
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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Chapter 7: Conspiracy

"Puff" a muffled sound, Zhang Feng's seriously injured body, by the thousands of meters high smashed down the silver bats ruthlessly smashed, and immediately a black eye, can no longer support, fainted over ...


Only to see the silver bat lying on Zhang Feng's body, the silver wings struggled for a while trying to climb up, and then finally gave up helplessly, his mouth muttered intermittently, "No ... didn't think ... I ... Prince Hughes ... actually ... seems... . only ...."


"Using my blood as a medium ... using my soul as a guide ... following the ancient Cain Patriarch's contract ... residual my soul ... transfer parasitism ...", only to see that in the end, this silver-colored broken bat, slowly floated up, with a burst of weak silver light flashing on its body, and then, a wisp of silver illusory bat shadow rushed into Zhang Feng's comatose mind after that silver-colored bat finally fell down powerlessly, already without life fluctuations ...


Finally fell down the silver bat body, that broken is the bat body, a trace of bizarre crimson blood flow down, and Zhang Feng that full of wounds on the body of the blood mixture, can no longer distinguish each other, and at the same time, with that bat blood and Zhang Feng's body blood mixture, his body wounds, with an extremely fast speed recovery ...


At this time the Caesar's Palace Hotel, but a clamor, here the big battle of the gunshot, has long been spread throughout the entire hotel, and that day on the stage of a body, and that hotel Tokugawa's body and the body of the doorway bodyguards, so that all the residents are alarmed, the tragic scene makes all the people a burst of dry heaves ...


Not only this Caesar's Palace Hotel, but also the entire city, at this moment, all boiled, just now the sky of the milky-white columns of light full of holy power, the entire city lit up as bright as day, countless residents even knelt down on the ground, worshipping the sky under the moonlit night, miracles!!!! This was the thought that flashed through almost everyone's mind. In short, this city is destined to be a sleepless night tonight ...


"What's going on here?" , only to see dozens of gun-toting patrolmen fishtailed inside the hotel, up to the third floor, seeing the whole room's tragedy, a young detective asked towards the hotel's manager, this young detective, was none other than Xiao Jun.


"Inspector Zhang, I don't know what's going on, we heard the gunshots downstairs and chased after them, and it became like this ...", only to see the hotel manager, handkerchief wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, said with a face like a weeping, the hotel out of this kind of thing, the reputation of the At this time, suddenly the hotel manager's eyes lit up, hurriedly walked a few steps, came to a young man who was coming down from the rooftop nodded and asked: "Ju young master, are you all right?" .


"Young Master Ju?" , hearing the manager's words, Xiao Jun's eyebrows gently raised as he turned his head and looked at Young Master Ju, and asked in an unassuming manner, "Young Master Ju? May I ask if you know what's going on here?" .


"What's going on?" , only to see Young Master Kiku also raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "I was wondering what was going on, the law and order in your China is really bad, we just landed here today, but this evening our main member of the Three Kou Group, Mr. Tokugawa, was shot to death ... ".


"What? Tokugawa is dead!!!???" , hearing young master Ju's words, Xiao Jun cried out in surprise, looking at everyone's puzzled eyes staring at him, he realized that he had lost his temper, and forcibly suppressing the surprise in his heart, he asked, "Then, can young master Ju tell me all that you know? Any clues may help us solve the case ...."


"It's bad, Inspector!!!" , and just then, he saw a skinny patrolman running over to Xiaoyun in alarm and calling out to him.


"What's going on?" , asked Xiaoyun, seeing the way the scrawny patrolman ran over in panic.


"Xiao Wu and Xiao Zeng were killed, just on the entrance of the building on that platform it ...", only to see the thin patrolman, panicked toward Xiaojun said, immediately caused a burst of alarm of the patrolmen, and then countless footsteps sounded, only to see Xiaojun and a few patrolmen rushed toward the The building entrance of the day platform ran to ...


Seeing the corpses of the two inspectors, the inspectors were again shocked, then Xiaojun waved his hand and said, "Two people that Xiao Wu and Xiao Zeng carry away ...", after saying that, Xiaojun turned and looked at the young master Ju and said, "I wonder if the young master Ju is willing to cooperate with us to catch the murderer?" .


"Of course, I'm happy to serve ...", said Young Master Ju with a nod, "But I hope that your Chinese inspector's office can catch the murderer quickly, otherwise, I believe that in the future, no other country's consortium will be willing to invest and develop in Otherwise, I believe that no other country's consortium will be willing to invest in China in the future, because it is too dangerous ...".


"Don't worry!!!" , Xiao Jun nodded and said, "I will definitely find the murderer as soon as possible now!!!! You can tell us what happened at that time now ...."


"Then it would be best ...", Young Master Ju faintly responded before saying, "Originally I was in my room ready to rest, but suddenly I heard the sound of gunshots coming from the direction of Tokugawa's room, I believe everyone has heard it, right? I believe everyone heard it, right?" Young Master Kiku, who had said this, asked towards the people around him.


"Yes, yes, we all heard it ...", hearing Young Master Ju's words, the people around him nodded in response.


"But, when we ran here, Tokugawa he has ...", said this young master Ju, a sad face, seems to be so sad that he can no longer speak, the hotel's manager and others rushed to comfort and said, "Ju Young master, condolences ...".


"En ...", gently nodded his head, young master Ju straightened his emotions and continued: "Then, that killer saw us coming, fled towards the downstairs, and my bodyguards, chased after them, and at this time, all the people downstairs rushed up. Downstairs people all rushed up, that killer see downstairs rushed not down, ran towards the rooftop, and just this time, two policemen valiantly blocked the way of that killer, but, but was that killer mercilessly killed ...". And the inspectors who heard this, all of them have a look of righteous indignation, obviously because of their own two companions were killed and feel angry ...


"In the end, when I chased after him, although I injured that killer, but still let him escape, you know, in the end, that day lit up a few very strong columns of light, shaking our eyes raw, and that killer, also took advantage of such an opportunity to escape ... ", the last young master Ju, a face of anger but helpless, that is not a lie ...


"En ...", Xiao Jun nodded and said, "Young Master Ju, don't worry, I will definitely catch that killer ... ", said, greeted the group of patrolmen and said, "Leave a few people to come down and investigate, the rest of you return to the patrol room for me and discuss the next step ...". Said, then took most of the patrolmen toward the downstairs to go ...


"Mr. Detective, you must catch the murderer as soon as possible ah ...." Young Master Ju followed behind and called out expectantly, while Xiao Jun, with a nod of his head, led the people down in a fishtail ...


In Young Master Ju's room, which was empty at the moment, Young Master Ju sat on the bed with a puzzled look on his face and said, "Teacher, at the end of the day, why did you stop us from going after that killer? That situation, his severely injured body definitely can't go far, if we can't catch that killer, then I'll be in the elders' psyche ...".


"Hehe ...", and right at that moment, an old voice rang out, only to see a pale old man appear out of thin air, smiling towards Young Master Ju, "In that situation, it's the best choice to let him escape ...."


"En?" , hearing the old man's words, Young Master Ju's brows furrowed in confusion as he said, "Why? It wasn't you, teacher, who said ...."


"Well, Kiku-kun ... ", the old man smiled and waved his hand, interrupting Young Master Kiku's words, and laughed: "Tonight we have a good harvest it, first of all, we were able to kill Tokugawa I believe that you should be very happy, right? " .


Hearing the old man's words, Young Master Ju finally smiled and nodded, "Not bad, but ...".


"What we need to do now is to make a big fuss over this matter ...", as if he could see young master Ju's doubts, the old man smiled and said, looking at young master Ju's inquiring eyes, the corners of his mouth hooked up slightly in triumph, and he continued:" Just that killer's terrifying move, I believe that those ninjas all saw it, at that time when we go back, we just need to say that it was a Chinese cultivator who did it, after all, there are so many ninjas to testify to me ...".


"This is one of the ...", said the old man, a slight beat, said: "Not only can we not be subjected to unwarranted suspicion, but also can win the goodwill of those ninjas, I believe that in the end, you ordered to let Those ninjas don't chase, they will all have a trace of goodwill towards you in their hearts, after all, that killer's move, it's too scary, no step by step, no step by a thousand miles ...".


"En...", or teacher think long term, young master Ju heard the old man's analysis, said with a smile and nodded his head.


"Of course, this is not the main ...", said the old man, the words turned, said: "We came to China this time, is in order to smooth the chrysanthemum consortium into China, in this firmly rooted, and now made a mess of so out, I believe that the Chinese officials will have a certain sense of guilt towards us, after all, our people were killed on their soil, so as long as we make a big fuss over this matter, there are certain benefits to our future actions yet, and what we need now ...", said the old man who said this, with a slight A smile.


Young Master Ju, on the other hand, had his eyes light up and interjected, "All we need to do is to put pressure on the Chinese officials! All we need now is to make a big deal out of this, to the point where all people know that our people were killed on Chinese soil!!!! Let China give us an explanation!!!" . The old man, on the other hand, nodded with satisfaction when he heard Young Master Ju's words.


"By the way ...", said the young master Ju, suddenly remembered something towards the old man asked, "Teacher, what is the matter with the terrifying pillar of light that lit up the sky this evening? Do you know???" .


Hearing young master Ju's words, the old man's body trembled without a trace, helplessly shook his head, and sighed: ''Ju Jun, if I'm not wrong, that should be a few strong people fighting above the sky, that power, it's not something that we can imagine ... anymore.''


"What?" , hearing the words of the old man, young master Ju shrieked and almost jumped up, not daring to believe, "That scene, just a few people fighting in the sky? That ...", said the young master Ju, his mind recalled the last terrifying milky white light column, still could not hide the fear at that time, that feeling, like he was just a mole cricket ...