world, but they didn't take it to heart.

With his strength and means, he is not afraid of everything!

What's more, this is the deepest part of the Buried Dragon Ridge. Anything related to Spirit Power will be banned. Even cultivators who specialize in the flesh will be suppressed when they come here.

Therefore, no one can threaten him!

For that 'silver chance', he has been preparing for 20,000 years and waiting for 18,000 years. Now it's time to harvest, and naturally he can't tolerate any accidents.

Even the mysterious existence behind Lu Changsheng, he still has the confidence to deal with it...

Thinking of his own layout, Wei Daoist felt a lot more at ease.

Next, he ignored Qin Zhanmo and the three of them, and devoted himself to the altar of awakening.

Just like that, time passed without knowing it.


It's been three days!

Three days later, the big Martial King was surging, and the atmosphere was dignified to the extreme.

at the same time.

Dongfang Xuan, who was cultivating after the Dragon Gate, also woke up...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 206 Mahayana Realm, I Can Spell!

Chapter 206 Mahayana Realm, I Can Spell!

Beihai, Hualong Pond!

Dongfang Xuan sits cross-legged in the mighty Tianhe like a god, allowing the endless river of Spirit Power to wash away.

The whole body is surrounded by great power!

Unbelievable to look at...

"The Mahayana realm is not bad!"

In the Tianhe.

Feeling the surging and majestic power in his body, a smile appeared on the corner of Dongfang Xuan's mouth.

The Tianhe River in the Hualong Pond is the place where the rivers of time, history and fate meet, and there is boundless great fortune.

During these three days, he did not dare to delay for a moment, relying on the mighty power of the plundering secret technique, the incomparably vast Spirit Power was forcibly gathered, and then merged into his body and turned into his own Cultivation Base.


Dongfang Xuan Cultivation Base has made great progress all the way, from the early stage of the original Dharma phase, to the realm of Mahayana.

Looking at the Green Mountain Region, and even the wider Great Wilderness, it is enough to be called a peak powerhouse!

Dongfang Xuan is still very satisfied with the three days of practice...

"Calculate the time, this North Sea tide should be over, it's time to go back."

"I don't know how I'm going to tell you about the cloudy sky. Also, is there a big change in the outside world?"

He groaned silently.

talking room.

He raised his head and looked at Xiao Mingyue, who was facing him.

at this time!

Xiao Mingyue, like him, also ended the three-day cultivation, and it seems that the harvest is also very big.

At least, Cultivation Base is no weaker than him!

In fact, for the two of them, Cultivation Base is no longer the only criterion for measuring strength.

Although the two of them only have Cultivation Base in the Mahayana realm on the surface, their real strength is far beyond.

Not even Deva!

Dongfang Xuan naturally understands this truth.

Therefore, he did not look at Xiao Mingyue with the eyes of ordinary people.

After all, this is the reincarnation of Taixi Heavenly Emperor in the world of the heavens, and has the background of the ninth generation.

Its means are by no means what ordinary people can imagine...

"Next, are you going to replace the Great Martial King Dynasty? Is it the founding of a country, or the establishment of a dynasty?"

Dongfang Xuan was silent for a while, then asked aloud.

Hearing this, Xiao Mingyue looked over with cold eyes, her expression calm and indifferent.

"Let's go to court!"

"In the past, I have opened up a powerful Immortal kingdom to suppress the heavens of all ages. Now that I have reincarnated and rebuilt, I plan to open up a kingdom of Immortals to reach the eternal realm."

A dull voice sounded.

In response, Dongfang Xuan nodded thoughtfully.

Founding a country and establishing a dynasty are different!

The difference is only in the method and form, and the essence is the same.

Expand the territory and collect the luck of heaven and earth!

It is relatively inefficient to open up a country and collect the luck of heaven and earth, but the country is promoted very quickly.

To open up a dynasty, the promotion speed is relatively slow, and even each level has strict conditions.

It's not easy to get promoted!

However, the development of a dynasty also has huge advantages that the country cannot match.

That is, the dynasty focused on the expansion of its territory, so the collected heaven and earth luck was relatively strong.

It has more people and resources than the kingdom!


The power of the lord of the dynasty is much heavier in comparison...

Dongfang Xuan will not interfere with Xiao Mingyue's ideas, and will strongly support her no matter what she does.

After all, they are still husband and wife!

"Can I help you?"


"Well, when you have something to call, anyway, the husband and wife are in a relationship. When I need my help, I will definitely spare no effort..."

Dongfang Xuan said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he realized that there was a lot of ambiguity in his words, and it was easy for people to think wrong.

However, Xiao Mingyue ignored it!

"Let's talk about it~"

In a light response, she stepped out and disappeared in place.

Then, Dongfang Xuan heard a majestic and grand dragon roar.

Immediately afterwards, they disappeared from the Dragon Transformation Pond...

See you!

Dongfang Xuan was silent for a while, and did not stay in place for much longer. He immediately teleported to the lower reaches of the Tianhe River.

At this time, Li Daoran, Li Longxiang, Tao Ji, Li Qingyang and others all ended their cultivation.


"Oriental Brothers!"

"Brother Dongfang!"



Several people walked quickly to Dongfang Xuan and looked at him with joy.

The others were okay, Li Longxiang's face was full of surprises, and his gaze towards Dongfang Xuan was also full of gratitude.

Today, thanks to the endless good fortune of Hualongchi Tianhe, his Cultivation Base is also skyrocketing.

From the original Tongtian middle stage, it climbed directly to the peak of Transcend Tribulation!

Fully upgrade a big Realm!

This is unimaginable for him.

Therefore, Li Longxiang's gratitude to Dongfang Xuan can't be added.

Now, he is very sure that Dongfang Xuan is the noble person in his life!

"It seems that everyone's harvest in the past few days is not bad."

Looking over the crowd, Dongfang Xuan said softly with a smile.

Li Daoran husband and wife, the original Cultivation Base was very strong, breaking the limit of The Mortal Realm, and now after the erosion of Hualongchi Tianhe, the strength has naturally increased greatly.

As for the specific Cultivation Base, Dongfang Xuan did not break it!

As for Tao Ji, the increase in strength was not obvious.

After all, she is an outlier!

She was already strong enough, and the Dragon Transformation Pond was not very useful to her. In Dongfang Xuan's view, it was just the icing on the cake.

Among them, the one who benefits the most is Li Qingyang!

Although the level of "The Great Chaos Immortal Sutra" is very high, cultivation is also very difficult. Those who do not have great chance, great fortune, and great perseverance should not do it.

However, in these three days, relying on the magic and heaven-defying of chaotic green lotus seeds, as well as the help of plundering secret techniques, the little guy has made great progress.

After Dongfang Xuan's investigation, she has now reached the late stage of Qi refining!

In that seemingly weak body, there is a strong power.

"Uncle, I finally succeeded in cultivating immortals!"

"Also, I can still use spells now..."

The little guy looked excited.

She desperately wanted to show off in front of Dongfang Xuan.

As soon as these words came out, Li Dao and several others showed strong interest.

"What is magic?"

Li Longxiang asked curiously.

"Well, the so-called spell is a means for cultivators to use their Spirit Power as a bridge to communicate between heaven and earth, and they have magical abilities after they are used."

"Different spells have different effects!"

"There are many types of spells, there are auxiliary spells, there are attack spells, there are defensive spells..."

"In general, spells are like various secret spells, or secret spells, performed by practitioners in the world of gods. It's just that the spells are more mysterious in comparison."

Dongfang Xuan explained thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Li Longxiang immediately became interested.

He immediately got in front of Li Qingyang...

"Qingyang, hurry up, use the spells you have learned, and let us all see what the mystery is."

"Don't be afraid, you can just face me directly!"

Li Longxiang looked confident.

With his current strength at the peak of Transcend Tribulation, he naturally did not take Li Qingyang as a little girl in his eyes.

"But... this spell is very powerful."

very powerful?

How powerful can it be?

Li Longxiang is very conceited!

"Even if it comes, I can handle it..."

He patted his chest hard.

"OK then."

"Palm Thunder!"

talking room.

In the depths of the little guy, the little white jade-like hand slapped Li Longxiang directly.


Accompanied by a low thunder, a huge thunder pillar suddenly flew out of Li Qingyang's palm and landed on Li Longxiang's body.

Directly blasted him out...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 207 I'm Just Refining Qi Late Stage!

Chapter 207 I'm just refining Qi late stage!


Dongfang Xuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the ferocious thunder pillar that flew out of Li Qingyang's hands.

Palm Thunder is a relatively common spell!

Generally speaking, ordinary immortal cultivators will not be very powerful when they use the palm thunder, and at most they will crack the stone.

However, Li Qingyang is completely different!

First of all, the "Great Chaos Immortal Sutra" that she cultivated has a high level, which can be called the top immortal way in the world. In addition, she also has such treasures as chaotic green lotus seeds in her body.

In the end, the Spirit Power she cultivated was not an ordinary Spirit Power.

But the power of chaos!

In this case, her strength is not equal to her own Cultivation Base at all, so the power of casting spells is naturally much stronger.

However, what Dongfang Xuan did not expect was that he would be so tyrannical.

Li Longxiang is also the Cultivation Base at the peak of Transcend Tribulation. At this moment, he was blasted out by the little guy with an ordinary palm thunder. Although he did not cause substantial damage, his power was very terrifying.

"Cough cough, bah~"

far away.

Li Longxiang kept spitting out the dust in his mouth.

When he stood up again, he found that the clothes on his body were shattered in disrespect, and the skin around him was even more charred.

Even the hair is standing on end...

It looks like a beggar!

Seeing him like this, Li Qingyang hid behind Dongfang Xuan at once, carefully stuck out his head, and secretly looked at Li Longxiang in the distance.

"I said, my spells are very powerful, you just don't believe it..."

The little guy muttered to himself.


Hearing this, a smile appeared on Dongfang Xuan's face.

"Don't be afraid, he doesn't dare to do anything to you!"


He looked at Li Longxiang.

"Brother Li, everyone has already told you, but you just don't believe it. Now, the eighth son of the Great Wilderness Town Demon Division has become a beggar."

"If this is spread out, tsk tsk..."

Dongfang Xuan Yin & Yang said strangely.

He didn't say it was okay, but Li Longxiang was immediately unhappy when he opened his mouth.

At the moment, he came over cursing.

Gloomy face!

"Little thing, is this the spell you're talking about?"

"Yeah, this is what I just learned. It's called Palm Thunder, it's the lowest-level spell, and there are more powerful ones in the back..."

Li Qingyang answered honestly.

Her words made Li Longxiang's heart suffer a critical blow.

Palm Thunder?

Lowest spell?

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Your palm thunder spell is very unusual!"

"Where is the ordinary thunder method? It's clearly a thunderbolt. Fortunately, my strength has improved a lot. If I change it to the past, I really can't stand it."

Li Longxiang had lingering fears.

He had a personal experience of the magic of the cultivator.


Li Dao, who was watching on the side, also showed a very curious appearance at this time...

"Brother Dongfang, do the spells cast by other immortal cultivators have such power?"

"of course not!"

Dongfang Xuan shook his head.

"Actually, cultivating immortals is just a way to cultivate and become stronger. What's more, the road to immortality is rugged and dangerous, and not everyone can walk on it."

"It takes talent, chance, good fortune, perseverance, and more!"

"Other cultivators cast spells, although they have various magical effects and abilities, they are not stronger than the secret spells we use."

"Both of them have their own magic!"

"Whether it's a spell or a secret method, the most important thing is the person who casts it. As long as he is strong enough, the power of the spell is naturally powerful."

"Qingyang, she is different from other immortal cultivators. This little thing is much stronger than those people."

"Although I'm cultivating immortals, it's better to be cultivating Dao..."

Dongfang Xuan explained.


What is this?

At this time, the more he listened to Dongfang Xuan's explanation, the more confused Li Longxiang became.

He felt that this topic was too esoteric.

I don't understand at all!

On the other hand, Li Daoran, who was thinking about it...

"Qingyang's current Cultivation Base, what Realm is it in?"

"Qi refining late stage!"

"Then what if it corresponds to the Realm in our Godly Wild World?"

"Well, it should be the real me in the tenth realm..."

Dongfang Xuan estimated.

"However, Cultivation Base is not equal to strength. The power of Xiao Qingyang should be comparable to the eleventh realm. If it relies on magic, it can be invincible in the realm."

"Actually, the reason why Brother Li was blown away just now was not because of the strength of Qingyang, but because he did not realize the power of magic."

"So, being caught off guard..."

"If you meet a real Transcend Tribulation powerhouse, no matter how powerful Qingyang's palm thunder is, it can't be shaken. After all, the gap in strength is a bit big."

Dongfang Xuan said patiently.

His words made Li Longxiang find some faces.

The face looks much better!

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. If we have time in the future, let's have a good chat."

"It's been three days now, and the North Sea tide is almost over, let's go out..."


talking room.

Dongfang Xuan didn't wait for everyone to react, and his big hand directly involved them in the small world of Immortal's coffin, and then left the Hualong Pond with a teleport.

When it reappeared, it was already above the depths of the North Sea...

"Finally out!"

"These three days have changed a lot~"

Breathing the fresh air outside, Li Longxiang sighed with a smile.

On the face, high spirits!

Now, his strength has skyrocketed, and if he returns to the Great Wilderness Town Demon Division, he is not the eighth-ranked Holy Son.

The position of the First Son must be his!

"Brother Li, what are your plans next? Do you want to go to the Jiuzhou Town Magic Division?"

"This... I want to go, but unfortunately I can't."

"I just received a message from the chief of my family, asking me to return to the Great Wilderness Town Demon Division immediately. Obviously, something big has happened in the past few days."

"I have to go back and have a look..."

Li Longxiang sighed.

In fact, why didn't he want to stay with Dongfang Xuan? After all, this is a great person in his life. After only a few days of contact, he obtained such a great opportunity and good fortune.

If you continue, you will definitely be able to lie flat!

It's just that the old father in the family is too majestic, and he can't resist.

Therefore, I can only leave in tears!

For his decision, Dongfang Xuan also did not stop.

"If that's the case, then we'll have an appointment in the future!"

"From now on, let's keep in touch, just say hello if you have something..."


At Dongfang Xuan's suggestion, several people exchanged each other's Heavenly Dao live room accounts and added friends.

In this world, there is nothing more convenient than this!

"Okay, we should go too."

"Brother Li, farewell!"

"Lee Uncle, goodbye~"


call out!

A dazzling streamer streaked the Shattering Void, Dongfang Xuan and the others drove the spirit boat and left the Beihai.

"Let's see what happened in the past few days..."

On the spirit boat.

Taking advantage of the little guy not bothering him, Dongfang Xuan clicked on the backstage of the live broadcast room on the road.

Suddenly, a series of private messages popped up one after another...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 208 The Governor Is Back, It's Settled!

Chapter 208 The Governor is back, it's settled!

The first person to send a private message was Yun Tian Jue!

[Master, I have already done the things you explained. ]

[According to your instructions, the subordinate went to the Jiuzhou Town Demon Division, found Liu Cangsheng, and informed him about the secret tryst between Xiao Jinyi and Han Qiuyue at Hanyue Lake through the Heavenly Dao live broadcast room. ]

[It's not what you expected! After learning about this, Liu Cangsheng was furious to the extreme, and immediately rushed to the scene of Hanyue Lake to catch the rape. ]

[Afterwards, in order to completely ruin Xiao Jinyi's reputation and be cast aside by countless people, his subordinates started a live broadcast at Hanyue Lake, and then...]


The cloudy sky tells the story of the whole thing.


Seeing this, Dongfang Xuan raised his brows slightly. He originally just wanted Liu Cangsheng to go to Hanyue Lake to catch a traitor. How could he know that Yun Tianjue was so cruel and broadcast live.

So, the matter of catching rape has now spread?

Think here!

Dongfang Xuan's expression did not change, but continued to look at the private messages on the screen...

Through Yin Tianjue's report, he knew what happened to the whole thing.

At the same time, also know the final result!

This is a big deal!

"Tsk tsk, Liu Cangsheng is also a ruthless man. In order to maintain the last bit of dignity of a man, he even killed his own wife."

"This time, but the sky is pierced!"

"A live broadcast made the Jiuzhou Town Demon Division completely famous. With such a big scandal, the Zhen Mo Division's face was completely lost. Liu Cangsheng, the great governor, has come to an end..."

Dongfang Xuan sighed to himself.

He didn't expect that things would get so big!

[What's the current situation of Zhen Mosi? ]

He responded with a private message.


Received a reply from Yin Tianjue.

[Master, are you back? ]

[Well, let's talk about the situation of Zhen Mosi! ]

[Yes! ]

[After the rape incident three days ago, the scandal of the Jiuzhou Zhenmo Division was known to the entire Divine Continent, and it became the laughing stock of the world. ]

[According to reliable information, the chief Li Tianjun was furious. On the day he received the news, he even issued four decrees, directly dismissing Meng Jinglun, the chief of Qingshan Town, and demoting him to the first deputy chief. ]

[In addition, in the next 100 years, anyone with a position higher than the guardian of the Qingshan Town Demon Division will not be promoted or transferred. ]

[Also, in the next 100 years, no resources will be given! ]

[In addition, Meng Jinglun, as the first deputy director, still firmly controls the Qingshan Town Demon Division, dismissing the original position of Han Tianhe, and arresting Liu Cangsheng at the same time. ]

[These two people are definitely going to die! ]


The cloudy day is absolutely respectful.

After his narration, Dongfang Xuan finally had a general understanding of the current situation of the Zhenmo Division.

[What about Liu Cangsheng now? ]

[Before the people from Qingshan Town Mosi arrived, he ran away, and now he has gone to Shanhaijie. Under the introduction of Li Xuanshan, he has taken refuge with the female Martial Sage Xiao Mingyue. ]


Went to Xiao Mingyue's place?

This result made Dongfang Xuan a little surprised.

"It seems that she has not been idle during this time, but has been paying attention to the situation outside."

"Accepting Liu Cangsheng, this is against the Zhen Mosi..."

The corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

He is not worried about Xiao Mingyue!

[Anything else? ]

[Well, I don't have it here for the time being, it's just... There is a little bad situation in the Jietian Peak where you are, Master, it seems that Qin Zhanmo has been captured. "


Did something happen to Qin Zhanmo?

Hearing this news suddenly, Dongfang Xuan frowned.

[Do you know what happened? ]

[This... subordinates don't know much. It seems that Qin Zhanmo was breaking through on the Tianfeng Mountain a few days ago, but an accident happened at the last moment. A mysterious powerhouse descended and took him directly. ]

[Specifically, Master, you can ask the people from the Town Magic Division...]

The cloudy day refuses to reply.

Upon seeing this, Dongfang Xuan immediately ended the private chat with him and opened other private messages.

Senders, many!

Moreover, they are all unfamiliar strangers!

But at this moment, with the reminder of the cloudy sky, Dongfang Xuan didn't want to know, these must be from the Jiuzhou Town Magic Division.

He clicked on the one with the most private messages.

The name is: Eating and Waiting to Die - Luo Xinyu!

Dongfang Xuan frowned even more after reading the numerous private messages she sent.

He already understood the general situation!

"Qin Zhanmo a mysterious person kidnapped to the deepest part of the Dragon Burial Ridge? And, is he not the only one?"

"Eastern Wasteland Jiang Clan, Jiang Mo, isn't this the 'Jiang Fisherman' who desperately defended Yu Xuanji in the live broadcast room? He was actually taken here too?"

"Also, Zhou Rulong, the thirteenth prince of Dawu!"

"According to what Qin Zhanmo said, that mysterious person seems to want to sacrifice them, in order to ask for that 'silver life', what is it?"

"This person has a lot of intentions..."

He was deep in thought.

He was very interested in that mysterious person.

"Boss Li, something happened to the Town Demon Division, I have to go first, let's meet another day."

"Do you need help?"

"Well, it's just some small things, I can handle it..."

"Tao Ji, you and Qingyang and the others will go back to Jingyue Ancient City first. I have to deal with some urgent matters. After everything is over, I will be back."

"Little thing, I'm leaving, remember to cultivate well and don't be lazy."

Say it.

Dongfang Xuan ignored everyone's reaction, and immediately disappeared into the sky with a golden rainbow light.

Divine Ability: Great Sun Divine Light!

In an instant, move a billion miles!


In almost a breath, Dongfang Xuan crossed a distant area and returned to Jiuzhou Town Mosi from Beihai.

at this time.

Pick up outside Tianfeng!

Luo Xinyu, Hua Piaoling and the others were waiting anxiously, their eyes full of intense worry and hope...

"Why hasn't the Governor come back? It's been three days."

Luo Xinyu was eager to see through.

The whole person kept pacing back and forth, and his face was full of anxiety.

Every now and then, look towards the sky in the distance, expecting Dongfang Xuan's figure to appear...

Similarly, there are Hua Piaoling and others.

"Xinyu, don't worry, the North Sea tide is over, I think the Governor of the East is about to return, let's wait patiently for a while."

"But...it's too late. Qin Zhanmo said that the mysterious man had completely awakened the altar and was ready to sacrifice Zhou Rulong."

"Once Zhou Rulong is dead, it will be their turn..."

The more he talked, the more anxious Luo Xinyu became.


She could not wait to find Dongfang Xuan immediately and beg him to help him.


And just when she was extremely anxious, suddenly, a terrifying big hand stretched out directly from Jietian Peak and grabbed her away.

"Heart Feather!"

"Heart Feather~"


Seeing this scene suddenly, Hua Piaoling and the others were shocked.

They thought that the mysterious person came to the town of magic again...

"Don't panic, this matter is handled by my own seat~"


A majestic voice came down.

"The Governor of the East!"

"It's the Governor, he's back!"

"Now Qin Zhanmo is saved..."


As the familiar voice sounded, everyone was overjoyed.

The worry and anxiety on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a strong surprise and excitement.

"Hurry up and open the Heavenly Dao live broadcast room, the Eastern Governor is about to take action!"

"Uh, can you still see the Governor in the live broadcast room?"

"You are stupid, you forgot what day is today? Today is the day when the treasure hunters in the Great Wilderness agreed to enter the ancestral tomb of the Martial King at Longling University."

"Yeah, how could I forget about this! The ancestral land of the Great Martial King Dynasty is in the Dragon Burial Ridge. Through his live broadcast room, you may be able to see the Governor's action."

"This matter, we must watch a wave!"


talking room.

Everyone took out the Heavenly Dao jade wall and entered Lu Changsheng's live broadcast room...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 209 80 Billion People, Online Treasure Hunt!

Chapter 209 Eighty billion people, online treasure hunt!

To the top of the sky!

At this moment, Luo Xinyu stood in front of Dongfang Xuan with both fear and surprise.

"Commander, you are finally back!"

"You don't know how miserable Qin Zhanmo is after you left..."

After some panic, Luo Xinyu began to speak incessantly.

After changing the anxiety and unease before, the whole person returned to the previous lively wave. In this way, it was obvious that he had found the backbone.

Someone is backing up!

"What is Qin Zhanmo's situation now?"

Interrupting Luo Xinyu's nagging, Dongfang Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"Commander, the current situation is that the mysterious person has completely activated the ancient altar on Wanshen Mountain, and is sacrificing Zhou Rulong, the thirteenth prince of Dawu."

"Once he dies, then it will be Jiang Mo, or Qin Zhanmo."

"Tutor, hurry up and think of a way, or it will be too late..."

Luo Xinyu begged.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan nodded.

"Tell me Qin Zhanmo's account number!"

"It's easy to find, just search for his name..."

Luo Xinyu handed Qin Zhanmo's Heavenly Dao account to Dongfang Xuan.

Then, he stepped aside.

Looking forward to Dongfang Xuan!

at the same time.

She also secretly entered Lu Changsheng's live broadcast room...

Dongfang Xuan didn't have the heart to pay attention to her actions.

After learning about Qin Zhanmo's account, he immediately sent a private message to it.

[Qin Zhanmo, are you all right now? ]


Wanshen Mountain!

The atmosphere of the scene was extremely solemn and extremely depressing.

At this moment, neither Jiang Mo nor Qin Zhanmo dared to let out the air, their eyes fixed on the altar in the distance.

Zhou Rulong was sacrificed!


On the ancient and mysterious altar, a strange black light blooms, which makes the soul tremble.

Zhou Rulong, the thirteenth prince of Dawu, was hanged on the top of the altar by the treacherous Daoist, and his body was torn apart in his extremely frightened and desperate eyes.

A trace of scarlet blood flowed out...

Dropped on the altar!

The blood of the Holy Spirit in his body, after being baptized and washed by the mysterious altar, seems to have turned into another substance, a trace of pure purple silk thread, which was forcibly extracted.

Then, under the guidance of the mysterious Daoist's secret method, it turned into a stream of light and merged into the ancient well under the altar.

For a time, the ancient well bloomed with dazzling brilliance...

Sacred and majestic!


"Is this a sacrifice?"

"Once Zhou Rulong dies, will it be my turn next? What should I do? Grandpa, come quickly..."

Jiang Mo's lips trembled slightly.

Eyes full of anxiety!

Seeing that the Blood Essence from Zhou Rulong's body was drawn out bit by bit, and he walked towards Death step by step, even though he was nervous, he could feel the strong breath of Death.

Therefore, calling his great-grandfather Jiang Shan frantically through the Heavenly Dao live room.

I hope that the other party can borrow the extreme weapons of the Jiang family and come to suppress the cunning Daoist...


Qin Zhanmo was also a little flustered in his heart!

Zhou Rulong was sacrificed, which means that the countdown to death has started in his life, and no one can save him except Dongfang Xuan.

"Oh, I don't know what's going on with the Governor now..."

He sighed inwardly.

Then, he started to pray silently.

[ding dong~]

Just when he was uneasy, suddenly, a private message prompt sounded in his mind.

Clicking it open, it is impressive that the East is undefeated!

"The Governor is back~"

In an instant, Qin Zhanmo's spirit was greatly lifted.

[Qin Zhanmo, are you all right now? ]

[Commander, I'm fine! ]

[Well, don't panic, everything has its own seat! ]


After confirming that he was okay for the time being, Dongfang Xuan ended the private chat.

He did this just to give Qin Zhanmo a reassurance!

Next, it's his turn...

"You are here, and I will visit the Dragon Burial Ridge in person."


After confessing to Luo Xinyu, Dongfang Xuan dodged and disappeared.

Appearing again, it has come to Burial Dragon Ridge!

at this time.

Luckily, I happened to bump into Lu Changsheng who was here to broadcast live...

[Audience friends, I am alone today, and I will lead everyone into the Buried Dragon Ridge to search for treasures and open up the road to great fortune and good fortune. ]

[The goal this time is to bury the deepest part of the Dragon Ridge! "

[I have received the exact information, the ancestral land of the Great Martial King Dynasty is there, and it is said that a peerless fetish is buried in it...]


Lu Changsheng held the Heavenly Dao jade wall and kept talking.

talking room.

After adjusting his mentality, he began to step into the Dragon Burial Ridge.

at the same time.

As he announced the start of the treasure hunt, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was also driven...

The number of people online is 80 billion!

This is all the result of his previous popularity and hype.

After three days of precipitation, more and more cultivators are paying attention to this matter, and it has basically spread throughout the entire Divine Continent.

Even, there are many people outside Shenzhou who are paying attention.

After all, Burial Dragon Ridge is a forbidden place on earth!

Many people are very interested in the situation inside, but they are afraid to go deep into it.

Now, Lu Changsheng wanted to go deep into the Dragon Burial Ridge and unravel its mysterious veil in the form of live broadcast. This was undoubtedly a golden opportunity.

Let them have a glimpse of the mysterious mystery of the Dragon Burial Ridge!

Although the Buried Dragon Ridge was extremely dangerous and contained great terror, they all knew that Lu Changsheng was not fighting alone.

Behind him, there must be that mysterious existence!

Therefore, this trip to Buried Dragon Ridge can be regarded as the operation of that 'mysterious existence'.

In this regard, countless people are full of expectations!

[The landlord digs graves online, exciting! ! ]

[Burying the Dragon Ridge, that was a forbidden place for the human race before the ancient years, how could anyone dare to step into it? Are these juniors so bold now? Dog head surprised ~]

[The daring to die, the timid to starve to death! I'm afraid of an egg, and it's over! ! ]

[Actually, the landlord is not fighting alone. Wouldn't he know about the fierce place of Burial Dragon Ridge? What's more, with the lessons learned from the City of Burial Emperor, there is no absolute certainty, how dare the landlord go? ]

[Do not ask! The question is, there is someone behind it! ! ]

[Oh? So this is ah. It seems that I haven't been out for activities for too long. The world has changed a lot. The old man wants to see, where is Sacred, dare to boast such a sea mouth. ]

[Father, times have changed! It's okay to go out for a walk~]

[Guess what is in the depths of Buried Dragon Ridge? What kind of horror will the landlord encounter this time? ]

[Continue to read and you will know...]


Eighty billion viewers, watch online!

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was extremely hot.

At this time, there are too many people peeping at the screen in the dark, paying attention to the development of things.

Following Lu Changsheng's live broadcast, the danger and mystery of Buried Dragon Ridge began to unfold in front of them little by little...

[Family, this Dragon Burial Ridge really deserves to be the legendary forbidden place in the world. I just stepped into it and felt imprisoned by a mysterious force. ]

[Now all the Spirit Powers in my body are banned, and any supernatural powers and secret methods cannot be used. ]

[Everything related to Spirit Power seems to have lost its effectiveness here...]

[Fortunately, I was already prepared! ]

[My "True Dragon Body Refinement Technique" has been cultivated to a small extent, and I have mastered a physical supernatural power. The name is: True Dragon Escape, one step is a hundred thousand miles...]


talking room.

Under the gaze of 80 billion spectators, Lu Changsheng stepped out one step at a time, and the whole person instantly turned into a faint dragon-shaped streamer and disappeared in place.

Appearing again, it is already 100,000 miles away!

This scene immediately attracted many people in the live broadcast room to be amazed...

[Hey, is there someone here? ]


Lu Changsheng's voice attracted the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Looking at the camera, I saw a group of people staring at the void with a solemn expression on a mountain not far away.

That direction is in the depths of Buried Dragon Ridge!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 210 Extreme Weapons, The Tower Of The King!

Chapter 210 Extreme weapons, the tower of the king!

There are not many people on the mountain!

There are only a dozen or so.

The leader was an old man in red with a strong spirit and a stern face. He was holding an ancient and elegant black pagoda in his hand, and his sharp eyes looked into the depths of the Buried Dragon Ridge.

The whole person gives people a strong feeling of being in the sky...

Don't be angry!

At the same time, there are more than a dozen powerful figures around him, like the stars and the moon, surrounding him.

No matter who they are, they are all staring into the distance.

The expression is full of solemnity!

Seeing this group of people, Lu Changsheng was still puzzled, but someone in the live broadcast room had already seen their identities and origins.

[Hey, isn't this Jiang Tianming, the big clan of the Jiang family? How did they come to Burial Dragon Ridge? Is it possible that you also want to go in for treasure hunting? ]

Someone wondered.

The Jiang family?

Seeing this barrage, many people came out.

At this time, the number of people online in the live broadcast room was 80 billion, and it was frantically approaching the 100 billion mark. There were cultivators from both inside and outside of the Divine Continent gathered here, from all over the place.

Therefore, there are not many people who are familiar with the Jiang family...

[It is indeed a member of the Eastern Wasteland Jiang family! ]

[What is the Jiang family doing here, shouldn't it be for treasure hunting? ]

[Not like it! Judging from their appearance, it seems that they intend to enter the depths of the Buried Dragon Ridge, but they are afraid, and they obviously do not dare to get too close. ]

[Look, the black pagoda in Jiang Tianming's hands is the legendary pole weapon, the Tower of the King of Human Beings? ]


Someone noticed the black pagoda in Jiang Tianming's hand.

Extreme weapons?

As soon as these four words came out, there was undoubtedly an uproar in the live broadcast room, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on the black pagoda...

[It is very similar to the legendary weapon of the Jiang family! ]

[According to legend, the ancestors of the Jiang family were people with great luck. When they were young, they had great opportunities and were favored by the ancient kings. ]

[This pagoda is a pole weapon made by the former King of Humanity with an unparalleled mountain as the main body, and three more pole materials are added. The power is very terrifying. ]

[Even in the extreme weapons, it is considered a top existence! ]

[Mengxin asks, what level of pole weapon is the Human King Tower? Could it be the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon? Dog head shocked ~]

[cut! After thinking too much, how could it be the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon? ]

[The Human King Pagoda belongs to the lowest level of Ji Dao spirit soldiers. There are also heavenly soldiers, Divine Armament, holy soldiers on it, and finally the imperial soldiers. ]

[Oh, it's just a pole spirit soldier? I thought it was the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon...]

[The Jiang family even invited out the weapons of the extreme way, is it because they want to attack the Buried Dragon Ridge? ]

[Looking at this posture, it is a bit similar. It's just that even if there is a pole weapon man Wangta in hand, it is still impossible to enter the Dragon Burial Ridge...]


The barrage in the live broadcast room is overwhelming!

At this time, their eyes were attracted by Jiang Tianming and others.

In particular, the Tower of the King of People.

It is the focus of attention!

After all, it is an extreme weapon...

Jiang Tianming and others on the distant mountain did not know about the online crowd of 80 billion viewers.

They were looking solemnly into the depths of the Buried Dragon Ridge, their brows furrowed.

"This Dragon Burial Ridge is too fierce and evil. I feel an incomparably huge crisis inside. I'm afraid that once I step into it, I will die without a place to be buried."

"Even if there is someone Wangta in hand, it can't change!"

"Therefore, Jiang Mo can't be saved..."

After a while.

Jiang Tianming's flat voice rang out.


Can't help?

Hearing this, the other people looked as usual, but Jiang Shan, who was full of worry, fell directly into the abyss.

After receiving Jiang Mo's call for help.

He went to Jiang's house for the first time, found the patriarch Jiang Xuanji, and after his frantic begging, he finally borrowed the tower of the Jidao Lingbingren Wangta.

I planned to use this to go to Buried Dragon Ridge to suppress that mysterious person!

Who knows, people are not as good as God.

The horror of Burial Dragon Ridge is far beyond his imagination. Just stepping into the outermost area has already banned all Spirit Power, and even the power of the Human King Tower has been suppressed.

If you go to the deepest point, the consequences are unpredictable...

The more he thought about it, the more worried Jiang Shan became.

"Old clan elder, can you think of other ways?"

"Jiang Mo he... He is still the bloodline of the Jiang clan. We are the last genius left in this family. If he falls like this, then..."

Speaking of which.

On Jiang Shan's aged face, there was a look of pain.

Looking at his appearance, Jiang Tianming snorted.

"No way, it's his life!"

"This is the Dragon Burial Ridge. It is a terrifying forbidden place on earth. Not everyone can enter. Today, this seat can come in person, and it has been counted as a face for you."

"If it weren't for the blood of the same clan, do you think the patriarch would invite people out of the King Tower?"

"Since I can't save it now, I can't blame others..."

A ruthless voice came out.

Hearing this, Jiang Shan's body trembled!

"Then... do you just watch Jiang Mo die?"

He clenched his fists.

Bloodshot eyes, extremely unwilling!

In this regard, Jiang Tianming didn't say much. After glancing coldly at Jiang Shan, he looked not far away.

at this time.

He also discovered the existence of Lu Changsheng.

Live at Burial Dragon Ridge?

He was astonished.

"I think this is the treasure hunter who threatened to break into the Longling Ridge a few days ago and enter into it to dig the tomb of the Martial King Dynasty's ancestors. He really came."

"You're brave enough..."

Jiang Tianming looked at it secretly.

He is still somewhat interested in this treasure hunter in the Great Wilderness.

Similarly, Jiang Shan also noticed Lu Changsheng!


After some thought, he immediately left Jiang Tianming's team, rode a rainbow light, and came to Lu Changsheng.

His sudden arrival surprised Lu Changsheng.

"You always?"

"Old Jiang Shan, you are a treasure hunter in the Great Wilderness, right?"

Jiang Shan looked polite.

"It's me, what's the matter with you?"

"Well, I heard that you are going to the deepest part of the Buried Dragon Ridge to hunt for treasure. It just so happened that a relative of mine had an accident inside a few days ago. Can you make a company with your Excellency?"


Come to Bury Longling to find someone?

Hearing this, Lu Changsheng was greatly surprised.

[Tsk tsk, why does this old man want to accompany him, he is clearly interested in the mysterious boss behind you, the landlord, so he wants to find a talisman. ]

[Shh, see through without saying anything, can you still get along in a friendly way? ]

[This person is a branch of the Jiang family, whose name is Jiang Shan, and is also a well-known powerhouse in Eastern Wasteland. It is said that he has cultivated to the fifteenth realm mythology. ]

[What about myth? When you come to Buried Dragon Ridge, you still have to bow your head! ]

[I don't know if the landlord will agree to him...]


The people in the live broadcast room saw through Jiang Shan's identity and origin at a glance.

So, there were discussions.

"Dragon Burial Ridge is very dangerous, do you really want to go in?"


"Don't worry, Your Excellency, the old man is just going in to find someone. No matter what the result is, it will not involve your Excellency. Please help me with this, the old man is very grateful..."


While speaking, Jiang Shan disregarded his dignity, knelt directly to the ground, and bowed.

Seeing this, Lu Changsheng frowned.

"I'm sorry, this Buried Dragon Ridge is dangerous and unpredictable, and I can't take care of myself, how can I take you?"

"Forgive me for being powerless!"

Say it.

He stepped out immediately and disappeared in place.

Jiang Shan was left alone, kneeling on the spot, dazed...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 211 Weird Daoist: I Feel Threa10ed!

Chapter 211 Weird Daoist: I feel threatened!

[Alas, this old man is so pitiful~]

[What is pity? Put away your overflowing sympathy, this is the unparalleled and fierce Burial Dragon Ridge. Anything can happen in it. The landlord is too busy to take care of himself, how can he take care of others? ]

[good! The cultivation world is such cruelty, who knows who knows the face but does not know the heart, who knows if that old man Jiang Shan has other bad thoughts hidden? ]

[Take care of yourself first! Good people generally don't live long here...]

[It seems that Jiang Shan really has a close relative caught in the Dragon Burial Ridge. I don't know who it is?

[I guess it is Jiang Mo! ]

[It is possible, after all, that guy is the most outstanding person in their team. If he falls, it will definitely be an extremely heavy blow. ]


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking a lot.

The cultivation world is cruel!

Especially here is the Buried Dragon Ridge. No one knows what kind of terror is lurking in the open face. Therefore, it is the most important to save one's own life.

The flood of sympathy will only bring disaster!

Lu Changsheng is not stupid.

He can't bring a burden!

What's more, until this moment, he hadn't received any message from Dongfang Xuan, and his own life could not be completely guaranteed, so how could he dare to take Jiang Shan?

Therefore, he directly refused!

In the face of Lu Changsheng's ruthless refusal, Jiang Shan, who was kneeling on the ground, seemed to have suffered a huge blow, and on his aged face, the color of worry became stronger and stronger.

"No! Jiang Mo can't die!"

"I can't just watch my Jiang's branch and cut it off..."

He looked at the depths of Buried Dragon Ridge and roared secretly.


Ignoring the obstruction of Jiang Tianming and others, under the cold gaze of everyone, he flashed his figure, held a simple halberd in his hand, and rushed frantically into the Burying Dragon Ridge.

Going tightly in the direction of Lu Changsheng...

Looking at this scene, Jiang Tianming snorted in the distance.


"Dragon Burial Ridge is a forbidden place in the world. How can you step into it? This move is simply courting death!"

His eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Old clan, don't we stop it?"

"This Dragon Burial Ridge is too dangerous. Once you go deep into it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to come out alive again. Jiang Shan is a blood member of my Jiang clan after all. Do you just watch him die like this?"

"If the patriarch is guilty..."

At this time.

Someone said with a little concern.

Looking at Jiang Shan's departing back, his eyes were full of worry and sighs.

He did not approve of Jiang Shan's actions!

However, in my heart I admire his courage and courage.

However, in Jiang Tianming's eyes, all this can only be regarded as ignorance...

"He seeks his own death, what is he doing with others!"

"As people of the same clan, we have done our best, and even invited a pole weapon to help out at any cost, which is enough to be worthy of him."

"Since it can't be done, we can't do anything about it!"

"Even if the patriarch asked, it was Jiang Shan who asked for it..."

Jiang Tianming said coldly.

He didn't care about Jiang Shan's life, death and safety.

"Then are we leaving?"

"Well, wait for two more days and see the situation. At least after I go back, I have to give the patriarch a satisfactory explanation..."

Say it.

Jiang Tianming sat cross-legged on a boulder, took out the Heavenly Dao jade wall, entered Lu Changsheng's live broadcast room, and watched silently.

Seeing this, the others followed suit and sat on the side.


Everything here is seen by Dongfang Xuan!

"Eastern Wasteland Jiang family, but that's it!"

"Apart from interests, the blood and family relationship has long been weakened to the limit. If there is no maintenance of the blood of the same family, I am afraid that Jiang Tianming and the others will not come here, right?"

He sighed softly.

The great power that has been passed down for more than ten thousand years, family affection is the least valuable.

In the face of interests, everything can be abandoned!

thought here.

Dongfang Xuan shook his head.

Immediately afterwards, he sent a private message to Lu Changsheng as a large number through the Dao Dao live broadcast room.

[Don't delay, go directly to the deepest part of Dragon Burial Ridge! ]

[There is a Wanshen Mountain built of bones, where the ancestral land of the Great Martial King Dynasty is located, and the treasure you are looking for is also there...]

Say it.

Dongfang Xuan put on the ancient face of the evil god!

Immediately afterwards, he tried to arouse the silent Great Sun God and Demon Monument in his body.


When the mind touched the moment, the Great Sun God and Demon Monument seemed to be activated, and it woke up from the silence, and bursts of unparalleled power, wrapped in the terrifying atmosphere of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, burst out.

In an instant, even the surrounding void, there were traces of ripples visible to the naked eye...

Obviously, it can't stand the pressure!

"This place is really amazing. I don't know what kind of world-shattering secrets it hides. Even the power of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon has been affected in the slightest."

"However, it's not that big!"

Dongfang Xuan was secretly surprised.

Just now, he tried to arouse the great power of the Great Sun God and Demon Monument and poured it into the whole body, but in the process, he obviously felt a slight suppression.

Although this suppression is nothing to the Great Sun God and Demon Monument, it does have power to affect it.

It seems to be... the rules of heaven and earth?

Dongfang Xuan pondered in his heart.


He was very interested in Burying the Dragon Ridge.

There must be something hidden inside!

thought here.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and after taking a step, he disappeared in place in an instant.

at the same time.

Wanshen Mountain!

"Huh? Someone came?"

When Dongfang Xuan aroused the power of the Great Sun God and Demon Monument, the strange Daoist who was on the Wanshen Mountain instantly sensed it.

A pair of cold eyes, as if crossing the void...

"This power... fierce and violent, who is it?"

"Also, I seem to feel the aura of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon? Could it be that someone from the outside world came here with the Extreme Dao Weapon, what do they want to do?"

"In this world, there are only a few extreme weapons, and they are all owned and have a specific aura. But this one, I have never felt..."

Weird Daoist frowned.

Somewhere, he seemed to feel an inexplicable threat!

"It seems that the preparation I made before is still not enough."

"I didn't expect someone to come with the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon. If it was specifically aimed at me, it seems that I am beyond the reach of my current state."

"We have to go further..."

He whispered silently.

Say it.

Strange Daoist stopped the movements in his hands, and came to the sky above the altar, his hands began to pinch the secret method.


Following his actions, he saw that the ten ancient and strange stone pillars flew out from under the earth at this time, turned into streams of light, and flew in the farther direction.

If someone looked down from the void, they could clearly find that the ten stone pillars flew in ten directions.

Finally, the entire Great Martial King is covered!

In addition to the Kyushu boundary, there are eight major boundaries.

Its territory covers hundreds of millions of miles!

"The Great Martial King Dynasty covers nine realms, equivalent to a quarter of the Green Mountains. If it wasn't for the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, my ability would be enough to cover the entire Great Wilderness."

"Although it's still a little short, it can only be done."

"What's more, I have other preparations..."

Speaking of which.

Strange Daoist looked at the ancient well under the altar.

The eyes are cold and fierce!

I don't know what I'm thinking about...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 212 Sacrifice The Great Martial King Dynasty!

Chapter 212 Sacrifice the Great Martial King Dynasty!

Time is running out!

After realizing that there was a powerful enemy carrying a pole weapon into the Dragon Burial Ridge, Wei Daoist felt a huge threat, so he accelerated the speed of sacrifice.

I saw that under his operation, the blood of the Holy Spirit in Zhou Rulong's body was forcibly extracted, and then passed through the altar and merged into the ancient well below.

At the same time, the tricky Daoist is still doing two things!

While frantically sacrificing Zhou Rulong, he controlled the stone pillar that covered the entire Great Martial King Dynasty.

This is the killing formation!

It has unparalleled ferocity. As long as it is in the area covered by the magic circle, all the creatures in it will be sacrificed alive, and the life essence will be forcibly extracted.

Originally, Wei Daoist just planned to sacrifice the living beings in the capital to provide himself with the necessary source of power, but now someone came with a pole weapon, but he had to expand the scope.

At the same time, it also speeds up!


Under his control, the killing formation was fully activated.

At this moment.

Ten ancient and evil stone pillars erupted with shocking power, and in response to each other, the overwhelming power of Death descended from the void.

In the end, a terrifying storm of Death was formed, and madness swept the Great Martial King Dynasty.

Wherever they pass, all living beings are ruthlessly obliterated!

The vital energy of the billowing life turned into a long river. Under the traction of the killing formation, it crossed many spaces, and finally merged into the body of the treacherous Daoist.


With the integration of infinite life essence, the aura on Wei Daoist began to become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The temperament of the whole person is completely different!

If it is said that Daoist was a lifeless person before, then now he is fierce and fierce, and it seems that he has returned to the peak from his twilight years.

This scene, in the eyes of Jiang Mo and Qin Zhanmo, is incredible...

"What is the old guy doing?"

Jiang Mo asked Qin Zhanmo with his eyes.

"do not know!"

"I feel an extremely strong breath of life, perhaps it is related to the sacrifice of Zhou Rulong..."

Qin Zhanmo secretly guessed.

Speaking of which.

His face became even more solemn.

Because Zhou Rulong had no signs of life at this time, and the blood of the Holy Spirit was about to be drained out of him.

Once he dies, it must be his turn, or Jiang Mo!

The situation is very critical!

"Fortunately, the Governor has already returned, it should be too late..."

He secretly looked forward to it.


The opposite Jiang Mo was also madly contacting his great-grandfather Jiang Shan. When he learned that Jiang Tianming and others would not bring a pole weapon to save him, his heart suddenly fell into the abyss.

Without outside support, he would surely die!

The more he thought about it, the more panic Jiang Mo became.

[Great grandfather, without the extreme weapons, you will enter this Dragon Burial Ridge alone, I am afraid it will be of no avail. Better leave now, I'm helpless. ]

[fart! You are the hope of our lineage and must never die! ]

[Even if my grandfather, I fight for this old life, I will save you. ]


[Don't be so, I know what you're going to say. With my strength, it's really not enough to see in this Dragon Burial Ridge, but this time there are others. ]

[Have you heard of the 'Treasure Hunter in the Great Wilderness'? This time, he came to Buried Dragon Ridge to hunt for treasure, and was about to arrive at the most central area. ]

[I heard that there is an extremely powerful mysterious existence behind the treasure hunter in the Great Wilderness, and he led the action of the treasure hunter in the Great Wilderness. ]

[As long as he comes to the depths of Buried Dragon Ridge, you will be saved...]

Jiang Shan responded.

Great Wilderness Treasure Hunter?

Jiang Mo's face was dazed.

During this time, he was busy with cultivation and did not pay attention to the Heavenly Dao live broadcast room.

Therefore, it is unclear about the treasure hunter in the Great Wilderness and the mysterious existence behind him...

[Great grandfather, he and we are not related, so why save me? ]

[you're so dumb! With your current situation, the mysterious person who is sacrificing must have a big plan. Once the treasure hunter in the Great Wilderness sets foot there, how can he let it go? ]

[It will definitely be suppressed! ]

[As long as they fight, that powerful mysterious existence will definitely take action, and then you will be safe, understand? ]

[Hmm, I get it! ]

[The grandfather, when will you arrive? ]

[It has arrived~]



Seeing the response on the private message, Jiang Mo couldn't help but be overjoyed.

At the moment, his eyes looked towards the surrounding space, as if he was looking for the trace of Jiang Shan...

at this time.

Above a mountain in the distance, Lu Changsheng was peeping.

He has come to the deepest part of Dragon Burial Ridge!

Since it was too dangerous here, he took out the bronze coffin for the sake of safety.

[Family, this is the deepest part of Buried Dragon Ridge, you see, the big mountain in the distance is called Wanshen Mountain, the ancestral land of the Great Martial King Dynasty, is there. ]

[In addition, you can't imagine that the entire Wanshen Mountain is actually made of countless bones...]

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and said.

The first time he came here, he was also full of shock!

The whole mountain is made of the bones of living beings. How many people will die?

He can't imagine it!

At the same time, after his words sounded, the hundreds of billions of viewers watching in the live broadcast room took a breath, and countless people showed their horror.

[It turns out that the deepest part of Buried Dragon Ridge looks like this! ]

[The Wanshen Mountain built from the bones of countless living beings? What the hell, how many people have to die? Scared daddy~]

[Is it true what the landlord said? Is this... what the Great Martial King did? ]

[This Wanshen Mountain clearly has traces of man-made, who dares to commit such a monstrous crime, and what is its purpose? ]

[Look, there is someone on Wanshen Mountain! ]

[Well, there seems to be an altar, and that person is offering sacrifices? ]

[Landlord, look a little closer~]

[Be careful, don't get caught! ]


The atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly got up.


The eyes of countless people were tightly attracted by the distant Wanshen Mountain, and they kept urging Lu Changsheng to get closer, so that they could see more clearly.

Lu Changsheng, who believed that he had the support of a superior, was not afraid. After taking a deep breath, he immediately leaned over cautiously.

He also wanted to see what the strange Daoist was doing...

However, God did not wish!


Just when he had just stepped out a few steps, suddenly, the treacherous Daoist who was really offering sacrifices on the Wanshen Mountain suddenly noticed something, and a pair of icy eyes instantly crossed the void and looked over.

In an instant, Lu Changsheng fell into an ice cellar!

The hairs all over the body are standing upside down...

"Not good! It was discovered!"

He was horrified.

Say it.

Without thinking about it, he immediately hid in the bronze coffin and frantically went to the outside world.

But, it's too late!

"The ants who don't know whether to live or die, get out~"


A terrifying sound entered his ears.

Scared Lu Changsheng's scalp numb!

Immediately afterwards, he saw that a big hand of this day, wrapped in the mighty power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, went straight to suppress him.


Wherever he passed, the void was directly blown up!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 213 Futian Supreme, Chen Xuan Is True!

Chapter 213 Futian Supreme, Chen Xuan is true!

[Oh my god, the landlord runs! ! ]

[It was too late, the void was directly blown up, the strength of that person... was so terrifying that it was unimaginable, how could there be such an existence in this world? ]

[Fuck, it was discovered! ]

[This is too terrifying, a palm blows the void directly, where is Sacred? Doesn't it mean that Spirit Power will be completely banned after stepping into Dragon Burial Ridge? Why can he still show such terrifying power? ]

[This time, my eyes are opened~]

[The water in the land of Shenzhou is really so deep...]


In the live broadcast room, there was a shocking sound!

at this time.

There are hundreds of billions of people online, and most of them are extremely shocked and horrified.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of power!

One by one, while fearing the Daoist, they were also worried about Lu Changsheng's safety...

"Damn, why is daddy so unlucky!"

"Is it possible that there will be another scene of the top ten places?"

Lu Changsheng's face was full of bitterness.

Weird Daoist was too terrifying, and its mighty power was completely beyond his imagination. When Shrouding the Heavens suppressed it, he directly banned all the ten directions.

It's impossible for him to even move!

"Master save me!"

Seeing that his life was being threatened by an unprecedented threat, Lu Changsheng dared to hesitate at all, and immediately called out anxiously.


Hearing this, whether it was the hundreds of billions of viewers watching in the live broadcast room, or the strange Daoist on Wanshen Mountain, they were all startled.

[really! There is someone behind the owner! ]

[Is that 'mysterious existence' coming again? expect! ! ! ]

[Last time, the boss directly pushed the City of Burial Emperor, is this time planning to push the Buried Dragon Ridge horizontally? Expression: dog head shocked ~]

[Congratulations to the arrival of the boss! ]

[Looking forward to +1! ]

[Looking forward to +2! ]


The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was pulled to its peak.

Exciting time is coming!



Seeing that Wei Daoist's terrifying big hand was about to fall on Lu Changsheng's body, a voice containing a supremely majestic aura suddenly rang.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the void in front of Lu Changsheng was directly torn apart, and a fierce arm collided with the big hand.


The earth is overturned, the void is shattered!

When the fist collided with the big hand, the boundless might exploded wildly, directly shattering the surrounding void.

like a broken mirror

At the same time, the earth is cracked!

A terrifying gully like abyss appeared from the ground and extended to infinity.

It was as if the entire Dragon Burial Ridge had been pierced through...

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately stunned, and countless people gasped frantically, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

[Is this the rank of the boss? horrible! ]

[Really strong! Crazy worship~]

[This strike is afraid that it has penetrated the entire Dragon Burial Ridge? Dog head surprised ~]

[Be confident and remove the word 'fear of'! ]

[Welcome to the arrival of the 'Mysterious Existence' boss, and push the Buried Dragon Ridge horizontally! ! ! ]

[Congratulations to the arrival of the boss! ]

[Welcome to the boss! ]


The live broadcast room was brought crooked.

at this time.

Everyone looked towards Lu Changsheng's front.

I saw a figure with a majestic figure and a majestic aura, bathed in the mighty divine light, and walked out of the void step by step.

With his hands on his back, he calmly stared at the Wanshen Mountain in the distance.

Behind, there is a round of supreme sun!

Its rays of light seem to illuminate the heavens and the world, causing all the ways to sink incessantly...

He just stood there, giving people a feeling of being on the ground.

Two words, invincible!

[The momentum of the boss, this appearance is so awesome! ]

[I'm waiting for the ants, I can't imagine it! ]

[Do not talk! Worship is over~]

[Sit and wait for the battle between the bosses! ]

[Wait for +1! ]


The live broadcast room is full of attention!

The person who came was Dongfang Xuan.

at the same time.

His sudden appearance also attracted the attention of Wanshen Mountain...

"Is this the one who threatened me?"

Weird Daoist narrowed his eyes.

In contrast.

When Dongfang Xuan appeared, Qin Zhanmo's eyes burst into a strong surprise and excitement.

He knows that the Governor is here!

"Why are you so happy?"


Jiang Mo looked surprised.

"Because the person who saved me is here~"

Qin Zhanmo responded lightly.

rescue your people?

Jiang Mo looked at Dongfang Xuan in the distance, his eyes widened instantly.

"Who is he from you?"

"None of your business, don't ask!"

A cold voice came out.

Say it.

Qin Zhanmo ignored Jiang Mo's resentful gaze, and immediately looked towards the space in the distance.


A world-shattering war is about to break out!


After the terrifying blow of Collapse Daoist, Dongfang Xuan's deep eyes instantly cut through the void and landed on Wanshen Mountain.

In an instant, all the information about Wanshen Mountain, Wei Daoist and Jiang Mo were all under his control.

"Fu Tian Supreme, Chen Xuan really!"

A whisper came out softly.

There was a hint of surprise in the words.

Through the prying eyes of the real eye, Dongfang Xuan learned the true origin of the Wei Daoist.

It is a Supreme!

It's just that his Supreme has reached his twilight years and is in a state of semi-waste, and it is not far from his death.

"I can't imagine that there are people like you in this world."

"Supreme, the honor of the world!"

"Isn't it good to hide in your original place, but I have to come to the land of Shenzhou..."

A cold sigh came out slowly.

The sound is not big, but it resounds through the world!

Hearing this, Wei Daoist's pupils shrank.

Obviously shocked!


However, Dongfang Xuan ignored him.

After the voice fell, his body shook slightly, and the Great Sun God and Demon Monument in his body burst out.


The infinite sun shines in ten directions, and the power of the emperor swept across hundreds of millions of regions.

A great sun god and devil, standing in the sky!

"Big... Great Emperor?"

"how is this possible!"

Seeing the shocking vision that erupted from Dongfang Xuan's body, and then feeling the mighty emperor that shook the heavens, Wei Daoist couldn't keep his composure any longer.

The expression hidden under the grimace mask suddenly changed greatly!

Originally, he just thought that the other party was just a mortal who came with the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon. Who knows, the other party not only has the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, but also a Great Emperor.

This result made Daoist extremely terrified.

"This world, isn't it already... How could there be a Great Emperor? Why didn't you go with those people..."

at this time.

He was shocked to say something.

However, Dongfang Xuan did not give him that chance!


Incarnate as a great sun god and demon, invincible under the fairyland!

With the help of the great power of the Great Sun God and Demon Monument, Dongfang Xuan can push all enemies horizontally without relying on the Great Emperor projection in the live broadcast room of the avenue.

The big hand reached out and directly suppressed the past...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 214 For The Great Emperor, I Will Blow Everything Up!

Chapter 214 For the Great Emperor, I will blow everything up!

Great Emperor, the highest in the world!

Dongfang Xuan now bears the supreme power of the Great Sun God and Demon Monument, and the emperor's power shrouds the world in all directions.


With his big hand reaching out, with the Dragon Buried Ridge as the center, the entire world of the gods began to vibrate, and vaguely, there seemed to be thousands of voices in unison.

At this moment, many ancient and Sacred existences were awakened.


Their eyes seemed to have crossed the void and came here...

"Hi, Great Emperor?"

"How is it possible, how can there be a Great Emperor in this world?"

"The breath of Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon!"

"It's strange, I've never seen it before, who is it?"

"A new Great Emperor was born again? But I always feel that something is wrong..."

"The Great Emperor is born, and this world is going to be in chaos again."


Many unparalleled existences were shocked.

The era of the Great Emperor has passed!

Today, the ancient Great Emperor has long since gone away with the long river of history, and it no longer exists in the world of gods. Even the only remaining Extreme Dao Emperor Weapons are only a few pieces.

However, now in the distant land of Shenzhou, not only a new Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon has appeared, but also a Great Emperor that has never been recorded.

This shocked everyone!

The world is about to change!


An inexplicable fear and unease rose from the hearts of many ancient beings...

They want to get close and observe the Great Emperor up close.

But not dare!

You can only peep secretly with the help of divine sense.

Even so, in the heaven and earth suppressed by the mighty force of the Great Emperor, the mighty Emperor's might swept across the ten directions, and still wiped out their spiritual senses.

Buried Dragon Ridge has completely become a restricted area!

at the same time.

Dongfang Xuan's action not only awakened those ancient and Sacred existences, but also terrified Wei Daoist.

The look under his mask was unprecedentedly solemn!

"Taihuang Mountain!"


With the loud shout of the cunning Daoist, countless life essences surged from the distant void, causing the momentum around him to skyrocket in an instant.

After some sublimation, he regained his former peak combat power.

Immediately afterwards, his mind moved, and an unparalleled divine mountain exuding an ancient and vast breath appeared above his head.

Its power is immense!


Once it appeared, it suppressed the world of Dragon Burial Ridge.

Then, wrapped in the unparalleled power of destroying the world, they met Dongfang Xuan's big hand, and the two collided, frantically destroying each other.

"Semi-Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon?"

Looking at the mysterious mountain hanging above Daoist's head, Dongfang Xuan couldn't help showing a surprised look.

Through the eyes of truth, he completely understood the origin of Taihuang Mountain!

This mountain originated from the ancient times, and it was the place where an ancient strong man named Taihuang preached the Tao. He was washed away by the breath of Heavenly Dao, which made it extraordinary.

Later, the Taihuang became emperor and refined the original Taihuang Mountain into a treasure.

It is for: Taihuang Mountain!

Its level is infinitely close to the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon!

However, the emperor did not take this imperial soldier away, but passed it down from generation to generation. After endless years of circulation, it finally fell into the hands of Supreme Futian.

He has been sacrificed for countless years and has become his life treasure!

"This is a sacred object that is not weaker than the Sun Emperor Monument. Whether it is identity or origin, it is extremely unusual."

"Unfortunately, for me, it's still not enough..."

Dongfang Xuan whispered.

The origin of Taihuang Mountain surprised him.

However, it was just an accident!

Even if it was a semi-Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, he did not take it seriously.

"Bring it!"


While speaking, Dongfang Xuan pressed his big hand against the void, and in an instant, the unparalleled power that erupted from Taihuang Mountain was all shattered at this moment.

Under the mighty blessing of Dongfang Xuan, the entire void of Buried Dragon Ridge was directly shattered...

Turned into a terrifying space storm!


Accompanied by the screams, Daoist's body was swallowed up by the storm, and he was madly strangled by the power of space.

"Who are you?"

While resisting the annihilation of the space storm, he roared in a low voice.

Hate eyes, trying to swallow Dongfang Xuan.

"Who am I, you don't need to know!"

"As long as you know, Shenzhou is not a place where you can come; since you are here, you should never leave. This Dragon Burial Ridge is also a fragment of the ancient Immortal World, and it is not a disgrace to be buried here. Heavenly Supreme identity."

A majestic voice came out.


When the voice fell, Dongfang Xuan's big hand directly penetrated the endless void, with invincible strength, quelled all the attacks of Wei Daoist, and grabbed him in his hand.

Then, he will be crushed to death!


At this critical moment, the mutation protrudes~


Suddenly, the void behind Wei Daoist was torn apart by mighty force, and an unparalleled divine light rushed out from the depths of chaos, turned into a divine sword, and slaughtered Dongfang Xuan.

Its appearance, it seems that Heavenly Dao is about to collapse...


Seeing that Sword Ray attacked, and feeling the familiar aura above, Dongfang Xuan couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

It's too late to say it!

When Sword Ray rushed out, he directly communicated with Dao Smelting Furnace.

In an instant, the avenue is filled with breath!

Under the blessing of the Supreme Immortal Tool, Dongfang Xuan's power directly broke the boundaries of the Great Emperor and entered the Immortal Realm.


With one palm, the Sword Ray that was chopped down directly collapsed.

Then, the big hand reached out again mercilessly, and grabbed the treacherous Daoist, who had escaped into the deepest part of the endless void, from the torrent of space.

"Do not kill me..."

Perhaps feeling the breath of Death, the tricky Daoist began to beg for mercy.

However, Dongfang Xuan ignored it.

Under the terrifying big hand, his entire body shattered instantly, and the Supreme blood and Supreme soul were perfectly removed.

Through his supreme power, Dongfang Xuan wiped out all the marks of the treacherous Daoist.

Only the purest source remains!

After all, it is Supreme. Even if it is about to fall, its origin is very precious. This thing is very useful to Dongfang Xuan.

At the same time, the Taihuang Mountain was also caught by him.

"Another Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon!"

"It seems that killing Supreme is the best way to get treasure..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Dongfang Xuan's mouth.

Say it.

He put everything away.

Then, his eyes turned to Wanshen Mountain in the distance...


With a big wave of his hand, an irresistible force surged out, rolling up the bodies of Qin Zhanmo and Jiang Mo, and moved out of the Dragon Burial Ridge.

Immediately afterwards, a palm was pressed down, and the Wanshen Mountain collapsed directly.

Can't stay in this place!

[Hey, can anyone tell me, what rank is this big guy? horrible! ! ! ]

[unimaginable! The unimaginable supreme existence! ! ]

[It should be... a Great Emperor, right? ]

[The person who was killed, shouldn't it be too... I was fortunate enough to see a Great Emperor battle? ]

[That is not the Great Emperor, but the Supreme, there are some differences between the two. ]

[Great, my landlord! There is actually an ancient Great Emperor behind him! ]

[The Great Emperor's thighs are too big to expect, may I ask if the landlord still lacks thighs? The villain is willing to serve the landlord for life...]

[Mysterious boss is awesome! ]

[This is the real powerhouse standing at the peak of heaven and earth, when will I be able to reach that height? ]

[Wash and sleep, there is everything in your dreams! ]


In the live broadcast room, the crowd is excited.

Almost everyone, their eyes were rounded, and their expressions were extremely shocked.

The battle just now subverted their imagination and cognition!

It turns out that there is a Great Emperor in this world!

Moreover, it is in Shenzhou!

When the news came out, the world shook...

(End of this chapter)