
LitRPG: An Unexpected Beginning

In a world of gray predictability, Kei had settled into a routine that felt never-ending. Every day, Kei wished for something — anything — to change. But when the apocalypse answered, it wasn’t the change he had expected. Instead of sending a forewarning, the apocalypse came crashing like a tidal wave. As chaos unfurled, Kei had to choose between being consumed by despair or embracing the change and finding his destiny amidst the end. If you would like to read about other stories written by me, you can check them out here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADarkodia+D

Darkodia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 6

Earlier, in a different classroom…

Sara's eyes glaze over as Mr. Thompson drones on about quadratic equations. The chalk scrapes across the blackboard, filling the air with a fine, white dust. She sneaks a glance at her friends, Tim and Lily, sitting a few desks away. Tim stifles a yawn, while Lily scribbles furiously in her notebook, hanging on to every word.

Turning back to her own notebook, Sara stares at the jumble of numbers and letters. Her pencil hovers uncertainly over the paper. Mr. Thompson's voice fades into background noise as she tries to make sense of the equation in front of her.

"Sara?" Mr. Thompson's voice cuts through her confusion. "Can you tell us what 'x' equals in this equation?"

Sara's cheeks flush as she fumbles for an answer. "Um... is it... five?" she ventures, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mr. Thompson's brow furrows. "Not quite. Remember, we need to consider both possible solutions?"

As Mr. Thompson launches into a detailed explanation, Sara shrinks in her seat. Math has always been a struggle for her, and these moments of being singled out in class make her wish that she could just completely disappear. 

As the lesson progresses, Sara notices a slight chill in the air. At first, it's barely perceptible - just a cool whisper against her skin. She tugs her sweatshirt, thinking nothing of it.

But as the temperature continues to drop, slowly yet steadily, Sara rubs her arms, trying to warm herself. She looks around, wondering if anyone else has noticed. A few of her classmates are shifting in their seats, pulling on jackets or hugging themselves.

Mr. Thompson's voice falters mid-sentence. He frowns, rubbing his hands together before continuing the lesson. The chalk now leaves shaky lines on the board as he shivers slightly.

Sara's breath catches in her throat as she notices a small cloud forming in front of her face. She exhales again, watching in disbelief as her breath mists in the air. The classroom has become so cold that she can see everyone's breath now, little puffs of vapor rising with each exhalation.

Confusion ripples through the room. Students exchange worried glances, their attention completely drawn away from the math lesson. Even Lily has stopped taking notes, her pen hovering uncertainly over her notebook.

Just as someone is about to ask what's going on, without warning, a bright blue screen flashes before her eyes, hovering in mid-air. Sara blinks rapidly, convinced she's hallucinating. But the screen remains, its message ominous:


More text flashes by too quickly for Sara to read. She glances around the room, her eyes wide. Her classmates wear similar expressions of confusion and disbelief.

As the blue screen fades, an unsettling silence falls over the room. Students look at each other, mouths opening and closing wordlessly, as if afraid to break the quiet. Mr. Thompson stands frozen at the blackboard, chalk still poised in his trembling hand.

Then, a sound shatters the silence. A low, guttural groan echoes from the hallway, raising goosebumps on Sara's arms. It's followed by a dull thud against the classroom door. Then another. And another. The rhythm is slow at first, but steadily increases in speed and intensity.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Sara's breath catches in her throat as she stares at the door. The thumping grows louder, more insistent. The door shudders in its frame with each impact. A few students push their chairs back, the scraping sound sharp in the tense atmosphere. Others grip their desks, knuckles turning white.

The groaning outside grows louder, joined by other voices - a chorus of inhuman sounds that sends chills down Sara's spine. She wills whatever's on the other side to go away, but the banging only intensifies.

Most students cower in their seats, but Alex, a heavyset boy sitting near the front, has a different reaction. His face scrunches up in annoyance, clearly irritated by the disruption. "It's probably just a stupid prank," he mutters, as he stands up and moves towards the door. "I'll check it out," he announces, reaching for the handle.

"Alex, don't!" a girl shouts, but her warning comes too late.

The door swings open, revealing a figure that makes Sara's blood run cold. What appears to be what was once a person stands before them, half its face melted away, revealing bone and sinew beneath. 

Its milky eyes fix on Alex as it lunges forward, pushing him to the ground. More creatures follow close behind, their movements jerky and uncoordinated. Sara's mind struggles to process what she's seeing. Zombies? But that's impossible...

Chaos erupts in the classroom. Screams fill the air as students scramble from their seats. Some clamber over desks in their haste to escape, while others push towards the back of the room. Amidst the commotion, Sara remains frozen in her seat, her legs refusing to move. 

"Sara! Lily!" Tim's voice cuts through the pandemonium. He grabs a nearby table, muscles straining as he lifts it. "Stay close to me!"

His words finally jolt Sara into action. She stumbles to her feet, grabbing Lily's hand as they rush towards Tim. With a grunt, he charges forward, using the table as a battering ram to clear a path through the zombies.

The table connects with a sickening thud, and rotting bodies fall away, creating a narrow opening. Tim pushes harder, his face red with exertion. "Go! Go!" he shouts over his shoulder.

Sara tugs Lily forward, her heart pounding. They squeeze through the gap, the stench of decay overwhelming. A cold, clammy hand brushes Sara's arm, and she jerks away with a yelp. Lily pulls her closer, shielding her as they follow Tim's lead.

They burst into the hallway, only to find more of the creatures shambling towards them from both directions. Sara's chest tightens, her breath coming in short gasps. She desperately clings to Lily's hand, as they follow closely behind Tim.

While most classrooms remain full, a handful of students have ventured into the hallway. Some run in blind panic, others huddle in small groups, frozen in fear. A boy from the wrestling team charges past them, shoving zombies aside with raw strength.

As they round a corner, they spot two girls from the debate club barricading a door with a fire extinguisher. The zombies seem more scattered here, confused by the other targets. Sara's lungs burn as she struggles to keep up with Tim's pace. Lily squeezes her hand reassuringly, both girls panting heavily.

Suddenly, Tim skids to a stop, his eyes darting around frantically. "In here!" he calls out, veering towards an open classroom door. 

They dash inside, Tim slamming the door shut behind them. For a moment, they stand there, panting heavily, adrenaline still coursing through their veins.

"What now?" Sara whispers, her voice trembling.

Tim's eyes dart around the room, searching frantically. His tone turns urgent. "We need to hide." He points to a door at the back of the room. "The closet."

Without a second thought, they rush towards it, the idea of barricading the classroom door never even crossing their panicked minds. They squeeze inside, surrounded by textbooks and cleaning supplies. Tim pulls the closet door closed, plunging them into darkness. Sara presses herself into a corner, drawing her knees to her chest.

"What's happening?" Sara's voice trembles. "Those things... they looked like..."

"Zombies." Lily cuts in, her tone matter-of-fact despite a slight quiver in her voice. "But that's impossible. The dead can't come back to life. Right?" Her last word wavers with uncertainty.

Tim lets out a frustrated huff. "Who cares if it's impossible? You saw them with your own eyes!"

Sara flinches at his harsh tone. She wishes she could see her friends' faces in the darkness, and draw comfort from their familiar features. Instead, she decides to focus on the sound of their breathing, which tells her that she's not alone.

"Did you guys see that blue screen?" Lily breaks the tense silence. "The one about Earth being integrated?"

"Yeah." Tim's voice is low. "What the hell was that about?"

Sara nods, then remembers they can't see her. "I saw it too. What was it?"

"There has to be a logical explanation for all this," Lily insists. "Maybe it's some kind of mass hallucination, or a government experiment gone wrong."

Tim scoffs. "Right, because that's so much more believable than zombies."

"Please, stop," Sara pleads softly. "Fighting won't help us right now."

A heavy silence falls over the closet. Sara strains her ears, listening intently to the chaos outside. The muffled groans and shuffling footsteps of the zombies come from outside, making her shudder. But it's not just the undead she hears. 

Intermittent screams pierce the air - desperate cries for help and terrified shrieks from their fellow students. The sounds of running footsteps, slamming doors, and the occasional crash fills her ears. Sara squeezes her eyes shut, trying to block out the horrifying sounds, but they relentlessly assault her ears.

"What do we do now?" she asks, hating how small and scared her voice sounds.

Tim shifts, his elbow accidentally jabbing Sara in the side. His voice comes out gruff. "We wait. It's not safe out there."

"But for how long?" Lily counters. "We can't stay in this closet forever. We need a plan."

Sara's mind races, trying to come up with a good solution. But every scenario she imagines ends in disaster. She thinks of her parents, wondering if they're safe, if they're worried about her. The thought brings tears to her eyes, which she quickly blinks away.

"Maybe... maybe someone will come rescue us," she suggests hesitantly. "The police, or the army..."

Tim snorts, his disbelief evident. "Yeah, right. You really think they can handle whatever this is?"

"It's possible," Lily muses, her tone thoughtful. "If this is happening all over, surely they are going to do something about it."

Their conversation is suddenly cut short by a loud crash from somewhere in the school. Sara jumps, biting back a yelp. She feels Tim tense beside her, ready to spring into action if needed.

"We should try to find a weapon," he mutters. "Something to defend ourselves with."

Lily hums in agreement. "Good idea. There might be something useful in this closet. Let me see..."

There's a rustling sound as Lily carefully feels around in the dark. Sara holds her breath, hoping against hope that her friend will find something that can protect them.

Lily's hand brushes against something in the dark. She wraps both her hands around it and feels it out. "Oh," she realizes, a note of disappointment in her voice. "It's just a mop."

Tim groans. "Not much use to us right now, I guess."

Sara's hands shake as she hugs her knees tighter to her chest. The closet feels smaller by the minute, the air thick with fear and uncertainty. She's never felt so helpless, so unprepared. The reality of their situation hits her anew, bringing a fresh wave of anxiety.

"What about our phones?" she asks suddenly, grasping at any possibility of help. "Can we call someone?"

There's a pause as Tim and Lily check their pockets. "No signal," Tim reports, frustration evident in his voice.

"Same here," Lily adds. "Whatever's happening must be interfering with the cell networks."

Sara slumps back against the wall, feeling utterly helpless. She wants nothing more than to wake up and find this has all been a terrible nightmare. But the hard floor beneath her, and the distant sounds of chaos outside are all too real.

"Hey," Tim's voice softens. "We're going to be okay. We just need to stick together and stay smart about this."

Tim's attempt at reassurance doesn't make Sara feel much better, but she nods anyway, grateful for the attempt at comfort.

As they sit in tense silence, Sara's mind wanders to the blue screen they all saw. Earth being integrated? What could that possibly mean? And how did it relate to the zombies now roaming their school?

She opens her mouth to voice these questions but stops short as a new sound reaches her ears. Footsteps, different from the shuffling gait of the zombies, are approaching their current hiding spot.

Sara holds her breath, as she feels Tim shift into a protective stance, ready to defend them if necessary. Lily's hand finds hers in the darkness, squeezing gently.

The footsteps stop just outside the classroom door. There's a moment of heart-stopping silence, then the sound of the door opening. Sara silently prays that whoever - or whatever - has entered the room will leave without discovering them.

Muffled footsteps echo through the classroom. Sara holds her breath, straining her ears to track the movement. The steps pause, then resume, growing louder. They're coming closer.

Something bumps against a desk. A chair scrapes across the floor. The intruder is searching the room.

Sara's heart pounds so loudly she's sure it will give them away. The footsteps draw nearer to their hiding spot. A shadow passes in front of the thin strip of light under the closet door.

The doorknob rattles. Sara feels Tim tense beside her, ready to spring into action. Lily's hand finds hers in the darkness, squeezing tightly. For a moment, time seems to stand still.

Then, with a creak that sounds deafening in the silence, the closet door begins to open.



My heart races as adrenaline pumps through my body, pushing down all the pain and fear that's been gripping me. The Elite's claws are almost close enough to slash me, its eyes glinting with malice. Every instinct screams at me to run.

I grab the battered trash can and charge at the zombies blocking my escape. Shoving it like a battering ram, I slam into the horde. They stumble back, disoriented, but there are so many that moving forward feels like wading through quicksand. Hands claw at me, trying to drag me into their rotting embrace.

The Elite roars behind me - a sound of pure rage. Its breath feels hot on my neck. Terror propels me forward as I push harder, my muscles burning. I keep slamming the trash can into zombie after zombie, creating just enough space to squeeze through.

Finally breaking free from the horde, I sprint down the hall. The Elite's heavy footsteps shake the floor, getting closer with each stride. My eyes dart frantically from door to door, searching for somewhere to hide.

Up ahead, I spot a partly open door. A classroom. Using my last burst of energy, I sprint for it. Glancing back, I see the Elite momentarily lost in its minions. That second is all I need. I barrel into the classroom, shutting the door as quietly as possible.

Pressing my head against the door, I listen intently. The sounds of pursuit fade away after a while. For a moment, I feel a flicker of relief.

Then I hear a soft sound coming from the storage closet across the room. 

What was that?

Moving slowly, I tiptoe across the floor, eyes fixed on the closet door. I hesitate, then grab the handle tightly. Holding my breath, I yank it open.

I'm met with wide-eyed, tense faces - two girls and a guy, huddled among textbooks and cleaning supplies. They appear to be from another class, and don't seem to know who I am.

"Hey," I whisper awkwardly. "What are you guys doing in there?"

One girl, eyes red from crying, exchanges looks with the others before speaking up shakily. "We were in class when those... things appeared. They just started killing everyone."

The guy runs a hand through his hair, his voice unsteady. "We ran as fast as we could. Searched the classrooms. This one was empty, so we've been hiding in the closet ever since."

"How long have you been here?" I ask, glancing nervously at the door.

"Feels like forever," The second girl replies. "Probably close to 30 minutes."

"Do any of you know what's going on?" I look at each of them hopefully.

The guy sighs, shaking his head. "No. All I saw was this blue screen about Earth being 'integrated' into some 'System.' Whatever that means."

My eyes widen in recognition. "You saw that screen too? About Earth being integrated?"

"Yeah," The first girl twirls her hair nervously. "It just appeared out of nowhere. Then everything changed. Monsters started appearing, and people started... dying."

"And what about a status window?" I lean forward, desperate for some common ground. "Did you get that too?"

The second girl nods curiously. "I thought I was seeing things. Did you get one too?"

"Yeah, I did," I exhale, feeling a small wave of relief. "I also managed to increase my stats a bit after fighting some of the zombies."

The atmosphere shifts dramatically. Their eyes widen even further.

"You fought them?" the guy blurts out, staring at me in disbelief.

"Yeah," I mumble, feeling self-conscious. "Well, kind of."

The first girl looks bewildered, her mouth agape. "And you're still alive? You didn't get... turned into one of those things?"

"No," I answer, shrugging awkwardly. "I guess I just got lucky."

Their skeptical looks make it clear they don't completely buy my explanation.

Trying to change the subject, I gesture vaguely. "Since you all have status windows, you must have levels too, right? What level are you guys at?"

They exchange quick glances before the guy answers, scratching his head. "Level 1. I think we're all Level 1."

I nod, trying to appear nonchalant. "Oh. Well, I managed to level up some by defeating a few of the zombies."

"And what level are you now?" the second girl leans forward, sounding intrigued.

"Level 13," I say without thinking.

The silence that follows is deafening. They stare at me like I've grown another head.

"Level 13? Are you serious?" The first girl finally breaks the silence, her voice filled with disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm serious," I reply, confusion etching my features. "Why? Is it that shocking?"

"Shocking? That's putting it lightly," the guy snaps, a hint of bitterness in his voice. "Here we are, barely surviving, hiding in a closet, and you're out there leveling up like it's some video game. How are you even alive? It's almost messed up how you're already so high-leveled while we were stuck here."

The second girl looks at me with curiosity. "Hmm," she muses, her eyes narrowing slightly but also showing a hint of respect. "That's quite impressive, if it's true. So, what's your name?"