

Chapter 191 – Xixi's Personal Connection And Little Friends

"Goodbye, Xixi!"

"Goodbye Xin'er!"

"Bye-bye Xixi!"

"Bye-bye Zhaoyu!"

"Goodbye Xixi and Xixi's dad!"

"Goodbye Chen Shiyun!"

"Mhm, goodbye to you too." Yang Yi held her daughter's small hand and nodded gently with a smile.

Nowadays, almost every time Yang Yi picked up or dropped off Xixi, he would encounter such a situation where there were many children saying goodbye to Xixi. The little girl seemed to have surpassed Chen Shiyun and became the new king of social connections…

Of course, Xixi took a completely different route from Chen Shiyun. Chen Shiyun had a bit of a violent tendency, while the little girl attracted others with her personality charm!

Every time, Yang Yi felt a little surprised. After all, in the past, Xixi was only more comfortable playing at home and was quite shy outside. He didn't expect that after going to kindergarten for just over a week, the little girl became more cheerful and outgoing.

However, this change was good!

Today, on the way home, Xixi was still the same, talking sweetly to her father about what happened at kindergarten, especially when she mentioned that Teacher Shen taught them to dance.

"Qiqi learned the best. She said her mom knows how to dance and taught her before! Then I danced very well too, and Teacher Mu praised me!" Xixi said with a smile, seemingly waiting for her father's praise.

"Really? You must show it to Papa tonight. Papa thinks our family's Xixi, with such long legs, must be really good at dancing." Yang Yi smiled and said to Xixi.

"Hee hee!" The little girl received her father's praise and was happier than anything else. She smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, when we get home, I'll dance for Papa!"

"It's just too bad that your Mama isn't at home, she can't watch it!" Yang Yi said casually.

"We can go to the place where Mama works! I used to miss Mama at night, and asked Aunt Xiaojuan to take me there!" Xixi said excitedly.

Yang Yi pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "That's a great idea. After dinner, Papa will take you there, and you can dance for both Mama and Papa."

"That's great, I can see Mama again!" The little girl clapped her hands in delight.

As Yang Yi was preparing dinner, Xixi ran into the kitchen hugging Xiao Guai. Xiao Guai seemed a bit uncomfortable being held by his little master, but there was no way around it. Xixi hadn't seen Xiao Guai all day, so she liked to cuddle and show affection to him.

"Papa, I have a question I want to ask you." Xixi stood at the door, her left hand tightly hugging the Xiao Guai's belly, and her right hand raised high.

Since she started attending kindergarten, she has become very polite!

"Go ahead!" Yang Yi turned down the heat, covered the pot, and let the braised fish simmer and thicken, then turned around and said with a smile.

"Papa, can I invite my friends to come and play at our house?" Xixi looked at her father hopefully and asked.

It turned out that when Xixi told her little friends in kindergarten that she had three little kittens at home, they were all very envious.

"My family also has a dog, a big dog." Chen Shiyun still liked to bring the topic to herself, but obviously, the appeal of a kitten was much greater than that of a big dog.

"Okay!" Chen Shiyun saw that everyone's attention was still on Xixi, so she shook her head dejectedly and followed her little friends to continue talking about the kitten. "How about we go to your house to see your kitten, Xixi?"

Chen Shiyun's suggestion unexpectedly received unanimous support from her little friends.

Seeing the center of attention back on herself, Chen Shiyun thought quickly and continued proudly, "It's great to go to Xixi's house to play. Xixi's dad makes delicious food, let him make barbecue for us. I also want to eat grilled marshmallows!"

"I want to eat too!" Lan Xin drooled and couldn't help but speak.

Several little friends were all looking at Xixi with shining eyes, hoping she would give a response.

"I told them that I need to ask Papa after I return home." Xixi said, holding Yang Yi's hand and acting cute, "Is it okay? Can I, pretty please?"

Yang Yi smiled and pinched the little girl's nose, saying, "Of course, you can invite your classmates to come to our house to play. That's a good thing! Papa will also prepare a lot of delicious food for you all!"

"Papa, you're so good!" the little girl smiled sweetly.

"But you have to go and count how many friends will come to our house and when," Yang Yi smiled slightly and assigned the little girl a task, "Papa needs to contact their parents and tell them our address."

"Okay!" Xixi happily ran out while holding Xiao Guai.

In the evening, Yang Yi drove and brought Xixi to the building of Tianmei Company. He had already contacted Mo Fei in advance and Mo Xiaoyuan was already waiting downstairs. She guided them to park the car in the underground parking lot and then then went upstairs through the internal elevator.

"Does Mo Fei usually work overtime until this late?" Yang Yi casually asked to ease the quiet atmosphere in the elevator.

Mo Fei yawned and lazily replied, "Yeah. She wants to release a new album soon, so she's been recording day and night. Our producers have all gone home, but she's still not satisfied and feels like she needs to find the right inspiration."

"Hmm," Yang Yi responded, then didn't have much else to say, and the elevator fell into silence.

On the other hand, little Xixi was holding a teddy bear in her left hand and two roses wrapped in plastic in her right hand. She happily bounced around, feeling happy to see her mother soon.

The teddy bear and the roses were both a sudden idea from Yang Yi on the way. He parked on the side of the road and bought them from a flower shop.

Why only buy two flowers? Because if there were too many, knowing Mo Fei's personality, she would probably think about finding a vase to arrange them. Two flowers would be just right, one for her and one for Xixi, and Mo Fei wouldn't have to worry too much about arranging them.

As for the teddy bear, Xixi saw it in a custom rose bouquet and insisted on having it. Yang Yi paid a little extra and convinced the store assistant to take it out for the little girl.

After a while, they arrived at Mo Fei's recording studio, which was on the same floor as her office. Xixi ran ahead and jumped into Mo Fei's arms as soon as she stood up from her chair. She called out sweetly, "Mama!"

The little girl eagerly reached out both of her hands and presented the gifts. "Mama, look! This is what me and Papa bought for you! The teddy bear is from me, and the flowers are both from me and Papa!"

Mo Fei smiled and kissed the little girl's cheek. Her voice was slightly hoarse, probably from practicing singing for a long time today. "Xixi is so good. Mama really likes your gift!"

"Do you still need to practice today?" Yang Yi asked, waiting for the mother and daughter to finish being affectionate before expressing his concern. "Why don't you take a break? I can see that your voice is a bit strained. Even if you're in a hurry, you shouldn't overwork yourself…"

Yang Yi rarely spoke so much, except when it came to Xixi. Mo Fei listened and felt warm inside, but she wasn't good at showing too much emotion, so she pouted and chided, "I know, Uncle who likes to meddle in everything!"

Mo Xiaojun, who was next to her, felt a little nauseous. She shook her head as if she couldn't stand it anymore and thought to herself, "Should I not be a third wheel here? I feel like I'm so full already…"

Chapter 192 – Whose Home Are We Going Back To?

Fortunately, Mo Fei and Yang Yi didn't get too intimate because of Xixi's presence. Instead, they focused on Xixi and had her tell them about her experiences in kindergarten.

"Chen Shiyun said her Papa does boxing, and he's really good! And she knows boxing too!" The little girl found this especially fascinating, even though she didn't really understand what boxing was. But when Chen Shiyun showed her, it looked really cool!

"Girls practicing boxing?" Mo Fei found it a bit unbelievable.

Yang Yi reminded, " Don't be fooled by the name Chen Shiyun, which sounds quiet and elegant. She's actually a pretty tall and muscular girl. I've met her father before, and he's a boxing coach at a fitness center."

"Uh huh, her strength is really strong!" Xixi was a bit in awe.

"Even so, girls shouldn't practice boxing. It's too scary!" Mo Fei said.

Yang Yi agreed with Mo Fei's point of view and he said with a smile, "Yeah, practicing boxing is not good. I don't want Xixi to have muscles like her."

Mo Fei patted Yang Yi's arm irritably and scolded, "You're one to talk! Don't you remember who got our daughter to practice swordsmanship?"

Yang Yi protested, "What does practicing swordsmanship have to do with it? It doesn't build muscles, and can even exercise the flexibility of the body."

Mo Xiaojun watched eagerly on the side and whispered, "Sister, didn't Xixi say she was going to dance for you on the phone just now?"

"Oh, that's right, dance!" Mo Fei also remembered.

"Great, great!" In front of her parents, Xixi's desire to perform was particularly strong. She immediately jumped off the sofa happily and said, "I almost forgot!"

After jumping down, the little girl suddenly thought of something and ran back to her father's side, pulling his big hand and saying, "Papa, you need to help me clap and count, 1, 2, 3."

What clapping, this was to keep the beat.

Yang Yi patiently let his daughter teach him how to keep the beat. Then following the little girl's request, he lightly clapped his hands and counted, "One, two, three, one, two, three…"

"Still not good, still not good. You need to be standing like this for it to work!" The little girl had quite a few requests, but Yang Yi and Mo Fei didn't show any impatience. Instead, they found it very amusing.

Xixi stood in the middle of an open space with the coffee table moved away. She raised her left arm and held her right hand horizontally, then stood on her tiptoes.

"Hey, it actually looks a bit good!" Mo Xiaojuan covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Is that okay?" Yang Yi asked with concerned.

"Mmm…" Xixi's little face was tense and particularly serious. As she stood on tiptoe, she couldn't speak properly, and could only make sounds through her nose.

"Okay, come on. One, two, three, one, two, three." Yang Yi clapped his hands and slowly counted the beats.

Amidst the gaze of the three adults, Xixi really began to dance. It looked a bit like a swan dance, but she only needed to tiptoe at the beginning. The rest was mostly walking steadily on the ground.

The movements focused mainly on her hands. Xixi's two little arms sometimes formed a circle, sometimes spread out, or moved up and down like a swan flying.

Although they hadn't seen the original version, both Yang Yi and Mo Fei thought that Xixi's gestures were graceful, but her steps were a bit messy. It was estimated that she was too focused on learning the hand movements and neglected the steps.

But it was already amazing enough!

A little girl who was only four years old can dance so well after learning for less than a day!

Of course, she didn't dance for too long, only about ten to twenty seconds. After she finished dancing, the little girl happily ran back to her mother's arms.

Mo Fei hugged her daughter and gave her tender little face a kiss. She smiled and said, "You dance so well, Xixi. You must be the best in the class!"

Xixi was a bit embarrassed when her mother praised her, but she still honestly shook her head and said, "No way! Qiqi is the best!"

"Qiqi is another girl in their class, quiet and gentle, and also surnamed Yang," Yang Yi reminded casually.

"I know that, it's Yang Luoqi!" Mo Fei rolled her eyes at Yang Yi, then hugged the little girl and proudly said, "Xixi told me!"

"Is there any girl who can dance better than our Xixi? That's impossible, right?" Mo Xiaojuan smiled and reached out to tease Xixi's chin.

"It's true! Qiqi said her mom can dance and she learned from her!" The little girl explained earnestly.

Mo Fei lovingly rubbed Xixi's little head and said with a smile, "Your Mama can sing and even dance a little. Why don't Xixi also learn from Mama?"

Seeing other people's children, some can do boxing, some can dance, all influenced greatly by their families, Mo Fei regretted spoiling Xixi too much and not teaching her to sing from an early age.

"Can Mama also dance?" The little girl's attention shifted.

In her impression, she hasn't seen her mother dance yet!

Neither did Yang Yi. He looked at Mo Fei in surprise and said, "You can dance?"

Yang Yi's doubt made Mo Xiaojuan a little unhappy, and she spoke out for justice, "What's so surprising? Mo Fei used to practice dancing in her early years, okay? It's just that the company positioned her as a pure singer rather than a singer-dancer, so she didn't have the opportunity to show her skills!"

Mo Fei pulled Mo Xiaojuan's hand, telling her to stop talking.

"Actually, it's because I can't sing and dance at the same time, and my breath can't keep up." Mo Fei told Yang Yi, "And I don't really like this style of music either."

That's how it was.

However, after the topic was changed, Mo Fei also forgot about her intention to teach Xixi some skills.

They needed to go back and rest! Even Xixi has already started yawning! Children usually sleep early.

Originally, Mo Xiaojuan was supposed to take Mo Fei home, but since Yang Yi came today, Mo Xiaojuan drove directly back to her place and left Mo Fei with Yang Yi. Before leaving, Mo Xiaojuan smirked, "He's your man after all, let him do something too!"

Yang Yi held Xixi's little hand and smiled slightly at Mo Fei, saying, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Xixi yawned again, and the little girl was attacked by drowsiness in waves. She asked sleepily, "Papa, are we going back to Mama's house to sleep?"

Yang Yi was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Mo Fei. Mo Fei's beautiful eyes were reflected in the light, but were filled with shyness, making Yang Yi's heart skip a beat.

"But Xixi, you still has to go to school tomorrow! Your schoolbag and everything are at Papa house," Yang Yi hesitated a bit.

It wasn't that there were any scruples. Last weekend, Mo Fei's relatives had already left, and the two who were compatible in both mind and body and were at the age of fiery passion had already spent a night together. Moreover, this kind of thing, once one tasted the sweetness, one always wants more!

However, considering Xixi was going to kindergarten and Mo Fei's mental fatigue, Yang Yi hesitated a bit.

When the Tyrant Wolf slowly stopped downstairs at Mo Fei's residence, the tired little girl had already fallen asleep in the safety seat behind.

Mo Fei hesitated, without any intention of getting off.

Seeing Yang Yi turn his head and look over, Mo Fei gently bit her lower lip. Under the soft yellow light inside the car, the beauty was as charming as peach blossoms.

After a long while, Yang Yi finally heard her say in a very soft voice, "Actually, in your house, there are still clothes that I change and wash!"

Yang Yi suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence, and he asked excitedly, "Then tomorrow, I'll take Xixi to the kindergarten and then send you to the company?"

"Hmm…" Mo Fei's response was full of shyness that it was almost inaudible.

Chapter 193 – Ding Xiang's Job Interview Experience

The next day, Mo Fei arrived at the office a bit late. Jin Yingming was already sitting on the sofa waiting, and Mo Xiaojuan was chatting with him.

"Teacher Jin, I'm sorry I'm late." Mo Fei said apologetically to Jin Yingming.

Jin Yingming smiled and said, "It's nothing. Miss Xiaojuan has already told me that you stayed up late last night, so it's normal for you to wake up a bit later today."

It was clearly an excuse that Mo Xiaojuan had come up with for her. Mo Fei's face turned slightly red, and she turned to look at Mo Xiaojuan. However, Mo Xiaojuan's teasing look made her quickly turn her head away, unable to meet her gaze.

"Your voice still sounds a little hoarse. I don't think you need to record songs this morning. Let's listen to the previous tracks, analyze where you didn't sing well, and make some notes." Jin Yingming continued.

"Hmm, okay," Mo Fei nodded lightly. In front of others, she regained her original coldness.

"Elder sister, let's go get some water. I'll make you some throat-soothing tea!" Mo Xiaojuan's eyes shifted around quickly, stood up with a smile, took Mo Fei's arm, and dragged her outside.

"You can go by yourself. I have to work now." Mo Fei furrowed her brow in confusion. She already felt guilty for being late and thought that she had wasted everyone's time.

"I can't carry them all, one person can't carry so much. I also need to bring a cup for Teacher Jin!" Mo Xiaojun chuckled.

Upon hearing this, Jin Yingming quickly stood up and said, "How about I go?"

However, Mo Xiaojuan had another motive. She waved her hand and said with a smile, "No need, no need!"

Before going to the tea room, Mo Xiaojuan pulled Mo Fei to a secluded corner outside. The girl looked at Mo Fei with a mischievous smile on her face, making Mo Fei feel a bit uncomfortable: "What's up with you?"

"Tsk tsk! Elder sister, look at your smooth and moisturized skin, and your pink and tender face!" Mo Xiaojuan took Mo Fei's hand and laughed like a female hooligan. "Did you do something bad with brother-in-law last night?"

"What bad thing? Don't talk nonsense." Mo Fei's face turned red all at once, and she reached out to pinch Mo Xiaojuan's waist.

Mo Xiaojuan flexibly jumped back and made a mischievous face, and said "You're still keeping secrets from me! Who let brother-in-law take you back last night? You didn't even thank me!"

"W-what are you talking about?" Mo Fei was thin-skinned, even with Mo Xiaojuan she felt a little embarrassed to say it, so she stammered in defense.

"Humph humph, your sister here is also an experienced person, how could I not understand?" Mo Xiaojuan chuckled as she covered her mouth. Look at your cheek, you can almost squeeze water out of it. Our little beauty must have been nourished.

Mo Fei pursed her lips, her shyness written all over her face. She didn't deny it, but she was also too embarrassed to admit it.

"Tell me, is brother-in-law powerful?" Mo Xiaojuan asked with a light of gossip in her eyes, pulling Mo Fei.

Mo Fei pushed her hand away and angrily said, "Okay, stop asking and go make tea!"

Mo Xiaojuan covered her mouth and giggled, "Even if you don't tell me, I can guess it. You definitely got tossed around a lot last night. And brother-in-law really doesn't know how to cherish beauty. Look at your voice, it wasn't so hoarse last night!"

Mo Fei remembered the wild passion from last night and the tenderness of this morning, and her face turned even redder, with the blush extending up to her ears. To cover it up, she deliberately put on a stern face and scolded Mo Xiaojuan, "Are you done yet? Go make tea!"

Mo Xiaojuan knew that her cousin had thin skin and didn't tease her anymore. She smiled and hugged her arm as they walked towards the tea room.

Yang Yi, the author of this work1, knew nothing about it. After he dropped off Mo Fei at the company, he returned to the coffee shop feeling refreshed and energized, opened the door, hung up the sign, and prepared to start business.

The first person who came to the door was not a customer but Guo Ziyi. He brought a girl and pushed open the door excitedly, shouting, "Big brother Yang, did you not open the door this morning? My senior sister came early and has been waiting for a long time but didn't see you."

"Well, I took Xixi to kindergarten." Yang Yi responded simply. He was checking the inventory of coffee beans on the shelf. When he finished, he turned around and saw the girl and was stunned.

"Good, actually I thought you overslept. I couldn't get up that early. After my senior sister told me, I thought I'd come with her to knock on your door." Guo Ziyi kept talking. "This is my senior sister. Her surname is Ding…"

"Ding Xiang?" Yang Yi looked at the other party and recognized her, smiling faintly.

"Yes, Ding Xiang. Huh, Big brother Yang, how did you know?" Guo Ziyi was surprised by this.

At this time, Ding Xiang also recognized Yang Yi. After all, they had met twice before, and each time Yang Yi was with a cute little girl. She said in surprise, "Ah, I remember. You are the father of that little girl. Uh, her name is Xixi. She's a very cute little girl, and I have a deep impression of her!"

Yang Yi smiled slightly and said, "Yes, we have met twice before. I didn't expect that the senior sister that Guo Ziyi mentioned would be you!"

"Do you really know each other?" Guo Ziyi interjected from the side.

Ding Xiang smiled and said, "Yes, at the temple fair last month, I went to sell cotton candy and saw the boss and his daughter. But at that time, I just remembered his daughter's name, which sounds especially nice."

"Mhmm, after she came back, Xixi couldn't stop thinking about your cotton candy," Yang Yi smiled slightly.

Actually, at this point, when Yang Yi found out that Ding Xiang was the student who came to apply, he almost had the answer in his heart.

Although they only met twice, he still had some understanding of Ding Xiang's character. Such an optimistic, hardworking and diligent young girl wouldn't be lacking in any way!

"You knowing her makes it easier!" Guo Ziyi chuckled, "What do you think of my senior sister, Big brother Yang? Does she meet your standards for selecting coffee shop employees?"

However, Ding Xiang hesitated. She looked at the artistic decoration of the coffee shop and the grand piano beside her, feeling inferior. She said, "I don't think I'm suitable. I'm not pretty, what if it affects the business of the shop?"

There were some things that Ding Xiang didn't say. She used to want to work part-time in the milk tea shops and coffee shops in the East Gate, but was rejected by the bosses when they just met her. Although the other party put it very politely, the meaning was still the same: she was too dark-skinned, and they would rather pay a high price to hire pretty girls to work part-time than hire her for a low salary.

"What does being pretty have to do with it?" Guo Ziyi was a little annoyed. He sincerely wanted to help this kind-hearted senior sister. "Let me tell you, my Big brother Yang has rejected countless beautiful female students. He's not hiring a mascot."

Yang Yi smiled faintly and said, "That's right. I'm hiring a shop assistant who can work and share my troubles. Look at the job requirements I wrote in the recruitment notice. There's no requirement for good looks."

"My senior sister's facial features are also decent. She's just a little dark-skinned and thin," Guo Ziyi mercilessly exposed Ding Xiang's scars, "The most important thing is that she's very hardworking, and has great strength, she can move heavy objects!"

Ding Xiang was both angry and amused by him, but she didn't have time to argue with Guo Ziyi. She nervously asked Yang Yi, "Can I really do it?"

"Whether you can or not, it's not up to me to decide. It depends on your performance," Yang Yi wiped his hands, opened the small door of the bar counter, smiled slightly, and said, "Come over here, I'll teach you how to brew coffee and see if you can learn fast."

Ding Xiang looked at Yang Yi in surprise and quickly said, "Thank you, boss, for giving me this opportunity. I will work hard!"

!Report Chapter

Chapter 194 – Hardworking Thumbelina 1

It has to be said that children from poor families mature early. Ding Xiang has been accustomed to various agricultural and household chores since she was young. After coming to the big city, she continued to work part-time to save up for tuition. She also developed super strong adaptability through self-discipline.

More importantly, she was already a clever and skilled girl. Under Yang Yi's guidance, she quickly became proficient, starting from grinding beans and finally brewing a cup of finished coffee.

Then she brought it over to Guo Ziyi.

"Really? Are you using me as a guinea pig?" Guo Ziyi's face turned a little green.

"Should I drink it?" Ding Xiang felt a bit embarrassed.

"You drink very little coffee and can't distinguish the taste. It's best to let him try it," Yang Yi shook his head.

Guo Ziyi helplessly quipped, "Then why don't you drink it, Big brother Yang?"

Yang Yi calmly said: "I don't drink regular coffee, my taste buds are too picky."

Guo Ziyi had no choice but to be the test subject and try it himself. However, the taste was not bad, a bit beyond his expectations. He smacked his lips and said, "It's okay, but it seems to lack something!"

"What's missing?" Ding Xiang quickly took out a small notebook and wanted to take notes.

Yang Yi didn't say anything, standing quietly on the side, silently watching Guo Ziyi show off.

"It lacks a unique coffee flavor, which requires you to put in 100% effort, your whole heart and soul, in the production process," Guo Ziyi said passionately, gesturing with his hands and feet, "When you're grinding coffee beans, you should think of flowers, bees, the ocean, and mountains. Inject your wishes for beauty into it, and you can brew a coffee with this unique flavor. This is the most top-notch coffee in the world!"

"Ah? It's so abstract? But I don't understand. What should I do?" Ding Xiang furrowed her brows, looking very straightforward.

"You need to…ouch!" Guo Ziyi was knocked on the head.

Yang Yi finally couldn't help it anymore. He knocked Guo Ziyi's head and said to Ding Xiang with a smile, "Don't listen to his nonsense, he's just trying to fool you!"

He let Ding Xiang try a few more times, and Yang Yi wasn't as picky as he had said before. He also picked up a cup and tasted it.

"Well, as a beginner, the coffee you brewed is drinkable, and has a good taste, which is already very good! The rest is to practice more, use experience to make up for your shortcomings, and then learn more to increase your understanding of these coffee beans. You can almost start brewing coffee for me." Yang Yi nodded and said.

"So, did my senior sister get the job?" Guo Ziyi asked directly.

Ding Xiang also looked at Yang Yi nervously.

Yang Yi smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes, starting from today, if you don't have classes during the day, come to work and help me for a while. During this period, I will give you a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan. When you can independently help me keep an eye on the shop, your salary will increase to 5,000 yuan."

"3,000 yuan is too little," Guo Ziyi exclaimed, "My monthly allowance is more than 3000 yuan"

This was a child from a wealthy family.

But Ding Xiang waved her hand repeatedly. She was both surprised and nervous as she said, "It's already a lot, it's already a lot. I feel that 3000 yuan is a lot. Most of the time, I have to attend classes and can only work part-time for a period of time. It's already embarrassing enough. 3,000 yuan is too much."

Ding Xiang lived frugally, and only spend a few hundred yuan a month. If she gets 3000 yuan, she can save more than 2000 yuan. This way, she can save up for next year's tuition fees and maybe even have some money to help pay for her grandmother's medical treatment."

However, Ding Xiang felt a bit guilty because her previous part-time job only paid one or two thousand yuan. 3,000 yuan was really unimaginable for her, and she felt uncomfortable about it.

But Yang Yi ignored her words. He rubbed his chin, nodded to Guo Ziyi, and said, "It seems a bit low. How about 4,000 yuan? Is 4,000 yuan enough?"

His last sentence was still asking Ding Xiang for her opinion.

Ding Xiang quickly waved her hand and said embarrassedly, "It's enough, it's enough. It's too much!"

"Then it's 4000. If you can handle things on your own, it will be increased to 6000!" Yang Yi waved his hand and made the decision directly.

Yang Yi's original intention was not to help Ding Xiang. He had too much money and happened to have a girl who was satisfactory to share the coffee shop work with him, so that he could have the hope of being a hands-off boss in the future. This freedom was priceless!

Guo Ziyi also chimed in and said, "Senior sister, don't refuse anymore. Big brother Yang is wealthy and doesn't mind. Besides, once you have money, you won't have to work part-time at a bar like that. You can focus on studying at school!"

"Mhm, there are no rules in my coffee shop. If there are no customers, it's okay for you to sit down and read a book," Yang Yi nodded and said.

"Thank you so much!" Ding Xiang was grateful and almost shed tears. "Boss, I really appreciate it!"

"It's no big deal. By the way, there's no need to call me boss. it sounds awkward and unfamiliar. Just call me Big brother Yang like Guo Ziyi does. We're all friends!" Yang Yi smiled slightly.

"Yes, Big brother Yang!" Ding Xiang smiled brightly with tears in her eyes, revealing her pure white teeth.

Turning around, she started to work diligently, actively helping Yang Yi clean tables, glasses, and even mopping the floor. Whenever Yang Yi wanted to do something, she would rush to do it. She was even more diligent than Thumbelina!

"Don't you have any classes today?" Yang Yi had some free time and change the record to listen to music, then casually asked.

"Classes haven't started yet. My senior sister is the same. The first week of classes begins next week!"

Ding Xiang was mopping the floor, and when she heard him, she raised her head and said, "Yes, so this week I will definitely seize the opportunity to learn how to make coffee with Big Brother Yang."

This serious spirit was comparable to Xixi's!

Guo Ziyi leaned over at this moment and asked with a shy smile, "Big brother Yang, did that person come today?"

"Who?" Yang Yi looked puzzled.

"The one from yesterday, Senior sister Du!" Guo Ziyi glanced at Ding Xiang before lowering his voice and saying.

"Oh, you mean the girl you liked yesterday? Her name is Du Yuanlei, right? She's still a graduate student." Yang Yi suddenly realized.

Guo Ziyi hurriedly gestured for Yang Yi to lower his voice, but Ding Xiang still heard it. She looked up at Guo Ziyi with a bit of a mischievous smile, but continued to focus on mopping the floor and didn't say anything.

"She didn't come today," Yang Yi smiled knowingly, and he also lowered his voice.

"Oh, I see. What time does she usually come?" Guo Ziyi was a bit disappointed.

"Usually? I don't know. Yesterday was probably the first time she came here, right?" After Yang Yi had Mo Fei and Xixi, all the other girls were the same to him. He didn't bother to remember them, so he wasn't sure if it was her first time coming to the shop or not.

Guo Ziyi scratched his head.

"Hey, since you like her so much, why not sign up for the freshman party and show off? She's also a freshman, so she'll definitely be there, right?" Ding Xiang twisted the mop, her slender arms surprisingly strong. She lifted her head and gave Guo Ziyi some advice with a smile.

Guo Ziyi's eyes lit up.

Chapter 195 – A Favorable Turn

"I could reach so high, I could touch the sky.

I could reach so low, I could touch my toes.

I could spin round and round,

Then sit down quietly on the floor."

Chuntian Kindergarten Middle Class, young Teacher Cai was leading the children in singing nursery rhymes while jumping and singing along.

Although the lyrics seemed childish, the melody was still beautiful, and for children of this age group, singing and jumping in circles was still fresh and fun.

After a while, the children were all sweating and panting from playing, but they were also giggling and having a lot of fun.

"Okay, children, let's take a break. Teacher Shen has prepared milk for everyone, go find your cups and have a drink!" Teacher Mu controlled the pace of the class, and when it was time, she smiled and said gently to the children.

Every child's physical condition was different. For example, Xixi and Chen Shiyun had better physical endurance. They just warmed up and still feel that they haven't had enough fun. However, Lan Xin and Yang Luoqi were a little overwhelmed. When the teacher called for a break, they couldn't wait to sit down on the ground.

"Xin'er, Qiqi, let's go drink milk!" Xixi was full of energy, bouncing around Lan Xin and Yang Luoqi.

"Okay!" Yang Luoqi was the first to stand up. After all, she had also practiced dancing.

But Lan Xin didn't want to move. She reached out her hand pitifully and said, "Xixi, can you pull me up?"

However, how could Xixi lift her up? After trying, the little girl had an idea, "Chen Shiyun, can you come and help me? You pull one side, I pull the other side, and Xin'er can stand up!"

Chen Shiyun ran over upon hearing this, but when she saw Lan Xin, she curled her lips and said, "I don't want to pull Lan Xin, why doesn't she stand up on her own? Humph, lazybones!"

"You're the lazybones!" Lan Xin didn't get along with Chen Shiyun. At this moment, she suddenly has the strength and argue with her, and with a sudden flip, Lan Xin got up from the ground, "I don't want you to pull me!"

Xixi, sandwiched between the two of them, could only anxiously say, "Hey, Xin'er, Chen Shiyun, can you please not argue? We are good friends and should not fight."

"Hmph, look at her, she's standing up by herself now! She's lying!" Chen Shiyun turned her head and ran away. She wasn't like Lan Xin and Yang Luoqi, who are inseparable from Xixi. She also has her own "followers", as she put it.

Even Nan Zhaoyu didn't always play with Xixi. At this time, boys and girls actually have some gender awareness. Playing with girls too often can result in ridicule from the boys' circle!

Children's tempers come and go quickly. Xixi, Lan Xin, and Yang Luoqi were drinking milk from their small cups at Teacher Shen's place, occasionally giggling at each other's little milk mustaches, when Chen Shiyun came running over again.

"Xixi, Xixi! Didn't you say yesterday that you were going to ask your dad if we can go to your house to play?" Chen Shiyun asked.

"Yes, yes, what did your dad say?" Lan Xin became interested and echoed with her loud voice.

"Oh, I forgot." Xixi patted her little head and giggled.

"Forget to ask your dad?" Lan Xin became anxious.

Although Yang Luoqi didn't speak, her eyes were also filled with disappointment. She had been thinking about Xixi's family's little kitten all this time!

Of course, Lan Xin was thinking about food, and Chen Shiyun was probably too.

"No, no!" Xixi laughed, "My Papa said you guys can come to our house to play, but he wants me to check how many people are coming and when you guys are coming to play. I forgot about this!"

So that's what happened. Lan Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and the little foodie immediately raised her chubby little arm and said excitedly, "I can go, I want to go, Xixi, I want to go!"

"I want to go too!" Yang Luoqi also chimed in with a smile and said.

Chen Shiyun became even more enthusiastic. She patted her chest and said, "Xixi, don't worry, I'll help you ask. But I also want to go!"

"Uh huh, you guys have to tell your Papa. My Papa said he will contact your Papa and tell them where our house is, so you guys can come over!" Xixi has a good memory and remembered what her father had said.


The sales of 'Xixi's Bedtime Stories' were dismal, and Sahara Publishing's marketing department did everything possible, but it didn't make a difference. They managed to sell some copies, but it was still far below expectations.

The chain bookstore, which had a slight conflict with Sahara, saw the opportunity and moved the book to an inconspicuous corner as revenge for the accumulated grievances.

However, on this day, a middle-aged woman dressed like a housewife came to the only Shuxiangge chain bookstore in Langya City.

"Hello, ma'am, may I ask what type of book are you looking for? I can recommend some to you." The bookstore's unique salesperson greeted her.

"I came to Langya for a meeting and happen to be staying in the hotel upstairs. I thought I'd buy some books as a gift for my daughter." The middle-aged woman smiled slightly and said.

"Come to Langya for a meeting, are you a teacher from the Writers Association?" The salesperson was also well-informed.

"Um." Yu Qian smiled slightly and nodded.

The other party obviously didn't recognize her, but Yu Qian didn't like to make too much of a fuss, and certainly wouldn't directly tell the other party that she was Yu Qian, a best-selling author in youth literature or had a more shocking title as the director of the Guangdong Writers Association.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of further conversation, the salesperson wisely returned to her job and asked, "May I know how old your daughter is?"

"She's only six years old this year and still at the age where she likes to read fairy tales. Can you take me to the fairy tale section? I want to pick some by myself." Yu Qian smiled and said.

"Okay." The salesperson could only follow Yu Qian's request and took her to the fairy tale section before silently leaving.

Yu Qian glanced at the shelves in front of her, many of which were newly released and popular fairy tale books with familiar titles."

Yu Qian, who often buy books for her daughter to read, has basically read most of them. In recent years, the children's book market has felt a bit lackluster. Old authors lacked inspiration, and new authors have not been able to produce good works. Even bestsellers, Yu Qian felt, were either not suitable for her daughter to read or of average quality with unoriginal stories.

Influenced by her mother, her daughter who likes to read also has a discerning taste in books, so even if she bought her one, she probably wouldn't like it.

Since she was staying in a hotel during her business trip and had some free time at night, Yu Qian thought it would be a good idea to browse around and see if there were any good books hidden in the corner of the non-bestseller section.

Browsing for books, perhaps, was also one of the joys of a book lover!

There she saw a storybook with a blue cover, "Xixi's Bedtime Stories". The name was quite interesting. Her daughter's nickname was Princess Sisi, and Sisi and Xixi had a similar pronunciation!

Based on this name, Yu Qian decided to open the book and take a look.


!Report Chapter

Chapter 196 – The Most Comfortable Part-Time Job In History

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, which was probably the hottest time outside, there were only two customers in the coffee shop. They were both customers who had ordered coffee and were sitting there reading books.

Although Yang Yi had told her that she could do her own things during idle hours, Ding Xiang, who was on her first day at work, was still unwilling to read books. There were no customers coming in, yet she sat upright and earnestly at the counter.

Yang Yi looked at his watch, put away the book in his hand, stood up from the sofa, and stretched lazily. He walked to the bar and said to Ding Xiang, "It's about time. I'll go get the sign back, and you can tidy up and go home."

"So early?" Ding Xiang asked in surprise.

Who runs a coffee shop that opens at almost 11 in the morning and closes at around 4 in the afternoon. This also includes the more than two hours of rest time when it's closed at noon…

Ding Xiang was also planning to work here tonight, making more cups of coffee and gaining more experience!

Yang Yi smiled lightly and said, "My daughter finishes school at 5:30, so I have to go to the kindergarten early to pick her up."

This may be considered an explanation.

"When should I come to work tonight?" Ding Xiang asked softly. She was planning to go home, eat, take a shower, change clothes, and then come back.

She didn't have suitable clothes, but there was a neat set of white shirts and black suit pants in her closet. She was once pulled by her Senior Sister Mao Peifu to do a bank credit card activity, which was to get people to sign up for a credit card. Senior Sister Mao Peifu insisted on buying it for her.

The price wasn't expensive, the whole set cost around 200 yuan. Ding Xiang later couldn't bear to wear it and planned to keep it for job interviews when she is a senior in college.

Now that she was going to work in a coffee shop, she had to consider the image of the boss. No, the boss didn't seem to have any image in his shorts and slippers. Anyway, she had to dress neatly and maintain a good working attitude.

"Tonight? We don't open at night," Yang Yi said naturally.

"Ah? We don't open at night?" Ding Xiang was really confused.

"Not only do we not open at night, but there might be days when we won't open at all if I'm not available. But I'll call and let you know when that happens." Ding Xiang had left her dormitory phone number before. Yang Yi smiled and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you. Weekends are also rest days, so you can arrange your time freely."

Ding Xiang didn't even know how she got back to her dormitory. Her mind was a little dazed and it took her a long time to come to her senses.

Wasn't this part-time job a bit too strange?

Ding Xiang couldn't be bothered to eat. She hurriedly left the dormitory and went to the male dormitory area. Amidst the strange glances of the boys, she called out Guo Ziyi.

"... Work five days a week, less than five hours a day, and it is possible that I won't be able to continue coming because of my classes. Let's say two days, which is about 15 hours a week, 60 hours a month. Do I really get paid 4000 yuan for 60 hours of work?" Ding Xiang expressed her doubts anxiously, "Why does Big Brother Yang give me such high treatment? His coffee shop doesn't actually make that much money, does it?"

Guo Ziyi listened for a while before he understood Ding Xiang's meaning. He held back his laughter and patted her shoulder, like a buddy, saying, "Don't worry, Senior sister. I've told you before, Big brother Yang is so wealthy and has a lot of money to burn. You don't even know that his main business is not running a shop and being a boss. He writes novels, and who knows how much money he makes from writing!"

"But I can't take so much money from him!" Ding Xiang felt uneasy. She didn't feel like she was helping much.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, what Big brother Yang wants from running a shop is a kind of passion. If you work hard and take on more responsibilities, giving him more time to enjoy his leisure, then the salary he gives you will be worth it!" Guo Ziyi's words were quite accurate.

Ding Xiang fell silent, but Guo Ziyi's words gave her some inspiration.

Why did she have to consider whether Big brother Yang should give her so much money? Why not think about how she could be worthy of the 4,000 yuan salary that Big brother Yang pays?

The teacher who taught them economics once said, "The value of an employee does not lie in their own abilities but in how much benefit they can create for the company!"

Ding Xiang had to work hard!


In the evening, Yang Yi picked up Xixi. She still couldn't forget about yesterday. She really wanted to go to her mother's workplace to play like they did yesterday.

"No, your mother is working hard and needs to record songs and rest. We can't disturb her at this time!" Yang Yi seriously explained to Xixi.

In the morning, Mo Fei also complained to Yang Yi for a long time, saying that he had made her voice hoarse, and that he couldn't do such a bad thing again in the future.

In order to prevent Mo Fei from worrying about her record not being done well, Yang Yi had to coax his daughter well, that they really couldn't disturb Mo Fei this time.

"Okay, let's wait for the weekend to play with Mama and have barbecue together." Xixi was still very obedient.

Yang Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Barbecue is fine, you can eat it with your friends, but your mother can't eat barbecue now! She needs to control her diet and take good care of her voice!"

Xixi was a bit disappointed, but her attention was immediately drawn to another topic mentioned by her father. She patted her head with a cute and annoyed look, and said, "Oh, Xixi forgot to tell Papa that many people are coming to Papa's house to play!"

The little girl sat cross-legged on the carpet, lowered her head and counted on her fingers and said, "There's Chen Shiyun, Qiqi, Xin'er, Nan Zhaoyu…"

In addition to Xixi's four best friends, there were also other children who have a good relationship with Xixi and they all wanted to come and play together.

"Oh, I can't count anymore. How many are there?" Xixi finished counting her fingers on both sides, and became confused.

"A total of 12!" Yang Yi smiled slightly and said to Xixi.

"Papa is so amazing! He remembers all of them." Xixi looked up at her father admiringly and enviously.

Yang Yi laughed and said, "It's actually very simple. Just count ten numbers in your mind, from one to ten, and then start over and continue counting…"

Yang Yi explained the decimal system to his daughter, but he didn't know if the little girl could understand it.


In this world, some people immerse themselves in petting cats, some in other activities, and some just spend their days immersed in the little moments with their daughter.

Like this guy, Yang Yi, who hadn't checked his email for several days and couldn't remember what he had forgotten.

"Aaah, Du Lun, do you think I've been deceived? I gave him 3 million and he hasn't responded for days!" In the luxury mansion of the Ju family, Ju Jie was angrily asking his agent and dog head military adviser. 1

"A'Jie, your 3 million remittance hasn't even been withdrawn yet. How can you consider it as being decieved? If it's not withdrawn after half a month, it will be returned to you as it is!" Du Lun comforted Ju Jie, but sighed in his heart: "Now you know how to regret it, why didn't you discuss it with me when you rush to withdraw the money."

The remittance slips in this world could indeed be used for withdrawal without the original copies.

Ju Jie smiled and said, "Yes, I see. Maybe Mu Li'ang forgot to check his email, or maybe he's preparing a response."

"Hmm," Du Lun nodded.

He sighed inwardly, "I hope this time, we can really buy Mu Li'ang's song. With some effort, maybe we can push Ju Jie to fame. This guy is really incompetent. Last time, when Mo Fei returned and had some popularity, I asked him to take advantage of it, but he didn't do anything. He really doesn't know how to seize opportunities!"

Du Lun has a brain and ambition. He was not willing to be just a mediocre agent for Ju Jie.

Since he was doing it, he wanted to make something happen. Otherwise, how could he demonstrate his talents?

Chapter 197 – Music Fast Fast Fast

Approaching noon, Mo Xiaojuan, who had gone to a meeting before, walked in with a stack of documents in her hands. She had a puzzled look on her face as she said. "Elder sister, you're going on a business trip again!"

"Are there still commercial performances? Didn't we already tell Sister Ling to push them off?" Mo Fei furrowed her brow.

"It's not a commercial performance. It's this Saturday in Guangzhou, at the Guangdong TV station. You're going to participate in the recording of the program 'Music Fast Fast Fast'", Mo Xiaojuan added, "The planning department also requested that you bring a new song to participate and perform live on the show."

In fact, this was not a big deal. "Music Fast Fast Fast" was considered a top music program of Guangdong TV, with a wide audience. The last time Mo Fei released her comeback album, she didn't even have a chance to appear on it!

As for bringing a new song to the show, it was also a routine for stars to release new albums. They occasionally released audio sources of 12 songs to keep fans hooked. As long as the music was good, sales wouldn't be lacking!

"Excuse me, I may not be a member of your company, so it may not be appropriate for me to say this, but I still want to ask why we have to go on the show so early?" Jin Yingming asked in a low voice. "In fact, we've just started the process of recording songs, with audio production, post-production MV filming, and many other works that cannot be completed in just one or two months. Isn't this promotion a bit too early?"

Early was an understatement. It was rushed and went against the normal process!

But Jin Yingming didn't want to speak too clearly. After all, he was just a small producer hired by the company.

Of course, there was a problem, and it was this that puzzled Mo Xiaojuan. During the meeting just now, she was annoyed as to why she arranged for Xiao Ai to resign so early to help her out.

Now that Xiao Ai was gone, there was no one in the planning department who can give her inside information!

Mo Fei also felt it was not quite right, and based on her experience, she had never seen someone scheduled to appear on a show so early. However, "Music Fast Fast Fast" still has a great attraction for her!

Sometimes, those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside, just like Mo Fei in this situation.

Mo Xiaojuan has a clear perspective as an onlooker, but her clear and beautiful apricot eyes were actually looking at Uncle Jin Yingming. She secretly muttered to herself, "Uncle Jin is not bad, he even helped us speak. He shouldn't be Sister Ling's person. When Sister Fei's album is released, let's see if we can recruit him to the company!"

The studio that was currently being established needed all kinds of talents. If Mo Xiaojuan wanted to avoid being constrained by big companies and not be afraid of Sister Ling's retaliation in the future, she had to gather heroes1and recruit talents!

Of course, what she wanted most was Mu Li'ang. With Mu Li'ang, the talented songwriter, Mo Fei wouldn't have to worry about not having good songs to sing in the future!

But Mo Xiaojuan couldn't reveal the news yet. She could only gather a group of friends to set up the framework of the studio first and wait until Mo Fei's contract ended in the future before taking action.

Obviously, they still had to participate in the "Music Fast Fast Fast" program. Regardless of whether the company's arrangements had any tricks. Mo Fei couldn't cancel the appointment. After all, it was the ace music program in Guangdong Province. If they didn't go this time, they wouldn't be invited again!

Since they had decided to participate, Jin Yingming also put aside his distractions and discussed with Mo Fei to select a song that could be released in advance. Then they would produce the accompaniment and let Mo Fei start practicing the song for public performance.

But today Mo Fei didn't work overtime recording songs. She was worried about something and asked Mo Xiaojuan to take her to Yang Yi's place.

At night, Mo Fei rested on Yang Yi's strong arm, her face still flushed and breathing slightly heavily. However, she said with a full face of apology, "Yang Yi, I'm sorry, I can't attend Xixi's party with her friends. I can only let you entertain them alone."

"What does it matter? Didn't you tell me that you have to go record an important program?" Yang Yi gently caressed her smooth and warm face and smiled, "This is not the first time. As a star, you often have to run around outside. I'm used to it."

"But I still feel sorry for you and Xixi. I know Xixi really wants me to attend, and she almost cried tonight." Mo Fei said, her own nose feeling a little sour.

Yang Yi sighed and said, "Actually, it's the same. Even if you don't go to record the program. You still can't appear, right? Weren't you always worried about Xixi's identity being exposed by the media?"

Mo Fei hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm worried that she's too young, and the media will spread rumors and even speculate randomly, which will have a big impact on Xixi. That's why I dare not make it public…"

But then, Mo Fei and Yang Yi were really together, a normal family. Even if they went public, maybe there wouldn't be much problem, right?

"But I have been keeping an eye on the children of other families in the entertainment industry. Actually, some of them do go public, some will tell the media openly, and some don't release photos but everyone knows. It seems like there haven't been many problems for them!" Mo Fei said in a low voice.

Yang Yi smiled and said, "Alright, why do you think so much? Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you want to go public, then go public. If you don't want to, just keep it a secret for now. What's the problem with that?"

"Um." Mo Fei nodded docilely, but the worries in her brows still didn't dissipate.

She was still thinking in her heart, "Set a time? After this album sells well and I regain the original feeling,2I must bravely tell the media and my fans…"

Seeing that Mo Fei was still a little uneasy, Yang Yi smiled slightly and remembered a small trick he had seen in his previous life.

"Hey, Mo Fei, let me ask you something," he said softly.

Mo Fei looked at Yang Yi somewhat confusedly.

"Do you know what the happiest number is?" Yang Yi's mouth slightly curled up as he asked.

Mo Fei felt hopeless, she couldn't even answer this seemingly simple question. After thinking for a while, she shook her head in confusion and asked, "What is it?"

"It's five!"

"Why?" Mo Fei couldn't figure it out.

"Show me your hand and make a five with your fingers."

Mo Fei did as she was told, extending her left hand and five fingers.

Then Yang Yi stretched out his own right hand and interlocked his fingers tightly with hers. He smiled and said, "See, isn't this very happy?"

Mo Fei chuckled and blushed. She playfully punched Yang Yi's chest with her pink fist and said, "You're so annoying!"

He really was too annoying, almost making her doubt her own intelligence.

Yang Yi also smiled, but he didn't let go of Mo Fei's hand.

He actually just wanted to tease Mo Fei a little, so that she could smile happily and stop worrying about those strange questions.

Having experienced more serious problems, Yang Yi now felt that this life was really in a simple mode, where all problems are trivial and even unworthy of attention.

Life should be like this, with more smiles and less worries. What problems cannot be overcome? Even the biggest problems have solutions!

Chapter 198 – I Have A Mama!

"…my Mama can't come, so tomorrow when you come to my Papa's house to play, you can only see my Papa!" During the break, Xixi said to her friends with a hint of sadness.

"I just want to see Xixi's dad, Xixi's dad can make delicious food!" Lan Xin was now looking forward to lunch every day, sharing lunch with Xixi. She was also looking forward to the weekends, when she could go to Xixi's house and eat even more delicious food."

Yang Luoqi, unlike Lan Xin, didn't always think about food. She was thinking about what Xixi's mother looked like. The little girl spoke softly, "I haven't even seen Xixi's mom yet! It's always Xixi's dad who picks her up."

"Mama is very busy and doesn't have time!" Xixi pouted. In fact, the little girl also wished her mother could come and pick her up, but she still tried to defend her mother.

Chen Shiyun was playing with a building block toy on the side, and she was also listening to her friends' conversation. At this moment, she finally found an opportunity to interrupt and said straightforwardly, "Oh, yes, we haven't seen Xixi's mom. Maybe Xixi doesn't have a mom like Xiao Ling?"

Xiao Ling was the nickname of a little girl named Ding Ling in the middle class. She also wore a black bell collar around her neck, which was very cute, so everyone likes to call her Xiao Ling.

However, Xiao Ling's life experience was quite pitiful. When she was very, very young, she lost her mother. Her father raised her alone, but he was also very busy with work and had little time to take care of her. This resulted in Xiao Ling having a timid and introverted personality, and she almost became a person with autism.1When she was sent to kindergarten, Teacher Mu took care of her attentively and she improved a little.

Chen Shiyun didn't mean to be hurtful with her words. She was a bit of a thick-skinned2person and didn't realize the hurtful nature of her words. She just blurted them out without thinking!

However, Xixi was annoyed. In the past, when she was abroad, she thought she didn't have a father. Seeing others being accompanied by their parents, she felt very sad. But fortunately, after returning to China, she found out that she did have a father. She was so happy that she couldn't describe it. That was why she likes to stick to her father!

But that uncomfortable feeling has now been brought up again by Chen Shiyun, and the little girl was very angry. She pouted and raised her voice by eight degrees, saying, "I am not without a Mama! My Mama is even more beautiful than your Mama!"

Xixi rarely gets into an argument with others!3

She was a little girl with a gentle personality, like a little deer. After getting angry, she became flustered and her eyes involuntarily turned red. She couldn't hold back her tears, and they welled up all at once.

The change came too quickly. Even Chen Shiyun, who was talking to them, was confused, let alone Lan Xin and Yang Luoqi.

"Wuwu, I'm not without a Mama," Xixi felt particularly wronged in her heart. She finally cried out, feeling so sad.

"Ah? Xixi, don't cry," Yang Luoqi was a bit helpless.

When Lan Xin saw Xixi crying, her sense of justice slowly rose in her heart. She stood up and angrily scolded Chen Shiyun in a loud voice, "Chen Shiyun, you're bullying people again! You even made Xixi cry! I'm going to tell Teacher Mu!"

After speaking, the little chubby girl turned and ran out.

Chen Shiyun became a little flustered. Although she usually liked to "bully" others, she just thought it was fun and didn't have the intention of making other children cry.

Moreover, this time she never thought of bullying Xixi!

Since Xixi gave her delicious food, Chen Shiyun has never bullied Xixi again. She didn't expect that one unintentional remark would make Xixi cry!

For some reason, when Chen Shiyun saw Xixi shedding tears, she felt uneasy and flustered. She even forgot to argue with Lan Xin.

Teacher Mu quickly followed Lan Xin and came over in a hurry. She saw Xixi crying sadly, while Yang Luoqi was comforting her with tears in her eyes.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Teacher Mu picked up the small hands of Xixi and Yang Luoqi and asked gently.

"Chen Shiyun bullied Xixi!" Lanxin reported.

Yang Luoqi also nodded while rubbing her eyes.

"So Qiqi, why are you crying too?" Teacher Mu asked helplessly. She first comforted Xixi, who was crying the most, and hugged the little girl in her arms. "Don't cry, Xixi, tell teacher if there is anything bothering you."

"Chen Shiyun, can you tell teacher what you did?" Teacher Mu also asked Chen Shiyun kindly.

At this moment, Chen Shiyun, who was already very remorseful and scared, also burst into tears.

Okay, three out of four children present were crying, so Teacher Mu had to turn her attention to Lan Xin.

Seeing her little friends crying, Lan Xin also inexplicably welled up with tears herself, but her sense of responsibility still made her stand up and tell the teacher, "It was said by Chen Shiyun. She said that Xixi didn't have a mom, and then Xixi cried!"

"I have a Mama, and my Mama is a big star." Xixi became even more sad, and she burst into tears. The second half of her sentence was barely audible.

"I, I didn't mean it, I, I didn't mean Xixi didn't have a mom," Chen Shiyun cried while trying to defend herself, "I…I didn't mean it that way. I was just asking…"

"Xixi has a mother. Teacher Mu has seen Xixi's mother before. It's just because she's too busy and doesn't show up often!" Teacher Mu understood the situation and said with a bitter smile, "And, no matter what, Chen Shiyun, you can't talk to other children like that, okay?"

Chen Shiyun moved closer to Teacher Mu, sobbing and choking, saying "Teacher Mu, I know my mistake."

"It's good that you know. Come, Xixi, Teacher Mu will explain to you." Teacher Mu gently said to Xixi, "Chen Shiyun may not be good at expressing herself. Actually, she didn't mean to say that. Maybe she was just concerned about you because she hasn't seen your mother, but she said the wrong thing."

Chen Shiyun nodded vigorously.

Xixi sobbed and pouted, feeling wronged, but her emotions stabilized a little.

"Now, Chen Shiyun, since you did something wrong and said something wrong, shouldn't you say something to Xixi? Your teacher has taught you this." Teacher Mu looked kindly at Chen Shiyun.

Chen Shiyun sniffed and said loudly, "I'm sorry, Xixi. I shouldn't have said those things. I'm sorry!"

"What else?" Teacher Mu reminded.

"Can you forgive me? I won't do it again." Chen Shiyun looked at Xixi anxiously.

Teacher Mu then hugged Xixi and coaxed her, "Look, Xixi, Chen Shiyun apologized so sincerely. Do you think you can forgive Chen Shiyun for her unintentional mistake?"

Xixi's emotions had calmed down by now. Although she was still sobbing from time to time, she was not as upset as before, and her mood became calm.

Chen Shiyun watched anxiously and finally saw Xixi nodding her head lightly. She breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was still very heavy!

In the evening, when Yang Yi picked up Xixi from kindergarten, the little girl had recovered completely and said goodbye to her little friends with a smile, just like usual.

"Goodbye Xin'er! Goodbye Zhaoyu! Goodbye Chen Shiyun!"

However, Chen Shiyun was pulled by her mother and bravely walked up to Yang Yi.

"Uncle Yang, I want to apologize to you and Xixi. This morning, I said that Xixi didn't have a mother, which made Xixi cry. I'm sorry, I know it was wrong!" The strong little girl was not timid in the face of adults, but bravely apologized.

Obviously, Chen Shiyun's mother was informed of the matter by Teacher Mu and immediately asked Chen Shiyun to apologize again. However, Chen Shiyun was also great and really apologized very seriously!

"It's okay, I'm not even angry anymore!" Xixi held Chen Shiyun's hand and said with a smile, "But my Mama is really beautiful, super beautiful!"

It has been almost half a day since the incident, and the anger in Xixi's heart has long since dissipated, let alone, the little girl was not a person to hold grudges.

"Really?" Chen Shiyun exclaimed.

Yang Yi smiled as he watched the conversation between the two children, and Chen Shiyun's mother was also quietly apologizing to him, explaining the situation.

"It's okay, children sometimes speak without thinking. Isn't there an idiom called 'children speak without scruples'?" Yang Yi calmly waved his hand to Chen Shiyun's mother. "By the way, tomorrow your Chen Shiyun will come to our house to play. I made a map for you guys. I guess you might have to pass through Jiangchuan. It's quite complicated to go around, so I made a hand-drawn map for each parent…"

!Report Chapter

Chapter 199 – College Days

In the evening, Yang Yi invited Guo Ziyi and Ding Xiang to come to his house for dinner, mainly for the small party that would be held at his house the next day. Yang Yi couldn't handle it alone, so he asked Guo Ziyi and Ding Xiang to come and help.

"It's not for nothing. I'll give you both a big red envelope!" Yang Yi said with a smile to the two as he picked up food for his daughter.

This guy has become more and more familiar with Chinese customs and relationships, and has even bought books to learn about it. Even the tradition of giving red envelopes, he learned it from a book.

"No need, no need!" Ding Xiang and Guo Ziyi almost waved their hands together, and said in unison.

Xixi was happily eating her food, with her big eyes staring at Ding Xiang and occasionally glancing at Guo Ziyi. She knew them both, but this was the first time Xixi had seen them together!

Guo Ziyi laughed and said, "Big brother Yang, you know I'm not short on money. I come to help, and I can even get free food and drinks. Why would I want a red envelope? Why don't you give both red envelopes to my Senior sister?"

What is a Senior sister?

Xixi's eyes lit up like light bulbs, she seemed to have a question!

However, at this time, Xixi was dealing with a piece of crispy and sweet Braised pork belly, so she didn't have time to ask.

"I don't want it either." Ding Xiang blushed and waved her hand. "Big brother Yang already gave me such a good job and gave me such a generous salary. How can I still ask for money?"

"Salary is salary. I'm asking for you to come here and help during your off time…" Yang Yi tried to persuade her.

But Ding Xiang said firmly, "Really no need, Big Brother Yang. Just let me help you."

Yang Yi wasn't a fussy person. He shrugged his shoulder and smiled before giving up.

"What Big Brother Yang gives you, just take it." Guo Ziyi said, his mouth stuffed with food. He was really fussing about it.

At this moment, Xixi, who had been holding back her question for a long time, finally finished the big piece of braised pork belly. She pouted her greasy little mouth and excitedly asked, "Uncle Guo, is Big Sister Ding Xiang your girlfriend?"


Upon hearing his daughter's innocent question, Yang Yi was not amused but became alert. Where did Xixi learn this word? Did someone confess to her in kindergarten? Which kid who doesn't know what's good for them was it??!!1

Guo Ziyi and Ding Xiang were both greatly embarrassed by the sudden question from the little girl.

Ding Xiang and Guo Ziyi quickly waved their hands and unanimously denied it.

"Xixi, where did you hear that word from? Girlfriend?" Yang Yi asked calmly as he picked up some food for his daughter.

The little girl was disappointed with Ding Xiang and Guo Ziyi's denial, thinking she had guessed correctly. Faced with her father's question, Xixi casually replied, "It's from the TV. Xiao Bingbing is Xiao Longlong's girlfriend, so Xiao Bingbing can't play with Da Zhuang!"

What kind of cartoon was this! Yang Yi was speechless and decided to let Xixi watch less TV in the future.

Because he wanted to publish a book, Yang Yi also researched the market for children's books and entertainment products in this world. He found that the content of children's entertainment in this world was uneven, with both excellent works like Rem and rough-looking works like Little Dragon Man.

More importantly, even for Rem, its content tends to be more adult-oriented!

The whole market was like this, with adult cartoonists and writers creating content from an adult perspective. Even if they simulated a child's tone, the story content was more suitable for children over ten years old.

"It seems that I need to write Journey to the West and other storybooks as soon as possible," Yang Yi thought to himself.

While Yang Yi was worrying about the country, the people, and the next generation, Ding Xiang was reminded by Xixi and remembered something. She smiled and asked Guo Ziyi, "Weren't you trying to pursue that graduate student senior? How did it go?"

Guo Ziyi replied proudly, "It was too easy. I'm the cultural and entertainment committee member of our class. After discussing with my classmates in the class, they all agreed to nominate me. At the freshman welcome party, I will perform a solo!"

"So, what are you going to sing?" Ding Xiang asked curiously.

"South Town." Guo Ziyi felt that he was still proficient in this song.

Yang Yi furrowed his brow and said, "That song doesn't match the mood of pursuing a girl."

Now that Xixi was full, she asked her father to clean her mouth and then skipped around the living room with three equally full kittens. Yang Yi didn't stop Ding Xiang from discussing this topic with Guo Ziyi. He even participated, intending to provide advice for Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi scratched his head and said in confusion, "Isn't 'South Town' good enough? How about I sing your song, 'Once You', Big Brother Yang?"

"Big Brother Yang's song? Big brother Yang writes songs too?" Ding Xiang was a bit surprised.

"Hehe, you don't know about it yet, do you? Last time, that Chen Yijie…" Guo Ziyi proudly talked about how Yang Yi selling a song to Chen Yijie, and said with a smile, "But don't spread it around, Big brother Yang is afraid of being harassed by paparazzi if he becomes famous, so he's been keeping his identity hidden!"

Ding Xiang didn't react much. She didn't have the chance or interest to keep up with celebrity gossip. Chen Yijie was such a big star, but she had no concept of who he was.

Nevertheless, she nodded earnestly and promised Yang Yi, "Big brother Yang, don't worry, I won't say anything."

Yang Yi smiled and waved his hand, he didn't care too much.

"But you haven't publicly released 'Once You,' right, Big Brother Yang? Would it be inappropriate for me to sing it publicly?" Guo Ziyi pondered.

"It's no problem, you can sing it as you please." Yang Yi rubbed his chin and contemplated, "I just think the mood of "Once You" and "South Town" is not very suitable, so how about I give you a different song?"

"What song?" Guo Ziyi was pleasantly surprised.

"College Days!'" Yang Yi said lightly.

At night, Yang Yi really started writing down the manuscript for "Journey to the West" as he had planned earlier.

However, Yang Yi has been hesitant about whether to copy the original text word-for-word or to adapt it and write it in plain and easy-to-understand vernacular language.

Needless to say, the original text definitely has a better feel than the vernacular version of 'Journey to the West', after all, this was a story set in ancient times. But Yang Yi felt that he wasn't skilled in classical Chinese, and even if he could recite it, it would be hard for him to explain it clearly.

In the end, Yang Yi thought about his original intention for writing this story. It wasn't for scholars to study, nor for adults to cultivate their sentiment. He was going to write it to add joy to the childhood of young children!

Therefore, he decided to write it in vernacular language. Even if it was rough, as long as the children could understand it and ordinary adults could recite it, and children could enjoy the story, it was enough!

Before doing so, Yang Yi opened his email and prepared to send the manuscript he had accumulated during this time period to Qiang Zi, so he wouldn't have to be constantly reminded to submit it.

However, Yang Yi noticed that there were several emails from Ju Jie in his inbox, including a remittance slip for three million!

"Interesting!" Yang Yi's mouth slightly curved up.

Chapter 200 – The Impatient Little Girl

"Don't forget to have fun today, okay? And remember to let Papa take pictures, Mama will want to see them when she comes back. Mama is sad because she can't participate in our first family party that Xixi invited her classmates to."

Mo Fei was already in Guangzhou because she was about to leave for the TV station. This program required a rehearsal to walk through the process in advance, so she called Xixi early to talk for a while

"I know! Mama, don't be sad. Xixi will miss you," The little girl held her father's phone obediently and said to her mother.

Mo Fei was very busy. She hastily said a few words to Yang Yi, asking him to take care of Xixi and the other children. She then put away her phone and rushed to the TV station with Mo Xiaojuan.

Yang Yi was actually very busy. He drove to the market early in the morning to buy the ingredients for the day.

Yes, he drove… It was no longer like running to buy groceries as usual, even if he had good physical fitness and strength, he couldn't carry everything back.

Guo Ziyi and Ding Xiang have also come over, but Yang Yi was preparing food and didn't need their help. Little Fatty only knew how to steal food, and Ding Xiang didn't have Yang Yi's level of skill, so they were arranged by Yang Yi to set up the venue in the coffee shop downstairs.

It was actually a bit of a hassle, because they needed to move the big table in the booth to the back, leaving space for adults to move around and communicate. Of course, more importantly, they needed to set up the food. Yang Yi planned to make it a buffet-style setup, where guests could freely move around and take food. He also wanted to leave enough seating for tired adults to rest and for children to play.

As for the piano, Yang Yi had temporarily kept it. Because Guo Ziyi volunteered to be a temporary piano player for Yang Yi. However, Ding Xiang was very skeptical. She felt that after moving things, Guo Ziyi might not be able to lift his arms up…

In the kitchen on the second floor, Yang Yi nervously prepared the food for the afternoon party, starting with some desserts and snacks, some of which needed to be refrigerated for a period of time.

Xixi played with the kittens by herself, but she was particularly excited today and couldn't sit still. Every now and then, she would run over and peek her head in, pretending to be very interested and asking, "Papa, what are you doing?"

"I'm making pudding, all kinds of pudding. But now I'm making matcha pudding." Yang Yi was adding some matcha powder to the ingredients and slowly stirring and mixing them.

"Oh!" The little girl was not interested in how to make it. She was interested in eating pudding, but now she just licked her lips and asked, "Then Papa, when will Xin'er and the others come?"

Yang Yi poured the mixed matcha pudding into specially purchased pudding bottles and then put them into a steamer filled with hot water, and lit the fire.

"Aren't they coming in the afternoon? Maybe they'll eat lunch and take a nap before their parents drive them over. It's still early!" Yang Yi said with a smile to Xixi as he wiped his hands.

"Oh, really? I really want to play with them. Papa, look, Xiao Guai is also waiting! I told Xiao Guai that many of big sisters' friends will come to visit her today!" The little girl pointed to the kitten in the living room, licking its paws and looking at her.

Yang Yi prohibited the kittens from visiting the kitchen, sometimes having to catch them when they walked into the dining room, as these places needed to be hygienic.

In order to prevent them from entering the kitchen, Yang Yi also bought citrus air freshener and sprayed it in the kitchen and near the entrance. Cats do not like this scent, so even though Xiao Guai liked to stick to Xixi, they still stayed away from the kitchen.

"Oh, so that's it. Have you thought about how to entertain your friends who are coming this afternoon? Besides showing them the kittens, do you have any other programs?" Yang Yi asked with a slight smile.

"I need to prepare a program too? I'll think about it!" Xixi found something to do and didn't bother her father anymore.


Finally, in the afternoon, on the open space outside the Yang family's small building, a luxury car stopped. Chuntian Kindergarten was indeed located near the wealthy villa community in the Tingshan district.

"Yang Dad, I don't know what to bring. In our circle, it's popular to bring red wine, although it may not be appropriate for the occasion. But you can keep it and have a candlelight dinner with your partner! Haha!" Lan Xin's father, Lan Zhoukai, was a real estate tycoon. Although he was not dressed in a suit, his casual attire was still impressive.

Of course, his appetite was also remarkable, and it seemed that he was indeed Lan Xin's biological father.

"This is good! I love it!" Yang Yi laughed and shook hands with the other party.

Although Yang Yi was a bit pretentious, just like when he was on missions in his previous life, where he had to blend in big social occasions, a coffee shop owner who loved peace and quiet completely disguised himself as a versatile social figure. He could chat and laugh with Lan Zhoukai or have a polite talk with another child's parent.

Red wine was actually not a good gift, because Mo Fei no longer drank, so even if they have a candlelit dinner, they wouldn't open the red wine. But Yang Yi still accepted it with surprise, leaving a good impression on Lan Zhoukai.

The world of adults was indeed somewhat complicated, but the world of children was much simpler. As soon as Lan Xin arrived, she broke free from her father's hand and ran excitedly towards Xixi, who was talking to other little friends. The two little girls hugged each other in excitement.

A group of little friends were talking and chatting with each other, creating a lively atmosphere.

Lan Xin's mother was a housewife. She smiled and said to Yang Yi, "Our family's Xin'er always comes home praising and saying that Xixi's dad is good at cooking. Yang Dad, you have to teach me a few tricks, otherwise Xin'er won't like the food I cook anymore!"

"Of course, no problem. We can exchange ideas later." Yang Yi smiled. Another parent came with their child, and he made an apologetic gesture, then asked Guo Ziyi to come over to help with the reception. He went to welcome the new guests himself.

Ding Xiang was hardworking and capable, but she couldn't cope with such an occasion. On the other hand, Guo Ziyi seemed very experienced and didn't look like a 16-year-old. He came over with a few glasses of juice and welcomed the guests with a smile.

It was the family of Yang Luoqi who came, but it wasn't her mother that Yang Yi had met before. It was a middle-aged man. The well-behaved Luo Xi wasn't like Lan Xin, she stood shyly beside the man and politely said, "Hello, Uncle Yang"

"Hello, you must be Yang Xi's father, right? I'm Yang Luoqi's father, Yang Guo. We should be meeting for the first time. Usually, it's her mother who comes to pick up Qiqi, but she's busy today." Yang Luoqi's father was older than Lanzhou Kai, who married late because of his business. He wore black-framed glasses on his nose and had a scholarly air about him.

"Haha, yes, we were a family 300 years ago! Hello, hello!" Yang Yi shook hands with him and laughed.

He didn't forget Yang Luoqi and nodded towards the well-dressed girl, saying, "Qiqi, you've finally come. Xixi has been talking about you all morning!"

"Really?" Yang Luoqi was delighted and looked eagerly towards Xixi and the others.