
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 70: Wanted nationwide

"Why are you here?" Seeing the appearance of Kikujiro, Zhang Feng painfully frowned as he asked towards him.

"I have already been expelled from the family ... ", hearing Zhang Feng's words, Kikujiro smiled slightly bitterly, and then bent down to help Zhang Feng, who was lying on the ground, up.

"Oh?" Hearing Kikujiro's words, Zhang Feng, who had climbed up from the ground with his help, couldn't help but stiffen his movements, and raised his head in surprise to look at Kikujiro as he asked in astonishment, "Why?"

"Because of Opus ah", hearing Zhang Feng's words, Kikujiro said with a helpless smile, "The Opus Group's power is not something we, the Kikuwa Consortium, can resist, and this time when I went against them, I was afraid that they would make a move on us, that's why I asked my grandfather to expel me from the family, and at the same time issued a a wanted notice to show that it's clearing the air with me."

"Hehe ...", hearing Kikujiro's words, Zhang Feng said with a faint smile, "It seems that your feelings towards Li Xin are very genuine, actually sacrificing so much...". ..."

"I don't know ...", holding Zhang Feng toward the city to go Kikujiro, heard Zhang Feng's words, said with a slight smile: "I think I also counted as a wanderer in those years, but I don't know why, once I saw Li Xin, I was charmed by her", said this Kikujiro gave a slight beat, then asked with a slight hesitation toward Zhang Feng: "I don't know if there is a problem when it's not right. But I don't know why, once I saw Li Xin, I was mesmerized by her, honestly, I'm also very puzzled about it." Said Kikujiro, who gave a slight beat, and then slightly hesitantly asked Zhang Feng: "I don't know if there's a question when it's not right to ask it. ...".

"You ask it ... ", heard his words, Zhang Feng nodded his head and said, although for the first time Kikujiro's offense to himself, he was more angry, but this time down, his feelings for Li Xin Zhang Feng are seen in the heart, so for Kikujiro, now, Zhang Feng is still more appreciated. Zhang Feng was still more appreciative of Kikujiro, just like himself, he could do anything for the sake of the feelings in his heart.

Hearing Zhang Feng s words, Kikujiro hesitated for a moment before seeming to have summoned up a great deal of courage in general towards Zhang Xiaofeng and asked, "That, are you right are you right Li Xin also ...".

"Not bad", before Kikujiro finished his sentence, Zhang Feng said with a nod of his head, and upon hearing Zhang Feng's reply, Kikujiro's footsteps that were holding him up as he walked towards the city could not help but give a slight start.

Obviously sensing the Kikujiro s dissimilarity Zhang Feng s mouth slightly hooked, smiled: ''But don t misunderstand me, the feelings I said are not the feelings of men and women, specifically why, but I can t tell you ...''.

"Oh...", hearing Zhang Feng's words, Kikujiro let out a slight sigh of relief, holding Zhang Feng up as he continued to walk towards the front, and looking at the injuries on Zhang Feng's body, he said, "Last night, for the sake of my girlfriend's matter, I made you suffer such heavy injuries, I am really sorry. such heavy injuries, I'm really sorry, didn't you escape last night? Why are you still ...."

"Hehe ...", hearing Kikujiro's words, Zhang Feng faintly made a blank stare and said, "You're good at organizing relationships, all of a sudden it's for your girlfriend's injuries? She became your girlfriend and I became an outsider?" .

"Eh ... huh ...", his own small mind was detected by Zhang Feng, Kikujiro could not help but give a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Alright, alright, let's not talk about it, first go back to the place where I live and I will recuperate from my injuries", said this Zhang Feng gave a slight beat and then said, "This injury that you are talking about is that there is an A class ability person chasing after me behind, and I was injured by him . ."

"A-class ability person?" , hearing Zhang Feng's words, Kikujiro's body shook and he turned his face to look at Zhang Feng in shock and marveled, "You actually managed to escape from the hands of an A-class ability user?" .

"That, in fact, I don't know what's going on ...", hearing Kikujiro's shocked words, Zhang Feng also said with a helpless smile, to be honest, he really doesn't know what's going on, he just remembers that he seemed to have been calcined by the Three Flavors of True Flame in the end, and then he had a memory of the time he was found by Kikujiro in the bushes. He said, "I really don't know what happened, honestly, I just remembered that I seemed to be calcined by the Three Flavors of True Flame at the end, and then I had a memory of being discovered by Kikujiro in the bushes.

Could it be that something else had happened during the time that he had no memory? Zhang Feng's mind pondered, it seems that everything can only wait until his injuries stabilized a little bit of time to find Duracell Wenge clear, I hope he has not been arrested.

"Taxi!!!" , just as Zhang Feng was meditating, suddenly Kikujiro shouted with a beckoning hand, waking Zhang Feng up from his meditation, it turned out that unconsciously the two of them had almost entered the city, just as an empty cab drove over from behind.

"Where to?" , after getting into the car, Kikujiro asked towards Zhang Feng.

"Where to go? Of course it is to the hospital," Hearing Kikujiro's words, the cab driver replied ahead of him, looking at the charred wound on Zhang Feng's chest with shock, saying, "If you don't go to the hospital, your friend will die, don't worry, I promise to arrive at the fastest speed . ." Seeing that human life is at stake, the cab driver was enthusiastic and drove towards the direction of the hospital.

"Wait driver ...", looked at the cab toward the direction of the hospital sped past, Zhang Feng rushed to block the said: "We do not go to the hospital, we go to the Golden Run District Block B."

"The cab driver braked sharply and turned to look at the burns on Zhang Feng's chest with disbelief, saying, "Mister, you have to be clear, if you don't go to the hospital for this injury, you will die! .

Looking at this enthusiastic driver, Zhang Feng helplessly smiled and said, "I know my own things, you just go, I don't want to die yet ...", jokingly, is the injury of this three flavors of fire something that can be cured by the hospital? Besides, if you go to the hospital then the fun will be big, who does not know that the vampire itself does not have the ability to make blood? That heart is not moving, if if you go to the hospital, those doctors see themselves take a straight line of electrocardiogram can still run around, not crazy only strange.

"Are you really not going?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the cab driver obviously asked hesitantly, and only after seeing Zhang Feng's nod did he helplessly start the car and drive towards Zhang Feng's residence.

"We will live here for a period of time, right ...", after getting off the car, paid the car, Zhang Feng and Kikujiro into their own nest said, and then let Kikujiro help himself to the refrigerator, open the refrigerator, took out a bag of blood, tear open and inserted a straw into the light sucking, feeling the blood sliding into his throat. After paying for the car, Kikujiro and Zhang Feng went into their own lounge, and then let Kikujiro assist them to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, took out a bag of blood, tore it open and inserted a straw, and then sucked it gently.

"Eh ...", see in front of his face sucking blood Zhang Feng, Kikujiro despite knowing his identity, but still a burst of uncomfortable, then helplessly shook his head, came to the sofa, turn on the TV eyes to see.

" Zhang Feng, come and look," but then, Kikujiro said loudly towards Zhang Feng.

"Eh?" , hearing Kikujiro's words, Zhang Feng suspiciously put down the blood bag in his hand and came to the TV, only to see that the TV was abuzz with the clamor of various TV stations about their wanted posters and those overnight interviews, Torin's death, after all, the death of the heir of a big conglomerate such as the Opus, had to be said to be an international sensation.