
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 4: Approaching at every step

"Hello, I was sent by Chief Inspector Ye of the Patrol Office, I need to find Mr. Tokugawa and Young Master Kiku, do you know where his room is?" . Inside the Caesar's Palace Hotel, a slender silhouette dressed in the clothes of an inspector asked towards one of the waiters in the hotel.


"Oh? Looking for Mr. Tokugawa and Young Master Kiku?" , looking at the person in front of him wearing a patrol uniform, that waiter didn't have any doubts and replied, "Mr. Tokugawa is in room seven on the third floor, and young master Ju is in room thirty-six on the third floor ...."


"En, thank you ...", after inquiring, that inspector nodded his head and walked towards the decorative and gorgeous stairway, leaving only that waiter to look at the disappearing inspector's office in confusion, muttering, "Strange. When did the arresting officer become so polite?" Shaking his head, he continued to greet the couple that was walking in.


Fade toward the third floor of the inspector, suddenly behind a burst of footsteps sounded, stopping a footsteps, slanting body to the back of the building to look over, only to see a waiter, tray inside the tray with a few silver plates, toward the third floor quietly walked up, see in front of their own inspector, a slight daze, obviously do not understand why an inspector will be here.


"Where are you sending this food?" , looking at this waiter, this inspector asked with a questioning expression on his face, "I've heard that you're harboring a cold-blooded murderer here, do you know anything about this?" .


"Nothing of the sort!!!" , hearing the inspector's question, this waiter was obviously shocked and said, "We've never even heard of any cold-blooded murderer that would be here!!!" .


"Oh? You mean to say that I'm mistaken? Are you doubting our inspector's ability?" , hearing the waiter's words, obviously this inspector got angry and said with a vicious expression on his face.


"No, there is no such meaning ...", seeing this inspector's vicious expression, the waiter was shocked and hurriedly denied, "I don't mean this, how dare I question the ability of the inspector's office? The inspector's office is the guardian god of our people ah ...", in the end, the waiter was very clever to slap a horse's ass in the past.


"Go, don't kiss ass!!!" , hearing the waiter's ass, the inspector lightly cursed and said, but the angry expression on his face was slowly fading, obviously this ass-kissing was not without effect, then, the inspector's eyes lightly swept a glance at the plate that the waiter was holding in his hand, and asked carelessly, "Whose food is this for?" .


"It's a snack for Mr. Tokugawa, Mr. Inspector ...", hearing that this inspector no longer looks questioning, the waiter secretly relieved in his heart at the same time, hurriedly replied.


While hearing this waiter's words, that inspector's eyes lit up violently, but they were quickly hidden.


Suddenly the inspector suddenly remembered what said: "Right, you come over, I'll show you a few pictures of the fugitives, you give me to remember the people above, and in the future, if you encounter, come to the inspector's office to look for me, no less than your benefits ... ", said this, the inspector slightly a meal, looked around and said: "Here the light is not good, and I go to the lamp down it", said towards a remote corner of the third floor under the lamp, went over. After looking around, he said: "The light here is not good, and I go to that lamp", said, walked towards the third floor in a remote corner of the lamp.


The waiter, when he heard the word "benefit", his eyes lit up and he followed the inspector's lead.


"The light from this lamp doesn't seem to be very good either, does it?" , said the inspector, who, after coming to the lamp, raised his head and looked at the lamp above his head with dissatisfaction.


And the waiter, also raised his head, looked at the strong light overhead, said, "This light ...", but, before he finished, a cold light flashed, a poignant blood flower bloomed, and the waiter, with his hand over his neck, looked at the inspector in front of him in disbelief, and Slowly fell down.


And this inspector, is quickly took over the waiter's hands of the plate, eyes slightly a sweep, and then dragged the waiter's body, into a third-floor restroom, in a squatting pit cubicle, replaced the waiter's uniform, the door of the cubicle closed, the cubicle door above the sign that reads "idle" turned, "occupied", and then, dragging the plate towards the outside. The sign on the door of the cubicle that read "Available" was turned to "Used", and then, dragging a tray, she walked out of the cubicle. ...


Dragging his tray and changing his clothes, the inspector, now disguised as a hotel bellhop, made his way toward room number seven.


Looking at the two burly bodyguards at the entrance of room seven from afar, the waiter's feet were beaten, secretly saying, "This is difficult, it seems that we can only listen to the fate of the sky, and I hope that I am fast enough ... ", this silhouette, it is Zhang Feng.


"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why is the food ordered by Lord Tokugawa only being delivered now?" Looking at Zhang Feng, who had a slight lurch in his steps, one of the two burly bodyguards called out from afar towards Zhang Feng.


"Oh, it s because I was just pulled by a drunk downstairs, so I wasted so much time ...," said Zhang Feng, who heard the bodyguard s words and jogged to the front of the seventh door.


"Yeah? Your hotel actually has drunks? And they are still dragging people around?" , Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the bouncer who had spoken frowned lightly and urged in disgust, "Don't be pestered by people like this in the future, Lord Tokugawa has already waited impatiently, so hurry up and go in ... ."


"Eh, eh!!! I know!!! This will definitely not happen in the future!!!" , hearing that bodyguard's words, Zhang Feng nodded his head and said, while raising his hand to pull the door of the room.


"Wait!!!" At this moment, another bodyguard suddenly spoke out, lightning-like stopping in front of Zhang Feng, gazing deeply at Zhang Feng, asking vigilantly, "Why is there a smell of blood?" , while at the same time, the other bodyguard was also vigilantly looking at Zhang Feng, as long as one was not right, the two of them would strike.


"Oh? Bloody odor?" , hearing the words of the two bodyguards, as if oblivious to the vigilance of the two, Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Because Tokugawa-sama wants bloody beef ah, that's why there's a bloody odor emanating out ah ...."


Hearing Zhang Feng s words, the two men s vigilance did not relax, and one of the bodyguards said vigilantly, ''Just now, Lord Tokugawa did not order the dish of bloody beef at all ....'' Saying that, the hands of the two bodyguards were already on the pistols on their waist eyes ...


"Oh? Didn't order it? Did I get it wrong?" Hearing that bodyguard's words, Zhang Feng's face was shocked, and then slowly uncovered the silver metal dish cover on the plate, and just at the moment Zhang Feng uncovered the dish cover, a blue light suddenly rushed straight up, and the two bodyguards were reflexively looking towards that blue light that rushed straight up, and just at this moment, another cold aura flashed, and the bodies of the two bodyguards slowly collapsed, and that blue light finally hit the ceiling and transformed into a firework. finally hit the ceiling and turned into a firework.


"Whew, God bless, everything goes well ... ", looking at the two bodyguards fell, Zhang Feng heart secretly relieved secretly, then, squatting waist, ready to the two bodyguards body also hide, but, just at this time, suddenly Zhang Feng heart a burst of warning signs appeared ...