
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 3: Night Visits to Caesar

Finally, the fiery sun descended reluctantly, and as night slowly fell, a waning moon rose, and the noisy city, too, became much quieter.


  In Zhang Feng's room, with the chirping of the alarm clock, Zhang Feng opened his eyes lightning fast, after sleeping for almost a day, he could now be said to be full of energy, but his expression did not fluctuate much, tonight night, he decided to explore Caesar's Palace at night, and if the time was ripe, he could also make a move to settle Tokugawa tonight.


Seeing that Tokugawa was right in front of his eyes, he would meet him soon, and if the situation permitted, he would even be able to avenge himself, but Zhang Feng's mood did not fluctuate too much, because for an assassin, when he could not remain calm, it would be very dangerous, so the experience he had gained from rolling around in the corpses all along had made Zhang Feng able to control his own emotions more freely than ordinary people.


Rolled over and got up, stood in front of the mirror, dressed, a round-brimmed bowler hat deeply buttoned down, slowly pinched a metal crescent-shaped pendant on his chest, and after a small sigh, put it inside his clothes .


After slightly straightening his clothes and attaching three pistols, Zhang Feng took out a letter from his pocket and pressed it under the telephone, so that if he could not come back this time, he would have a last word for Ruoxin and the others. Finally, he looked at the room where he had been living for so long with a slight sense of nostalgia, gritted his teeth, pressed his right hand against the brim of his hat, and lifted his foot to go out, and with a click, closed the door of the room. "With a click, he closed the door of the room. ...


And at this time in the Caesar's Palace Hotel's top room, Ju young master is sitting cross-legged on top of a big luxurious bed, the daytime that was his diagonally pinned on the waist of the taijutsu, also diagonally placed in his own hand, and Ju young master in front of the Tokugawa is respectfully stood there, and outside the room, a few strong body big man, quietly stood in front of the door, the body exudes a steady as a mountain of momentum, at a glance you can tell is the top bodyguard ...


"Tomorrow, you will go and make some joints that need to be opened up in all aspects of China. ...", the young master Ju, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looked at Tokugawa in front of him, and slowly instructed, "This time, our Chrysanthemum Foundation is going to put down roots in China. To put down roots here in China this time, it all depends on us, if we mess things up this time, I believe that you will definitely not be cause to bear the punishment of father-sama, right?" .


"Hi!!!" , hearing the words of young master Kiku, Tokugawa's eyes flashed with a flash of deep fear, and then nodded respectfully, saying, "Don't worry, young master Kiku, I also know that the matter is significant this time, and will definitely not mess things up, tomorrow I will go to the various joints to move around there, these Chinese, with just a little bit of money, they will be able to open up a route that we want to come out ...".


Slowly nodded his head, young master Ju faintly said: ''This matter you look after yourself, to the end of the time to give me a return on the line, well, I also lack of, you first go back ...''.


"Hi, Young Master Kiku!!!" , Tokugawa respectfully nodded once and said, "Then I won't bother you ...", after saying that, Tokugawa slowly retreated out ...


The withdrawing Tokugawa, however, did not notice the young master Kiku behind him, looking at his back, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.


Involuntarily stroking the taijutsu at his side, looking at the doorway where Tokugawa disappeared, Young Master Kiku let out a cold snort and murmured as if to say, "Hmph, Tokugawa? This time, you'll die here ...."


"No!!! Kiku-kun!!!" As Young Master Kiku's words fell, suddenly an old voice rang out from the empty room, saying, "This time we came to China, everyone knows that you and Tokugawa traveled together, so if when we go back, you are the only one who goes back, what will everyone think? Although because of your identity everyone's mouth will not say anything, but the bottom of the heart will have a vindictive impression of you, which is very unfavorable to your future competition for the position of group leader, recently I heard that the second young master's actions have also begun to be frequent it ...".


"But!!!" Although he was the only one in the room, but for this abnormal voice, young master Ju did not have any surprised look, obviously he and the person who spoke was very familiar, just eagerly said: "Last time, that guy Tokugawa, actually dared to openly oppose my decision in front of everyone, if we do not report this revenge, in the future, everyone can be as if I'm a good bully, and ...", said this young master Ju, eyes a cold, said: "Recently I also received news, Tokugawa this guy, actually has begun and second brother mixed together, now get rid of him, not only avenge the personal revenge, is also regarded as cut off the second brother's wings! ...".


"But here is absolutely not!!!" That old voice couldn't help but say sternly, "Just for the sake of this favor, letting yourself be left with a bad impression in the minds of the family elders, do you think it's worth it? Don't let your impulsiveness ruin your bargaining chip to compete for the position of team leader in the future, why do you think the second young master suggested to the team leader to let Tokugawa come with him this time? It is because he is well aware of this bone of yours that is prone to impulsive personality ...."


Hearing this stern voice, the young master Ju, who was originally sitting cross-legged, immediately sat upright, knelt on his lap, bowed slightly, and said, ''Many thanks for the teacher's guidance, or else this time it would have been a big mistake ....''


"En ...", seemingly more satisfied with Young Master Ju's attitude, that old voice said with a slight admiration and a slightly comforting style, "You should know that all along your humble and courteous image in the hearts of the elders is very good, if because of a small person like Tokugawa and color a stain, it would be too unworthy ...."


"All the hard work for so long is thanks to teacher's guidance!!!" , hearing that old voice, Young Master Ju respectfully nodded his head and said.


"Well ...", it seems to be more satisfied with Young Master Ju's words, that pale voice slightly paused for a moment before saying, "Besides, a small person like Tokugawa, you don't even need to put it on your mind, when you get the group leader's After you get the position of group leader, he is just a small minion, your vision now should be long term, your only goal now is to work hard to maintain your image in everyone's mind ...".


Young Master Ju once again bowed and said, "En, thanks to the teacher's teaching, it has always been that I was too narrow-minded, actually being held back by such an insignificant little person like Tokugawa ...."