
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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Chapter 72: Decision to leave

After Li Xin's call, Zhang Feng casually threw Kikujiro's cell phone back to him, and then took out his own cell phone and dialed a familiar number, which was quickly answered.

"Hello, Dulac?" , Zhang Feng called out towards the phone with a slight urgency.

"Eh? What's going on? Did something happen?" , obviously hearing the eagerness in Zhang Feng's words, Durak asked suspiciously from his side.

"You weren't arrested? That's great", hearing Duracell's voice, Zhang Xiaofeng first said thankfully, then asked towards the cell phone in a puzzled manner, "What exactly happened last night? I only remember that I was being burned by Ao Xing's Samadhi Fire, then when I woke up again, I had collapsed on the side of the road, can you tell me how we escaped last night?" .

"What?" Upon hearing Zhang Feng's words, Dulac on the phone let out a shriek and said, "You don't remember what happened last night? Don't remember anything at all?" .

"Of course," hearing Dulac's words, Zhang Feng helplessly rolled his eyes and said, "If I remember, do I still need to ask you? Tell me, what exactly happened last night?". .

"Yesterday night, there was a person who appeared and saved us, a very strong and powerful person, even Ao Xing in his eyes are just a speck of dust in general," after hearing Zhang Feng's question, Du Lac was silent for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "As for who he is, I can't say, if he wanted you to know, you would know now, since you don't know, that means he doesn't want you to know about his existence, as for why you have no memory, it should be because you happened to be in the Samsara Fire. As for who he is, I can't say, if he wanted you to know, you would know by now, since you don't know, it means that he doesn't want you to know about his existence, as for why you don't have any memories, it should be because you just happened to be unconscious in the Samadhi Flame," he said.

"It is so ah ...", heard the words of Dulac, Zhang Feng murmured, the identity of the mysterious person, Zhang Feng did not want to pursue, since Dulac does not want to tell himself, he will not go to pursue the question, but just the heart of the doubt in the end is what the strong man will help himself and other people only. The only thing is to wonder what kind of strong person would help him or her, but since it is such a strong person, it is probably just a whim.

"That's it then, I'll be leaving in the next few days ...", got the answer Zhang Feng, despite the doubts in his heart, did not say anything more and just stated towards Dulac.

"Oh?" , hearing Zhang Feng's words, Du Lac was slightly startled, then slowly said, "Good, it is also time for you to go to England to have a look, after all, it is the location of the Bruchs' base camp."

"En, this thing I know ... ", heard the words of Dulac, Zhang Feng nodded his head and said, to be honest, even if Dulac did not say, he would go to the United Kingdom to take a look, after all, why he would become a vampire has not yet been found the reason, look at his Bruchs After all, the reason why he became a vampire has not been found yet, looking at his Bruch family crest, going there should be able to get the answer, right? At the very least, he would be able to get some clues, right?

"That's good, that's all for now, see you later if you have the chance ... ", the words were also finished, Zhang Feng said towards the phone in a farewell style.

"Hey, wait ...", just when Zhang Feng wanted to hang up the phone, suddenly the opposite side of the Dulac stopped Zhang Feng's movement and said, then, Dulac was silent for a while before he said with a slightly hoarse voice: "If you arrive in England, if you meet Miss Lass of the Fia tribe, help me take care of a little bit ...". England, if you meet Ms. Lass of the Fia tribe, take care of her for me....".

"En...", hearing Dulac's words, Zhang Feng nodded his head, and didn't swear to guarantee, just casually said: "If I meet it, I will try my best". After the casual conversation, Zhang Feng knew that the Fia family was also a vampire family, although it was not as strong as the thirteen vampire clans, it was also considered to be a relatively powerful vampire family, and its parents had even reached the strength of the Duke level.

"En, well then, I'm counting on you", hearing Zhang Feng's reply, Dulac said with a smile, although Zhang Feng didn't have any kind of guarantee, but Dulac, who had been with him for so long, knew that he would never fill up his words, and since he said that he would try his best, that would be enough.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng drank the last blood in the blood bag, and fell asleep towards the bed, after a long night last night, even Zhang Feng also felt a burst of fatigue, and instantly huffed and puffed to sleep, the body's injuries? For the vampire, this injury after drinking some blood, relying on the strong recovery power, sleep a sleep will be able to recover.

Huffing and puffing, very quickly a daytime so past, when the night quietly descended, Zhang Feng that vampire's biological clock suddenly let Zhang Feng woke up on time, looked at the still lying on the computer desk slumbering Kikujiro, a slight smile, and did not wake him up, just looked at his chest has been healed wounds, a slight sigh, and then went to change a piece of clothing.

After changing into black clothes, Zhang Feng looked at his sickly pale skin in the mirror and smiled bitterly, this is a vampire ah, thinking of this, after sighing a bit, pushed open the window and flew out as a bat.

"Li Xin, here ...," Arriving in front of Li Xin s small villa, Zhang Feng softly called out, and then walked out from a hidden place that changed back to human form.

" Zhang Feng!!!" Seeing the figure of Zhang Feng walking out, Li Xin's eyes slightly lit up, and she hurriedly walked a few steps over and said, "Going to my grandma's house right now?" .

"En...", hearing Li Xin's words, Zhang Feng nodded slightly and then said, "Is it far from here?" .

"Not far", hearing Zhang Feng's words, Li Xin shook her head with a faint smile, pointing inside the villa and said, "They are right here."

"Oh?" , hearing Li Xin's words, Zhang Feng's eyes slightly lit up, so they all lived together?

"Then go in", only to see Li Xin's hand virtual lead, also did not ask why Zhang Feng to find their own grandmother them, only to bring him to the second floor of a room in front of the said: "This is my grandparents' room, they are generally fine like to play chess in here! They usually like to play chess in here when they don't have anything to do."

Saying that, Li Xin slowly knocked on the door of the room and asked, "Grandpa, Grandma, are you guys inside? I brought a friend over, he said he wanted to meet you."

"Oh? Is it Xin'er?" , as Li Xin's words fell, a pale male voice's said resounded in the room, "Come in ...."

"Cara" sound, heard the answer inside, Li Xin twisted open the door lock side toward Zhang Feng said: "Well, come in ... ", said, took the lead and pushed open the door and walked in.

Zhang Feng also hesitated slightly before following in.

The whole room does not have too many things placed, a thirty-two-inch LCD TV, a bed, a nightstand and a set of sofas, plus a chess table and a few chairs, although not many things, but gives people a very harmonious feeling.

Hearing the sound of the doorway, the chess table is playing chess a man and a woman of the two old men raised their heads, first smiled and looked at Li Xin, then when their eyes fell to Zhang Feng's body, only to see the two people on the face of the smile suddenly frozen, body slightly shaken, the female old woman injured chess pieces also rolled to the ground, but she did not go to see a glance on the ground, the two people just shocked to look at Zhang Feng ...