
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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Chapter 6: Escape

"Am I going to die here today?" , looking at such a desperate situation, Zhang Feng tightened the pistol in his hand and despaired darkly.


"Catch him for me!!!" As soon as the young master Ju came up, he looked at Zhang Feng standing there alone, the hatred in his eyes flashed, and said with a wave of his hand, followed by a few bodyguards rushing towards Zhang Feng. ...


Hands raised, Zhang Feng quickly ran, "Bang Bang Bang Bang ...", the black pistol in his hand a burst of rapid point-blank shooting, a black bodyguard's body, in the inertia of the impulse force under the ruthless flopped to the ground ... ...


"Snort ..." two sounds, only to see running Zhang Feng, although part of the attention to pay attention to the invisible ninja, but still two blood flowers bloomed, the arm and the back was immediately pulled out of the two long buttons, blood instantly stained the body red waiter's uniform.


"Bang Bang ...", however, Zhang Feng, who had divided part of his mind to pay attention to the unseen ninjas around him, determined the general location of the ninjas that had attacked him the instant he was wounded, and turned his gun around like lightning, firing two bullets in the direction where the two ninjas were hiding. He fired two bullets, and a beautiful blood flower blossomed again, and a ninja fell down with his hand over his chest.


"Only one has been resolved?" , Zhang Feng hastily swept a glance, his heart sank slightly, while quickly flickering up, flickering himself, definitely much safer than standing still, while again quickly raising his hand, twice the point-blank shot, the last two bodyguards who rushed over also fell down ...


"Baka!!!" , obviously watching his bodyguards die one by one, young master Ju was also angry, shouting loudly, "Give me those two palms of his to chop off, I just need to live, crippled doesn't matter ...".


The flickering Zhang Feng, heart a warning signs, hands in front of his chest a block, "Kala ..." a crunch, only to see their hands of the two pistols suddenly broken, and their palms, but also full of knife marks, blood suddenly stained Zhang Feng's palms! ...


Despite being injured, Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and kicked hard in the direction of the ninja, and after a muffled sound, a ninja wearing a tight black suit was kicked out of the night by Zhang Feng, and flew out backwards spitting blood ...


"Dangdang's ..." ringing sound, only to see that the ninja's hand ninja sword also fell down, Zhang Feng's eyes condensed, lightning-like shot, towards the ground ninja sword pick to, but, the heart steeply cold, lightning-like horizontal shift, his own chest is again cut open a Long mouth, deep mouth, blood gushed out wildly ...


Seeing that the ninja sword on the ground could not be picked up, Zhang Feng rolled on the ground and suddenly rolled to the edge of the rooftop, his back to the edge, and stood up lightning fast ...


"Baka!!!" Seeing that Zhang Feng had not been subdued for such a long time, obviously Young Master Ju was already furious, the taijutsu in his hand was drawn out, a cold light flashed, and Young Master Ju personally rushed over in the direction of Zhang Feng....


"Am I going to die like this?" , looking at the young master Ju who was rushing up, and feeling a wave of unusual fluctuations in the air, Zhang Feng despaired and darkened.


"You promise me that you must not die!!!! You die!!! I will be very sad!!! Very sad!!!" Suddenly, after watching the movie that day, Ruoxin's expectant gaze at herself, the words with a slight hint of fear in her look resounded in Zhang Feng's mind, what did he answer at that time? I will definitely not die, I will definitely not die! At that time, this was how he answered himself!!!


"No! I can't die!!! I can't die! !!!! I promised Ruoxin that I can't die!!!! What will she do if I die!!!" , Zhang Feng screamed madly in his heart!!!


At this time, suddenly the hook moon in the sky slowly moved out of the dark clouds above the night sky, the cold moonlight from the sky gently sprinkled down, while at the same time, Zhang Feng's chest is suddenly a burst of silver light up ...


"Kiku-kun, be careful ...", just at the same time, a pale old man appeared out of thin air, pulling Young Master Kiku to his feet and retreating lightning fast ...


"Clatter ..." a loud sound, only to see Zhang Feng's chest waiter's uniform suddenly shattered, a round of metal hook moon dipped in Zhang Feng's blood was slowly floating up, emitting a burst of intense silver light... ...


"That is!!!" , looking at the metal hook moon on Zhang Feng's chest, the old man who was pulling Young Master Ju shouted up in alarm.


"Brush brush brush ... ", all of a sudden, countless half-virtualized silver hook moon type sharp blade of the power qi, splashing around, "ah ah ah ah ... ", miserable screams one after another, countless blood and flesh appeared out of thin air, only to see countless ninjas who were originally hidden in the darkness were killed by these power qi ...


"What's that?" Suddenly, Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, it turned out that not far from the edge of the rooftop, there is a straight utility pole standing there, although lower than the rooftop to a few meters, but he can do it by himself to pounce on that utility pole, he went up to the rooftop, he just looked at the distance from the rooftop to the ground, and did not even find this lower than the rooftop utility poles, taking advantage of this rare is the moment, Zhang Feng tightened his feet, and spelled out a serious injury to the body, toward the edge of the pole pounced over ...


"Stop him!!!" , seeing Zhang Feng's movements and obviously understanding his purpose, Young Master Ju couldn't help but say with a loud shout, while at the same time, several more unusual fluctuations arose in the air ...


"These ninjas!!!" Hearing that young master Ju's words, Zhang Feng's heart was anxious, obviously at this time there must be several ninjas rushing towards him, however, he couldn't see them, this kind of unknown fear is the most terrifying ...


But!!! Just then!!! Suddenly the distant sky lit up!!! A milky-white ball of light lit up in the distant sky, just like a small sun, illuminating the entire small town as bright as day, and Zhang Feng's gaze was condensed, because under this milky-white light, Zhang Feng saw a faint, black tights-clad ninja rushing towards him, and that ninja sword, flashing with a burst of cold light... ...


There was no time to wonder why such a small milky white sun appeared out of thin air in the sky. Zhang Feng's seriously injured body, under the threat of life, turned in a lightning fast turn, and immediately met up with the ninjas who had revealed their forms ...


Although a few more cuts were made on their bodies, these ninjas were still sent flying by Zhang Feng, and when these ninjas were exposed to the light, their strength, they were no match for Zhang Feng ...


Lightning resolved a few ninjas Zhang Feng, toward the edge of the rooftop to jump out, at the same time, the sky that milky white ball of light instantly disappeared, pouncing out of the Zhang Feng, suddenly a burst of violent impact sensation came, couldn't help but wildly spray a mouthful of fresh blood after the, but dead hold the pole ...


Looking back, he saw that Young Master Ju and that pale old man were already standing at the edge of the rooftop, that sinister gaze staring at him like a crazed, hungry wolf in the darkness of the night, and at the same time, he only saw Young Master Ju's hand waving towards himself.


And just in time, that distant sky is another two columns of light appeared, and the small town shines a burst of bright, in the bright light, Zhang Feng eyes three several ninjas are leaping down from the rooftop, towards their own pounced over ...


Hand a flower, suddenly a small silver pistol appeared in the hands of Zhang Feng, one hand dead hold poles, the right hand rapid point shooting, a few ninjas immediately planted down, so high, it seems that not dead also have to be seriously injured ...


"Baka!!!" Just then, the two pillars of light that lit up the sky disappeared again, only to see Young Master Ju angrily raising his head, looking at the distant sky, angrily cursing, "What the hell is going on there????" Obviously having his actions spoiled by such bizarre things twice in a row, Young Master Ju's angry mood was imaginable.


Zhang Feng, taking advantage of this rare time, paddled down the pole toward the bottom ...


Looking at Zhang Feng who was already sliding downwards, Young Master Ju was anxious in his heart and said, "I don't believe it, can you still be blessed by the gods? Give me ...", but at that moment, before Young Master Ju finished his words, suddenly the distant sky lit up again, only to see a huge pillar of light that was several times brighter than the one just now, shooting towards the direction of this city like lightning from the sky... ...


"Ah!!! What is that!!!?!?!" , an intense light shot from the distant sky!!!! That light was simply several times brighter than the sun in the daytime, Young Master Ju and the others who had been under the dim moonlight, once they came into contact with the intense light, under the great contrast, their eyeballs couldn't accept it for a moment, and they temporarily lost their eyesight, which wasn't much better than those who were hit by the flashbangs ...


After a long time, young master Ju and others recovered from that brief blindness, but, below Zhang Feng has disappeared, angry young master Ju, looked up to the sky, but there is no way to do it, this bizarre situation is really like God to help him to escape General ...


"Young Master Ju! Let's go down and chase after him!!!'' , only to see a strange distortion in the air, then several ninjas appeared out of thin air and said towards Young Master Kiku, "That person has been seriously injured, I believe he can't run far!!!" .


"Wait!!!" However, just when young master Ju was about to nod his head, the pale old man suddenly called out with his eyes shining brightly, and then whispered a few words in young master Ju's ear, and then, only to see young master Ju's expression helplessly waving his hand, saying, "No need, I will think of other ways to solve this matter, and it's useless for you guys to chase after him now, that person is an eastern cultivator, and just now his terrifying move was too much for you guys to block. That move of his just now, you guys can't block it ...."


The mind flashed just now Zhang Feng that chest floating silver hook moon, think of the horror of that move, a few ninja body can not help but a slight tremor, and then nodded his head to answer yes, and then slowly disappeared in the night again ...


"Quickly escape!!!" At this time, Zhang Feng, but desperately fleeing, picking the kind of small alley with fewer traces of people to drill, those ninjas who can be invisible, even if they follow up their own can not be found, tonight, there are too many weird, the legendary ninjas, and their own metal hook moon, think of this Zhang Feng, could not help but look at his chest, looking at his chest metal hook moon, at that time, it seems to have what? something surged into his mind?


And what about the bright lights that suddenly lit up the sky, capable of illuminating the stealthy ninja? But obviously this wasn't a very good time to ponder these questions.


However, Zhang Feng, who was seriously injured and fled in a panic, did not realize that in the air behind his head, a silver bat with a broken body was smashing down towards him ...