
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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Chapter 69: Surprising Prince Zhang Feng (Next)

"Were you the one who just said that even a Prince-level Blood Clan couldn't turn over much of a wave?" The silver-colored light column slowly dispersed, only to see Zhang Feng's image had changed greatly, the original orange eyes had also turned into light silver, a pair of black-brown bat wings had also turned into light silver, although his eyes were ice-cold, they were filled with a noble atmosphere, and his whole temperament had changed greatly, just like the most noble aristocrat.

"Sucking ... vampire ... Prince ...?" , Seeing Zhang Feng in this manner, Ao Xing, who had always been a success, looked at him in shock and stammered, What does a Vampire Prince represent? He himself was quite clear.

"Prince level?" Dulac looked at Zhang Feng stagnantly, not reacting to what was going on for a while, how could a baronial level Blood Clan suddenly turn into a Prince level? How did a Baronial Blood Clan suddenly become a Prince? No one could know better than him what the Prince level represented.

"No, no, he is not Zhang Feng", suddenly, at this time, Duracell reacted by looking at Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng's eyes and temperament were different from what he had just felt, even if his power time had increased to this horrible realm, his eyes and temperament could not be changed, and now that he looked at the past, he was obviously another person. A person.

"I ... I ...", being stared at by the Prince level blood clan's eyes with killing intent, Ao Xing seemed to feel like a white rabbit standing naked in front of a hungry tiger all along Ao Xing's heart was filled with instinctive fear.

"It seems that you want to die ... ", cold eyes but looked at Ao Xing lightly, Zhang Feng's mouth hangs a trace of noble lethargic smile, as if it is like in the statement of what hate ordinary things in general, the right claw slowly opened, the same a flame appeared in the the center of his hand, but compared to the Three Flavors True Flame that Ao Xing just had, this much black flame was filled with an evil aura.

"Hell Fire!!!" Seeing this black flame, Ao Xing and Du Lac's eyes shrunk and screamed in their hearts, at this moment, they no longer had a trace of doubt about the Prince-level strength that suddenly appeared on Zhang Feng's body, the legendary Hell Flame that was able to burn out the souls of the people was something that only the Duke-level Blood Clan could use, and if you wanted to cast Hell Flame in such a way as you wished, it would be absolutely impossible to do it without the strength of a Prince-level person. It is impossible to do so without the strength of a Prince.

Ao Xing also looked at the black flame in Zhang Feng's palm with horror, and his heart trembled, if he was dipped in that flame, it would definitely be like a maggot on the bone until his soul and divine sense were all burned cleanly before giving up.

"This ... gentleman ... wait a moment first ...", seeing the black flame on Zhang Feng's hand, Ao Xing swallowed his saliva and looked at Zhang Feng and said, "I have no intention to offend you, Your Excellency, only because your host has violated the laws of the mundane world, and I, who am practicing in the mundane world, had to take a shot towards him, if I have no intention of offending you, please forgive me more ...".

"En ...", hearing Ao Xing's soft words, Zhang Feng nodded his head and didn't dwell on it, just slowly dispersed the flames on his hands and said, "Since it's like this, I'm not some unreasonable person, this I hope you can no longer pursue this matter, I do not know what you mean it ... ", said what seems to be the words of discussion, but the tone of voice is filled with the toughness that can not be rejected, joking, a cultivator equivalent to the cultivator of the stage of the blood in the front of a cultivator who is only the stage of the first baby, need to be reasonable? I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that.

"Of course there's no problem ...", heard Zhang Feng's words, Ao Xing which dared to say more, hastily nodded his head and said, this self-awareness Ao Xing still have, if not their own identity as the disciple of Kunlun sect, if not their own sect in the words of the several ancestors, would Prince-level vampires around his life? If it were not for the masters of his sect, would a Prince-level vampire have taken his own life? Besides, the laws in the secular world had pulled out the Prince-level bloods, did he still want to insist on anything? It wasn't like he and the other party had any deep hatred.

"En ...", heard the words of Ao Xing, Zhang Feng seems to be very appreciate each other's knowledge of the times in general, satisfied with the nod, and then lightning-like shot grabbed the clothes on the neck of the Ao Xing, behind the back of the silver wings of a shock, and then appeared has been in a few miles away, while the Dulac, looking at the departure of Zhang Feng, know that this Prince level has something to yell at each other to account for, so also obediently waiting here.

Soon after, Zhang Feng's figure had already appeared in front of Du Lac with a flash, looking at Du Lac with a condescending look, while Ao Xing, on his own, had left with his sword.

"His Excellency the Prince ... ", seeing the appearance Zhang Feng, feeling the body instinctive awe, the submissive instincts of the Durak worshipped, "I do not know how His Excellency the Prince is called?" .

"Oh? It seems that even you know that I'm not Zhang Feng?" Hearing Du Lac's words, "Zhang Feng's" eyes slightly lit up, slightly admiringly looking at Du Lac, he said, obviously very appreciative of the sudden appearance of one of his own Prince-level powerhouses, which he was still able to detect.

Looking at Du Lac did not speak appearance, " Zhang Feng " a slight smile, full of noble atmosphere, immaculate, slowly looked at the sky half moon, slightly reminiscent of said: " I used to be known as Prince Hughes in the blood clan ".

"What? Prince Hughes?" Upon hearing Zhang Feng's words, Du Lac immediately exclaimed, "The strongest blood race that is the closest to the emperor level in the legend? Prince Hughes Bruch?" He said, "Prince Hughes Bruch?

"I didn't expect that you also know me ah?" Hearing Dulac's words, although Hughes said words of surprise, but the expression on his face is a look of course, after all, his own position in the blood tribe himself is also very clear, Hughes looked at Dulac faintly and said: "Your performance this period of time is good ... ", after saying that, also did not pay attention to DuLac on their own one person towards the far away flying away ...

"This kid of yours really likes to cause trouble for me", Hughes in flight, lowered his head and looked at the body of Zhang Feng that he occupied, said with a bitter smile, at the same time seeing the charred wounds on the chest that were burned by the Three Flavors True Fire, murmured with a faint smile, "It's better not to help you treat it, and to let you suffer more to avoid giving me trouble three days and two times ". , lest you cause trouble for me in three days ...."

Said Hughes, who was still flying towards the city in a hurry, the silver bat wings suddenly changed back to blackish brown, and the light silver eyes changed back to orange, and the whole person changed back to Zhang Feng once again, and planted down towards the bottom ...

"Puff ..." sound hard planted in the weeds on the outskirts of the city roadside, suddenly comatose Zhang Feng was woken up by the pain, half dazed and half awake Zhang Feng because of his seriously injured body, can only be a burst of pain grunts, but simply do not have the ability to move their own bodies.

It was not known how long it had been like this before a soft footstep sounded, instantly causing Zhang Xiaofeng to wake up alertly, the long term killer training back then had made Zhang's nerves incomparably alert.

Then a burst of weeds was ruffled, revealing a face that was familiar to Zhang Xiaofeng, and at once that person and Zhang Feng exclaimed at the same time, "It's you?" , this person, was none other than Kikujiro.