
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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Chapter 73: The vicissitudes of life

"You are!!!" The chess pieces in her hand rolled to the ground, Li Xin's grandmother and grandfather were both looking at Zhang Feng with shocked expressions, their lips slightly shivering and their hands slightly trembling, obviously at this moment, their moods were not calm at all.

"Grandpa, Grandma, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the appearance of the two old men, Li Xin was obviously shocked, and hurriedly walked a few steps to their front, saying worriedly, but the two old men didn't even look at her, as if they hadn't heard her words at all, and were still staring at Zhang Feng with shock, and a hint of tears flashed in their eyes.

The reaction of the two old people has been in Zhang Feng's expected, see their reaction, Zhang Feng's eyes are also a burst of sighing, once a lover, once a brother has become gray-haired old man, while they are still young, and in the future, such a situation will continue to cycle through the staging of ...

"Li Xin, you go out first ... ", sighed Zhang Feng in his heart, waving his hand towards Li Xin, he said, "I'll have a good chat with them, you go out first . .".

"But ...", hearing Zhang Feng's words, Li Xin looked at the two old men's unusual appearance, but how could she not rest assured, inquiring eyes looked at the two old men until they nodded their heads before taking one step and three turns back to walk out, smoothly taking the door of the room with her.

Because of Li Xin's departure, the two old people can no longer suppress their excited feelings, trembling looked at Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng, also a slight sigh, a piece of complexity in the eyes looked at the two old faces. , said: "Long time no see ah, Ruoxin, Xiaojun ...".

"Hiu ... Hiu Feng brother ...?"

"Xiao Feng ...?" , two trembling voices sounded at the same time, although they had already guessed, but hearing Zhang Feng's words, hearing that familiar voice, that so distant that it was almost forgotten to the corner of their memories of the name, they still did not dare to believe in the question, after all, when Zhang Feng's death, they began to witness it with their own eyes, that is, the burial was all buried with their own hands, but, after the past few decades, this person who should be dead appeared in front of them again. their face, and the appearance is still so young.

"Are you really Xiaofeng?" Ruoxin said as her wrinkled hand slowly reached over.

"Oh ...", gently grabbed Ruo Xin's hand, once that smooth skin, at the moment has been full of wrinkles, Zhang Feng's eyes a burst of hurt, his mouth murmured: "good, I am Zhang Feng, did not think so much Time has passed, you have also been old, the years rush people old ah ...."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, there was a moment of vicissitude in the eyes of the two people, and then, we only saw Xiaojun's puzzled eyes looking at Zhang Feng, saying, ''Brother Xiaofeng, can you tell us exactly what happened? Back then, we clearly saw you ...," Similarly, hearing Xiaojun's words, Ruoxin also looked at Zhang Feng in doubt.

"Hehe ...", hearing the words of the two men and looking at their aged faces, Zhang Feng smiled bitterly and hesitated for a while before opening his mouth, "I am no longer a human being now . ."

After saying these words, Zhang Feng looked at the calm faces of the two people without much surprise, but instead, he felt puzzled, so amazing news, they actually did not have much surprise? "Why aren't you all surprised? What I said is no longer a human being ... now."

"We have long guessed it", hearing Zhang Feng's words, Ruoxin and Xiaojun said with a natural look, "We knew it when we saw your current appearance, if you are still a human being, how is it possible for you to be resurrected from the dead? And the current appearance is still so young ...."

"So that's how it is ...," Zhang Feng's heart relieved, they are right, as long as there is a bit of wisdom people can guess, who can be resurrected from the dead among human beings? Who can stay young forever?

"Back then, I was shot, and at that time, I myself thought I was dead, but, just some time ago ...", looking at the two people who were still looking at themselves with puzzled eyes, Zhang Feng slightly smiled, of course, knowing what they were thinking about, and didn't wait for them to ask again, he told his experience this time. They opened their mouths to ask again, they themselves told the experience they had during this period of time.

At this moment, Li Xin was fidgeting in the hall on the second floor, with a piece of doubt in her heart, what in the world is that Zhang Feng? Why did her grandparents look so excited when they saw him? Is he some distant relative? Or something else? It's impossible, I've never heard of him. Li Xin, who was fidgeting, just sat on the sofa with an anxious face, not lifting her face to look at the closed door of the room, with a slight worry in her eyes.

Time, won't become slow for anyone, and certainly won't become fast because of anyone, and in Li Xin's eyes, it was as if he had waited for centuries, finally, after three hours, the door of that tightly closed room opened, and Li Xin, who had been anxiously watching the door of the room, also quickly popped up from the sofa, and walked towards the room of the room sprinted over.

"Grandparents, you ...", looking at the three people who walked out, apparently the corners of the eyes of the two old people still hung a trace of undried tears, Li Xin worriedly said.

"Alright, Li Xin, come out with me, I have some things to talk to you ... ", but before Li Xin could finish her sentence, Zhang Feng opened his mouth towards her and said, at the same time, he also interrupted her words.

After saying that, Zhang Feng turned around, looked deeply at the two old men, smiled faintly and said: "Maybe this is the last time we meet, I am satisfied to see that you are able to keep each other until old age." After saying that, Zhang Feng held back the acidity in his nose, and still turned to leave, and the man who used to send delicious candy canes to himself in the orphanage every time he was separated from the tall, cold iron fence, and the brother who was his closest relative, were now old men who were about to die. The one who used to send himself delicious sugar gourds every time through the tall and cold iron fence in the orphanage, and the brother who was the closest thing to him, are now old men who are about to die, for the first time, Zhang Feng felt that the life of a vampire is so sad.

When the two old men heard Zhang Feng's words, they looked at his depressed back as he walked towards the outside, but they just held each other's hands and stood there, with a burst of turbid tears flashing in their old eyes.

When Li Xin heard Zhang Feng's inexplicable words, she looked at his back and then at the appearance of the two old men, and she could only follow Zhang Feng's back and run over in confusion.

When I walked to the door, I only saw Zhang Feng standing quietly alone in the night, gazing up at the half-rotating moon in the sky, with a sense of vicissitude in his eyes that did not match his handsome and young appearance.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about? Brother Zhang Feng?" Looking at the vicissitudes of Zhang Feng's back, Li Xin was slightly dumbfounded, and then softly opened her mouth to ask.