
LitRPG: An Unexpected Beginning

In a world of gray predictability, Kei had settled into a routine that felt never-ending. Every day, Kei wished for something — anything — to change. But when the apocalypse answered, it wasn’t the change he had expected. Instead of sending a forewarning, the apocalypse came crashing like a tidal wave. As chaos unfurled, Kei had to choose between being consumed by despair or embracing the change and finding his destiny amidst the end. If you would like to read about other stories written by me, you can check them out here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADarkodia+D

Darkodia · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 7

"No, for sure. That part of the rumor is correct. My name is indeed Kei," I said, meeting their eyes squarely. "What about you three? What are your names?"

"I'm Sara," the first girl replied. She had wavy auburn hair that framed a face dotted with freckles. She wore a simple sweatshirt and jeans, and despite the emotional toll of the situation, she appeared relatively unscathed.

"I'm Tim," said the guy. Tim looked like your typical jock, broad-shouldered and tall, but with an air of vulnerability that the current circumstances imposed. He had short-cropped dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a baseball jersey and jeans.

And I'm Lily," the second girl said. Her features suggested Asian descent, framed by long, straight black hair. She was dressed in a fitted t-shirt and jeans, but it was her demeanor that stood out. There was a sharp intelligence in her eyes, matched by the serious, almost stern set of her mouth.

"Nice to meet you all, given the circumstances," I said, a wry smile forming on my lips.

"Likewise," Tim muttered. "So, Kei, Level 13, huh? That's insane."

Sara nodded in agreement, "Completely insane."

Lily raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but cautious. "Level 13 is impressive, but how did you do it?"

The question hung heavy in the air. For a moment, I hesitated, debating whether to disclose just how my journey had started. Finally, I opted for a simpler truth. "I guess I just got lucky."

"Got lucky?" Tim echoed, skepticism painting his features.

"Man, you must have the Gods looking out for you," Tim said, still unable to wrap his head around it.

"Yeah, nobody just 'gets lucky' in this mess," Lily added, skepticism shadowing her features as well.

I shrugged, realizing that my simplified explanation might sound implausible, but choosing not to elaborate. "Well, lucky or not, here I am. And here you are. We should just focus on what to do next."

Sara's eyes met mine, brimming with empathy. "Alright then. Do you know if there's anyone else around who might need help? Or maybe you've found a safer place where we can all take shelter?"

Taking a deep breath, I decided it was time to share what little I knew. "There's a sanctuary zone, a restroom not far from here. Monsters can't enter it. It's like a haven."

The air in the room changed; hope flickered in their eyes. Tim leaned forward, "Really? A safe place?"

"But there's a catch," I added quickly, holding up a hand to temper their burgeoning enthusiasm. "The sanctuary is only open to those who are Level 10 or higher. And it can only hold a maximum of 10 players at a time."

The room went silent, the weight of my words settling over us. Lily was the first to speak up, her voice steady and serious. "Level 10? For us, that seems like an almost unattainable goal."

"And 10 players only? That's not going to help much if we managed to find others," Sara added, her eyes clouding with disappointment.

"No, probably not," I acknowledged, feeling the weight of our collective predicament. "But it could be important if you ever find yourselves in immediate danger. Or if you simply need a moment to rest without the constant fear of being ambushed. But again, you need to be level 10 to use it."

The trio looked at each other, then back at me, their faces a canvas of conflicting emotions — hope, skepticism, and a touch of anticipation. Finally, Tim broke the silence. "Alright man, so say we want to reach Level 10, how would we even get started?"

Lily chimed in, her eyes narrowed. "Yes, exactly. What do we have to do?"

Sara simply nodded, her gaze fixed on me as if hoping I'd pull a strategy guide out of thin air.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned against a table. "The only way I know right now is hunting."

"Hunting?" Sara echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, hunting," I confirmed. "We need to hunt the zombie monsters that roam these hallways. They're slow, and not too difficult to kill. Well, at least not for me, since they appear to average around levels 5 to 8. And they give a decent amount of experience points as well."

Sara's face paled at my words, her eyes widening with unmistakable fear. "No way," she whispered, her voice trembling. "We have to kill those... those things?" Her gaze flickered away, unable to meet mine as she repeated in a hushed, horrified tone, "No way, no way." She wrapped her arms around herself, as if trying to find comfort in the midst of this terrifying situation. "They've killed so many already... How can we possibly stand a chance? I can't do it, I just can't."

Gently, I reached out and took Sara's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, listen," I said softly, trying to offer comfort, "think about all the levels you could gain. Imagine how much stronger you'll become. You'll reach a point where you're so powerful, you won't have to be afraid of anything anymore." I looked into her eyes, trying to instill confidence. "You can do this, Sara. In fact, you have to. You have the strength inside you, and this... this is how you can bring it out." My words were firm, hoping to spark a sense of determination in her.

Sara's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink at my words, and she cast her eyes downward, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Thank you," she mumbled quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. The gratitude in her voice was clear, even though she struggled to express it fully. Her blush deepened, revealing her embarrassment at showing such vulnerability, but there was also a glimmer of newfound resolve in her eyes now.

Tim clenched his fists, a mixture of determination and trepidation on his face. "How many do we have to kill?"

"I'm not entirely sure," I replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. "It might vary. I mean, leveling up depends on a lot of factors, right? So, it could take dozens or it could take more." I paused, gauging his reaction. "But let's not focus on the numbers. It's definitely going to be tough, especially at Level 1.

Lily paused, a hint of suspicion flickering in her eyes as she processed my words. "Well, dangerous or not, it's probably still better than sitting around doing nothing," she said, her voice carrying a subtle edge. "But I wonder..." Her gaze lingered on me for a moment longer than necessary, as if trying to read between the lines of what I had said.

Feeling the shift in the room, I quickly interjected, hoping to deflect her skepticism. "The most important thing right now is to focus on surviving and adapting? We can worry about the specifics as we go along." My tone was light, yet firm.

"So," Tim began, his voice quivering slightly with a mix of embarrassment and a tinge of anger. He looked down, clearly struggling with his pride. "Look, will you help us, Kei? We're clueless here, and it's frustrating. We need someone who actually knows what they're doing." His face reddened as he spoke, and he clenched his fists, visibly upset at having to admit their need for assistance.

Sara turned her gaze towards me, her eyes soft yet imploring. Beside her, Lily looked on with a serious and resolute expression, her determination clear. Both were ready to take on the fight, their willingness unmistakable

I hesitated. On one hand, helping them could serve as a useful distraction, keeping my mind off the gravity of our current situation. On the other hand, aiding them posed significant risks to my own survival. Their low levels could slow me down, and make me more vulnerable to attacks. The more people in a group, the more variables, and the more things that could go wrong.

Tim's eyes narrowed slightly as he picked up on my hesitation. "Look, I get it," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of anger. "You're at Level 13; you're in a whole different league. You don't need us. But we need you. Without your help, without some kind of direction, we're nothing but sitting ducks for those monsters out there." His frustration was palpable, a mix of resentment and trepidation giving an edge to his words.

Sara's voice was gentle and pleading as she added, "We're not asking you to stay with us forever, just some help to get us started. Kei, please?"

At Sara's words, her gentle plea and the earnest tone in her voice, I felt something inside me soften, my heart melting a bit. The sight of her expression, coupled with her sincere request, tugged at my emotions.

Lily, ever the pragmatist, leaned in. "Consider this," she said, her voice steady and full of conviction, "having a group has its own set of advantages. Safety in numbers, for instance. It's not just about us needing you; it's about the strategic benefits of working together."

I sighed, feeling the weight of their collective gaze on me.

I weighed their words carefully, the gravity of the decision settling over me. My initial instincts urged caution, warning me of the risks involved in taking responsibility for others. However, a different thought began to take shape – the possibility that their assistance could actually aid in helping me get stronger and level up faster.

"Alright," I sighed, my voice tinged with reluctance. "I'll assist you in leveling up, guide you to where you can handle things yourselves. But be warned, it's not going to be easy."

Their expressions shifted, a faint hope emerging amidst their concerns. Tim, however, looked slightly annoyed, as if frustrated by how long it took me to agree. "Finally," he said, his relief mingled with a touch of impatience. "We're ready."

Sara and Lily nodded, their faces reflecting a mix of relief and determination.

"Okay," I responded, meeting their eyes with a sense of resolved caution. "Let's get started."